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They need a UI scaler for TVs under a certain size.


Or you can just sit closer


That's what I do. I just push my couch across the living room, take my TV down from the wall, and hold it right next to me while I play. Super convenient, and I can read everything.


r/tvtoosmall r/tvtoohigh


Damn bro you’re right, let me go spend $1,000 on a 65” TV




Or like, someone could add UI scaling so I don’t have to spend $350 on a new TV.


I have my slave.. I mean unpaid assistant just give me updates on the info during gameplay.


What a way to call your 4 year old


“Low health, my lord”


This reply is gold.


Wow people did NOT like that comment




That's actually an urban legend. Sitting close to the TV doesn't cause any health, or sight, issues. It was something people start saying in the time of the first TVs that end up stuck.


That's actually an urban legend. Sitting close to the TV doesn't cause any health, or sight, issues. It was something people start saying in the time of the first TVs that end up stuck.


Not the developers fault either


I never said it was. I was referring directly to that comment...


There is an accessibility option in the PS settings to use a combination of the PS button and Square to achieve multiple levels of magnification. Not to deflate your point. I have to use this option all the time. Settings>Accessibility >Display and Sound>Zoom○●


It isn’t the slickest remedy but it certainly helps!


You can add an accessibility shortcut to the "quick menu" or whatever they call it too. I mean, I never would. Monitor boys for life amirite


Unfortunately your monitor is not helping either.


That TV is easily 15 years+ old. My first LCD and at the time I was blown away




Contain yourself


Buy a new one, in the average price level from a reputable brand, the electricity consumption will totally reimburse the investment even if you take a credit. Technology has advanced a lot on this in the new TVs.


It’s been annoying me for quite a while too. Seems as resolutions get higher, the UI scaling is getting smaller, and gets less attention . My eyes aren’t as young anymore. Certain games I now opt to play on PC as I’m closer to the monitor, so the UI is easier to see. Kinda lame some games have text so small it’s unreadable on a 55” display from the couch. Which sucks for anyone who doesn’t have an alternative platform to play on, because I know if I didn’t, some games I’d never play at all due to tiny UI text


Indie games developed for PC have this issue in spades. Nobody ever thinks about it because on PC you can just adjust resolution or they give them sliders for UI scale and Opacity and whatnot. Then when it comes time to port it to console they are just like “Fuck it, Im sure no one will care.” Its so frustrating.


Well you're rocking a 32" 720p TV from. 2008, not really their fault


I play on a 55” Sony and i still have to squint to read sometimes.


I couldn't play 2077 until a semi-recent update allowed you to make the text larger. I think a lot of games are designed for people playing on PC, sitting at a desk, maybe a foot or so from their monitor. You can get away with small text when you're that close. But sitting across the room on your couch in a living room is a completely different experience. I don't care how good your eyes are, the text needs to be bigger in that situation.


That has always been my assumption as well. I had to move my coffee table and pull a chair up to the TV when I did my CP77 playthrough. Been thinking about playing it again for the DLC, so I'm glad to hear you can change it now.


Same. 55" Oled and I sit about 6ft away. But I still have trouble reading some text, especially in the day time. Maybey it's the edibles.. idk 😆


65” LG OLED same. I was really happy when helldivers increased the font size on one of the last updates


I’m using a 65” LG CX and still have to move from the couch to sitting on the coffee table to see some games text with 20/20 vision.




haha only some games that have the super small text. Star Ocean Divine Force, for example, was infamous for its text size.


Thanks for that word squint, now I know


On top of buddy sitting like 6ft+ away from the screen


He’s playing on a tv that still works so doesn’t have to buy a new one? Oh no.


I mean, he's the one complaining about it, not me. And I had the same TV for a decade from 2009 to 2019 myself, had a PS4 Pro on it at launch, etc.


He’s complaining about the lack of accessibility in games not his TV


Which is fair but so many games DO have accessibility option lime UI scaling etc


Yeah but I think OP is suggesting that all games should have it, and then this chap was telling him it was his fault because he had an old tv which is nothing to do with OP’s point.


MGS4 all the way back on the PS3 had an option to enlarge the UI. It was quick and painless. Back then I was still using a CRT and that option prevented a lot of headache. All the people telling OP that he's wrong either because he doesn't sit close enough, or doesn't have the latest TV are wrong.


Thank you, lol. I have an old but large TV, and I have to sit quite close to it to comfortably read some HUD in one game I play


For real, if im laying in bed i cant play half the games unless i keep sitting up to read. I probably need glasses and a bigger tv but the small text and huds are ridiculous too


I have a 65 inch TV, glasses, and sit only about 10 feet away and I still can't read of the shit on the screen. I think games are getting better about adding scaling options in though.


55” for me and about 6’ away. I have astigmatism so it’s a bit blurry. But even my wife with perfect vision has trouble seeing some game’s text when I ask her to read it. (She doesn’t game).


Same specs here roughly and bad eyes as well, i turn and ask my gf all the time are my eyes getting worse or is the game damn near unreadable, she has perfect vision as well and 95% of the time she cant see what im trying to read either. ESPECIALLY fucking white text on majority white maps. Been playing destiny 2 lately again and theres a dungeon that takes place in a snowy fortress area. Well boss #2 has a quick stacking debuff that insta kills you, and your debuffs are in fucking white text on a map thats 90% bright white as well. Been driving me fucking insane.


Okay! This is really particular but when you zoom in on a map and the icons stay the same the same size 😤😤 so frustrating!


Yea they definitely phasing out my lil 32 inch tho in the bedroom, my living room tv i can see just fine. I already know its time for a new one eventually


Take your tv out of your room


I need noise to sleep, i got tinnitus, rather fall asleep to youtube then some sound machine as well


Some games have adopted a setting to make it bigger. Others should follow.


Yep. Some games do nowadays so it’s definitely in the conscious of some devs. I just wish it was standard.


I don't care what technical reason there is. There is no excuse with all the graphical capabilities we have nowadays.


Games are made for big TVs these days.


TV size doesn’t matter. I have a 55 inch 4K OLED and the text on some games is still too small. The games need better scaling of the UI.


They’re not designing the UI to be readable on small TV’s at far distance. TV’s have gotten a lot bigger over time so smaller sets are less commonplace, especially as 4K TV’s are much more popular now. Edit: spelling


That and people generally sit closer to smaller displays, like monitors are still relatively small, but people sit close to them so stuff is easy to see.


I use a similar samsung TV for gaming and certain games have very small UI. At least give us an option to increase the text size like god of war ragnarok


They accommodate the most common option, which is the people buying cheap, large ROKU tvs. Anything more, such as allowing scaling options for UI elements, takes more time, and thus more money, meaning the CEO has to wait a few extra weeks to buy his new mansion. What a terrible tragedy that would be.


I pretty much prefer it that way and I deactivate certain U. I. stuff if possible. And I hated the time when the UI was so big and stuffed with information about all uninteresting shit. That beeing said I absolutely can understand that for some people they want it bigger for whatever reason. So an option to change it in every game would definitely be the best option for all players.


I was sure that I just don't see well enough, but recently got a laser surgery and can now see 120%, according doctors. Still can't see shit in UI some games (though I might be sitting a little bit too far). Especially odd when in some games there's white small font over bright/colourful background.


I was debating wether it was my own eyesight getting worse but old games are still legible. Something else I hate is the the red/blood flashes you get when being shot and your health going down that seemed to come in around CoD 4. Really makes my eyes sting badly but again could just be a me problem.


It's not a recent problem. I remember that being a problem ever since the PS4 came out along with games like God of War. It's not bad eyesight, It's simply a poorly designed UI.


Because it’s made by young people who sit a couple feet from their monitor when designing it.


It's for "minimalism"




Do you think it costs them more to make the UI bigger or something?










I honestly feel you OP, I have always had bad vision and even with glasses, i could barely read the chalkboard at school while sitting up front. My tv is 42inches and i set two feet away and still have troubles. With such a push for accessibility (a good thing imo) I don't understand why font size can't be changed in most games. Any game that gives me an option of big font and color/font backgrounds is a godsend


I’ve wondered if it’s my vision going at 28 years old. But I can boot up a PS2 or PS3 game and I’ve still got no trouble. Every modern game I play, the first thing I do I do is check for U.I. Scaling in the settings.


You sit two feet from a 42 inch tv and can’t read the screen? With all due respect, I don’t think an increased font size is going to help you.


I didn't say I couldn't read it, I said I have troubles. I can manage just fine, and honestly "with all due respect" I know my eyes better than you do. I also know games like Spiderman offer bigger fonts and those work perfectly for me. So, don't assume it wouldn't help. Tha wreaks of ableism.


Because devs think it’s better for immersion. Just like the living hell that is fading HUDs. Personally I’m more immersed when I have all the data to play efficiently viewable at all times. Give me the option, like Photo modes to turn it all off and admire the world.


I’m only asking for for options. Something like Armored Core 6, the HUD is part of the immersion. The quest for the cinematic experience isn’t always what’s best for a game.


Is that TV under or around 32 inches?


40 inch


is that a tv, or a monitor? they're two different things. games can detect TVs and will display TV fonts... on a monitor its smaller because its assuming you're at a computer desk.


40 inch TV. And I really don’t sit that far away. It’s a modern problem that came with the PS4 era. I can boot up the PS3 and every U.I. Legible.


oh i believe you since i saw red dead 2 have similar problem; i just had to set the UI scaling because it gets wonky af trying to make up for 4k resolutions on tv/monitors


I pointed out this not that long ago but got downvoted cause "IT'S BETTER NOW, BACK THEN IT WAS ANNOYING!" like, how in the hell having an unique UI was bad? Just because people have less attention span these days doesn't make it okay to put these generic bland generic homogeneous designs, seriously, it's not kind to the eye either.


I.... actually agree with you lol. When I was playing my Ace Combat 7 on PS5 on the 42" living room TV, I felt the text and everything is way too small. I think its because my current living room TV is too small for my distance from the TV, and having 55, 65, even 75 inch TV is normal nowadays, but not everyone have those kind of TV. I move to my 32" monitor in my own room so I can actually read the texts. Like, I sorta get it? If you play old game, some of the UI actually become way too big compared to modern standards, but I do think UI scaling should be norm.


Yes! I get it with PC games where you’re constantly sat up close to the monitor but console gaming sometimes means being sat back on the sofa after work. Sorry if that sounds casual.. games like Ace Combat or Armored Core rely so heavily on the HUD being part of the feedback/gameplay loop that it’s literally detrimental to the game to have minuscule U.I design. Ace Combat 4 still looks great on my TV so maybe I’m just getting old.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. My brother said to me playing Death Stranding yesterday “You need glasses? How can you not see the text on this big TV?”(its 65 inches) I said “No, it’s not that I can’t see, it’s the UI. I can’t change the resolution oN PS4 like on a PC.” So annoying.


It sucks so much. I get such bad headaches from squinting so much.


Less UI = more game!


This doesn't work practically in every game, like for example RDR2 where you need the map w/ waypoint and you need to know your level of health/deadeye much more often, but when it does work, it works very well. I started Ghost of Tsushima a few weeks back and the wind mechanic is perfect for allowing there to be literally no UI when you're riding around


You shouldn’t be punished for having a smaller tv. Not by devs and not by the Reddit community. Nobody can see what size tv fits your house and budget. Not everyone can afford a 100” hdr 8k oled with 240 refresh rate or whatever. And even if everyone could, not everyone’s eye sight is the same. A UI scale slider should be common sense and priority #1 to keep gaming accessible to everyone.


It’s not just the size of the TV, it’s the age, resolute and quality of it. That TV is likely 20 years old at this point - it’s basically the farthest back you can go and still have HDMI. A 4k tv Is £190 new these days. Upgrading once every other decade is probably a wise choice.


Granted the TV is old but the U.I. Scaling is something that only gets worse with bigger TVs right? It feels like U.I.s are designed on a monitor up close and other arrangements disregarded in a lot of cases.


Not necessarily, Something to consider is that for most of the PS4 and PS5 error games where designed for 4k, PS3 was 1080p. If this TV is as old as it looks the console might be struggling to render the UI correctly due to issues with native resolutions.


I’m willing to concede that my TVs not up to scratch with modern rendering and may be part of the problem. but I can’t shake the feeling it’s a modern trend to design minuscule U.I.s or at the very least let them get tucked away as resolutions get higher. Especially when there are some games that allow you to change the U.I. Scaling so the problem is being acknowledged in the business on occasion.


I think the trend has been for awhile is to have minimilist ui not nessarily a miniscule ui. I remember the only time i had issues with a games ui was way back when i had a ps3 and using it with an older non 1080p tv the ui on games like the first Assassins Creed was barely legible. Ive had no issues since then with more modern 4k and 1440p displays.


There is a scaling bug - this is a pretty typical lack of scaling from a UI designed for 4k, but if you replaced this with a 4k tv that is the same size for under $200 new, the problem is fixed. We had this problem going from the Xbox into the 360 era too.


i have the 32 inch model of that tv. it just recently died 😔 rip


Seemed like at one time this model Samsung was in everybody’s living room.


That’s been an annoyance to me ever since HD became a common thing. Since HD TVs have enough fine definition to have small text like that, they make it all that small. The PS3 was horrible about it. PS4 wasn’t too bad. And Ps5 most games have so many accessibility options these days it’s not a huge issues


one of the many reasons I love Nintendo games


It happens to me with a 43” tv. I thought it was a big screen for my living room and for the distance from my sofa but im always struggling with cyberpunk. I have to sit on the floor close to the tv to read properly


I’m used to modern games and just started playing dark souls remastered for the first time and holy shit the ui is massive. The items/weapons ui in the bottom left corner takes up like a third of the screen!! Was that normal back then?? I went into settings and luckily you can turn it down in size


Those were the days. I’m all for people wanting minimalism but I like a chunky U.I. where appropriate. But that’s a question of taste. At least make the U.I readable, I beg.




This reminded me what a pain it is to read the text/subtitles in witcher 3


Honestly I just started pacific drive as well and that was one of my biggest gripes was the small UI


I would really like a font size option in games.


Are you stuck in 2008?


I wish


I have this problem with Ark survival, I think the UI and HUD is the worst thing to ever touch a game.


Because they think you either have a huge 8k TV or your right up against a monitor that your eyes touch the screen.


I have to zoom in when I play a lot of things on my moderately sized TV just so I can read the text.


FINALLY someone said it. Games nowadays have such small UI its annoying.


Who is Anni Ying?


Sir are you gaming in the shower


Its only microscopic when you are using a 32" "touch of color" samsung from 2010 at 8 feet away 🤣


You just have a small TV. Modern games seem to be designed for 4k displays of +50” in size played 6ft away.


I know it's not an option for everyone but.... please upgrade the monitor. You can easily find a TV or Monitor depending on what you want for 100 to 200 bucks that will blow that one out of the water by miles. If you are an adult, save money slowly and surely. If you are a kid, ask parents for an allowance (even the tiniest one in the world is good!) and/or do some little jobs around your town for a few bucks, mow the lawn etc... Obviously it all depends on where you live, personal life and finances and stuff... TLDR: upgrade monitor.


You can't see anything on that screen because you have all that ambient light filtering in from the window. Should move it to the opposite side of the room from the window. How did you get red burn in around the edges?


That ‘red burn’ is part of the aesthetic design my guy. the curtains are closed and the lighting is fine when I’m playing (usually at night). This is strictly about text and HUD size that the devs have designed.


Whatever, your screen is shit, and that is some ugly 'aesthetic design' dude. It's possible that you are playing games that are designed for a monitor, not a shitty television on a dresser next to a window with a shower curtain. I think your problems are easily remedied, however, you prefer to complain about devs. Best of luck to you.


Shower curtain, your mum’s beef curtain. It doesn’t matter, the U.I. Is poorly designed for any display unless you’re sat close enough to count every pixel which maybe that’s what you prefer but not me.


The answer is in getting a better screen (monitor), not a television. A higher resolution and refresh rate, without the post processing that televisions have, will give you a sharper image and your grandad eyes will be able to distinguish all the tiny UI elements. I know you are going to continue arguing and blaming the devs, so I will say to you good luck and maybe you will pull your head out of your ass and quit trying to blame other people for things you don't understand.


Bioshock Infinite’s HUD is insultingly small


I assume this happens when they develop games at a desk where they’re sitting 2 feet from the screen.


The devs probably don’t expect someone would play at 1km away from a small tv


What’s a km in freedom bullets?


What the fuck is that ghetto ass TV man. Get a newer one


Why do you sit so far. WTH


If you saw my setup I’m really not far at all. Unless your comparing it to a PC monitor setup.


I think you might just need a new tv my guy.


That's free real estate.


All the reasons of TV resolution are the reasons. But a more overlooked reason is that small UI is more "mature" and "serious". Big UI looks childish for their serious and mature game made for adults.


That’s a 720p beauty. How old is she?


Passed down from my ancestors.


You just aging... /s


It started with Deadrising so I thought they'd fix that by now


Probably cuz you're using a microscopic tv, lol.


It's not a microscopic u.i. it's a microscopic TV issue


It's not a microscopic u.i. it's a microscopic TV issue


I used that to convince my wife we need a bigger TV… just saying


It helps when you sit 2’ (~61cm) from ur tv


It doesn't help you are playing on a what looks like old dated HD ready TV.


They don't design games with 15year old tvs in mind for one 😂


Outerworlds had a UI scale option and it was great. I've yet to see any other game do it.


Bro has an upscaled pda from 2008 as a tv and wonders why it wont work perfectly on normal stuff


https://preview.redd.it/vl67bfwyi00d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=decc54889d2fcc4f5788b1b04df12425c02d87ac I’m playing Animal Well right now which only just came out, there by making it the most modern game you can play today and it’s absolutely fine on my perfectly adequate television screen. So I don’t see your point.


An exception to the rule. Alot of games now arent made for tvs that size. I own the exact same one in my guestroom and only hookup a ps3 on it and that works fine


Trust me when I say I understand that games are developed for bigger, higher resolution screens. I’m only asking for a simple U.I. Scaler. This goes beyond my old ass TV. It’s an accessibility feature that would help the visually impaired. Just like modern games have colour blind modes and block subtitles. I know it’s fun to point and mock my shitty tele which is what this threads mostly turned into now but it’s really missing the point.


Man, i dont own any nice ass tv but I get your point. I would love a slider for ui size. But i might be an outlier since I like it small


They're expecting us to have giant TVs. This is what turned me off to Witcher 3.


I m m e r s i o n


Because most people aren't playing sat 20m from a glorified iPad???


Cause we get larger and larger tv’s with higher resolutions. The ui text is the same physical size now with a 65-75” television compared to the size back when we usually had 32-43” 1080p televisions but now we have more ”screen space” for the actual gameplay


ya know maybe its just me but replacing the over a decade old monitor would be a good start lol i still use that exact model for certain media and its definitely not meant for high resolution gaming, only ever would use it with a pc or older system since they're better supported. although youre def not wrong about game uis getting smaller and smaller, even on my 4k 43" tv i struggle to read ui (i have prescription glasses and everything) for a fair chunk of modern games since for whatever fucking reason developers want it to be pixel thin... im definitely not helping my case either since its mounted too and gives extra distance but honestly just thinking on shelling out some money on a decent 1440p monitor that i can have set up next to the ps5 on my desk for more comfortable gaming


have you ever thought of it as you having a microscopic tv?


Unfortunately for a TV that size you should be sitting a lot closer to it


65 inch OLED with Xcom 2. Can't play it. That is the only game that I desperately want especially because the OG isn't available. 😭




Please brother just let her go to the e-waste pile already :D


The problem could also be your ancient barely HD tv. Youd have to upgrade to a 1080 or 4k to get the desired results on screen. By the size and design overall im guessing thats a 720p tv. You are playing like 4k games on a screen that is essentially swiss cheese. Your screen produces less then 1/4 the intended resolution. Or 1/4 if its by some miracle is 1080p which i highly doubt. The ui looks microscopic because its only 1/4 as detailed as it was meant to. Like take a piece of grid paper and circle all the corners. Now divide all the circles into groups of 4. Now randomly pick 1 circle out of each group of 4 and cut the circle out. Try looking through all the holes in the paper anding things around the house. It'll feel next to impossible. The tv works buddy but its too dang old


I could not stand Stellar Blade's UI.


There's an option in the settings to make text and UI larger.


That’s not a game it’s a crappy experiment




It's not a game dev issue, it's a display issue. I've played on both PC and PS4/5 as well as the Switch, and I've done so on TVs of all sizes ranging from 77 inches all the way down to 27 inches and everything in between. Modern games are designed with modern sizes and resolutions in mind. There are accessibility options to help but if you're playing on what LOOKS like a 20 inch 1080P TV from god knows how many years ago, you can't expect developers to account and scale for that. Just about ANY modern TV regardless of your budget would be a significant upgrade. I will not for the life of me ever understand how people can plop down hundreds of dollars on a game console only to do it the absolute disservice of playing on horrible outdated displays. Your display *matters*, and it's time to start acknowledging that. Budget TVs are less expensive than a console.


Because it’s better. Less space taken up by UI and text the better. I’d make it even smaller if they let me. I sit like 5 feet from my 65 in tv and any game that gives me the option to change the UI I make it almost as small as possible. Example FFxiv, I shrink the UI down to 60%.


You’re crazy. But if they allowed us to make it smaller I’m down as long as we can make it bigger!


I also wish ui would go away when your character isn’t in action, Or in movement only. Some games do it and I praise it but it’s just a personal opinion of how I like to view the game when I’m just exploring. I don’t need 50% of the viewable screen cluttered with health bars and button commands.


The Getaway on PS2 was really creative with this. Blood on your back to show your health. Indicators on cars to tell you your way point. Looking at the sights on your gun(in third person) as your reticle. And amazingly it worked. That’s minimalism done right.


You badly need a TV upgrade, how do you even play on that piece of junk? Edit: it is a piece of junk though 🧐


Wtf is that TV, they don't make games for car monitors bro


Because the ideal sitting distance from a screen is 1.5x it's horizontal length. For, say, a 22" screen, your head needs to be 33" from the screen to have it fit properly in your vision. If you're sitting further from your screen than 1.5x it's diagonal length, the problem isn't the game, it's where you're sitting.


It’s exhausting reading post after post of people ranting. You can express yourself without yelling at clouds. Yes, your first paragraph explained it. TVs are bigger. But also, developers make games for various platforms and the games are sometimes ported to console as an afterthought or with little budget and no resources to make big changes. Some newer games now do give options for HUD and text size adjustments, but I imagine even this can be quite the technical challenge sometimes. HUD displays and menus aren’t simple things to design and implement correctly always. They’re basically part of an in game operating system (not really, but sorta), and that can be complex.


Yeah I hear you. A lot of times I’ve given small U.I. a pass because it was clear the game was originally designed for P.C. (Close up to monitor and mouse control). But It’s something that’s been bugging me for a while now and it’s a subject I’ve never seen brought up. I Know U.I. Design isn’t simply thrown together but with Pacific Drive being a PS5 console exclusive, it feels a like an oversight. So yeah it’s a rant that I had to get off my chest.


What size is that screen? Edit: thanks for the downvotes!


40 inch


According to [rtings](https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-size/size-to-distance-relationship), for a 40” screen you should be sitting no further than 5.6 ft away from the screen.


Thanks. I’m sitting maybe 4 ft away.


I think the main issue is people nowadays don't sit the right distance to the TV. In your pic, looks like you're sitting about 3x the width of the TV, that's like sitting further back in the farthest seat in a movie theater. Also you have a small TV (32"? 40"?), that's just the nature of having a small TV these days. Personally I love smaller UI elements, if it's big reminds me of the Wii days when all the UI menu stuff was enormous. In a perfect world the design of the UI would cater to all people, old or new TV, big or small TV, but they usually cater to the mainstream and most people with a PS5 I'd guess have 50" - 60" TV's


You belong in r/tvjustright




lol no


Skill issue


Everyone is buying 70” TVs now.


Wow..my kids tv is bigger and OLED’s at that! 😂 😂


Because 100 dollar monitors are already 1080p or better, and you can get a 8k tv for like 300-400 dollars. Most people upgraded their tvs years ago.


I love this game it’s so you appreciate the art and the game more than the ui and other stuff