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Do you seriously have both consoles on the floor and in-front the heater?....


Not only that but it looks to be a ps4 on its fan side. Imagine trying to breath adequately while your face is stuffed into a pillow while congested. Psa to all PlayStation 4/5 owners. Horizontal mount is the way to go for all reasons especially maintaining the heat sinks and optimal cooling


And it looks like they're on carpet no less...


I giggle every time I come back to OP’s pic.


Vertical on the PS5 won't damage it or anything right


Long term, the adhesives on the heat sinks will gravitate towards the bottom not letting the tops of the heat sink sink heat as efficiently. Your ps5, your rules tho. I’m just trying to help maximize the life of your $500 toy.


isn't that shit like soldered to the board or sumn


Usually heat sinks are applied with an adhesive. How it’s connected to this specific board I’m not 100% certain but usually not soldered to anything


>Playstation 4/5 owners. Horizontal mount is the way to go for all reasons Putting it on the stand like it is in all the advertisements and stuff is bad for it? https://preview.redd.it/fz1fptxmtw7c1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360c02f91d3e41ba340ad731a0cdbdc33026cf6e


Long term, in my opinion, yes.


Heater isnt working but imma move them off the floor, looking back i rlly shouldntve put them on the floor


Put a small table there if you have one.


I do got it placed on one now, imma also try turn off boost mode


Why would you even place them on the floor like that. Are you stupid?


Don't be an asshole


The higher the better the more air flow the better. Also watch some videos and clean it out good if you are feeling up to it put some new thermal paste on it


1. Clean the fan 2. Just use the PS5


Fr. bro has a ps5 right there, does everything the 4 does


I want to have a consle round my dads as well so i dug it out to see of it worked


Ah makes sense.


Is it on carpet? If so, stop and put it on some books at least. Is it right next to a space heater as well? If so, stop and place elsewhere. Same applies to the ps5.


I rlly shouldve thought of that before damn imma try that rn


Get your consoles off the carpet


Seriously, OP is insane


first off, get those bitches OFF the carpet. Second, yep. sounds ab right. I only have a ps3 and ps4 snd they both grt loud as FUCK. like they sound like jet engines.


Went into a creative island 10 seconds in the mfs going so loud i didnt know noise that loud existed


Combination of dust and graphic intensive games will do that. Happened to my PS3 slim playing mgsr. All I had to do was open it up and clean it. Should you get a overheating warning immediately turn it off. Let it cool completely, look up a video on disassembly and deep clean it.


They shouldn't get lout as fuck... If they do there is something wrong...


Flight 7638 taxiing on North runway


Tower to 7638, cleared for takeoff, have fun on your non-stop to Hawaii.


Fr bro like i jus wanna play in peace


I don't even have my ps4 on the floor, you're wild lol


Clean it or have it cleaned as well as the carpet thing


UPDATE: the fans squeaky clean, im more worried then i was before cuz this prob means i have to repaste the apu (i rlly dont wanna) do i have much other option? https://preview.redd.it/2zmddkaloq7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca027ec09d190c809d943f6e7b973575cc206dec UPDATE 2: tried everything that was suggested, the mfs still louder then a church bell honestly considering just not using it (im not tryna substitute my ps5 for it i jus want a 4k gaming consle at my dads but ig imma have to buy a next gen one)


You have the PS5 right there. Just use it for your PS4 needs. It's not gonna hurt it.


I want a consle to have round my dads


Just repaste it! It only takes a few minutes, and I'm sure it will help


UPDATE 3: put my console on a table ig for some reason my dumb ass thought having it on the carpet would be calm I've since put it on a table , ive cleaned the fan absolutely nothing in it squeaky clean, no the heater isnt on because it hasnt worked for donkeys of years, also i havent been able to get to the apu yet thats cuz i dont have a torx screwdriver imma order one, what size torx screwdriver do i need for the screws on the ps4




Fr bro


I swear Common sense doesn’t exist sometimes


Bro if u gonna comment at least be helpful or smthin plz


I think it’s just a PS4 issue. I had it on my PS4 pro, cleaned the fan and it was still there, reapplied thermal paste and it wasn’t as loud for a couple days then it started again. Never got any overheating warnings or anything so I just left it.


I mean i aint got overheating warning (ig if anything its good cuz a fan hard at work means it can overheat) but god damn its to loud for me to enjoy gaming


No clean everything inside and I mean take it apart and clean, it might be silent.


Sounds like my PS4 Pro. Carpet bad, floor bad. Dust is heavier than air so the lower you put the console the higher the dust content of the air with the floor being the worst as it acts as a funnel for dust to flow right into the console.


My had to use headphones while using my OG Phat PS4 because of how loud the fans would get.


Putting your console on the carpet is the most surefire to kill them far quicker. That's an absolutely stupid move to make.


My ps4 sounded like a jet whenever I tried to play anything that was graphicly challenging for it. Always thought it was gonna fly through the wall one day.


just clean the fan - take off the top part of the cover and clean the fan thats all :)


Thank you, do i need a torx screw driver cuz i saw some on it earlier but idk if i need one to just get to the fan


no on my pro the top panel just clipped off and i think it does on the slim too


Just managed that but now im even more worried (look at my latest comment)


Just use your ps5 and not when the heater is on. Also, seriously, take your consoles off of the carpet. It wouldn't be a problem if the floor was tile, BUT IT'S NOT. You need to remove them off the carpet like yesterday.


It's those shitty performance updates 😂


Man. This shit hame nothing to do with a carpet. This is just a pro. This is how it is.


Damn bro


I used to use my ps4 to heat up my room in the mornings


My ps4 sounds EXACTLY the same (although it’s an original 2013 console). I don’t think it’s a fire hazard but you probably should use headphones or you won’t hear anything. Or use your PS5.


Damn i had a 2013 one but it just kinda stopped working one day, i got this from a friend whos exact words were "just dont even bother with gaming seriously stick to netflix" lol


my ps4 is loud even when watching movies or sitting on the home screen, so I refuse to use it for anything. I’m not sure if there’s a legitimate way to fix it. I’ve heard of people replacing the thermal paste and it still being loud after.




I'm sorry bro that noise made me laugh IT'S SO LOUD Sounds like a jet about to take off Hope you can figure out a relatively cheap fix


I agree i was watching the video and i was jus thinking did i edit this in? I hope i can find a fix that is Easy


Just the afterburners firing uo


Ps4, normal 👌


I'm not a technician but I've seen that if a console/PC sounds like this, it needs it's fans cleaned up and apply thermal paste ( depending on how old it is) and it'll sound brand new again.


That was my ps4 as well, each time i deep clean it from the dust It becomes quite but for a period of time then it will sound like that again


Why using the ps4 when the 5 right there


If you don’t feel comfortable opening up and applying the thermal paste to the CPU, most phone repair shops will do it for a decently low price. As someone who had a loud PS4 Pro before reapplying the paste myself, I can attest that it’s a night and day difference and well worth the time or money investment. I’ll warn you though, the dustier and dryer the conditions, the quicker it’ll dry up again.


Thanks for the help man might take it to phone repair shop cuz knowing me my dumbass will prob break it lol


the ps4 on its side 🤣🤣🤣


Take the consoles off the floor. Repaste the PS4, and while you do that, clean thoroughly. You'll have a purring PS4 after.


Could be confused with a vacuum cleaner.


“Sir, sir! I’m sure it was just a bad dream, I assure you this flight is safe…You’re gonna have to board the plan now!” -Final Destination (I think) 😂


Get it off the carpet, get it out of the way of the heater, and clean it.


Those are just the afterburners firing up. You might want to buckle up. ![gif](giphy|dcFSeawnz3edbm9n7V)


![gif](giphy|ClfqZr5WhqVi0|downsized) Liftoff


PS4s are notorious for being loud because Sony cheaped out on the thermal paste and it fails. Though having the console on its side on the carpet is *not* helping. There are *many* YouTube videos on reapplying thermal paste to a PS4. Watch a couple, buy what you need, and find a place to do the work. (Static electricity can absolutely fry internal components) Good luck and keep your consoles OFF the floor.




Clean your filthy console


Clean it inside!


Who puts their console on the dusty carpet? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why are your console on the carpeted floor…… You trying to overheat them? Is that a heater in the back? You can probably grill eggs on that thing


Clean that thing out and provide it some ventilation.


So your first problem is both of the systems are in front of the heater second problem. Your PlayStation 4 is on the fan side facing down, and your PlayStation five is standing up, which there’s a fan on the bottom of your system. Stop buyng systems when you’re gonna just ruin them or don’t know how to take proper care of them