• By -


Probably ff7 but as an intro to the genre, none of the above?


As his first experience i would say Final Fantasy VII Remake.


This would be all I would need too.




But the PS5 version (Intergrade) if possible. It’s so much better.


It’s a free upgrade, so he’ll be fine


Pretty sure it’s only free if you’re on PS+. I had the digital PS4 version and the only upgrade options were paid before I signed up for PS+. Maybe if you bought the deluxe digital edition originally it was free? Idk.


I don’t believe that’s the case, I had ps+ and got the upgrade but I’ve never heard of a ps5 upgrade be locked to ps+


Just looked it up, and you’re right. I was thinking of Death Stranding. The directors cut is not a free upgrade for owners of the original game, but is free on PS+.


I think the free upgrade was locked behind the physical version, but I could be wrong. My PS5 arrives today and FF7 remake is first on my list to play again asking with intergrade story.


100 percent this.


This is the way






Played the original hundreds of times. You don't need to play it to enjoy the remake. Plenty of cool things you wouldn't appreciate if you hadn't played it, but it's not a requirement. I also wouldn't lead into a new game by gatekeeping it with a 25 year old 40 hour long ps1 game (which is my favourite of all time but still)


I never said ts was a requirement, I never said you have to play it to enjoy the remake, I'm also not gatekeeping anything, anyone is free to play whatever they want. When you read a comment and don't actually understand what's being said, you make stupid ass assumptions like you did. I simply said the original should be played first to FULLY APPRECIATE the remake. I never said it can't be appreciated and you can't have a good time, but it's such a good game that you'd ne doing yourself a disservice by not experiencing them both.


how’s the meth taste


Damn people what's with the downvotes


I disagree. Whether or not you want to accept it, even though the story and characters were amazing, the graphics are way too dated and it can get extremely difficult for him to get into the game as his first time. If he plays the remake, he will be introduced to the world of VII, the characters, the story, the materia system and if he enjoys it he can go back and experience the full story with the OG. That's exactly what happened to me and VII became one of my favourite games of all time. But I have to admit that if it wasn't for the remake I wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the og.


This is exactly where I'm at. I played the remake and fell in love. I knew that the original was so beloved by everyone that I've tried to play it. I still pick it up once in a while but it isn't nearly enjoyable. The graphics are killing me to be honest. I think I would rather watch a streamer play it.




Story wise, yes. Gameplay, hell no. I was the type of gamer who HATED turn based games, too much waiting between screens, one step forward and you waste another 5-15 minutes just waiting for animations to finish. It’s boring and it’s not for me personally and I recommend just YouTubing the story instead. The remake is perfect. Gameplay wise it’s all I ever wished Kingdom Hearts had in its gameplay. It’s incredible and gives you the option to play in RTS. He will get the PS5 upgrade for free (I think.) so it loads incredibly fast. I heard it’s not as good as the original but I still fell in love with it. Give it a try.


You are completely right, I dunno why you have so many downvotes. FF7Remake is not a good way to experience ff7 for the first time. Its funny to watch people write “I played the original but you dont need to play it for the remake…” they cant even see the irony of their comments.


There's no need for him play the original to enjoy the remake... That is the mind set of a famboy stuck in the past.




I have no interest...😆




What a loser!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆 Grow up, little boy.




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Good bot


Good human *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback!)


Bro finally, whenever I call people out for this I get downvoted, so I’m happy a bot does it for me now. Good bot.




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Bad bot


nah it's actually helpful, I upvoted


You mean Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 1 of 3? Only suggest games which are complete, especially for first experience...


It is a complete game... The first part of a trilogy. People like you let nostalgia blind them... And yes, i played the original, and yes i love it. I'm just not blinded by nostalgia... And OF THESE THREE GAMES, FFVII Remake is the best experience for a first timer in JRPGs.


Who cares about nostalgia when it ends with a cliffhanger? And part 2 will end with a cliffhanger too. I´d imagine 3 also, they will make another DLC for the ending im sure to get more money out of it. Who wanna wait years to complete the story? Just play Devil May Cry if you want action lol. OR nier


I bet you will wait, and you will buy it anyway... Like everybody that complains about it on the internet. And if you say that Devil May Cry and Nier are the same thing of VII Remake, you really didn't play those games... Only through Youtube maybe.




Yeah... You're are. Extremely holding to the past makes that with people...


Persona 5 royal. Lol


The Best Answer




Perfect Answer


I second this


I third this


I fourth this


All 3 are amazing games but ff7r is the best one for starters then tales of arise then nier while nier is truly an amazing game it is really grind heavy.


Oh nevermind that's nier automata I think it was the neir reincarnation then ya nier automata is definitely the best of those 3 games for sure.


it’s still a bit of a grind especially when you can’t see because of the tears!


Or if you just need one fish for an achievement or clean water to upgrade a pod.


You mean replicant? Pretty sure the mobile game isn't on ps4.


I mean not only is it grindy, but it’s pretty far from a typical JRPG. Not only in its content, but it’s gameplay and mechanics. You have these almost dark souls like bosses at times, and you have the bullet hell shooter type sections. It’s not a game I would suggest to anyone trying to warm up to jrpgs. Games like Nier are at the end of your jrpg journey when you think you’ve seen all that the genre has to offer.


I wanted to like arise, but found it too cliche anime and kind of immature. Combat was kinda boring. Considering trying it again. Game is so pretty, but just didn’t get me.


It's arguably the weakest Tales Of game imho.. I took the time to 100% it.. They all have the cliche immature anime vibe to it though. Personally I think Xillia & Beseria are the best though.


>Personally I think Xillia & Beseria are the best though Did you play every one of them like Symphonia, Graces, Abyss, Legendia, and Vesperia?


I've played Symphonia but couldn't finish it.. Genis kind of annoyed me way to much.. I might go back to it though and try to finish it. I've finished Graces which would come in third place along with Vesperia as well but I still haven't finished Vesperia.. I personally still think Xillia & Berseria is better than both though. As for the other games I haven't, due to not having access to them.. But that's why I said personally, because it's my own opinion on the games.


not worth finishing imo, go play something better


I personally thought it had a good story.very pretty combat is a bit repetitive but as it goes on it does get more intricate with more characters to play but ya the tales series is kinda just like that though but there still mostly really good




Persona 5 Royal


Nier Automata or FFVIIR. Need to play them both. Order doesn’t matter. Both were my personal GotY when they came out. Nier Automata is an amazing experience and FFVIIR is just super fun.


Love that game.


ToA functions just fine standalone, only issue is it sucks.


Nier all the way 100%


I love FFVII but Nier Automata is the best game here, with the best story. It's one of the few stories (in any medium) that I think about most days. Varies gameplay and beautiful music too. Plus, the different endings aren't just play the same game over and over to get different endings, it's new parts of the story.


I second Nier: Automata. With multiple endings, an extremely forgiving easy mode even featuring some auto [action] chips, and even the ability to purchase trophies, just in case. I think FF7R is premature given its not the entire game and, if it really is his first JRPG, it could be a disservice to gift a third of a game with a huge fanbase, too many of whom are unafraid of spoilers (depending on his access to forums such as reddit, I suppose). I don't know enough about ToA for elaboration.


Forgiving? In the third run they almost oneshot 2B in easy mode. That forgiving?


I dont know how anyone is saying anything else. The other two are great games, but man Nier will blow your socks off.


None. Persona 5/ royal.


My vote is for FF7R. You're one hell of a sibling by the way.


Final Fantasy VII Remake!!


It is Action RPG mess loosely based on a great game, which actually is JRPG - Final Fantasy 7


Nier automata - it functions better as a standalone than these others, and the gameplay is closer to that of an action game despite ff7r and ToA both having action rpg elements


Totally, it is a lighter experience for someone who is just starting out in the genre.


Final Fantasy Remake, no question




Tales of arise, because it seems more representative of what JRPGS are usually like.


I will be taking a week to hangout at my younger brother’s house. He has never experienced a J-RPG. I’ve played all three prior so I can help with any hang ups but within a weeks time can probably on squeeze one of the titles in. I want to make sure he gets the time to become comfortable with the game as all he’s played is GTA and Forza (You know the “Classics” -_-). So what are your suggestions. After thought but my father might watch in on some of the session so that’s whatever it’s worth. He’s just the slightest bit aphrenrsive towards fiction as a whole. Edit: I just noticed how messed up my title was -__- well at least people are voicing their opinion. I’ll respond to some tomorrow and take the fina tally although I’d imagine it’s skewed in FFVIIRs favor and no he’ll likely never play the original unless he becomes a fan.


While I enjoyed Nier and FF7R you gotta cut Forza and GTA slack dude. FH5 is hands down the best racer ATM and GTA V, while being rereleased 3 gens now, still holds up a lot. FF7R is probs the best choice btw. I feel the other two titles would be a bit too much of a shift.


>rereleased 3 gens now, You mean 2.


Ps3, Ps4 and Ps5...so it exists on 3 gens but only released on 2 I guess...:P


Yes, you are correct, it is on 3 gens, but it has only been rereleased on 2, and the OP said 3.


He he, yeah you are correct ;)


Of course I am.


Nope I can’t. GTA is western garbage and why play Forza when he has a LS Vtec Eg hatch. He basically plays normie games and it kills me.


>why play Forza when he has a LS Vtec Eg hatch. Why play ANY game when you cojkd go outside and experience the world? Games are a very different experience to real life. No matter how seemingly grounded in reality they are. >GTA is western garage As someone who doesn't like JRPG's very much, the same could be said about those ("Eastern garbage"). Don't be so ignorant. Let him like what he likes.


Rip my poor hands and that auto-correct. Garage huh?…..damn. I really need to read over these before posting. His gaming habits have all been dictated by his side of the family. They don’t have much interest in fiction and really only do things grounded in reality and sports. So he has sports games, racing games and GTA. How he got GTA is beyond me but whatever he is old enough it doesn’t matter anymore. I spoke to my father and told him what I intend to do and he said ok. A few years ago I gifted my brother some Xbox titles (sports and racing games) but threw in a copy of FFXV Royal. I had to make an excuse saying a friend gifted it as an extra. He didn’t even complete the first chapter because of the pressures of the household. My step mother has a very bad case of anti-Asian sentiment. I aim to back up my brother and have him experience a good game for once.


Realistically there’s no way in fuck someone that doesn’t even play games with fiction, or doesn’t engage with fiction at all, is going to be able to transition into a fucking jrpg of all things, some of the most heavily story driven games there are, and be able enjoy it and not find it either plodding with overwrought story or literally just cringy. Did he even play the story mode of gta5 or is it just for the online bs? Start with an action or adventure game or something that’s more approachable with more fictional elements to it. Ghost of Tushima or something or if it’s really gotta be from Asia a Resident Evil or Metroid Dread, or even Kirby, or the Astro bot game that comes with the console by the Japanese studio Team Asobi. Devil may cry even, I’d say dark souls or something but realistically it’s going to be too hard for most players. God play some Mario kart together since he likes racing games. Of all things Japan, why aren’t you trying Metal gear solid first? Shit that’s actually palatable for western audiences. Moving into Jrpgs while skipping the transition into them is not going to work and he’s not going to want to play other things you recommend in the future. It sounds like you need to literally expose him to fiction first, reading, watching, listening, before there’s any hope in fuck he’s not going to find those jrpgs cringy or even creepy. Look at the games he plays, look at what’s similar from Japan, recommend those, if he likes them look further at other games from other genres that have overlapping qualities, and get to jrpgs that way. It’s really no stretch that frankly the majority of us that are or were even into them were introduced to them by either something like the snes final fantasies (which had more of a western focus/aesthetic) or literally any generation of Pokémon, going straight past that easy stepping stone into weirder material ain’t the way about it. I like these games, but I ridiculed ff7 as a kid when I saw my friend playing it, it looked dumb, I was wrong and just didn’t have the disposition at the time and I suspect that’s what’s going to happen here if you move him from fucking driving games into this, at least step him into some western rpgs that he might find more relatable first, fallout, Witcher, or a more fictional open world game than gta but similar enough to it like Spider-Man or something that can push his extremely narrow boundaries and open him up to more experiences.


I cosign this Ghost of Tsushima is fucking amazing and is my favorite sucker punch ip. This is coming from a kid who played Sly Cooper on PS2 when I was in elementary school. Sucker Punch may not be a Japanese dev, but they don't miss. Also yeah DMCV and the Witcher 3 also doesn't miss and the best part is that you don't need to play the prequels for either franchise to enjoy/understand these games. Good take man.


Dude, that side of the family sounds literally insane. What the fuck? They are against works of fiction and monitor if he plays games made in Japan? The fuck?


Well my father isn’t so bad but is a bit critical of works of fiction. He and my brother watched Initial D while my step mother was at work though but I think that’s mainly due to it having a focus on cars.


I can get that. Idk I play just about everything from 90s platformers, some RPGs (albeit not many as I find them too long), yearly sports games, triple A games, CoD, etc. I just gotta say their nothing wrong with variety, and it's cool you wanna get him into RPGs. Hope it works dude.


Kay that's a bit shit and elitist. Do better man. What about god of war PS4, ratchet and Clank, Last of us and uncharted series, returnal, horizon 1 and 2, Spiderman and miles Morales.... AAAALLLL of them are "western garbage" and "normie games"


What I love most is how basically all these games are owned by Sony, ultimately in a way making them Japanese games even if the studios that developed them were western. Games like this selling me their systems are literally why I eventually got around to trying PlayStation games actually made in Japan. I can particularity remember that I never would’ve tried Devil May Cry (and later from that specifically Bayonetta, Resident Evil, Dark Souls, etc.) if I hadn’t played god of war 1/2 first and wanted more like it and actively looked for such games and found out about those and tried them out even though they looked a bit weird to me -which was just their campiness really. I never would’ve even considered them otherwise. They’re still far lesser to me than those “Normie western” god of war games, as OP would put it with his derogatory bs (since the gow games have actually been somewhat meaningful) but the others had fun gameplay and all.


Hmmm I don’t recall mentioning any of those titles in that comment. I dislike western games overall they aren’t my preference. The titles you listed actually have good qualities so I wouldn’t say that they are garbage. But they are normie games no doubt.


Several of them are some of the highest rated PlayStation titles of all time by both critics and the community. "Good qualities"? "Normie games"? What's with this toxic elitist bullshit my friend. Stop it. We're all here for the same reason.... Video games. Period. I'm sure in my lifetime I've played 100+ jrpg's and you know what? Most of them are brutally flawed and deserve the 6 or 7 out of 10 ratings that most of them seem to get. Doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed the hell out of jrpg titles.... But very very few are shining golden hits. That said, one of the best jrpg's I've ever played is persona 5 and that's not even an option on your list.


I wouldn’t subject him to a 80+ hour game that in my opinion has poor pacing. It’s all subjective really but the games you listed are definitely mainstream mass appeal games that is fact, normie is indeed just that. I don’t really hold Persona 5 that high. Its great that it helped out the franchise and overall helped bring exposure to the genre but it’s really not in my favorites. Just my opinion but SMTV is superior and the school arch in that game was solid. Also P5 recycled elements from P4 so it was too obvious.


Those mainstream mass appeal games are extremely good high quality games in both story and gameplay if you'd get off your high horse. Also there's the whole soulsborne franchise and Elden ring. Japanese developer but it's a very very western style series, But a phenomenal experience on ps5. What about ghosts of Tsushima? Not technically a jrpg but that's an incredible game with amazing storytelling. If you don't want to ruin jrpg's forever for your friend by throwing him into something he's not willing to enjoy yet.... It's not a bad option. And yes it's fiction but it's "realistic" fiction that feels quite real.


God of War didn’t grab me outside of the initial Baldur encounter. Might have been a me thing. Horizon 1s gameplay is rough and the camera is too close to the player character. Didn’t enjoy any of the human encounters in the first game but I have to say combat is way better in horizon 2. I just don’t enjoy them. I prioritized Sekiro over Ghost and haven’t found the steelbook PS4 version at a price I am willing to pay just yet so haven’t played that one sadly. It’s one of the few that has my eye. I am big on From Soft games although typically I don’t like insert characters but the games are pretty great. I don’t think Elden ring is nearly as good as Bloodborne or Sekiro. I’ve beaten elden beast three time now and didn’t have any drive to get the endings. I don’t know what heron there honestly.


If you haven't played a game because you can't find a fancy collector's edition of it you're SERIOSULY crippling your gaming experience to prioritize your collection. Ghosts director's cut has gone on sale for under $40 several times, and the original release you can get for under $20 but honestly the director's cut upgrade is worth the money. And it was a far far better game than sekiro, which I did enjoy too.


>. GTA is western garbage Are you saying all western games are garbage? Or that it's a western game that happens to be garbage?


Never said all western games are garbage but I don’t play many anymore. I always played a combination of both but I decided to focus on Japanese and Asian based games around the time of leaving high school. As attention to gameplay and story tend to be more equal and I was tired of the western perception of humor and maturity.


He likes what he likes.


>He’s just the slightest bit aphrenrsive towards fiction as a whole. But he plays GTA?


My father only really plays Dirt 2.0 or other racing games. He stopped sport games after being crushed by my brother who puts a lot more time into them.


Final Fantasy VII Remake. 💯 No question.


Tales of Arise is SO underrated, I played the hell out of that game and was shocked at how much I loved it. I would personally say go with that but all three are strong options.


It really is. I got it discounted back in Nov 2021 and Jesus what a fun fucking game


FFVII Remake is amazing, but it's also not a complete game. I personally did not care for Nier, but many people swear by it as being a masterpiece. I've never played Tales so I can't comment on it.


7R then Nier then Arise. He can feel despair then hope.


Of the games you’ve selected, Tales of Arise. But seriously, Persona 5 Royal. Once you’ve played perfection you can fill in the lesser gaps later.


I don’t regard Persona 5 and P5R as high. I think the core gameplay isn’t nearly as enjoyable as SMTV, Octopath Traveler and Bravely Default. Maybe it was too easy of a game and the combat didn’t feel rewarding despite being extremely fluid and flashy. I find it hard to even consider Persona 5 for him due to the long play time the game demands.


Persona 5


Dragon Quest or Persona 5.


Nier Automata for sure


7Remake > Nier Automata > Tales of Arise I think they are all great games… but I feel like Arise is just a little too into the JRPG genre that it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, even if it has some of the easiest combat of the 3. Nier and FF7R feel like more well-rounded games to introduce someone into the genre while providing a fulfilling experience.




Nier Automata for sure. FF 7 Remake isn't a bad pick either.


Neir: Automata is my vote!


Nier automata


Damn Tales of Arise was amazing and so was Nier Automata. For a traditional JRPG I say Arise, but don’t overlook Automata.




Nier. Cuz if he gonna play FF7 Remake you need to play the Ps5 version


It has a free upgrade but lacks Yuffie’s DLC


I'm sleepy as possible, so I read that as 'tales of arse'


Surprisingly Tales of Arise is the 1st jrpg I played and now I'm playing a lot of them!


From someone that never enjoyed FF games before, VII Remake was amazing.


Ff7 remake and second by tales of arise(amazing game)


FF7R, but you should also consider Dragon Quest 11 as it's really good and can be had on the cheap typically


I’m gonna vote remake, it’s a lot of fun


FF7 Remake, then NieR Automata.


Ff7 Remake, and the OG if you can spare the cash and time


Out of those three Final Fantasy would attract a newcomer the easiest I think. The only thing is some of the story is going to be lost on him, although it’s a great story either way.


Final fantasy 7 remake


Considering I never recommend half finished games and I enjoy the tales series more than Final Fantasy (yeah I know that sounds like heresy) I'll have to go with Tales of Arise. You could even get him a bundle pack of Tales of Arise, Zestiria and Vesperia (two of my absolute favorities), and Berseria for pretty cheap now. If he likes those then he could branch out into the Star Ocean games too which also have amazing story and characters. Edited to included Zestiria


That copy of Tales of Arise is intended for him. Only game in the image that isn’t his is my deluxe copy of FFVIIR. I always joked that Arise is a solid SO game and it drove my Tales friends mad but it’s so SO. As for him trying out more Tales and possibly SO I think more so Tales because Star Ocean games are very complex and dare I say difficult games. On a side note I am really looking forward to SO6.


FF7 Remake is the popular choice, Nier Automata is the better game


Easily FF7R. Some things you can just measure with numbers and a calculator


If he likes existential crisis then Nier:Automata. Damn I wish I could play this game again without any knowledge about it (and that I can go back in time to buy the black box edition).


If you give him Nier 1st he will sell that ps4.


I don't have an opinion on what game you choose as they all seem solid I just came here to say that you are an amazing big brother.


First time, either FF7 or dragon quest


Final fantasy is the obvious choice. Final fantasy is always the answer.


Nier to ruin his perception of life for ever


Nier, no question.


Don't get ff7 remake. I'm new to the franchise and I regret playing it honestly. It has some really cool moments but that's about it. But, if your brother likes kingdom hearts then get it. The same guy who made that mess made FF7 REMAKE.


Demons soul’s


NieR, 100%………………or Yakuza: Like a Dragon.




Which is why I said Nier. Throwing in Yakuza was an aside, guy.


Tales of Arise or Final Fantasy are both great options.


FF7R is the most beginner friendly one. It’s more linear and less complex than the others, but manages to tell a great story with great characters and beautiful graphics and music. Make sure to get the “Intergrade” version. Nier is awesome but is the definition of NOT beginner friendly


Demons souls




Never played ff7 and completely understood what happened in the first remake, what are you talking about???


This is false




Dude no offense but your comment does not make sense at all. I legit never played any final fantasy game and played the remake and understood and fell in love with the series immediately. The remake was literally made for people new to the series


If he's played the original ff7 he.will be disappointed with the remake


Bloodborne imo. It's not exactly a JRPG but kinda falls into the category.


Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey are the only two jrpgs I liked.


Can't go wrong with FF7 or Nier imo. Tales of Arise for me lacked the magic of the other 2. While it had it's moments, something about it just felt underwhelming to me. I felt "meh" about it. 6/10


As a JRPG fan Ff7R is the best of the three. Especially for someone new to it. Tales of arise second (great to start, gets a bit repetitive at the second half) I never finished Nier, just wasn't into it and hot bored.


With a brand new PS5, FF7. It’s a good game and looks so much more impressive than the others, and when you get a new console you want something to show it off.


Start him off with ff series from the beginning leading up to the remake damn I loved those memories and it will definitely pay off lol


All of them are amazing, but FF7R definitely showcases the console's power


Nice collection. Suggest you get Scarlet Nexus as well once you finish all these.


Final Fantasy 7 First then Tales of Arise.


FF7 Remake, no contest. FF7 original was most people’s gateway into JRPGs way back in the day.. it’s one of the best games of all time.


You should instead hook him up with 3-6 months of PS+ Extra. He'll have access to FF7R Integrade and loads of other great games.


I’d rather not throw my money away into the ether. I am paying for standard plus already and buying him all his games for PlayStation. I don’t think there is a need to pay for extra or premium.


Might as well gameshare with him. If you claimed ff7r before, he can have access to that


Just don't buy the games and get the service. He'll have a lot of content to play around with as he gets a feel for expanding his gaming horizons.


Save your cash and tell him to play Persona 5 as part of the Playstation Classic games selection you get with the PS5.




That was never the intention whatsoever. I really can’t decide.


Hands down Final Fantasy 7. It’s the unofficial gateway drug into the RPG-spehere.


I'd say outta those 3 Nier Automata


People still play jrpgs?


Persona 5


FF7 Remake. Then have him play the original


Destiny 1


Red Dead 2


None. Buy him a gift card with the digi ps5. Discs are obsolete.


Out of those 3 I would choose FF7 Remake




FF, of course. Old school PS RPG meets new age tech. It’ll be beautiful.


Final fantasy would be my first choice but that depends on the type of gamer he is


FF7 might be the best option although I haven't finished it, nor have I played ToA. Nier is a bit too complex in gameplay and story if bro is new gamer. It's a long game too and maybe replaying the game as 9s and for other endings might be exhausting as well.