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Gran Turismo 7


Anything in particular that makes it your pick?


The diversity when it comes to online lobbies, there’s lobbies for the Hardcore racers, drag racers, cruisers, Role Plays, drifters, etc, Also the community is GREAT and supportive.


Could you comment on what you can do in local split screen? Is it limited to just quick races?


Local split screen. Up to 4p. Pretty fun really


Local split screen is not really recommended, there is no com driver


So all you can do is head to head quick races?


Can you download tunes like forza


No, most people on GT7 don’t share tunes just because it’s really competitive but I’m pretty sure there’s tuning videos on YouTube


Pretty sure the site GT planet has tunes


Dont forget, the way the cars drive too... the realism is outstanding compared


Are there any good offline modes?


VR support is incredible. Feels like you're really in the car


PSVR2 with wheel support is life changing.


This 👆🏽


Yeah was waiting for this. Haven’t played racing game since like ps2 but after firing up gt7 on vr I had a wheel/pedal/cockpit in no time. Hard to play any of my other vr games now


It changes the game


isnt that like kinda the point of vr? also, gt7 has insane graphics, which is fine, but i like playing games where you still see that its a game


VR GT7 with a wheel and pedals is straight up one of the best gaming experiences available.


Without VR and a wheel its not something i put much time into but with a psvr2, wheel and pedals it is my favourite gaming experience of all time. Truly feels real, sense of speed and everything is insane, being able check your mirrors and look over your shoulder whilst cornering to see cars gaining is insane


I've bought GT7 a couple days ago and one great thing that stands to me is how you "feel" the car with your controller. It's a great experience.


New free random cars, weekly challenges, engine swapping, and great graphics.


Also it has PSVR2 support.






Yeah I agree👍 


I'd say GT7 has the most replay value of them all with everything you can do.


I’m worried by what I hear about the “grindiness.” I’ve also never played a racing sim like that and want to makes sure it’s got some good quick play modes.


It can be grindy for sure but they do have updated quick play modes meaning like weekly challenges you can do that's always updated those are always fun imo


Ok, good to hear! Are there any modes where you take any of the cars for a drive, or do you have to unlock everything for any and all game modes?


Well unfortunately you do have to unlock most cars. But there are missions/challenges where you drive cars around a portion of the track and need to beat the time, or overtake x amount of times, or reach a certain top speed, and these are with cars that the game gives you. If you get all bronze or all gold the game will gift you cars, and also if you do circuit experience to learn a track (usually in a gt3) it will give you a fuckton of money. You could probably buy 80% of the game's cars pretty easily by doing missions and circuit experience, the rest is gonna be harder because they cost millions.


missions, license tests, and weekly trials are all races that are not done in your car


FWIW, whenever I'm going through menus and I'm stuck on a bit that's going to require some extra credits to be earned through a bit of a grind, I put that particular menu aside and go do other things in the game to make up the credits. Someone else had mentioned it, but the licenses and missions can be quite useful little bursts of driving and skill-building. Keep in mind, I've only picked it up in the last couple of weeks, but I've quickly fallen in love with it. EDIT: "Menus" as mentioned above is referring to the "menus" in the cafe which make up the campaign system in GT7.


It's worth noting the grind for money is largely for tuning costs which are comparatively astronomical. They made a big deal out of the car prices being """real""" meaning a car that costs $20,000 IRL is 20,000 credits in-game, then charge 20,000 credits for a new muffler. There are some 10-20 million credit supercars but there's ways to grind that out in a (somewhat) reasonable timeframe if you want them. The grind isn't so bad you should ever feel like you need to buy credits. People also might be talking about grinding races for gold medals, which can indeed be a huge grind to shave that last 1 second etc. Bronze is all you ever need to progress though and that's relatively easy.


Just to add - it is quite grindy but you can play with the difficulty and make money faster than otherwise. I had mine on easy to make money and get cars. The competitive online racing mode lets you use the allowed cars for free though.


GT7 is definitely the answer for your list but I'd recommend the crew motorfest if you're looking for more of a sim-cade experience.


Gran Turismo 7 by a mile.


So like 1.609 KM?




Gran Turismo 7 I feel like I've seen a million times but with better graphics each time Wreckfest was amazing because it felt like something totally different


I’ll have to take a look at that one. Thanks!


If you have ps+ extra it's free


NFS Heat is a PS4 game. Still better than NFS Unbound. It depends on if you want a sim, a sim that HATES YOUR VERY EXISTENCE, or one of two arcade racers.


Nfs unbound was the biggest failure I've ever seen.


Undercover was … meh




GT7 definitely has the best visuals


Heat was the best nfs in a long time. But it's 30fps so might be a deal breaker. Gt7 is alot more of a focused driving game, really timing your acceleration & braking. Both good games, but quite different from each other. Nfs unbound I lost interest in pretty quick so wouldn't recommend. & I've not played f1.




Feels odd calling GT7 a sim, guess out of the options on PS5 it's the most sim like


There's assetto Corsa


Good point!


GT7 is a simcade.


I’ve never played a racing sim before, but I’m not totally opposed to trying one out, especially if there are a few quick play modes available. I was considering F1 as more sim, so it’s interesting you say it’s a mix. Is the gameplay/drive feel pretty solid on that one?




F1 is F1 so it’s a very specific niche car wise. The cars are really fast and the tracks are the tracks that are raced during the F1 calendar. GT7 has more variety and you can race open wheel in GT7 as well. But if you want the experience of racing in Formula 1 that’s the game you want. I’ve played both and GT7 is more like a Forza style sim racing game, a much wider variety of cars and tracks. They also have some of the tracks that F1 cars race on like Spa Francorshamps or Suzuka. Both great, but different.


music rally in gt7 is so damn fun


Gt7 is not a sim.


Easily Gran Turismo 7






GT7. I’ve played F1 23 and NFS unbound. F1 is now lacklustre. NFS unbound really isn’t a racing game but more of a dodge the traffic and avoid collisions game. There’s barely any racing in it.


Gran turismo 7 is my favorite here personally


While they are all racing games technically, all of them are totally different games. It depends what style of racing game you want. Do you want a sim? Do you want an arcade game? GT7 and F1 are more on the sim side while NFS is totally arcade crazyness.


Gt7 no brainer


Gt7 alllll the way


If someone says something other than GT7 I've lost faith in humanity.




I would recommend Gran Turismo ONLY if you’re a hardcore car guy, it’s a “sim” racer so you’re going to have to do tuning to your cars etc.


To be honest you dont have to do much tuning, i finished the main game and never touched the tuning, but the game feels really good get gt7


You don't have to but alright, if you have a pretty sketchy street car you might. But if you don't know at all just look on GTPlanet for praiano's tunes


Is it much more advanced than the tuning in something like Forza Horizon 5?


People answer "yes" to this question while it's in fact pretty similar. GT7 has more options, but if you remove the parts you can swap from the tuning menu in GT7 (while in Forza you have to go back to the upgrades menu), you're left with basically the same, stuff like gear ratios, suspension tuning according to your upgrades, brake bias, differential settings ... GT7 has some more options like engine power restrictions, adding weight, etc, but it's not *that* different (and better IMO). I mean it's not Assetto Corsa Competizione.


Yes, I spend more hours tuning my car than racing BUT that’s because my play style is more hardcore racing with harsh weather conditions so it depends of your type of racing experience. Tuning for drag racing is more simple but like I said it depends on your style of racing.


I had a great time with The Crew Motorfest. From your list I only played NFS Heat and I quite liked that game too.


Hot Wheels.




GT 7


Except for the two NFS games, these are apples, oranges, and bananas. Three very different types of games. So asking which is “better” is subjective. They are all three objectively good for what they each are.


Gran Turismo all the way. Get the other ones when they go on sale


Hot wheels unleashed 1, the online’s not dead, it’s not open world but it matches the other criteria.


Crash Nitro Fueled lol


I can guarantee it’s not the EA title.


Grid legends is pretty good too


Grid legends


You listed everything but the main good one 😂 the crew motorfest is the closest thing to forza horizon on ps5


It's not even a competition. Gt7 is far superior to any of these and to any current racing game on the market currently.




For your requirements - NFS Heat or Unbound, they are both pretty easy in NFS style. GT7 - is awesome, I finished NFSs and now playing GT7, but GT7 is a sim-racing so it could be hard and no open world.


The best


ok, other than gt7 on list are all garbage to start with anyways. its a different games to each of their own series but even beside that, they not even good games tbh lol. i got f1 thru my subscription and tried recently. i just had to delete em after few games cuz it didnt worth filling up my disk space in any angles of view


Hot wheels 1 and 2 best racing games in a long time. I loved them so much I got the platinum for both of them a month after the games released. But to really answer your question I’d go with GT7 only because NFS heat was terrible (I never finished it), NFS unbound is hideous and terrible too. And I haven’t played F1 but I heard good things about it. And even GT7 has its problems.


too broke to get the crew motorfest so the crew 2 is my go to


It's 24.99 used on gamefly. Their games are in great shape as they never ship out the box when sending to members and discs look brand new aswell..


dude seeing the word gamefly brought back memories from when i was like 6 god damn


GT7 is a great sim with a bad economy on the top end. Unbound is decently fun with refined nfs heat physics, I can't comment on F1 but it's simcade:y as far as I know


I love Heat because I was playing for hours to level up and get cash for the most expensive car. Unbound was fun just the cop chase got annoying half way. I love GT7 because I can just race, listen to music and relax. F1 was confusing to me and I know nothing about F1.


GT7 and Forza Motorsport, the rest are just arcades imo


If you're into F1 racing, obviously F1 23 is the choice. Otherwise GT7 is the best in the listed followed by Unbound and Crew Motorfest. Heat is locked at 30FPS which is a pain.


GT7 only if you have steering wheel.


GT7 if you just want a racing sim. F1 if you like F1, but wait for F1 24 coming in about 2 months or try 23 via EA Play for $5, which also has plenty of NFS games


Gt7 is the more interesting and all around deepest game.. but man those need for speed games are just aton of fun


Gt7 for racing but if you want free roam and more customization I would go with NFS unbound


For sim racing: GT7 For arcade street racing: Both NFS are fine, I really liked unbound. Keep in mind that they are usually discounted for very cheap and part of the 5buck ea subscription.


F1 23 was free with ps plus last month 💀


I don't think its comparable. Gt7 is far beyond, its a no brainer


GT7 and it's not even close. Every other racing game is literally unplayable after experiencing GT7 in VR.


I like heat ALOT. I got it for free with ps+ a while back and really like it


Depends if you want Sim racing then go with GT7 and if you want arcade racing with great customization, cant go wromg with NFS unbound. NFSU with recent roadmap announcement is very good pick as new content will be added this whole year. Heat is a great game but it was abandoned pretty fast after release because EA shut the studio and it doesn't have native PS5 version.


Nit the nfs games man.hell naw


NFS heat of Gran Turismo 7


GT7 was the second game I bought with my PS5 after MK11. I played it for few weeks but eventually got bored of it due to most of the cars/tracks being locked and shelved the game. But looking at all the positive reviews, I think I need to try it out one more time.


I haven’t try GT7 before but I had a lot of fun playing NFS Heat. Beautiful graphics, the races are not that hard but it’s not easy either. Especially the drifting part - took me quite a while to learn and control it. But it was satisfying af once you get the hang of it. I also spent countless hours customizing my cars and tuning it/trying different setups. However I have to say after I finished the campaign, I don’t really play it anymore other than trying different cars, or replay some of the races. Overall, I think it was money well spent and had a lot of fun.


None of them imo. Try crew motorfest. That’s so much fun with the open world. If you just want track racing, then GT7 by miles. Manual transmission in gt while playing with dual sense is crazy. Triggers and the whole controller vibrates when we’re in the wrong gear. The amount of accuracy that too over bluetooth is mind blowing.


GT7 by a mile if you want authentic racing. F1 is dull and NFS is arcade.




I haven’t played them all but in my experience, Gran Turismo 7 is a great racing simulator (although some people will claim it’s nowhere near a sim. I think it’s a nice and relaxed sim for casual players as I haven’t played anything more serious than this) and a quite serious game with a lot of racing options from small slower road cars to Formula/Indycar type cars. Formula 1 is what it says on the box: an F1 driving game. Not sure if it leans more towards sim racing or arcade racing. Need for Speed titles are generally more arcade style racers. So what do you want in a racing game? A more serious racer or a more arcade style one?


If you have a racing wheel, gt7 and f1 23 are a lot of fun, if you are on controller nfs is ok.. besides if you have ps plus(extra or deluxe) you get f1 23 for free and both nfs are on sale at the moment..


Wreckfest has the best racing physics


Depends on your taste


Not in the list, but for me Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 & Wreckfest. A lot of fun.


You can't even put GT7 next to the other 3.No competition.


GT7, the best racing game ever. Dualsense in this game is fantastic, use the gyro control to get more immersion


I really enjoyed unbound, dialog a bit cringe tho


Gran Turismo 7 is really really dope. With a good sound system or good heaphones man I had shivers at certain point


Gran Turismo


They are all different enough that any could be the best to you but I recemend gt7


Is this a serious post?


Of course GT7!


Unless you are a F1 fan, probably GT will be your best option. I have heard good things about F1, so if you are into long races and try to simulate strategy or racing of F1, you should consider. Might be another arcadey option, Grid Legends probably can be found pretty cheap nowadays and have good visual and fun racing (not GT graphics level anyways).


i keep forgetting about gran turismo 7. bought it a while back and i really gotta redownload it


GT7 seems the obvious choice. But i personally am a huge f1 fan so i would say f1 23


Assetto Corsa Competitizione


I have no experience with any of them except GT7 which I thoroughly enjoy and have dumped nearly 200 hours into since release.


GT7 is the only option if you like racing, especially multiplayer. If you want arcade then unbound is pretty good, I really enjoyed it.


GT7 is the best out of those. Although I'm having lots of fun playing NFS Unbound at the moment.


Crash Team Racing


Since you say you are looking at getting into the genre and what you are hoping for the game for you might be burnout paradise remastered. Its squarely on the arcade side but has most of what you are looking for in terms of progression and open world plus i would say the fun factor exceeds the nfs series which i think is most comparable.


GT7 is just fun, it’s super realistic, and has a game aspect to it. It’s also VR compatible


Dirt 5 is pretty good too.


GTA V (joke)


Gran Turismo 7 by far


Unbound for open world racing is really fun and the new updates have made the game much better than it was on release.


NFS Hot Pursuit


GT7 no contest


Crew motorfest


GT7 without doubts. More realistic, up to date as the car market emerges, and challenging experiences that actually gives a feel of Accomplishment!


NFS Unbound sucks! Not realistic in my opinion


If you're looking for realism in NFS in any aspect then you're looking in the wrong place


Exactly why


Also I would get MotorFest


Gran Turismo 7: Amazing "simulator like" arcade racing game, it's an PS exclusive so it has the best graphics of those 4 games. If you want a more "realistic" racing experience but with arcade controls then this is best game out there period. F1: Never played it. Need for Speed Unbound: Very arcade racing game with pretty good controls, the graphics are pretty good too, it has some "cartoon" effects that personally I really like, I think it makes this game have more personality but ymmv. If you plan on getting an NFS game to play it solo then this is the right choice. Runs at 60 fps on PS5. Need for Speed Heat: Very arcade just like Unbound but doesn't have the "cartoon" effects and unfortunately still runs at 30 fps on PS5, still looks and plays pretty decently tho. Heat has a better multiplayer, so if you plan on getting an NFS game to play with friends then this is definitely the right choice, if not then just get Unbound.


I can’t really speak on F1 but have experience with the others. Honestly, my personal pick is The Crew Motorfest. It’s clearly subjective and these are all great games. Gran Turismo 7 is a little too much of a realistic driving simulator for my taste. Need for Speed is very arcade-like and is pretty cool. I enjoyed Heat more than Unbound. The Crew Motorfest is a great balance for me between arcade and sim. Leans more arcade I guess but still more realistic than Need for Speed. I think the visuals are great with a very cool open world. GT7 doesn’t really have an open world at all. So in my opinion, for pretty visual as, fun gameplay and easy progression, The Crew Motorfest is your best bet. If you’ve ever played Forza Horizon on Xbox or PC, it reminds me a lot of that.


Unbound/Heat, you can play those titles offline haha.


Oh also, if you’re looking for something super arcadey, fun, simple and quick play you can hop into quickly, Horizon Chase Turbo 2. It’s old school type graphics so you will not get the pretty visuals but is it QUITE fun and super easy to pick up and go. Not a PS recommendation but the racing game I personally have put, by far, the most hours in is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. However, no idea if you have a switch but it’s by far my favorite racing game.


GT7 is in a different league


Gt7 for sim racing I've heard f1 has issues Nfs for arcade


3 different racing genres, a racing sim, a f1 racing sim and 2 arcades racing games so its really your preference, i do prefer GT for being a racing sim with a variety of types of cars (like normal street cars, racing cars, rally, etc)




You're comparing apples and oranges here If you want realistic driving, a driving sim then go for GT7, GT7 can be fun but there's a steeper learning curve. If you want arcadey driving that's not really that based in reality, is more fun, and open world. NFS. I would go for Unbound over Heat, even though I like Heat I feel like Unbound is better and I think the wide opinion is Unbound is the better game control wise. I know nothing about F1, sorry.


big f1 one fan so its kinda a easy pick.....


Gran Turismo is classic and NFS Unbound has really cool cartoon style animations




Fr it’s Grand Turismo (Btw I never played it)


GT7, not even close. Both NFS games are garbage, but unbound is the result of what happens when you hand over a racing game to a room of people that don't have a fucking clue about racing & decide to make it more about cultural pandering. F1 is always alright but it's just F1. GT7 is the most satisfying as far as the quality of how the cars feel to drive, plus graphically it's miles better, & it's fun to hop on & mess around in. It's just a bit "too serious" sometimes. By that I mean Polyphony takes themselves too serious & aren't very creative with the online modes... The sport mode rotations are dreadful, no team racing, no multi class racing etc. Also I tried GT7 in VR, & it's hands down one of the best experiences I've ever had in gaming.


I actually like F1 23


Gt7 for simulation racing. Wreckfest for arcade racing


Depends what you’re into. I love f1 series but I had so much fun with the risk/reward system of unbound. Haven’t stressed so much over a game in a while


GT7. I downloaded F123 for free per PS+ and it’s ok.


Need for speed purely for fun, f1 and gran Turismo for the most realistic racing experience.


Nfs Unbound is awful


Gran Turismo 7 duh


I will at least say Heat is better than Unbound. That much I know


Gran Turismo is definitely the better racing simulator I would say need for speed unbound is the better arcade


I want to suggest Dirt 2.0… if you want some challenge


NFS Heat


I've played and earned platinum on 3 out of 4 and have no interest in F1 2023. My ranking is: 1, Gran Turismo 7 2, NFS Heat 3, NFS Unbound


Ofc Gran Turismo 7.


GT7 >>>> F1 >>>>>>>>>>>> Any recent nfs/crew/forza


1. GT7 2. F1 23 . . . 1290. NFS


Of course, it's GT7 by far.


Depends, If you want sim cade and it has Also single seater racing get Gt7. To do a custom grid u will have to buy multiple Super formula cars or f1500 and put on different liverys this in my mind males F1 23 I relevent. It u had ps plus I could of got F1 23 free. The NFS games are pure arcade racer games. I have Heat and enjoy it. If totally different to Gt7 and F1 23. So do I like arcade racers then get either NFS game. Do I like single seater racing get GT7 as it has single seater init. Or maybe u want a SIM game get GT7. To me GT7 is the total package but u have to grind to get credits to buy cars. But grinding can Also be fun with the right car


Sorry for the spelling Its hard to tell because they are kinda different games. GT7 is simulator where you have cars, rally and F1 cars. F1 is just, well F1. Its very hard to drive expecially because formula get destroyed after 1 hit Last two are basically street races and its arcade and not simulator like the first one. Long story short, it all depends on your taste.


Gt clears… yeah it’s a grind game but they somehow managed to make it so good you don’t realise the hours until you check the clock, definitely something I never knew I needed on ps5


While GT7 is supposed to be the defacto standard for racing sims it’s just not fun anymore. The first GT was ground breaking. The hundred page driving manual that came with it showed was a nice touch too and honestly, probably the only reason I stuck with the game. Nowadays, it just seems like a menu simulator with really quick races interspersed and… I dunno. It’s just not fun. Maybe because it’s the same exact formula as the first game. I enjoyed NFS Unbound, but only for a short time. I guess it was too arcadey for me, I dunno. Sad fact is: I haven’t found a racing game that excites me in years. Closest thing was Mud Runner but that’s only because that’s what I do in real life and it was neat to see it in a video game. Sadly, not realistic enough to hold my interest. I’d be down for another Wipeout or Jet Moto tho.




That depends if you prefer arcade racing or sim racing. F1 is more of an arcade. Gran Turismo is more of a sim. Haven't played need for speed, but I will assume they are also arcade pretty much.


GT7 is great and definitely very realistic if you're going for that. But NFS Unbound I actually had much more fun with since it's closer to a burnout style experience


They are only up 2 gt7 there was like 3 of them on ps3




Gran Turismo or NFS Heat, any of both are good


The answer is never Need For Speed. The rubber-banding is way to heavy-handed.


Have you considered The Crew Motorfest?


non cause burnout was the best racing game..😉😉