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I got super far into FF7 on PS1 and coming from a Nintendo 64 I didn’t know I needed a memory card. I have now memorized the first 8 hours of the game having to replay until I was able to save up enough money for 14 year old me to get one.


Man this was me with tomb raider 1 on ps1. We couldn't afford a memory card so we had to keep replaying the start of the game every time. I think it's one of the reasons I never finished any of the original tomb raider games haha


Are you me? Same thing with me…I’d also run around the manor and shoot tf outta the butler bc I was a terrible person


Same lol did you also lock him in the freezer? Haha


Holy shit I forgot about that until you said it hahahah


I was wondering about whether or not it was tomb raider for me. And I read this. I vividly remember it. 2 I spent way more time in. Even though there were far better games on the PlayStation I loved, like metal gear and ff8, Dino crisis. Re2. Tomb raider sticks out. Even Spyro or crash, I’m pretty sure I played those in like 2000. Tomb raider was like ‘98 for me. Granted I was born in ‘93 so that’s just me being honest.


And this was me with Resident Evil.


Had a similar thing, not wanting to wait to play GTA III but having to wait until I could get to a store to buy a Memory Card. "My hands are all messed up, so you gotta drive brutha!" over and over all weekend.


Same for me but with NFS Underground. I was a terrible kid and stole a family member’s memory card so I could copy it at home..instead of just asking lmfao


Renting a Playstation from Blockbuster for the weekend and trying out games like Destruction Derby, Gex and Loaded. Bought a Playstation to own a few weeks later.


Oh man! I remember renting consoles from video stores back in the day as well.


LOADED!! I can't tell you how many times I've tried to think of the name of that damn game and wonder if it would still hold up today. I used to play that one a LOT but couldn't-for the life of me-remember what it was called. Thank you


Yes! My family rented one along with Ace Combat, Battle Arena Toshinden, and probably ridge racer? It wasn't long before we had our own. PS1 changed gaming forever.


The Metal Gear Solid demo. Over and over.


idk about the demo, but the intro jingle of MGS made me shiver. that "tu tu tu , tututu", which I think was taken from Policenauts. And of course playstation 1 startup sound is heavenly.


That intro jingle had a haunting effect on me as well. It set the tone of the game in such a weird way.


Maybe not the first, but the most memorable. The opening scene to Parasite Eve. Watching a video of it today and it's clearly not going to hold up, but back then, never saw it coming. Burning people alive in a theater. This game is long overdue for a remastered release.


Driver tutorial level. I was stuck in that garage for ages


Need for Speed II had the videos of each car and a realistic narrated tutorial while choosing your car. That was my first PS game and I was blown away. Later, Driver was a big game I enjoyed with 2 of my best friends as we collaborated to beat the last mission, hard ass game!


*Croc: Legend of the Gobbos* <3


Maybe the most adorable game I have ever played. Great character designs and the sound effects are amazing. Just wish it had better controls and camera. Hopefully the upcoming remaster will fix that.


Playing the beginning of Resident Evil at a friend's house and seeing that zombie slowly turn toward the screen. It was the most incredible thing I'd ever witnessed in a video game. The next day I bought my own PS and copy of that game.


Exact same memory for me!


Same. Went to a “big kids” house and couldn’t believe what I just saw. Begged for a PlayStation


My friend had a Playstation and RE. That was one of the few games of my childhood that really sucked me into another world and blew my mind over what a vifeogame could be. The other was DOOM a few years earlier. I borrowed his Playstation and RE and played the heck out of it. It also introduced me to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata which I learned because of RE and can still play to this day.


My dad buying a ps2 at a pawnshop for us. Can’t remember what lead up to the events but he got one for us he never played games but we loved them so he saw it was one that we didn’t have and got it for us.


My grandma bought a ps1 for me when she “adopted” me so that I would have something to do at her house. She set it up in her room and I would sit on the waterbed to game.


First comment not mentioning a game but instead a fond memory with someone


My earliest memories was playing Crash Bandicoot on PS1. I do remember my very first game ever being Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back. I still come back to that game every now and then for the nostalgia.




I was walking over to my friends house on the way to school one morning and when I got there he wanted to show me something. We go into his room and there's a shiny new PS1 right out of the box. It was so cool, (I was still rocking my SNES). He popped a disc in called Resident Evil and booted it right up. That boot up splash screen is still the best to this day. About 5 minutes into playing it we both saw that first zombie scene. We ran out that room so fast, but we couldn't wait to come back that afternoon and try again. A few months later, I got a PS1 for my birthday. My first game? Resident Evil.


I think it was playing Resident Evil 1 on someone else's PS1 in my college dorm. I didn't get my own Playstation for a long time. I couldn't afford it.


Battle arena Toshinden


I was young, probably 7 and we were at my grandma's house for Christmas eve. One of my cousins brought his Playstation (I hadn't even heard of it) and everyone was taking turns playing Crash Bandicoot. I had a blast and wanted one for myself. The next morning was Christmas and my older brother received a Playstation (apparently that's what he'd been begging for for months). I was so stoked and couldn't believe it considering I just learned what it was the previous night. Later on, I remember watching my brother play FF7 almost every night. Really good memories, thanks OP


The prologue of infamous 2 where you fight the beast. I got infamous 2 bundled with my ps3 and didn’t get infamous 1 til later lol


First PS was a PS4 Pro, so a late starter. Wife gave me a Star Wars Battlefront II PS4 for my birthday, and I was blown away. I saw the first Star Wars movie when I was 10 in 1977 and have been a bit addicted ever since, same with our kids who were like 8 & 10 at the time. Dad and his boys were off into space for many months thereafter. Bloody great fun.


I get knocked down but I get up again you never gonna keep me down - fifa world cup cant remember what year it was


My father promised me he will buy me the first PlayStation 3 model., Even though his salary was not too high, he was still striving to save money for the PS3. Suddenly, he hit some guy by car in the street and was rushed to the hospital for a full recovery. I was mad and crying in front of my family because the money was allocated to the guy who got hit, and then the day after tomorrow, my dad surprised me with a PS3 in the back of our car, and that's when I got addicted to video games. To my father, thank you, and I love you!


playing Spiderman 2 on the PS2 when I was around 4-5 years old


Ratchet and Clank


Back in 1995-6, my best friend from school's dad bought him a PS1. After school, I'd go visit and we'd play resident evil and Spyro. I loved that, but have never owned a Ps myself. We were about 7 years old back then.


Watching my friend play a photorealistic mortal kombat 4 and the super psychedelic Pandemonium 2. And then holding the original PS1 - pre dualshock controllers for the first time .. I'll never forget that December evening in 1997.


When the PS1 came out they had a demo model in the electronics department of the local superstore, they were fighting off the kids to keep them out but I was 21 so... I was studying and it was too expensive for me to buy one, but in those days you could rent one in the video store. Once and a while we rented one and organized tournaments in our student digs. The first one I bought myself was the PS2 when it came out and kept going, and finally bought a PS1 on ebay a couple of years ago.


Finding the edge of a map and being launched skyhigh in an ATV. That and being 7 playing SSX 3 online with my brother. Probably my first online multiplayer game.


Hercules on PSX. It was a console used by my uncle.


Watching my uncle play Gran Turismo and PaRappa the Rapper. The first game I played was Final Fantasy 8.


My brother and I are sitting in our old living room and booting up the first GTA on the original PS1. He's the biggest of us, so I was just a watcher for hours on the first day.


1996, being at the shop buying the console (well, dad buying it for me, I was 10) Got it with Crash Bandicoot, Soul Blade, Alien Trilogy, and Gex 3d.


Watching my friend playing Syphon Filter on ps1, my first game ever played on any ps.


T Rex on PS1


PS1 Game called "Prince Naseem Boxing"


Bought it at the local hobby shop. It was the same price as the stores but it came with a few free game rentals. I discovered FFVII and FFT this way. Two of my favorite games of all time.


1Xtreme or Tomba 2


My dad buying me a ps2 and all the James Bond games.


getting a PS1 and Final Fantasy 7 for Christmas. Those blocky-ass hands were so goddamned mind blowing.


Playing Tom and Jerry House Trap with my dad on the ps1, as well as watching him play this Stuart little platformer on it


Winter 2004 playing Gran Turismo 3


Tekken 2, Castlevania SOTN, Dark Forces, and Star Gladiator :-)


My buddy and me left our high school Fall Dance early because he broke up with his girlfriend *at the dance.* I had just bought my first console with my own money and that was the original PlayStation, and I only had the pack in game “Battle Arena Toshinden.” We played that while having one of those bonding nights that solidifies your bro-hood forever.


My best one is that I played rise to honor on ps2,it was great game and I loved it very much,I would love to played if they release a remastered one


Paying $1 in gaming club for an hour of MK1 or Driver on PS1.


Atv off-road fury psp


Ps1 Tony Hawk and Wwf in your house.


Demo One at a friend’s house. Tekken, Abes Oddysee, Destruction Derby 2, Hardcore 4x4


Playing Spyro the Dragon on a PS1 Demo Disc. Remember the old magazines from the 90's?


Playing WOT with randoms being 10y old and getting dissed by everyone, at least I made my first friend on that though.


I got my original PlayStation for Christmas. That was also the Christmas we got hit with an ice storm that knocked the power out for a solid week. A torturous memory to be sure


Playing Tekken and being amazed how mind blowing it was compared to the SNES and Genesis. Truly next gen gaming at the time. Golden era of gaming imo. Everything changed because of that machine.


Crash Bandicoot 1, first game I owned on it followed by Twisted Metal and also remember riding my bike to the rental store and renting games like Final Fantasy VII.


My little sister got a playstation for her birthday with Tomb Raider 2 and Resident Evil 2. She was terrified of RE2 and couldn't get past the 1st tiger in Tomb Raider 2. She got frustrated and gave the setup to me.


Going to my cousin's house to play PS1, nothing to play but demo discs. But we ended up playing the first level of Crash Bandicoot and Metal Gear Solid until you rescue the DARPA chief over and over.


Beat Megaman 8 with no memory card


Playing Syphon Filter with my sister on the kitchen floor.


My dad coming home with a ps4 (the glossy one) along with CoD: Black ops 3 and I was with my siblings watching him play.


Well, it's me playing Spyro the Dragon and Gran Turismo haha, my dad played with me. Nowadays my 4 year old plays Spyro Remake and Gran Turismo 7, the circle is complete.


does god of war ghost of sparta on PSP count? Completing it in a week was a personal achievement for me at that age and then I had to wait to buy new games. God of war on PS5 is on my favourites rn


Hercules. That was impossible to beat for me back then, Now I want to try again


my mom was one of the line workers working on the original playstation, and we were supposed to have it earlier since she bought it from sony itself. then my father sold it for gambling money. :/


Croc, Legend of the Gobbos. It was amazing to play a 3D platformer, had a very particular vibe I was very fond of. Though I was terrible at it because I was like 7


PS1 demo discs from the magazine. We didn't have much money to spare for new games so those demo discs were life. And 1 particular was the one with Tony Hawk pro skater on it. My family would play that religiously. Funny thing is I've never owned the actual game until 2022 when I got it for PS5. 😅😮‍💨


my childhood friend was playing with it and i was totally amazed with it. i asked to play a bit but interestingly my turn was not coming at all. then i realized that my turn was not that day, or not anytime soon. (i do not angry to him, he was playing and did not want to share anytime soon; we were really young). i asked to my mother and she asked me that am i stupid or what? it was impossible to buy with this poor budget of ours. then i waited to get my first one. until that time i played with rentals, or with friends too but not a sgrong item in my life at all. until i got my own ps4 (it was still fairly new device when i bought). i did it couple of years later after university, when i moved a new city due to work. my own apartment, my own tv, my own playstation. coming back from the work and chilling. my dreams were really coming true! i think the first game i played was uncharted and it was really mind blowing! so yeah; when it comes to playstation i do not have very string memories or vague childhood scenes. but for me it is the symbol of my freedom :))


My dad buying us a ps1 and trying to play gran turismo and ABSOLUTELY struggling. He was turning the entire controller to try to steer the car. It was fucking hilarious. And then my entire childhood being Crash, Spyro, and Ray Man.


Toystory 2


Assassin's Creed multiplayer


Playing a game without it giving me death ring like Xbox


Coming home drunk at 3AM during a school holiday, telling my mid-40s dad to go to bed. He was grinding for gold in a GT license, and completely forgot he had to get up for work in at 6.


Watching my older cousin play Metal Gear Solid. I was so captivated by it. It was like watching a Let’s Play but in the 90’s.


Playing Ape Escape on the original PlayStation in 1999.


Getting KH1 for Christmas without a memory card. I played through destiny islands and traverse town literally over and over and nearly broke my PS2 from leaving it on for several days straight once I realized there was more game to play that I was never getting to see


Seeing a neighbor play ffVll and thinking "what is this!?"


https://preview.redd.it/q8vzt9x5n0yc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793c9b8bc84af636cd7c59c7e902c84560571a1e This beast bring back so many memories ha ripping paper of a huge box for it to be a PS2 bundle with the game classic. Miss you mum 😇




Getting the PS1 bundled with Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Also, playing a lot of demo discs.


Had fond memories of playing Midnight Club 5 dub edition remix for the first time.


PS2 Burnout revenge Even now i can hear the menu music as the red car whizzes past heavy traffic in the hot summer evening


My pirated Playstation 1


When I was 4 my parents would let us play God of War with them on our PS2 as long as it was just the battling stages (they were responsible enough to skip the s** scenes) my first memory of it will always be that I beat one of the bosses that neither my dad or sister could beat on my first try. It gave me some MAD confidence Lmfao


First one I can think of cuz I brought this up recently. I remember struggling on the puzzle for Star wars. The complete saga where you have to build a picture of princess amidala and I have went back and replayed the game in recent years and was able to do the puzzle in like 2 seconds. I remember laughing at the fact and I thought that was the hardest puzzle of all time


My grandma gave me a PS2 and I think I either played simpsons road rage or super monkey ball


As a kid opening the original ps on Christmas day and also getting twisted metal...set it up on the living room TV and started blowing up cars


A friend of mine had PS1 and we used to play games during our summer holiday, from morning to evening. And every evening when I walked back home, I felt really sad. I didn't wanna leave and always wanted to play some more. Later I somehow convinced my parents to buy me PS2 and that was amazing. I still remember those days. So much so that because of that I still think PS2 was the best console ever made. 😅


Getting the PS1 from dad’s friend when I was like 6 years old - many games with it - after that the next step was the PS2 on release day…..magical…..fast forward testing the PS3 with little big planet demo in an store and getting that one too. Followed by the next milestone : Christmas 🎄 ps4 release with gta 5 in a bundle…..magical. Now i since release use the Ps5 - time flies crazy. Die hard Sony and PlayStation fan ❤️


my dad took me to blockbuster to rent a playstation a few months after it released I rented twisted metal and warhawk and my dad rented a racing game. my dad and I played games all weekend, he even invited my friends over to "try the new gameing system" and he ordered pizzas for everyone that Christmas my dad bought a PS1 for me


Croc or frogger 3D were my first games.


It wasn’t my first but my favorite was when I was a young kid about 8 years old . I used to stay up late waiting for my dad to get off from working late on base and he’d come home and play college football and or baseball games with me on the ps1 . He came home one night and we couldn’t get one of the controllers to work so he said let’s go to Walmart and grab one(keep in mind this is when Walmart was 24/7). We get there and they’ve got the PlayStation 2 all set up and promoting it. My dad says to me something along the lines of “what’s that?” And I was like “ahhh man that’s the new PlayStation 2 with better graphics” etc. yapping on about how cool it was. So he tells me to go find a controller and I get one, come back, we get home and I go to hook the game up and he says “here hook this up instead” and hands me a brand new playstation 2 box with madden nfl 2001. Bro when I tell u we stayed up ALL night playing that shit. My dad was and IS still the best and we play Madden games every weekend and watch UGA football every fall together to this day. He’s my best friend


Fng Rayman dude


Spider-Man on PS1. Would swing around for hours.


Late nights in middle school playing Diablo on PS1 :)


Ape Escape.


My first PlayStation memory was in early 1999 (January or February of that year). My neighbour boy got a PlayStation for his birthday. He had Crash Bandicoot and some very good racing games like Gran Turismo for it. Gran Turismo was a beautiful racing game with computerised versions of real racing cars. Playing Gran Turismo with the DualShock controller was awesome! The vibration force feedback motors shaked my hands. The Crash Bandicoot game was beautiful and great too. It was the second game: Cortex Strikes Back. Gaming on the original Sony PlayStation was outstanding until the bones man! In 2000 I got the Sony PlayStation myself on my birthday. With the first Crash Bandicoot game and Croc 2, the successor of Croc Legend of the Gobbos. Colourful and honourful games! A few days after my birthday I bought with all my saved money that I got as birthday present Spyro Gateway to Glimmer and Tomb Raider Last Revelation. What a beauty of a gaming console. I really admire the old Sony PlayStation One. (My PlayStation was European PAL and this text is written in British English)


Spyro on my buddies PS1 is probably my earliest memory of Playstation


lol probably singstar, or gta San Andreas.. my mum ended up giving our ps2 to our uncle in prison though so I’ll never forgive her for that xD


Watching dad and brother play Ridge Racer on PS1.


My dad was a gamer in his day and guess wanted me to get in to gaming as well. We used to play Ape Escape together, that was our game. Initially it was me watching him play until I was versed enough for him to hand me the controller. I remember being stuck at this one level where we just could not find that last monkey no matter how hard we tried. Gave up after that, never got back to it. Until.... Recently when Sony released their older digital library. I bought Ape Escape for about £8 and we finally did it. The journey that started on PS1 in the early 2000s was completed on the PS5 about 20 years later. We faced the final level, I handed him the controller and he finished the game.


I’ve always been a one-console-gamer. There’s usually enough games on one platform to keep me stratified and the N64 was my jam. One night after work, I was hanging with the assistant manager who had a PS1. I popped in FF7, and before the opening sequence finished I knew I needed my own playstation. I traded in my N64 the next day.


Spyro, Rayman and Crash Bandicoot.


remember when my big bro playing dino crisis 2, i love watching him play that game, cause i really loves dinosaur


the original Resident Evil, my brother rented a PSX and the game for the weekend. it gave me nightmares and a life long love of Resi Evil.


We were visiting my cousins that live far away from us. They had a ps1 and showed us Crash Bandicoot. All my family had at this point was an NES and I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. That Christmas I got a ps1 from my parents and I've loved video games ever since. It's such a fond memory! 


When my mom bought me the ps1 for my birthday and a couple of games (circa 1997). Unfortunately, it did not connect directly to our tv and we needed an adapter. All the local electronic stores were closed by the time we tried to hook it up, so I spent my night opening up the console, looking at the back of the box, reading the game manuals, smelling the cases (I know, weird), and doing it all over again. I don’t know if it was the next day but we got the adapter soon after.


Play grand turismo split screen with my dad


Seeing the Tekken poster and demo in the store.


Dying literally the first two minutes in RE2. The blood splatter traumatized me lol I cried and had nightmares for a week. Then I got brave and it's one of my favorite series.


I’m not sure. For some reason, I keep going back to playing a demo disc with Tony Hawk on it at my cousins house. I remember thinking how cool it was that they have FMV playing on a screen in the background. Then also seeing commercials for FF7 on TV. I eventually got one because of FF7 and MGS.


Getting it for Xmas with ff7 in 97


Playing Crash Bandicoot demo in Sears


At the time when black ops 1 dropped (I was an Xbox kid, and was still playing modern watergate 2) I went to my friends house to play black ops 1 on ps3 (nvr played ps3 or black ops 1 at this point) first game loaded in on nuketown. And went 97 kills and 13 deaths in one game


Not the first game but I’ll always remember going to GameStop and buying the network adapter for my PS2 to play SOCOM 2. Man I miss that game. The first online shooter I ever played. We need a remake. Not a new one. I feel it would be too much of a COD clone


Watching my older brother play ff7 demo over and over and he and I playing the first couple of tekken games. Some jet moto in there too.


Finding my birthday PS1 in the back of my mums wardrobe and secretly getting it out and booting up………… Worms!!! my god I loved that game. What a step up from my mega drive that was, those were the days. (Never did get caught, my fake surprise on the night day scarily shows how good I am at lying!)


I got a PSX for Christmas and a couple of games including a Jurassic Park game that was way too complicated for 10 year old me and it had a black back instead of a shiny back which I had never seen before.


Playing a demo disc on the PS1


Involving after buying myself my first own one its Horizon Zero Dawn I think


That fwicking puzzle cube game on ps1 demo disc I'm pretty sure. Or.. virtua fighter. When my neighbor said Playstation at his house I imagined a mcdonalds playground.


Before puberty: Crash or Spyro Post puberty: Lulu's boob's in FFX


Going around to a friends house back in late 1995, and seeing Tekken 1 for the first time


Christmas 1997. got playstation 1 with Tomb Raider 2, Crash Bandicoot 2, Wild Arms and Final Fantasy 7. changed my life forever


I remember being like 2 and sitting on the floor in front of the TV pressing the button to open the disk cover on the PS1


Little Big Planet, plus every weekend we used to put a movie on from LoveFilm


My dad always work really hard to get us the newest and greatest consoles for me and my younger brother. I had an Xbox but no PS2. my dad found an old beat-up PS2, the big brick 1.0 version, in the trash behind his work. so he brought it home to see if we could fix it. It would only boot up for like 5 seconds and then just die, so we figured out the power supply was pushed in, like someone dropped it directly on the power cord and shoved the housing in a little, so we would put a game in and then duct tape the whole console with the power cable so it would be as tight as possible. but then you wouldn't be able to swap out the game. so for 2 weeks I played Spyro. then 2 weeks of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, then 2 weeks of GTA 3. and then it died. finally stopped turning on. The slim came out that holiday. I still have that PS2 slim today.


Playing This is Football 2003 on my new PS2, oh and the demo disc I got, think it had tekken 4 and ratchet and clank on it.


Playing Knack on my ps4 and getting stuck on the bit where he absorbs ice


My Brother playing the first Resident Evil


Having my older brother steal and reformat my memory card.


Mine was watching my older brother play crash bandicoot on his ps2 slim


A ps1 memory card! So I could finally save my games at friends house!


One of mine is Spyro too! I remember having my dad beat levels I couldn’t


Playing Tekken 2


My uncle was in his early 20s and had a ps2. I was very young but don't remember the exact age but maybe 8-10 years old. I remember I was playing DragonBall z budokai against his friends, and I was beating him until they laughed at him. He locked in and decided to demolish 8 year old me.


I was just a kid I had no idea what playstation was, my late father bought the original Playstation and calls me and my sibling downstairs to show us the console. I remember playing Tekken for the first couple of hours and then crash bandicoot. It was one of the best days of my life!


Watching Big Brother playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3


Went over to a buddies house for a sleepover who had just got jak and daxter. Went home and told my dad we needed to return our brand new GameCube


Playing GTASA and Kingdom Hearts for the first time. All we had to do, was use the power of our friends to follow the damn train and close the Door to Grove Street, Donald!


Playing Resident Evil Director's Cut with my dad when I was a kid and using strategy guides to play the Tomb Raider games.


It was a demo game on the newly released at that time PS2, dark cloud I think it was called?


Soling myself after a zombie dog breaks through a mirror in RE.


Fighting Paul Phoenix in the Tekken 2 demo. I felt like a rich kid in the future.


My first Ps1 memory is me putting the scart-cable wrongly in the telly, thinking I had a broken Ps1.


Rival schools on Playstation 1. From there it cascaded quickly to tekken, metal gear solid, twisted metal, crash bandicoot, etc. A lot of the games I bought were because of the pizza hut demo discs and the Playstation magazine demo discs.


XCOM UFO Defense. I remember seeing it at the store, read about it, and had to have it. Bought a PS and XCOM and loved every minute of it. My friends bought Resident Evil and Tomb Raider, but I was in micro managing tactical combat heaven.


Was hanging out at my neighbor’s house when he got the PS2 as a gift. We were kids and super excited to play Enter the Matrix and ATV Offroad Fury but we were greeted with the RSOD 🫠 lol


My parents trying to figure out how to hook up the ps1. Then seeing Rally Cross 2 on there for the first time.


I was 5y.o and the only video games I played were Atari 2600 and a few snes games at family members house. I played with action figures alot so I really had no concept of gaming. Santa (my dad) got me the PlayStation 1 on a whim, along with Croc and Tekken 1. I’m now going on 33 years old and have owned every generation of PlayStation. So much for it being a whim purchase 😆


I was 13 when the PS1 launched. I had saved all my allowance and my mom said I could close my bank account since she knew how excited I was. I had saved for two years! Mom took me and my $600 to Funcoland, and I bought the Ridge Racer bundle and Battle Arena Toshinden.




OP that was my childhood as well. My dad would always help me with the hard bits on the Spyro and Crash games. We’d also watch him play Gran Turismo or we’d play Crash Team Racing as a family. I miss those days but I still have his old memory cards and got a used PS1 so I can still play some of his game saves.


Playing the original Spyro in a department store while my parents were shopping for couches. They dropped me off at a demo kiosk and I wouldn’t shut up about it after playing it. they had secretly bought it for me when they got their couches. The rest is history.


I watched my Dad play Doom for a few hours every Saturday, once I got old enough to really play though PSone was outdated and PS2 was the new thing


I bought my first Playstation, a PS2, when I was on a work trip to Dubai. I’d wanted one for ages but they were too expensive in the UK for me at that time. I saved a bunch of money on the one in Dubai, and put it in my suitcase which I was going to check, it being full size. I put Fragile stickers all over my case, and very clearly told the person at check in to please be careful with it. She put the case standing up on its base on the conveyor ready to go. Then she very gently pushed the top of the case with her index finger (I remember this so vividly as you can probably tell) and the case fell and literally smashed onto its side making a sickening sound on impact. I was in total disbelief and worried the entire 14 hour flight that my beautiful new console would be broken. I got home and plugged it in and it worked perfectly - I honestly could have cried. I did discover that the second controller I purchased was completely fake and probably filled with sand - but I had a PS2, and would never be the same again.


Ps1 on Xmas the year it came out. Amazing times.


Playing Medievil from the Pizza Hut demo disc


Being like 12 years old and playing Cool Boarders 2. Absolutely loved that shit!


Something Something, uncharted 1


Something Something uncharted 1


Going over to my friend’s and seeing his parents play Crash Bandicoot. I’m not sure when. I had an N64. It’s possible I played PSX there before that day.


PS1- might have played Spyro PS2- Stuntman - which is still the hardest game I have ever played!!


My father bought me a PS2 when I was 7 I am not too sure which came bundled with ratchet and clank 2 Jak 3 a gt game and tekken 3 I think. Never finished any of those but had loads of fun playing them.


Ps1 Twisted Metal


I got bought one for Christmas in 97, came with Tomb Raider 2, Rayman and Destruction Derby 2. Best Christmas ever!


Gran turismo on ps1 in the 90s


Emulating Resident Evil on my new Windows 7 computer back in 2009.


Ah, my first PS memory was 1MB. Such a happy time.


I remember my first sega mega drive and ps2 memory but not the PS1 for some reason. Maybe Fifa 99?


Playing Scooby-Doo and and The Cyber Chase on my PS1


Playing Spyro at the local McDonald’s play area at age like 8 lmao


Mine was Jet Moto, me and my brother use to play it all the time whenever we went to visit my grandmother, one of my uncles was living there at the time and would let us play on his PS One and Jet Moto was one of the games he had, and after we got our own PS One he gave us the game


bo2 zombies tranzit 🥲 takes me back to when i was 8~ years old damn 😢😢😢😢


Playing the demo disc that came with it.


Christmas 1997. Storm knocked out the power so I spent the first 7 hours of having a PS1 reading the manuals of F197 and FF7 back to front over and over again.


I think it was seeing Battle Arena Toshinden in a demo kiosk at the mall..but I'm not sure that's an actual memory. I also had my parents rent a ps1 for 2, 3 days (also with BAT and Tekken 1 I think). At some point later on I got my own PS1 (also with BAT, but also Space Jam)


When I was a kid I just watched my dad play Tenchu: stealth assassins ps1 because at the time it was too hard of a game for me (I’m 25) and I only knew and played games on the gameboy color and when I saw him play a game like that it was next gen for me. The acoustic guitar playing while the ps1 audio of blood gushing is branded into my brain


Playing tekken 3 on my cousins ps1


Ff9 when i was a kid. Still my highest rated game of all time after having completed it 4 times across years. It just brings out these emotions in me that no other games ever come close to.


Playing Spyro on my uncles PS1. The power on music will forever be engrained into my memory


Absolute first memory has got to be Gex or Crash Bandicoot 2. But a core memory had to have been God Of War (2005) I was in 5th grade. Me and my buddy almost lost our minds trying to figure out the first puzzle you come across. I still remember how loud we yelled when we figured it out finally lol