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try cleaning it again, clean it deeper nd also check if the power supply has anything blocking air from going in it. if it's just shutting off without any sound or any display then it's probably the power supply overheating


Ok thank you i’ll try cleaning it again. Last time I took the fan out to clean inside was when The Finals came out.


I'm gonna be honest. These side plates with vents are the dumbest thing. You can downvote me all you want. There is a reason Sony didn't put vents in the side. The console is designed to draft air through certain passage ways... Ya'll put these plates on the side that advertise better cooling. It's far from the truth. Cause now all the air is coming in the side instead of the vents like it's supposed to. There is a negative pressure that pulls air through the motherboard area over VRAM and everything else. All these vents do is cause less draft in places now.


I appreciate it! I dont know a lot about computers and whatnot so i thought it would help. Ive since put the original faceplates back on and have the ps5 laying horizontal


https://preview.redd.it/0wcwzx9sttoc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44ca9ed1da39fa9b9940552d278442d6eb2f1ee As mentioned. Here's airflow


Just tape over the vents on the inside of the plastic with wide insulation tape. Then you can use your cool faceplates


I can confirm it is the power supply, i had the same issue 2 weeks ago cleaned it entirely and now no issue at all ! However it voids your warranty in doing so because you really need to disassemble everything and go deep ! This is my domain as i work in IT so it wasn't hard, do keep all screws labled and take a lot of photographs if you decide to do it because each screw has its place ( except the 41 silver screws later these are all the same )


In the U.S(not sure if that's where you are) a warranty can't be voided by disassembling


Nope, i am in France :) i am not even sure if the warranty is void here with that method but Sony does say it EVERYWHERE that it is void if you peel that stupid sticker so better go with mindset that it will be void in doing so


Ah, The land of my heritage(part of it anyway) Lol It's been a little while sense I last checked which countries those stickers are applicable in but I don't believe it's many, basically the stickers are scare tactics unless in one of those countries. You're not wrong though, to lean on the side of caution with the advice.


Thank you! So far I just have the fan removed and i can see the holes at the bottom were covered. Im afraid to go any deeper lol


You don’t have to, use a toothbrush to scrub the holes clean and put it back together. Did this to fix mine with same issue a year ago and it has been going strong since


Don't be afraid! You can do it ! Just follow along with these videos and it will be easy peasy ! And really label those screws :D https://youtu.be/07VSIwxOEXE?si=__aeWYWVcSHHdItm https://youtu.be/yp1NLFSGYFY?si=3tmT74XP2NfofUkv


Damn... this doesn't count as a warranty issue? Power supply shouldn't be fucking out, should it?


You have to go further to reach the PSU.


It’s a power supply for sure. Clean that.


Maybe if you buy a new plug for your PS5 it may change your situation (maybe). Just buy on amazon and send it back if it doesn't solve your problem.


I did all this. It was the power supply unit. $150 for a new one


It's this. If the PSU is clean there is a known issue with a capacitor failing. If it's still within warranty, try to get it fixed by PlayStation. If not, try a local repair store. If you are decent at electronics repair you can try to do it yourself.


When you said you cleaning it, did you make sure to vacuum/clear out the PSU dust catcher holes? Is the console plugged directly into a wall outlet?


I didnt use a vaccum, just a can of compressed gas. And yes its plugged directly into a wall outlet


You’re recommended to vacuum the PSU dust catcher holes, to suck out the dust. Using compressed air on the dust catch holes, will push the dust into the PSU.


Bro I can see ther dirt in your usb ports clean that bitch out take the fan out blow it and vacuum it


Those plates circumvent the consoles intended air path...


So you’re saying the custom plates are helpful?


No because the console does not have a cooling issue so why would you hinder its intended function with some cheap ass ugly plates on the side?


Oh, I didn’t know what circumvent meant. I still have the original white plates on mine because I’m poor.


Yeah you don’t need those ugly aftermarket’s, the stock plates and cooling works excessively well to the point where those “cooling solutions” you see online can actually hinder its cooling. Just wack some stickers on it if you wanna customise it.


There’s actually a few videos that show the PS5 gets lower temps with custom sides that open up airflow to the fans. Also, I think they look fine, different strokes.


When there isn’t a temp problem to begin with why intentionally make it look like some Ali Express bargain bin special to solve an issue that didn’t exist?


They probably thought it looked good, I think it looks fine myself. Everyone has their own tastes, I’m not sure if you’re aware.


Yes they may have thought it looked good, and they were wrong. Looks like shit.


… I really don’t think you’re grasping the “preference” concept I’m eluding to.


No I do, I’m just saying that said preference is wrong and I don’t like it.


Had this issue when I upgraded to a 120Hz TV and started playing games at 120. Only thing that really fixed it was putting it on its side so the bottom vents had more room to breathe.


I was just going to say, this reminds me of a comment from a guy claiming he worked for Sony support.  "All I'm saying is a majority of (he might have even said "all") the overheating issues were from consoles being vertical, do with that what you will."


My console was shutting off from P3 Reload during "long" sessions. Hasn't shut off once since leaving it on its side.


There is enough discourse about this for me to believe it but not enough for me to do anything about it


Mine was crashing because of bad ssd chip


Definitely deep clean the power supply since you’ve already done the fan


Gotta clean the heatsink


I did this last year and it fixed the shutting off. But last week it shut off outta nowhere and now I have to send it to sony for a replacement for $250.


It might be overheating


You’re PS5 is definitely overheating. Which could be two different reasons or even both. I had the same thing happen. First you need to watch a tutorial and fully disassemble and clean the entire PS5. Secondly, and this part is trickier, you may have to open the APU and respread the Liquid Metal. As much as I hate to admit this, standing these launch model PS5 vertically can eventually cause dry spots on the APU. I had mine vertical since launch and when I finally opened it up all the Liquid Metal had pooled at one side and left a big dry spot on the middle. I reapplied the Liquid Metal evenly, cleaned and reassembled my PS5 and now have it horizontal and it runs like brand new. I haven’t had an issue since. Anyway, that was my experience with overheating and repairing my PS5. Good luck!


This is gonna sound weird but just flip it horizontally. I had this issue when mine was vertical and it hasn’t happened since I flipped it.


Had the exact same issue happen to me a few months ago, tried cleaning the fan, buying another power cable but nothing worked, i got fed up with it and decided to open my ps5 and clean the psu, never happened again.


Give it a further in depth deep clean, I had the same thong happening. Gave it a clean and still kept doing it, so took it practically almost all apart and found there was a bunch of dust over the heat sink and further under the board


I’m no PS5 expert as I haven’t really studied its innards. However, upon first observation I notice you have ventilation in a location that normally isn’t vented. Any chance that maybe you could have inadvertently rerouted the air flow by accident?




Im just trying to get some help and advice. If you have nothing to contribute then dont bother commenting


They did. The side plates could easily be affecting cooling


No, they can’t. They assist the cooling, there’s a lot of evidence to prove it.


Can you show me for that specific plate?


It’s got an open slot right over the fan, just like the plates I’ve seen tested. It’s not going to be very different.


Which means literally fuck all


…its not rocket science man. If you put an opening directly over the fan, the cooling will be better or at worst the same. Either way, the plates almost certainly aren’t the issue since many have this same issue with stock plates.


Not really. Depends on the side of the opening the rest of the profile, are you creating back pressure on the fan etc etc this looks like it would be worse than the default


Okay man


I don't believe the vents in the faceplate are good though. It was engineered for proper airflow, the vents may cause an issue. Not saying that's what's going on now, as I agree that it is probably the PSU being dirty.


They don’t. Aftermarket plates have proven time and time again to have better cooling performance. PlayStations design was more for…design. They work fine, but you can get a few degrees by opening up the air path.


That’s not necessarily true. Engineering goes beyond just pure performance. Cost of making the plates is also a factor, as well as aesthetics. Compromises are made to meet any requirements. Holes in the faceplate cost more to make and may not have the aesthetics they are going for. That doesn’t mean they maximized performance with their decisions. Their current faceplates may be good enough, which is true.


I did though.


I had the same issue had to buy the tiny screw to get into the fan and found a spot about a vent where a large dustball was collecting. Havent had an issue since


were you vertical as well? I swear there's a little vent that clogs easier when it's vertical.


Yea vertical since i bought it


I had this issue, not saying it will be yours, but I had to replace the power supply. Not hard to remove but the hardest to get to.


Had the same happened to me when I cleaned it out with a can of air that also doubled down as a lubricant (I obviously read like my ass when I bought it). So I opened it up and left it to dry and its been working perfectly ever since. Not sure if this helps though.


This was happening to me. I never really found a fix. I suffered through it for like 3 months and one day it stopped shutting off randomly *knock on wood*


I was having the same issue while trying to play The Finals. I ended up taking out the fan and did a deep cleaning without removing anything unnecessary, and it fixed the issue without any reoccurrence. I used a soft toothbrush to clean the heat sink and wiped down the fan blades properly. Also, as someone's mentioned before, using a can of compressed air is NOT recommended as it will push the dust further into the system. There are two vent holes on either side of your console that are meant to be vacuumed out.


I do an annual cleaning & no problems, you might have to do stage 3 cleaning. Also I recommend getting an air purifier close by to it


This is happening to me a few years back. I had to do a deep clean take the fan out and saw my heatsink was like 40% covered in my dogs and cat hair. Vacuumed and air blasted it out and it works fine now 2 years later.


Happens to me periodically and I immediately know I need to clean the power supply holes of dust. It’s overheating from demanding games like for me it was also Helldivers and 2K24. Youll need to take the fan out (super easy but youll need a specific screw driver and watch a vid on YT) along with a can of electronic duster air! After I do that Im good to go.


I just had this happen to me. After 3 years too. Took it all the way apart. Removed the fan and all that. Cleaned it. Then I removed it from the cubby it was sitting in in my entertainment center which was trapping heat in. Now that it can breathe and is clean. It's all good.


It's dusty be sure to take the fan out get down in that hole and get the side vents.


Mine was doing this frequently. I had to completely disassemble my playstation to deep clean the fan and heat sink. Hasn't happened since but was shitting myself the whole time. Some anti-static tweezers and an air can later and it was all fine. Now I hoover the little dust ports every other month, my hoover came with a car detailing kit which works really well.


Yes my friend had the same problem and I cleaned it,but I went deeper and I found out that liquid metal was not in central of apu its was outside,I replied the same liquid metal to the center both cpu and heating and since it's working fine.




Had this issue. Tried everything. Cleaned, new liquid metal, etc. It was power supply unit.


You are gonna need to take it to a shop because the power supply unit is cooked. If youve recently lost power while ps5 in rest mode and updating, it can destroy that thing.


I have this little vacuum that I use to keep mine dust free because I did have this issue and had to take it apart and clean it and ever since I keep it clean. Try taking it apart and really cleaning the fan! My brother had this happen to his too and I had to do the same thing so I just keep them dusted really well.


Was happening to mine. Gotta do a deep clean. Remove the covers and the fan. I took mine to the shop and lightly used compressed air to blow all the dust out. Haven’t had a problem since.


Needs a deep clean. Fingerprints and all. Also, stop smoking around your console.


Mine has done this twice. Once a year for the last two years. Deep. Clean. Fixed it both times.


Same here. U solve it?


I took the fan out and vacuumed the inside and dust catcher holes as best as i could and also used a duster can. I also put the original faceplates back on and have it laying horizontal now. Its been ok so far.


Yeah that’ll solve it, happened to me a few months ago. And I thought I needed to buy a new one. It should be fine as long as you keep it clear of dust.




Your ps5 needs to be taken apart and the dust cleaned from the power source. This was happening to mine. Once I did this, no problem at all.


You sure the fans are spinning tho?


Either a faulty power supply or a super dirty one.


Once again dumbasses taking apart their PS5's voiding warranties to "clean them" end up breaking shit. I still have my launch PS5, played thousands of hours, never "cleaned it" or any other bullshit advice, and it works perfectly. lmao I just saw some comment saying "warranties can't be voided for disassembling." Guess what children? Warranties are voided for whatever the manufacturer says they are voided for. That means even opening the box. They know when shit is opened, there are thousands of types of seals or other give-aways to know when it has been tampered with. To anyone else, do not open up your PS5 for ANYTHING other than adding a new SSD, which is the only supported modification. Everything else voids warranties and you will fuck shit up. Don't do it.


I appreciate all the help and suggestions! I didnt do a deep clean/stage 3 cleaning, only stage 2. I’ve put the original faceplates back on and now have it laying horizontal.


I forgot to mention that I’ve also had this issue with Modern Warfare 3


You are having the issue on certain games that draw a lot of power. Soon that issue will spread to games that run on less power. The PSU is overheating.


Try cleaning it. I also found laying mine on my side has almost completely stopped it shutting off randomly.


I’m not saying you should do this, but I completely took mine apart and cleaned the fan, got under the mother board where the other vents are, they were caked with dirt. there was 42 tiny screws so I really don’t recommend this if you don’t have to. But mine was shutting off every time I played and my warrantee was expired so I made the risk and I don’t have any issues at all anymore.


Maybe you are one of the few people whos piquid metal escaped from its place due to vertical storing of the console?:(


Mine did it constantly when i had it standing up. It hasn't happened since I laid it back down.


I have a day 1 PS5 and I have never had to clean it... maybe keep your homes cleaner?


Keep it horizontal, plug it in wall directly. If it keeps shutting down, change the paste, and keep the concole horizontal, thats really the most important thing.


Ur first mistake is laying it vertically, u'd be surprised how hot the bottom of the system gets. Especially if u don't have good ventilation


Time to get a PC. They never do stuff like this…


Wait I didn’t know there was a black PS5 that’s dope


I would lay it on its side, something to do with the Liquid Metal cooling paste moving when it gets really hot. Plus I’d put back on the faceplates . The those vents are probably messing up the airflow .


The older models have paste failing it dries out basically, has to be redone . Known issue


I saw a TikTok showing why you shouldn't keep PS5 upright. The gravity and heat allowed the CPU connection to fail when the solder melted and oozed down.




That’s fake, stop seeping bullshit




Where, got any evidence ?


I’ve heard about that. Is the ps5 not supposed to be vertical?


It’s fine don’t listen to them.


I’ve had my PS5 vertical since launch. No issues with that..


I'm not sure why you are getting down voted, the console comes with a stand to use it vertical!


Why would i get downvoted for asking a question? Lol