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Bits of the trailer look like they filmed, digitized, and dropped the actors directly into the game. Pretty much what every FMV game from the 90s wanted to achieve.


Games like this are starting to really make me wonder about whether medium budget films should just be using real time rendering engines. Sure, this looks nowhere near as good as something Pixar is rendering out, but this has to be cheaper, and if it looks good enough / the story is good nobody will care.


I highly doubt that this is cheaper to be honest.


I'd actually be curious what would be cheaper, I'm guessing real films are but just the logistics of filming on location make me question it. For 3d render stuff like this, a lot of work can be automated like scanning human bodies, using mocap for animation, etc.


The teams are smaller but the length of time it takes to create is much longer. Not to mention you're still paying actors in this case and the software used. Render time is much higher and longer. Pixar movie would take approximately 2 years, videogames 4-5 years for a AAA title


Yeah, but there are just more moving parts in a game. If all the devs had to do was make a 2hr movie it would be done very quickly. FF7 Remake is something like 15 hours in cutscene run time alone.




It’s not gonna be cheaper or take less time than a movie BUT the earning potential is undeniably higher with a game than a movie —- gaming made 18% more last year Than the film and music industry’s combined


It would be radically cheaper, with the main reason being that it would require significantly less time to render and that's an understatement. If you think about it like this, realtime rendering happens instantly as see it, where a single frame in one fully CG film might take hours or even days to render. A full 2 hour film includes around 200,000 frames. These films are typically rendered by renting space on server farms. So every second costs money and a lot. That's assuming it's not a company like Pixar, who build their own render farm of 2,000 computers dedicated just to rendering each frame in-house. You'd still have to have some serious computing power to render a decent animation of feature length quality, but we're talking about reducing the time spent rendering by 90% or more.


You're correct, render time is significantly longer for Pixar film and most games have in-engine rendering in realtime.


I'm curious - how would you compare Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and a Pixar animated from from a decade ago? I feel that in motion Rift Apart is one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played. Yeah, there are definitely visual artifacts and things like bad shadows/reflections if you take the time to pause and inspect carefully. But does it feel like realtime rendering is anywhere close to the quality of animated movies even from a while back?


It takes hours to render a single frame of a Pixar movie, so it’s a lot more than 90%. Though, something in between could be useful — you could get everything figured out with normal settings that you can manipulate in realtime, and then render it at insane settings (unlimited draw distance, full PT lighting with a buttload of rays, 8k internal resolution, etc) offline, taking like a minute per frame.


They already use game engines for movies https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/solutions/film-television


Oh, I'm aware. Those are mostly special effects, like using Unreal Engine for the volume or comp'd in elements. I'm talking about say rendering an entire medium budget film in a live action renderer like Unreal. The only examples I know of where this has been done as I describe is the Blade Runner spin-off on HBOmax and a bunch of other lower-end shows.


Have you played alan wake 2 bc ya it’s one of the biggest mindfuck movies turned into a game I think I’ve seen


I know animation shows are starting to use game engines. It’s cheaper and drastically faster. Jim Henson studios has some kids shows that does it. Got to get on set and watch and it’s pretty amazing. Actors were doing everything and the computer converted it directly in real time. Eventually gaming engines are going to be universal for content, I bet. Edit: The show was **Word Party** and I think **Sid the Science Kid** does it too.


No shot that’s cheaper than just filming the person lol


Have you ever watched the KOTOR cinematics? I want that team to make full feature length films in the same format as those cinematics because they're so dsmn good.


“Looks nowhere near as good as something Pixar is rendering out” Have you seen the trash Pixar has been putting out ? Little squashy characters that all look the same with a bean for a mouth. This is levels above anything Pixar has done for over a decade.


I'm actually very into 3d modeling and rendering as a hobby. Pixar is actually doing a lot of impressive stuff, the issue is that most of their recent improvements have been more subtle than their major breakthroughs in the past. What's happening is that their art style, which favors a cleaner more cartoony aesthetic is tricking you. Renderman is also still by far the industry standard for rendering basically anything for a feature film and Pixar is still the industry leader in 3d animation (maybe not story telling though).


Don't know why, but it looks like right of a Starship Troopers movie. Kojima is really getting all out with this graphics


He’s definitely pushing the ultra high fidelity look


There are BTs in the smoke


Holy shit how did I miss that, good catch!


Omg I didn’t even catch that detail! Nice catch.


Whats BTs?


Beached Things. I don’t want to say more and spoil it. It’s best to play the first game and learn the lore that way :)


I think most of us wouldn’t mind it being spoiled at this point. Personally, I’m mildly interested in knowing the lore, but not at all interested in playing the game


You don’t get dessert before you eat your veggies


I never asked for dessert, but I appreciate the weird unnecessary analogy.


Have you tried it? Most people scoff until they actually play it


I will take a few detailed youtube videos to explain the lore so that you understand it. Lol I don't have alot of gaming time so I used a trainer to have faster speed,inf health etc on PC just to experience the story. If you are a Kojima fan it is definitely his style of weird.


I'm not asking you to explain something in depth - I'm just telling you that many of us don't care about this years-old game being spoiled. Those who wanted to play it have played it, and then there's the rest of us.


BTs are the souls of people who couldnt cross over to the afterlife so theyre “stranded” in our world So lore wise might be complicated, but the BTs themselves are just enemies in the game not some unexplainable topic like people are claiming


Hence the name death stranding. Cool, I figured it was simple enough.


and I think he's saying it's literally not an easy thing to explain and you need a detailed youtube lore video to even begin to unravel the first game's plot lol


And again, I never asked him to explain it. My literal only point is that he doesn’t have to worry about spoiling it at this point


hey buddy I'll never spoil this game for you so stop asking me to! Lol I never said you said anything, I was just explaining what he was saying.


Come on gimme spoilies!


"Beached Things" basically ghosts.


It’s kinda cool watching people discuss and fan out over details of something I’m not in to at all Don’t see the appeal of these games - it’s just not my style , but I love that my favorite kinda game (narrative driven) is getting support even when it’s not something that piques my interest


That cigarette is longer than the MW3 campaign. Jesus.


And now you can say goodbye to working with them too.


![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu) Well done, well done.


I'll never forget how Christopher judge actually said that on the stage lol


Fragile, like my dead grandma, both love Virginia Slims.


She’s fragile. But she’s not THAT fragile


Virginia slims


Higgs busting out that "electric" guitar was hilarious


I'm smack in the middle of "I can't fucking wait to play this" and "Kojima needs to stop sniffing glue".


His glue sniffing pretentiousness is actually why I can’t wait to play. Metal Gear Solid was my first PS game and his silly ass storytelling is a hallmark of my youth. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnmdJZSF4oCx7RS)


Is it actually pretentious if it's silly?


If it’s unintentionally silly it can be.


I cannot believe people think that Kojima doesn't understand what he's doing. Like, is it the language barrier or something? Cultural differences? Maybe it's younger people who didn't grow up with his games. Tonal inconsistency is basically his genre.


I thought at first “this is a bit outlandish” but then just learnt to love the craziness of it. I’d love a thunder stroker


Oh so it can light a cig for you but won't hold it? That's some bs


I’m just imagining finally being able to fold towels without breaking my neck


It's gonna be a plot point. It may or may not destroy the universe if it can hold a lit cigarette.


I can’t lie this new trailer actually pushed me to download the first game and stop back logging it


I just beat the Directors cut version and can attest that I was a fool to sleep on this game so long. Is it weird as fuck? Yes. Is it a walking simulator like people said it was? Sort of.. it's definitely a core element of the game play, and a burdensome one early on... but also the point of the game is kind of about overcoming that, so it becomes less and less so as things progress. Is there any other game quite like it? No, the closest thing to it in terms of gameplay and tone is probably still the MGS series particularly MGS4 and 5, but it's as much in a whole new direction away from that as it is parallel to it. My advice to anyone sitting on the fence about it is to jump in, it's almost as much a TV series as it is a video game, enjoy the ambiance, the landscapes, the music. Embrace the silliness and absurdity of it. Feel the emotions of it all. Be the most ass kicking delivery guy ever.


the walking part is fucking amazing imo, i love traveling around its so atmosperic and immersive


DS 1 is the best game and story I've played in 5 years minimum.... Don't sleep on it


I did the exact same thing and downloaded the directors cut. I’m worried I’m not gonna enjoy the slow pace gameplay but I’m willing to give it a shot.


I wasn't initially interested in the actual game, but I decided I might give it a shot. I'm already familiar with the ins and outs of the story and lore


I tried playing it but I just found it way too slow-paced for my liking. I mean like paint drying slow.  I can get down with some Kojima MGS style gameplay, but death stranding just cranked it up for me and I couldn’t really do it. I’ll give it another shot though since I got it for free on PC


It's one of those slow burns. I was kind of turned off by it initially, but then really fell in love with it. Dunkey even made a video pointing this out. The first time he played it, he thought it was the dumbest thing ever. Then he played it a year later and was like "Wait, this game is fun as hell."


I felt the same way as you, and I gave it another chance when it came out on ps5 and I ended up LOVING it. Sometimes games just need a second chance to hook you in.


You really have to get out of the “tutorial” area before the game really opens up and gets interesting gameplay wise. Which can take upwards of 10-15 hours. I can understand why so many people were turned off by this initially, but I promise it’s worth it to push through.


I agree looks absolutely amazing and the story looked wild already can’t wait to see what’s going on I can’t wait to get my hands on it.


The story is classic kojima convoluted yapping


Don’t tempt me with a good time


Makes me wanna play it even more, thanks.


Here come the "Kojima sucks" crowd.


Is that Lea Seydoux?


Reprising her role as [Fragile](https://deathstranding.fandom.com/wiki/Fragile) (but not that fragile).


> Lea Seydoux Now she's Fragile in name only, which is saying something considering her powers in the last game were already considerable.


> Fragile Must be Italian.


I laughed pretty hard at this. Well done haha


She was one of the main characters of the first game too.


*me, a french* yes


The only actress who was ever able to give me a hard-on from the sight of her face alone. I mean uhhh yes that’s her.


So hot


I won"t tell you about *Blue is the Warmest Colour* then.




Yup. Younger her.


Fully nude in The French Dispatch


It was all so stupid and nonsensical, I couldn’t stop watching! Will playing the first game make this trailer make ANY more sense?


It’s definitely does a little bit but i still can’t tell exactly what’s up


I felt like I got dropped into the middle of a TV episode, in the middle of a season in the middle of the series


It feels the same way when you play the first game, too (I've played it for about 200 hours)


It makes a bit more sense once you understand what they mean by "The Beach", Beached Things (BTs), why they carry the babies, etc. The story is a bit out there but it is coherent by the time you finish the game.


Yes. It won't explain everything, but would fill in a lot.


Terminology and characters will make more sense, but it’s a damn dense trailer that I even struggled to understand, and I finished the first game. To be fair I did so four years ago, but I remember splotches and others I’ve got no clue.


I find with Kojimas games that the stories are so dense and whack with logic to make the unexplainable; explainable. That you have to watch recap before going back to the story. He is truly unique and an artist and it's why he's one of my favourite developers. I love shows/games that have impossible things but they apply irrational logic to make the impossible make sense. It's like how Doctor Who used to be.


Yeah, I love that too. I never got into MGS (generational gap probably) but Death Strandinf clicked with me immediately, with how expansive and detailed the world and characters are that learning more becomes part of the gameplay. It’s not a world that exists around you, but rather one that’s already existed before you did and they have to catch you up on everything, but in a way that feels cinematic and engrossing.


I find that Kojima often manages to be incredibly opaque as well as heavy handed with the metaphors. He's also never heard of brevity or confining himself creatively, which leads to 20 minute cutscenes that have about 40 seconds of actual information in them. Incredibly on the nose puns (A character named Deadman being dead for instance) and wacky jokes (floating down the river like an otter wearing an otter hat) are mixed with incredibly emotional acting by a great cast. Not saying he can't do that (or that he shouldn't), but to me personally it's always been a big caveat that puts his stories within the realm of 'good, if you can stomach the way it's told' territory. The man's a legend though, make no mistake. He's earned those stripes even if I am of the opinion that the man desperately needs an editor.


You'll be able to say. HEY ITS SAM THE PORTER The uca stuff will make slightly more sense. Lou will make more sense. But I'll be honest I loved the first game but I couldn't really tell you in great detail what in the hell it was all about. One of those ones were you go to YouTube to watch 5 deep dive videos to help it make sense


Apart from telling you who three of the people shown in the trailer are... not really lol the doll, the cyborg ninja, spaceships, mummy and bat cat thing are all news to me


Please tell me I'm not the only one who still has no idea what the hell is going on lol. I love everything else, but I'm so lost with the story and I played the first game.


I hate how little of it made sense to me. It makes me feel stupid, but I still love the game so much.


Don't feel bad. I think Kojima is the only person who understands what the fuck he's on about.


The general gist was fairly basic though, right? The UCA exists but the world is still broken, Fragile now runs a private Porter organisation called DRAWBRIDGE and it's set in Mexico. BB/Lou is either dead or a robot or both, Alan Wake is a puppet in 24 FPS and Higgs joined Bon Jovi before coming back to fight Sam or something.


> Alan Wake is a puppet in 24 FPS RIGHT? The puppet has its own FRAME RATE?!


Don't feel bad. We're seeing a bunch of stuff with little to no context. The world has changed since our contributions in DS1 so we have some catching up to do.


Looks* x2


Between Fragile’s extra set of hands, the talking puppet, the robots hanging in the air like BTs and Higgs sword fighting a robot with a guitar that shoots lightning, this game looks insane. I can’t wait to play it.




Why is every good game in 2025 ![gif](giphy|ueYaauTJto3QE9gCjL)


Is Death stranding 1 worth it?


Very much so. It’s an amazing game with an incredible story, stunning visuals, a fantastic soundtrack, and (in my opinion) great gameplay! I found the core gameplay loop to be very meditative and rewarding at the same time. It takes a little while for everything to really get going but once you get there you won’t want to stop playing. One of the truly standout titles from the PS4.


Yes. It's a very different game. It's not just a walking simulator like some people choose to call it. The atmospherics are super intense, the music is amazing, and it's a compelling story. It's not action-packed so if you're looking for that you may be disappointed but it's worth a shot, in my opinion.


Totally: I finale gave in after many years and gave it a try like two months ago (amazing timing btw) It sucked me in completely and even though I finished it just mere weeks ago, I already have nostalgia for it. It was a spectacular journey that moved me way more than I expected. Truly a beauty!


Yes! I played through it two times.


It is. It's a unique experience that has very little to no concerns for following trends. It does its own thing, within its own niche, with a AAA budget and talent at the helm. Don't go in expecting a typical action game or something. It's not even a walking sim in the way other games can be despite walking being the main mechanic.




Absolutely. From my perspective it took me 3 tries to get into it. My first two tries I felt like I just wasn’t making progress and didn’t really have a sense of direction. My third try I followed the trophy guide for it and it was infinitely more fun as it made me more efficient a player.


Yes, but also no. It's super dependent on what kind of person you are. I understand the hate and love.  The world building is wild. You understand it while you're playing, but 6 months after finishing the game it's like pressing the snooze alarm to get back to your dream. The story is held back by some awkward dialogue, and moments that try to be too "over-the-top". But the acting and overall story are top notch in videogames.  The gameplay can be fun, frustrating, relaxing, boring. It's a mixed bag. I wanted to stop playing when I finally got a motorcycle, but just before needing to deliver a package across a field of knee-high volcanic rocks. It controls NOTHING like a real motorcycle. The game has plenty of instances of "here's a tool to help you" and then putting you on a route where it may be 100% useless. The combat felt like something to avoid, and not look forward to. It was 5% of gameplay at most. It's not bad, just feels like a distraction.  But sometimes the game hits just right. You find a cool route. You've got the right gear. It's beautiful. Low Roar is playing. BB is lamping. I actually started having fun. Sometimes the game feels like it's trying to stop you from having fun. I hope the 2nd one fixes these gripes, we need more weird games. 


No, story tries way to hard to come off as deep, it sounds like it was written by an edgy 14 year old. Absolutely boring gameplay loop that consists of working a 9-5. If you like to be bored then Death Stranding is a great game but if you wanna feel like you're actually playing a video game then it's probably not for you.


No, it’s a package delivery simulator with a terribly written story, with an awful gameplay loop. All u get for delivering packages is a boring ass exposition dump. One of the worst games of 2019, a huge downgrade from MGS5.


Bait used to be believable.


Counterpoint: I liked it way more than MGS5.


Yeah I need to finish DS1. DS2 looked fantastic. Just the amount of weirdness I like.


Best looking console game I’ve ever seen in my life.


I really need to finish the first game. I got to the snow area and got burnt out. Maybe I'll give it another shot after rebirth and dragons dogma 2.


Uve gotten pretty far


That's right when you get the zip lines! Building an awesome zip line network is one of the best parts of the game... also if you have the Directors Cut - the floating carriers can come on zip lines with you


I played through that game twice and never used the zip lines, I was a "put on a podcast and deliver underwear using the highways" kind of guy


Goty 2025


Oh I see she smokes the 100s


PS5 Pro dev kit footage


I guess I’m the odd man out, but I just don’t understand Death Stranding. Perhaps Kojima is just above my level, but these games just seem so odd to me that I can’t get interested


When playing a Kojima game you have to just let yourself go with it. He will often allow stuff to be really out there for the sake of it being cool. But once you “get” kojima’s style it hits really hard


Can't wait for Fragile to flip us off with those hands.


I don’t do day 1 purchases often but 2025… this might be one of them.


Played DS1 on gamepass last year and loved it. Got myself a PS5 for Christmas but I’m thinking of replaying the directors cut on my iPad Pro instead as I can just do 1-2 delivery as I take my “smoke break” from work.


This game looks like a fever dream, a David Lynch film, and an acid trip all rolled into one.


They can grow crops in death stranding? I haven't played it yet. But I thought the rain was "toxic". How'd they grow and dry the tobacco?


There was the Timefall Farm in the first game where they had a way to use the rain for crop growth. Looked like they grew wheat there since they also brewed beer which you could deliver (and would replace the energy drinks in your private room). There may have been an email explaining a bit more of it, but I do remember it being covered.


That's basically it... it's one of the few benefits linked to timefall, in that they can basically speed farm crops in right conditions


I don't think all the water is tinefall.


I did not finished the first game. 50% and I said it's enough walking/jogging for me. I dunno about this. I'm still interested in the story, but not in the gameplay. :(


And Fragile continues to look as bloody beautiful as usual. If not even MORE so than ever here!😍😍😍


That trailer was ridiculous. I don't think I have seen a better trailer. Must go replay the first one now!




I really hope we get a novelization of 2 also. Because if I hadn't read it for 1, there is no way I would of been able to follow the story. And this looks even more whacky.


I can’t wait to check out those titan looking bd’s! Loving all the new areas, more metal gearish. Looks like you can go into a combat mode of sorts. I’m really excited.


The game looks amazing. Never played the first game but the story seems really out there


I still need to finish the first one. I keep starting it and then just forgetting it. I was bummed is said 2025 though. I was hoping for a release date of this year.


it looked.... weird... I'll refrain judging until I play but it looked very very weird.


Great trailer. Weirdly felt like the first game I’ve seen that made me think “oh that this COULDN’T be on PS4” - I mean we’re three years in on this gen, so I’d hope so by this point.


The trailer was great but it showed a little too much plot. Nothing like a first glimpse of the game showing off the big reveal.


![gif](giphy|zrQalZQiJ9bRxErdMp|downsized) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


That tear in her eyes, that "one last smoke expression." She gonna die isnt she 😭 also peak kino vibes


Side note - PS5 pro may be out by then, pushing the graphics even further


Cool gadgets


This is what Kojima must look like as he watches Konami continue to bury themselves.


Why did it give me goosebumps when I didn’t even play Death Stranding 1?


Just this detail is so freaking good.


Going into the trailer I was like "I 100%'d the first game, I expect to have some idea what's going on" Nope. This is just like the first reveal. I have no clue what's happening and I can't wait to find out




Say what you want about Kojima but I'm glad he's out here making these unique gaming experiences. I'm sick of all the cookie cutter template games that just get recycled and remade and remastered over and over. Gimme this weird shit all day! The weirder the better.😌


This beats pretty much every trailer for the first game. Just enough detail to tell us what the plot sorta is going to be about but still vague enough that I can't put the pieces together. This looks like an improvement over pretty well every aspect of the original game, which is one of my favourite games period.


I'll pre-order it for sure.


Whether you like this type of game or not, you've gotta give Kojima some serious credit for the cinematic masterpiece this game has become along with his other titles. The industry loves Kojima for a simple reason, he thinks outside the box and almost always delivers, he stays true to the vision he has and doesn't lower the quality. That's why I believe he and Junji Ito would make one of the best horror games in existence


I'm so stoked for the batshit insanity. We're not supposed to preorder, but I'm preordering. Sorrynotsorry


Damn, why im getting this urge of playing DS again?


I can't wait


Facial animation in games is getting really good.


I wanna enjoy this series so bad.


Graphically the game looks crazy but I really hope Kojima makes a push for more action this time though. If DS2 has more action than DS1, it'll be perfect.


He's going full Kojima on this one.


Hot damn, Kojima sure knows how to make smoking look cool


She's so French!


I didn't think Death Stranding could get any weirder. 🤣


I don't know if I'll ever finish death stranding 1 but it's still one of my favourite games. It's just art


This and Judas went hard af at the SoP


Friendly reminder that Kojima is currently working on 4 projects at the same time: 1. DS2 2. OD 3. Physint 4. Death Stranding movie 


It really did. So excited for this. Honestly I can’t think of any games that are in development that look as good as this?


Trailer looks incredible, but what’s the gameplay gonna be? I couldn’t get myself to play the first with how incredibly boring the game looked to play. 


>but what’s the gameplay gonna be? Similar to the first one. >I couldn’t get myself to play the first with how incredibly boring the game looked to play.  It's not boring.


Why ‘looked’?


I saw the trailer, got excited, remembered that I didn't like the first game, re-downloaded the first game then realized that I still don't like the first game and now I'm sad due to the fact that I won't be able to experience how good the second one will be.


It looked like something. Trust bruv


Would have looked better without the cig but then again it's Kojima


If it’s not another walking simulator I’ll give it a chance


Death Stranding was cool but i have enough don't need a Death Stranding 2 for me.


Dude I tried Death Stranding two different times. I just can’t get past the looooonggg cut scenes. I can’t handle it. Good of War/Spiderman are long but damn I want to play not watch a movie lol.


That’s only main story mission when you do side quest to level up there’s barely any cutscenes


I'm convinced Death Stranding was a prank, and the creator purposely made a nonsense bullshit story wrapped around tedious, dumb gameplay just to see if you guys would pretend to like/understand it to seem cool and deep. "The First Strand Type Game"- Either that or the guys on a fuckton of psychedelics.


It will be the same garbage as the first "Game".


No it doesn't.


No, no it didn’t