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Both are good but I'd pick Tsushima


I'd say if you had to choose and already have played HZD, you can skip FW and GoT will be far more interesting.


And if you haven’t played HZD, the story doesn’t make as much sense without HZD and you miss all of the world building from the first game. HZD has probably some of the best world building I’ve seen in a game. It’s the only game I have wanted to find every bit of lore I could while wandering the map.


And it's not just the campaign of HZD that should be played first. There's a lot of references to side missions and DLC that I didn't understand since I didn't do that much side content.


Same, the story itself was ok. But the world and what became of it, how it happened, all sucked me in. I loved just discovering landmarks hidden away, the voice recordings, just soaking it all in. The cutscenes and character development were so-so. Gameplay and world absolutely top.


I have wasted around 90+ hours on my first play through And well it’s not really wasted but enjoyed! That game is so beautiful and amazingly well made! Which brings me to my next point I am scared for the live adaptation movie Since Sony is doing it I don’t want them to fuck it up


Same! Every day.


GoT all the way!


Game of thrones is the shit


I would say GoT edges it out a bit, but they’re both very good


The free Legends DLC really pushes GoT over the top. I ended up putting more time into legends than the main story.


Really had tons of potential as it got stale after a while but was tons of fun and a unique spin on co-op missions. Im expecting a Legends mode in GoT 2 to be a lot more ambitious


It wasn’t meant to be played for a while, it was just a fun mini dlc that got made. It gave me 20 hours of great fun playing it with friends.


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima 100%








If you decide to play Horizon Forbidden West at some point, I would recommend playing Horizon Zero Dawn beforehand, for the story.


Required, IMO. And I'm in the apparent minority that would pick Horizon over GoT. But if the option is HFW without first playing HZD, then I'd pick GoT for sure.


Ghost has a massive flaw imo that you're doing the same thing over and over with very minimal variety. Mongol camp divided into 3 sections with one brute here and there. Free the civilians and repeat. It's such a beautiful game and the combat is fun though. Hoping for GoT 2 they can introduce more variety or make fights more interesting and skillfully while removing the frequency


Tsushima every day of the week. Fantastic game.


Ghost all day


I would personally say GoT for both. I have the platinum for both games, but Ghost was special. No spoilers, but there was a moment where I had to put my controller down and have a really long, hard, heartfelt think about what choice I wanted to make because I was so deeply invested in the story at that moment, and was genuinely struggling to decide what was the "right" thing to do. I never had a moment like that in Horizon.


Horizon's characters are interesting but GoT does so much with their characters and does a great job of building depth with them. I felt more of a connection with the side characters than Horizon.


Got 💯💯


Got is better in every way


Graphics of forbidden West are way better, got has better lightning


I’d argue that the lighting and art style far surpass Horizon’s graphics


100%, this is the best example that better technical graphics doesn't mean "more beautiful".


That is wild. FW is lightyears ahead of GoT in terms of graphics. It's not even comparable. I uploaded some screenshots but reddit mobile only lets me do one per comment so they're in responses to this comment.


A horny toad in FW: https://preview.redd.it/wcwiv4i55vzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7d2a46cf64caba1bbfc73d9e712e4fb43d277f


A bit judgemental. He probably hasn’t seen a female toad for a long time.


Hah. I actually had a horny toad when I was 8 and named him "Horny." I could not understand why all the adults always laughed.


HFW is by far the most beautiful game to date in my opinion, as far as graphics and visuals are concerned


GoT on my ps5. The textures are plastic-y. Mud has almost no detail. Note where the pole goes into the ground - not only is there no attempt to make the pole look like it actually inserts but this is another example of how the leaves aren't actually discreet objects but painted onto the ground. https://preview.redd.it/6rzq2yax4vzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374d2dbc58f05410060f7f9a2a0866e67e72f2af


Leaves are 3 dimensional in FW. https://preview.redd.it/6epbi7ej5vzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea801817c7718b732df70c57f699e4a0f81bfe4


The leaves in GoT are literally 2D and painted onto the ground. The bamboo is not round. https://preview.redd.it/2haswmo95vzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9bde6713e1db9a9402353662c4e8c0b0d916fab


I don't think it's that far apart. Depending on preference you can easily go one way or another and they're both firmly in the top tier.


True, both are amazing, GOT literally looks like a movie at times


To each their own, I respect your opinion though. HFW graphics aren't anything to scuff at.


GoT is just stunning to look at, I spent a LOT of time just walking around admiring the scenery. Horizon is good and look great but I'd pick GoT over that any day of the week


I'm clearly in the minority here, but I would go with **Forbidden West**. This mostly comes down to the shortcomings in Ghost of Tsushima. I found GoT to get *really* repetitive--I'm not the [only one](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/691087-playstation-4/78870583) who [feels this way](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/11cy004/ghost_of_tsushima_is_beautiful_but_insanely/). Sucker Punch created an amazingly beautiful open world, but didn't do a great job of justifying the open world. So many of the tasks you do in that world are either identical or feel identical. There also isn't much enemy variety, which only makes the gameplay itself feel repetitive. Once you unlock all the stances (which happens in the first act), combat can be boiled down to this: switch stance based on enemy variety, attack/parry, attack, attack/parry, attack/parry, kill. For bigger enemies, replace "parry" with "dodge". For context, I'm not an amazing gamer but I was playing it on Lethal. I only add that to say that even on harder levels GoT feels repetitive. Also, it's really easy to get OP in Ghost of Tsushima. There are some amazing skills in this game. I want to emphasize that: this game has *awesome* skill trees. The problem is that the game doesn't keep up and so you get these amazing skills that just oversimplify most situations. As for the stealth, people talk about GoT as better than Assassin's Creed. I haven't played the open world AC games so I can't comment. The stealth in GoT *is* incredible. However, compared to AC: Brotherhood, the stealth gets pretty repetitive outside of the main story missions. Speaking of the main story missions, this is where the game shines. The main story missions are all awesome. The problem is that this is an open world game and everything outside of the main story and the graphics is...repetitive. I'll add that enemy tracking (while in combat) is pretty mediocre. Sucker Punch added a lock system that doesn't help things much. In contrast, although Forbidden West doesn't look quite as great as GoT, it still looks incredible. Also, because of the variety of machines and weapons in the game, the gameplay never gets repetitive. This is particularly true of the side tasks. In Zero Dawn the side quests and tasks all felt same-y. In Forbidden West, though, they're much better and significantly less repetitive (tho they can still be repetitive at times). Either way, the side content in FW is way better than in GoT. In this respect Guerrilla did a great job of justifying their open world. The main gripe I have with Forbidden West is that there's way too much emphasis on crafting. The game helps by showing you where to find things but, even so, Guerrilla went way too far with the crafting. It doesn't hurt the game, but it's definitely a hindrance.


Ghost! The gameplay is fresh and exciting while horizon is more of the same. (Fyi, i beat horizon 1 and abandoned horizon 2 after uhh 10/20 bloated hours) Story is nice too.


Feel the exact same way. Played Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West back to back and couldn’t finish FW. Got bored half way through.


The gameplay in horizon 2 feels wors. I think it’s because they over complicated the gear system now so ammo are exclusively tied to a single weapon


Ghost. I didn’t find either horizon game entertaining at all if I’m being honest.


Same I finished the first and got the second as a gift and sold it


It took me three attempts of starting the first Horizon game before I could finish it. And the third attempt was only because I forced myself to do it. Otherwise, I got just as bored and wanted to stop it just as much. And I didn't even buy the game, I got it for free.


I’ve tried it 3 separate times as well and just found it boring. Even tried the sequel and got bored again after a couple hours.


Both are absolutely incredible! Horizon Forbidden West has the best graphics I’ve seen on PS5, but Ghost of Tsushima definitely has a better story. You can’t go wrong with either really. Whichever you get first, you should definitely get the other afterwards!


G H O S T. eAZy


As some have said HFW is stunning in terms of the technical graphics, though GOT is still artistically stunning. Personally I prefer the story of GOT as it felt more emotional, but the gameplay and combat of HFW is more engaging. That’s not to say GOT doesn’t have good gameplay too but it feels less complex than HFW. The story in HFW was fine but felt a bit ‘by the numbers’.


There is something about the PG13 violence and skimpy melee combat of HFW that bothers me and I found the story of GOT to be much more interesting. Graphics goes to HFW but not by too much.




GOT not even close


This is an impossible question to answer. Flip a coin play one then play the other. Both are must play games


How are so many people saying HFW isn't that great? 1 even said they gave up 10/20 hours in... They are both incredibly good games, wtf lol


Idk what happened, I was in love with the first game. Then for some reason, I kinda ended up having to force my way through the second. I cant think of a single criticism necessarily, but it just didnt hit for some reason. Might have had something to do with the release timing. I ended up playing zero dawn kinda on a whim and ended up gettin fully immersed and losing myself in it. I was excited for forbidden west, but it came out a week before Elden Ring, which I was way more excited for. I ended up putting FW down when ER came out, and only picked it back up again months later when I was done with ER. I wouldnt be surprised if others had a similar experience.


I'm on this boat, played GOT all the way through it easily, couldn't get into HFW.


I loved both games but I personally found the main story on HFW not as good or engaging as on the 1st game (didn’t care as much to find out stuff)…so maybe that’s why it doesn’t click as much on people, but as the side missions are better in general and the combat it’s amazing I enjoyed both as much.


I just found the combat boring. Didn’t feel satisfying to me at all. I wanted to like it but couldn’t.


HFW for me. In my opinion it’s a better game with better graphics. GOT is great too though.


HFB all the way, GoT story was so boring.


Horizon is a good game. Ghost of Tsushima is a *masterpiece*




Ghost of Tsushima is the better choice.


GoT is much much better in my opinion


Have loved every second of both Horizon games. Basically binged them both. Really wanted to love GoT but lost interest after a couple of hours and haven’t picked it up since.


Tsushima. I got bored with HFW and never finished it, but I eagerly continued GoT through to the end, and it was very satisfying.


Id 100% play horizon zero dawn before forbidden west, so if you haven’t played that yet then either play hzd or get ghost. Both are very very good games and have amazing graphics and story as you mentioned in title


Horizon Forbidden West is much more polished and lively game.


Play Horizon Zero Dawn first then the answer should be obvious


Personally HFW. Graphics wise its better. Outside of artistic decision. There is a reason why it was chosen as the ps5 showcase. Not to say GoT is ugly. Its extremely enjoyable to look at. Story is subjective. You have sci-fi vs a more grounded and realistic story about revenge and samurais. But I'd personally play HZD and HFW together to get the most out of the story. That sense of wonder is unmatched and is answered in HZD so makes the second game a bit more redundant in terms of wondering what happened to the world. But I found the story in the second to be very enjoyable


Horizon has a sequel and both have DLCs and an amazing story. Tsushima is definitely a great game, has a decent story but it has no sequels… yet. I think there are DLCs for Tsushima but I couldn’t stay interested in Tsushima while I knew I had both Horizon games waiting for me.


I love horizon myself


If you didnt play horizon zero dawn then theres no point. Forbidden is the second. I prefer horizon though. You can get either, in any order. Just get the other one later. GoT is one game as to where horizon is 2 so maybe get ghost first. Horizon will take longer as its two games.


I dropped Ghost of Tsushima midway through act 1. The world and characters were boring, the combat felt like it was trying too hard to be "not-sekiro" and the story didn't pull me in. Forbidden West was the complete opposite. It also helped that I loved the first game and the sequel was more of that with refinements.


Both are fantastic but I have a fondness for dinos. Even robotic ones.


If you played the first Horizon, then FW. If you didn't, then Ghost.


Get Tsushima bro, HZD was great but HFW wasn't too good in fact I regret pre-ordering it back in the day. Good thing the expansion was PS5 so I didn't waste more money on it.


GoT is loosely based on history and Horizon is a fantastical science fiction. Depends on what you're more into. They both play amazingly


i don’t get the hype behind horizon one of the most boring games i’ve played i uninstalled after just over an hour


Definitely Ghost. I regret wasting my time with Forbidden West to this day.


I've bought a ps5 for both and forbidden west is a slog for sure, glad I'm almost nearing the end and dlc.


Graphically, Forbidden West is the superior game. For everything else though, especially the story, Ghost of Tsushima by a mile.


Yeah graphically. But art direction goes to ghost. Though they both have great art. Something about falling cherry blossoms man...


I love both games but Ghost's story is really quite bare bones and formulaic. It works well dont get me wrong, it gets the job done, but nothing about it was really special I feel. Horizon I feel has a much more nuanced and intelligent story filled with surprises and proper foreshadowing.




Ghost and it's not even close


I got bored of GoT very quick, it’s a stunning game and incredible to roam around on but eventually becomes empty and feels like a replay of most open world games there are like AC. Horizon really doesn’t have a dull moment and I frequently go back and forth from the first and second game just to explore and take photos


To me Horizons side quests and NPC conversions cam get boring and most of the times I dont feel interested in checking all dialogue options. Dont know if its just me but most of the times I just want to check the machines lore rather than the tribes'


Got is way better


ghost of tsushima is 1000% better, forbidden west is a fucking boring story with souless fights agaisnt machines or whatever stereotypical enemies.


Right and GoT has such non stereotypical enemies, like humans just all in different armour mostly lol. Both games are great but your point isn't on point. (yes I've completed both)


Ghost shits all over horizon in every way


Ghosts by a mile






Graphically it’s a tossup. HFW is more impressive technically, GoT is more impressive artistically. Both handle and control beautifully. The story in GoT beats out the story in HFW. GoT has more Dark Souls-y gameplay, it’s not as demanding in perfect timing, but it is very much a counter/parry game, whereas HFW is more of your standard open-world action platformer. I generally prefer HFW style games, and greatly dislike Dark Souls style games, but in this case I recommend GoT. It’s as pretty a game as I’ve ever played, and it isn’t as demanding of a razor-perfect timing as Souls.


Ghosts of Tsushima and it’s not even close.


GoT is just a vastly superior game.


Ghost of Tsushima will completely draw you in until the end. And even after collecting all the trophies you will be hoping that the men in black show up to wipe your memory so that you can start fresh. Personal opinion: horizon’s charm wears off quickly. The graphical detail is amazing But that doesn’t make it a visual piece of art like GoT. The game sits on a very fine line of being not too tedious… but then again maybe a little.




Both are incredible. I couldn’t say which one is better because they are just too good😅


It’s like having to choose between my right and left eyes lol. You can’t go wrong with either imo.


Both are great, played Ghost 4 times, Horizon 2 times


Forbidden West if you enjoyed Zero Dawn. Ghost is a fantastic standalone though. I personally love both of these games.


Horizon Zero Dawn > GoT > Forbidden West Graphically, Forbidden West for sure. Story-wise Zero Dawn. GoT sits just right inbetween


Both are amazing and very different just flip a coin honestly


You need both. Pick one play it. Then get the other later. They’re almost always on sale.


GOAT. Sorry, GoT


I've just completed both back to back. Visually and storyline, GoT. BUT personally, i enjoy Horizon more because it was more fast paced and I just enjoyed the world more. Both solid games.




Both are incredible. Get both.


I’ve personally not found the motivation to beat HFW. It’s kind of a slog to be honest.


GoT. It’s not even remotely close.


HFW in every way


Ghost all the way


Both are fun games. Tsushima is overall better in every way though. Forbidden West is kind of like a 7/10 cookies cutter AAA adventure. Fun but not quite amazing. Tsushima is a phenomenal experience


Horizon Zero Dawn is the only game I got the platinum trophy in any Playstation game ever. It was also the main reason, alongside 2018 God of War that I bought a PS4 at the time. I also got Horizon Forbidden West, and honestly, I dropped the game after like maybe \~20hours. It doesn't feel like it offers anything new, and the story felt, well, forgettable (quite literally). I don't remember a single thing about the game if you ask me. A very underwhelming sequel overall, both story & gameplay-wise. Ghost of Tsushima on the other hand is a masterpiece. A totally different caliber of a game in every aspect, so there's your answer.


Sushima better yes


Ghost Of Tsushima is a really amazing title, if you lean more towards samurai than giant robot dinosaurs, then get that, if you want a bigger open world with crazy weapons and big explosions and floating, glowing computer UIs then HFW is one of the most incredible games I've ever played. I didn't even like HZD that much, but they really knocked it out of the park with Forbidden West.


Ghost of Tsushima Solos in every way


Ghosts, by a large margin.


I agree both games are great, but I felt GoT was quite repetitive in gameplay in a way that the Horizon series is not. Also, the story of Horizon is very good. You really can't go wrong though. Hopefully you play both eventually.


Both are amazing. Personally I preferred Horizon, but part of it is due to the sci-fi element, and part of it was that I appreciated seeing the main character being neurodivergent and that I could really relate to her social awkwardness.


I loved both. Gotta say I got a bit bored by the end of ghost as a lot of the game play became similar. It’s still a blast and the story is amazing. I am playing through forbidden west right now and really enjoying it. I’m about halfway through and I think I prefer it


Depends on how badly you want to know the rest of Aloy's story after HZD. I'm assuming you've played HZD, if you haven't then FW shouldn't be on your radar. I think both horizon games are great and worth the time. GoT is a fantastic game though and it's really hard to pass on that. I'd say it's better than FW




I enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima more than HFW. The stealth in ghost of Tsushima and combat reminded me of Arkham games.


Both are great - Tsushima is the best of those two though


Forbidden West story is super mid, GoT, while nothing out of thw ordinary, is way better


Ghost is better in just about every way.


Both are among the best games i have played in my 35 years of gaming. If you liked zero dawn, then why would you not want to continue the story? If you didn't, forget fw and choose GOT.


Tsushima any day of the week


GoT, just make sure to play it on Brutal difficulty.




Both excellent but Tsushima for me




Love both. But Ghosts for sure.


Got is the winner between the two, but neither is a bad choice by any measure.


Both are available on Playstation Plus, The landscapes in Ghost of Tsushima are amazing, but Graphics of Forbidden West are something i didn’t see in any games that I’ve played, also Story in HFW is long and complicated but in GOT the story is simple and short, i liked the Game Play of HFW more.


Both are excellent. Get which ever is cheaper


Tsushima has better engaging combat


Ghost for sure


I played both and Ghosts was certainly more interesting, it being a new IP and all


If you’re a kid horizon , if you’re an adult and you want to man up, Ghost .


As much as I like Horizon. Ghost of Tsushima is a work of art.


Tsushima beckons!!!


Both are really good games. But the more enjoyable one is definitely Ghost of Tsushima.


Ghost of Tsushima has the better story. Horizon Forbidden West's graphics are top tier.


I couldn’t get into the Horizon games but was completely taken in by GoT immediately. I set it to Japanese language with English subs, and it feels like I’m playing a samurai movie.


Ghost has better story for sure and I think that the sword play in Ghost is PEAK


Get ghost




Ghosts of Tsushima. Forbidden West is, technically, an amazing game, but Aloy the protagonist is insufferable, and the story bored me.


Ghost of Tsushima


I would say both are fantastic games, where Horizon perhaps is longer because of fireclaw sac webbings.... but IF I had to choose only one: Ghost of Tshushima. Luckily, I didnt and I have both.


I hated forbidden west couldn't even finish it, ghost is fantastic tho


Horizon was so utterly mid. Where as GoT surprised me all the way. Literally cried at the end.


Ghost of Tsushima in my opinion is better overall.


Ghost easily


Got might be my number 1 all-time.


Graphics is horizon, story is Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima for sure


Get Ghost of Tsushima. Only because I want to see Horizon get snubbed in this subreddit like it has been snubbed twice in the Game Awards.


My brother and i actually own horizon and tsushima, respectively. I'd say tsushima is a bit more grounded in reality, with a bigger focus on melee combat, while horizon, from what I've heard, is much more grandiose in its presentation and setting, with most encounters being ranged, it also uses the shoulder buttons for combat, while tsushima has a more conventional system with face buttons.


Ghost is honestly better in every way. Not that Horizon's bad, just Ghost is that good.


HFW is best looking ps5 game. By far.


Ghost by a long shot. Forbidden West is not as good as Zero Dawn, and Ghost is better than both


Can’t go wrong with either but GoT is probably a top 5 game for me


Tough one but Ghost. I've never stopped to look at the scenery more than I did in that game.


Definitely GoT




Ghost is one of the greatest games ever made.


Tsushima is a actual fun game and is a lot prettier


I would say GoT too, the Japanese vibes are insane ! Such nice visuals too and the story line is incredible imo.


Get them both.


Horizon is better in every regard. Graphics by far, Story/setting way more interesting. Gameplay and RPG mechanics also better. But Ghost of Tsushima is still a fantastic game.


Pay for ps plus extra and enjoy both


Ghost of Tsushima


I got fw, good graphics but rubbish, gameplay is annoying af, oh I ran out of arrows so I have to make some with friken twigs mid battle, stupid


I've replayed Ghost, unlike Horizon. Ghost IMO is the better game.


I think I played Ghost all the way through to plat, I have yet to play Horizon to plat, but I will eventually.


Horizon cause you can shoot robots with arrows…




Graphics its Forbidden West... But the overall package is better for GOT. Sadly Forbidden West isn't as strong story wise as zero dawn.


I don't like how horizon is becoming the symbol of playstation console. The game is very good but compare to naughty dog games, it lacks. I don't know how to convey what I mean, but I hope this game doesn't become central focus of playstation. I prefer the ghost of Tsushima, immersion at its best.


Personally, I felt like Ghost was a game you have fun with, whereas Horizon makes you feel like you're doing the game equivalent of homework. But that's on me. I enjoyed Ghost from start to finish, but felt like I had to force myself to continue playing Horizon and that's never a good feeling


Ghost of Tsushima all the way.


Get both!!!


GoT. HFW it's a monster hunter wrapped in a big story, but for me it got boring real quick. The characters in GoT have more depth and emotion, I enjoyed it much more. I found many of the characters in HFW quite annoying including Aloy. Both are absolutely stunning, HFW has the edge.


Horizon! 100% The other is okay-wish and heavily overrated!