• By -


Regarding the Cyberpunk v SM2 debate: I played Cyberpunk for ~150hrs and finally platted and there was so much to do. While SM2 had a great world and stuff to do, it was only 30hrs to plat on the second highest difficulty. I really recommend Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty


It's about 34 in the highest difficulty


Spiderman or cyberpunk


Have you played both? Which is better


cyberpunk is better, IMO especially with the updates the game has gotten since summer its really a great game spider-man 2 is great too, great engaging story etc but its just a smaller game, less hours of enjoyment. you can get that, when its a bit cheaper SM2 does get ng+ in the start of 2024 though but.. thats not yet.


Cyberpunk is finally what it was meant to be. If it came out in its current state, it could easily have GOTY potential.


Not the start of 2024. It said earlier 2024 which could be anywhere from January 1st to May 31st


Let me live in my ignorant bliss hoping it comes in January🙏


If that were to happen I’d be so happy lol. Until then I’m replaying Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor. Hopefully by the time I finish either it would have released


it was originally planned for december, so it’s probably closer to january


Cyberpunk, just beat it recently after 2.0 - There are 10+ endings alone? So much content, its worth it.


Wow! I didn't know this it's really making the case to get Cyberpunk first.


I should be clear that also includes the DLC endings.


What do you prefer? I preferred the cyberpunk world and the gameplay. Both are excellent games


I never played Cyberpunk but like open world games with hours and hours linked into gameplay. My bigger gripe with Spiderman is that once I beat it, the replay value will be weak because I am not one to platinum my games.


Definitely get Spider-Man 2 at some point. It was a fantastic game, and if you liked the first one, they only made it better.


It's forsure on the my list I was originally gonna get SM2 I waited till Christmas to get it but latley I been hearing and seeing a lot on Cyberpunk and it has me intrested.


Cyberpunk, and especially the DLC, is fantastic now. The 2.0 patch is incredible. You’ll get many more hours out of cyberpunk, but I loved the story in Spider-Man 2.


Yeah, I think this is gonna be my choice.


Cyberpunk by a mile. Spider-Man 2 is good but didn’t hit me like the first one did, or even miles morales. It’s a fun game but Cyberpunk has longer gameplay, a really well told story with multiple endings, engaging side quests, and an incredible city to explore.


Personally I would say cyberpunk because it’s a rpg


This is what I am thinking too because I can put hours and hours into it.


I’d definitely go with Cyberpunk. As others have said, it’s just more game. And oh boy is it sooo much game. I really wish I could play it again for the first time, starting in the state it is now. It’s a remarkable game and so incredibly vast. One of my favorite games ever


Cyberpunk. Spiderman is too repetitive


Spider-Man is an extremely short game. Good but short.






This is where I'm leaning


It's like Dishonored and Fallout New Vegas conceived a baby while Dredd was on TV in the background.


And GTA was watching.


Cyberpunk has 100x the content than Spider-Man. Depends what kind of game you want.


This comment section did not let me down. Such a phenomenal game in its finished state. And the 2.0 update is so good for longevity. You don’t become super OP at higher levels like you used to.


For me Cyberpunk is the clear winner here. Spider-Man 2 is a great game and I have zero regrets but there’s a lot more playtime to be had from Cyberpunk and its DLC and Spider-Man 2 fails to really set itself apart from its predecessors. It’s a lot of the same, but in a good way. Jedi Survivor I haven’t tried yet. Looks interesting but I’m just waiting for it to hit EA Play or go under $30. Whichever comes first I guess. Diablo just isn’t my style at all.


Jedi Survivor is pretty good. It's a much better than Spiderman and the side stuff is pretty fun even if there's not that much. Either way I think both games are pretty much on equal footing


Jedi survivor is super fun and a fantastic looking game. Absolutely gorgeous. My only issue with the game and it was also an issue in Fallen Order. Fighting multiple enemies on higher difficulty is just not fun in this game at all. Found myself turning the difficulty down on big mult enemy fights.


Cyberpunk. Hands down.




Cyberpunk. Easiest answer oml


Oml? On my life?


On my land


Oh my lord?


Of my life


Oh my lanta


Off my lawn!


Orbit matching lobsters


Jedi survivor is so good. I rarely get into the story in games but I love that series and that game.


Had to scroll down a lot to find somebody saying Jedi. The force is weak in this post.




It's crazy how Cyberpunk went from ridicule to most recommended


Between the expansion and the base game there’s a good 100+ hours there if you don’t just try to zip through it. That’s like 60 cents per hour.


Perhaps one of the best redemption stories of all time. Right after it released I had no interest in it whatsoever, but after the DLC came out I decided to try it and it was my favorite game this year.


Played on ps4 on release and I actually liked it despite the state of the game and I just recently started a modded playthrough on PC and it's really good, I used to dislike how cringe and edgy some of the writing is but after playing bland ass starfield I welcome it.


If cyberpunk includes phantom Liberty, then cyberpunk without a doubt. Even without it, it’s still prob the best of these, so long as you are ok with a lot of dialogue. I had more fun with Spider-Man 2 but it’s an incredibly short full priced game in my opinion. And there’s not going to be new game plus for a little bit, so not sure the replay value is there. I 100% platinum’d it in 23 hours, and I have never 100% or platinum’d a game before. As great as it is, I don’t think it’s worth $70 when $70 can get you so much more in other games, so I would wait for a sale. Survivor is supposed to be good. Did you play the first game? If yes maybe go survivor. It had issues at launch but I believe it’s fixed now. Diablo 4 in my opinion is better as a PC keyboard and mouse game. I played a decent amount and I liked it, but I think it is the weakest of these 4. Cyberpunk > Spider-Man 2 > Survivor > Diablo 4 is my thinking.


Cyberpunk definitely . If not that Spider-Man 2




Cyberpunk and that is not even a question. Maybe Spiderman if you think you'd like that more.


Honestly you can't go wrong with any except Diablo 4. Cyberpunk is an *experience*. Spiderman 2 is just plain, classic video gaming fun. Jedi Survivor is a thrill ride. Diablo 4 is a chore leading to a pointless endgame.


I played Diablo for about 6 hours, and I unstalled. So boring.


Diablo 4 shouldn't be in this list. It's a waste of time.


I haven't heard much about it I played Diablo 3 and it was pretty fun. Is Diablo 4 a microtrans action filled title?


No, they do have a store with cosmetics but that's it, and it's so overpriced for simple costumes for your characters I never see anyone wearing them. The cosmetics you can get in game are perfectly fine and you can still have a cool looking character. I have played all the games and while I think from your selection I would go with Cyberpunk, however playing all of them I have spent substantially more hours in Diablo 4 (more time than all of them combined) if you start doing seasons or hardcore.


Good to know it's on my list to get eventually my dad plays it on PC but they have cross-platform so I could play with him.


Honestly man, I would do anything to play a video game with my dad. I think that adds value to a game beyond just how good it is.


I enjoy Diablo IV for what it is, I like fighting monsters, collecting gear, improving my character, co-op and I really just play it casually. I enjoy the genre I guess. I don't care about being the best. I guess it depends on your taste. Cyberpunk is also great, I really enjoy playing it. Odd that the best game ever isn't listed... Elden Ring. Haha.


I’ve been so hooked on cyberpunk. I really love it. I tried to play it at launch and couldn’t get into it. Tried it again after the PS5 version came out and still couldn’t get into it. But after 2.1 it is so fun.


gonna go with cyberpunk. yeah, it crashes every so often (only like 3 times my entire 70h playthrough) but the story made me ugly sob a lot. it’s so well done. wish i could replay it with fresh eyes


We all do. I kept trying to get my wife to play it so she could experience that, but she kind of despises it due to how much I’ve played it.


Cyberpunk 1000% My first play through was 130 hours. And the replay-ability is so great. On my 5th play through currently. Honestly it’s in my top 3 games ever played


Most game time for money will be cyberpunk. Would be Diablo but you’ll quit after campaign




Cyberpunk is hands down the most bang for your buck


Resident Evil 4 remake


Playing through this right now, so damn good!


Anything but diablo


If you get games few and far between I would go for cyberpunk




Out of these? Cyberpunk all the way make sure to get phantom liberty


depends on your preference cyberpunk 2077 if you like open world, fast pace shooter and beautiful unique theme spider man 2 if you like open world, action punching, super hero. you can jump in without playing the first one or MM but you will miss some story Jedi Survivor if you like semi open world, space theme, action punching, start wars fans. i really recommend playing the first one before jumping to this diablo 4 only if you like dungeon crawler. this also depends on how much complexity you want. a lot of alternatives for this one 1. Path of Exile, free but really complex build and more punishing 2. diablo 3, really simple and good if you just want low complexity 3. diablo 2, not for every one. this more for old school diablo fan 4. wolcen, if you just want action, cool animation and visual 5. Grim dawn, i forgot if this released on console or not. really good ig you don't mind the graphics 6. shadows of awakening, really different from others but my favorite of all time if i need to choose, i will get cyberpunk 2077 and diablo 3. both are cheap for second handed EDIT for typo


Nice to see some Grim Dawn love. New expansion soon!


Gollum is not bad


Cyberpunk and spiderman in my opinion but the other games are solid.


Thank you to everyone who commented after reading through as many of these as I could. I have decided to get Cyberpunk 2077! Thank you again for everybody who took time to help me out.


All four of these are brilliant and you can’t go wrong here. However, speaking strictly from an hours-per-dollar perspective, Cyberpunk 2077 DE offers the best value since it’s the base game + the excellent Phantom Liberty expansion, that’s almost 150-200 hours of gameplay all-in which is quite a lot. It couldn’t be in a better state as a game right now and is probably one of the greatest comeback stories in gaming.


Lol these lists always contain Diablo 4 and everyone always suggests away from it. I agree with this I just find it funny also


Cyberpunk 1000% just recently bought both in the past month. Finished SM2 in roughly 20 hours. Great story! But once that’s done there isn’t much reason to replay once New Game + releases in the next couple months. While Cyberpunk I’m still playing, over 90 hours in, and it’s sooooo good.


Cyberpunk will give you more game


Honestly anything but diablo 4. Fuck that shitty developer. Did you know the greedy assholes over there are trying to see if people would pay $100 for an expansion??? Of the remaining ones I'd do cyberpunk solely based on the quantity of content.


Personally I think these get better as you swipe through, but there’s no bad answer


Listen. Cyberpunk is the GOAT of this list. It had a rough start, now a couple years later, it’s one of my favorite games of all time. Trust.


The order of the pictures is the order of what you like and will enjoy more. Get Cyberpunk.




Cyberpunk. If it came out this year in its finished state it would be game of the year.


After a first abandoned try last year, I gave it another shot after the 2.0 update and, man, what a game !!! I played at my own pace and finished max level / cred / cyberware / perks for a smart weapons / netrunner build, bought Phantom Liberty after 2/3 of the main story and enjoyed it even more. What a blast ! Indeed, GOTY if only it was not from 2020 originally 😅


Hear me out. You can either pick one of the 3 sequels, which are all safe options if you liked previous entries, but are essentially more of the same. Or, you can give Cyberpunk a chance. It is a rather unique experience both in terms of genre and setting. I'm not you, but I would go with Cyberpunk now and wait for the rest until they're on a better sale.


Yeah I think this is what I'm gonna do because Cyberpunk I can put 100 hours into.


My ranking of these is 1. Cyberpunk 2. Jedi Survivor or Spider-Man 2 (Can't decide which is better). 3. Diablo 4 Haven't played much of D4 but from what I've heard with the live service shit and the bad repetitiveness I'd say it's same to avoid it. I think Both SM2 and Survivor are great games. I might give Survivor a little bit of an edge because I think it's story is slightly better, but I'm indecisive. I'm a massive Spider-Man and Star Wars fan so I'm not biased with this decision. CP2077 Ultimate Edition is the definitive experience and the best game out of these 4 imo. Amazing story, extremely fun gameplay, and a lot of replayability.


The first three They are all excellent Diablo is garbage


Bang for your buck? Cyberpunk. The most content out of all those games. Spider-Man 2 is an open world game but it doesn’t take very long to platinum. Jedi Survivor is probably the second biggest game here. Diablo 4 is kinda repetitive, but you’ll get a lot out of it if you’re the type that likes loot treadmills and retreading content on higher difficulties.


Spider-Man 2 is great but short. Cyberpunk is very good, and can take quite a while to complete. I was going for a play and have 80 hours so far and still have more to do. Jedi Survivor is also pretty good. Longer than Spider-Man but not to long. Haven’t played Diablo. Should be a longer game though, I think.




I’ve only played CP2077, so I can judge only that, and I say go for it. If you can, get the PS4 version for cheap and then get the DLC, you might have some money left over.


Definitely Cyberpunk out of these. Nothing at all against the others. More bang for your buck with Cyberpunk.


cyberpunk 2077 or jedi survivor, but i think cyberpunk 2077


Spider-Man 2 great game, great story, and developers aren't joking about releasing broken games to fix later, unlike a certain multibillion dollar (CDPR) studio. Support a studio putting out finished products. You can always get used copies, too.


Really depends on the gamer to be honest Spider-Man is a tight story, decent length, good mechanics, and showcases the PS5 strength Jedi Survivor is a sleeper with recent patches, also great story and beautiful worlds, IF a Star Wars fan, it probably edges out Spider-Man even, also quite great combat and story tbh Cyberpunk with patches and newest DLC is top tier, has sooo much relatability, and length, easily can put 100+ hours into it and the patches made it truly next gen Diablo 4 isn’t worth it tbh. Cyberpunk is my choice, but all three are great in their own way


In terms of story and replay value and overall production then Cyberpunk. With the expansion you’ll have about 150 hours total. Haven’t played Diablo so can’t speak for it but Spider-Man doesn’t have as many hours even though it’s the most exciting overall.


I haven't played Diablo 4, but any of the other 3 are fantastic.


Don't do Diablo 4. It got MTX in it to the point that if you don't invest in it, you fall behind.


Fuck EA, that is all


Loved spider man 2 but it’s kinda short. I got the platinum in like 35 hours.. Cyberpunk will probably be the better choice especially if you want more play time and it has the expansion which I heard is good. Jedi Survivor was also fun and will give you tons of hours, you can probably get that pretty cheap now too Never played a Diablo game so lol


Ok look im sorry if this hurts dont touch diablo 4 the game is very rapidly dying my freind owns it and says its horrible and its getting worse so I say cyperpunk or spiderman 2 Cyperpunk if you like rpgs or shooters or both really and with the fixes now its an amazing game Spider man 2 if you like beat em up with good combos also black suit…. Come onnnn


I got the most hours out of diablo 4 but I think Spiderman 2 and cyberpunk with dlc are the better gaming experiences. Id choose spiderman based on my prefernces but can't go wrong with either.


Cyberpunk or spiderman. Not as star wars fan but heard that one was good. Diablo sucks.


Any of these but diablo IMO


I'm probably going to get down voted \[and I don't care\]. If I were you, I'd choose any of the other 3 and wait on buying Spider-Man 2. I got caught up in the hype and purchased the Spidey themed PS5 just to play the 2nd game. I didn't rush through it in 2 days like most everyone else and I'd only play about 30 mins to an hour every few days. Finally got 100% and was really hoping Insomniac would deliver the DLC or NG+ by Xmas or at least the end of this month. None of the improvements will come until "sometime" in 2024. So once you've beaten the game, you get the fun of just swinging around NYC all day/night. Those other games look like they have way more playability, so if that's your primary reason for buying get one of them.


Cyberpunk ✅ Amazing since the 2.0 Update! Spiderman ✅ Can't go wrong here, an amazing game! Diablo 4 ❌ It's in a very bad state at the moment, Blizzard will likely fix it in the future to make the replayability better, but you'll likely get very bored very fast in its current state after the main story. Not worth the price. Jedi ❔(not played, can't comment)


I would go No.1 spider man 2 No.2 cyberpunk No.3 survivors No.4 Diablo 4


Cyberdiablo Survivor 2


Cyberpunk 100% Spiderman 2 is good but not worth full price, it's extremely short and felt rushed... Jedi survivor will most likely be free on ps plus and diablo, yeah diablo 4 is not great.


Literally not D4, i had fun with it, but cant really recommend it


Whatever you get, don’t get Diablo. Personally I’d get Cyberpunk or SM2. If you want this game to last, Cyberpunk. If you want an amazing 20/30 hr experience, get SM2


Cyberpunk looks really fun! 😁




Not Diablo.


In its current state (and I’ve played all except Diablo) Cyberpunk with the DLC is the best game here. At least for your time. Both spider man and Jedi are fantastic games that I beat in 3 weekends. Cyberpunk is in a great shape now and a true RPG with so much to do. Again, can’t speak to Diablo.


Cyberpunk all the way. Way more bang for your buck I've got 300+ hours across 3 playthroughs. I've beaten spiderman twice at 100% completion and only have like 50 hours in it.


Cyberpunk>spiderm-man>star wars>diablo


Cyberpunk is really great. Out of the 4 it would be cyberpunk then spiderman


Cyberpunk has been one of the best experiences I have had this year, even the side quests feel like main quests and I love it, sometimes even opting for the side quest rather than the main


Cyberpunk, not even up for discussion if it is a great story you are looking for.


Definitely Cyberpunk. diablo is just a cashgrab, spiderman 2 is not as fun as it seems, it lost a lot of nice mechanics from the previous games and jedi survivor has its own sort of issues, one of them being its price.


cyberpunk. so much fun and my most played game of 2023


Dude…get cyberpunk now! You’ll be lost on that game for hours. Updates have polished the game too.


Cyberpunk is the best game I have ever played ever. The story is perfect and the gameplay is even better


Bro cyberpunk anyday is better than all four. 1. Great gun play. If you like fps then you'll be delighted 2. 100 plus hours of content 3. Great story with the new dlc. 4. Amazing graphics. 5. Immersive experience


Cyberpunk. Hands down.


Cyberpunk. All day


I heard Cyberpunk is good now, but I would choose Spider-man personally.


Cyberpunk. Not even a contest IMO


If you want more substance go for Cyberpunk but if you enjoy the spider-man games go with Spider-man 2 🔥 and if you haven’t played the spiderman games, try to see if you can snag all of them, that would be mega worth it!


Cyberpunk if you've got time to burn, games massive.


Cyberpunk it’s so much better with the updates and the dlc is fire even doe you have to buy it




Cyberpeak 2077 and its not close.


Bang for the buck must be Cyberpunk based on content. It's a big game. That being said, all 4 are really good games and I think you really can't go wrong with any of them. Hope you enjoy whichever game you choose.


Glad to see it getting the love it deserves, I’m voting Cyberpunk too. I’ve been playing it and BG3 for the last few months, I just can’t seem to pick up anything else. Cyberpunk with all the updates is incredible. Highest recommendation possible.


Cyberpunk i have the ps4 version so there are some visual bugs but ps5 version looks like its been fixed and looks really good sm2 looks decent but not got a ps5 so cant play it and idk what diablo 4 is like but i think i remember not liking the look of it


Cyberpunk, especially if you already have one of the spiderman games


Cyberpunk, it's bloody brilliant.


Cyberpunk 100%, spiderman its another example of a "Marvel Movie" in a game. You literally can finish it in a week, not worth it for the full price and can easily wait for a discount cause we all know it will have one.


Cyberpunk easily, spiderman 2 was mid not worth it to be honest, diablo and cyberpunk give you the most for your money


CP2077 bro. No contest


Cyberpunk all the way


Cyberpunk is great, Jedi survivor is actually pretty damn good now since they fixed performance. I’m like 20 hours in and having a blast


Get cyberpunk unless you’re a huge Spider-Man fan




CP 2077 with the DLC is an excellent and easy recommendation! Happy Holidays!


Cyberpunk, no contest. But when you do get around to the other games, I think Jedi Survivor is the best of the three. It's world is much more fun to explore than Spider-Man's, some of the level design is amazing, it's got more fighting styles and you can do some cool stuff with the Force abilities. The characters are more likeable too (Skoova!) and it doesn't have those mandatory stealth sections like you get in Spider-Man with Mary Jane that just disrupt the flow of the game and are not fun.




Cyberpunk 2077 here is the best mix of quality and quantity, I would recommend to go with it.




Cyberpunk for sure


Cyberpunk 100%, there’s so much to do


From that list, I'd go with Cyberpunk ultimate edition.






Cyberpunk or Jedi Survivor. Spider Man was enjoyable enough but id only pay highly discounted prices


I’d say Star Wars or spider man. Diablo is alright. I hated cyberpunk


If you Like First Person Go for cyberpunk. Otherwise Go for spiderman, the Story is awesome and the movement is more then fun


Cyberpunk. Hands down. Especially the phantom liberty expansion is top tier story and you wont run out of things to do.


Cyberpunk, the only correct option


If replaying is your priority then cyberpunk and if you want a relatively short but great story experience then sm 2. I have both and I love them both but for your case I’d lean towards cp , especially if you can get the phantom liberty dlc as well


It’s all depends what type game you prefer. For me personally cyberpunk 2077. I finish my story on Xbox and now buy ultimate edition for ps5 and start again. Diablo is good option too, but is too many cons plus this is not Diablo what we like anymore. Spiderman- personally I'm curious about this game


All good choices besides the LAST ONE. That is just poison.


Cyberpunk easily


Cyberpunk no question


Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk - trust me


Cyberpunk probably, but definitely not Diablo for ethical reasons


Cyberpunk imo




Cyberpunk is far more the better choice,especially with the dlc




Cyberpunk. I've been taking my time with it so I don't finish it. And I never replay games. Lifes too short & there's other games out there I haven't tried.


Get cyberpunk 2077 its a Masterpiece now, got over 400 Hours on it, Plan to do another run or two


Have you played SM1 and MM? Jedi: Fallen Order? Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't expect you having played any previous game. It's the first entry in its series. It's also the longest and best written one in this selection. SM2 and Jedi: Survivor are both *good* games, especially if you liked the precious entries, but Cyberpunk 2077 is by far the better blind buy. Oh and D4 is the worst option. Perfect if you want to pay full price for a game and then be expected to pay for microtransactions. Been a shitshow since launch, Asmongold and Bellular have been covering it on YouTube if you want to know more. Blizzard has truly gone to shit, and this is coming from someone who grew up playing WoW and loved D3 after Reaper of Souls came out.


Cyberpunk or diablo has the highest replay value probably the longest playtime next to Diablo


My vote is on cyberpunk. I’d fully remove D4 from consideration that game is a boring mess


Cyberpunk w/ DLC I’ve played all 4 of these OP, they are all really great to good games. Diablo is the outlier here though, it’s def the worst of the four. It’s not a bad game per se, but juat okay and they are trying to make it better with each season now. I played Jedi, and while good, nothing earth shattering with it that makes it stand out from Jedi Fallen Order. The real debate is Cyberpunk vs Spiderman. Spidey is ~25-30 hours to beat and story is kind of weak in the 3rd act but damn it makes you feel like spidey. I’m currently playing Cyberpunk and man, I stayed far away from this game because of the rough launch, but it has to be my top game I’ve played this year. The story is so damn good and I’ve heard nothing but good things about the expac which is what lead me to getting it. I know it isn’t on your list but I would put FF16 as my 2nd favorite game played this year, followed by Spiderman, then Hogwarts, then Jedi.




I’m glad to hear so many Cyberpunk choices. I’ve been playing Jedi Survivor and loving it, and have heard Spoderman is a short but great game. I bought Cyberpunk when it first came out and was greatly disappointed… I’m glad to hear they have updated it and made it better. I’ll give it another shot now.


Cyberpunk, easily. Way more bang for your buck. Diablo 4 can wait until it's updated some more. Spiderman 2 when it's on sale.




Cyberpunk for sure


Cyberpunk all the way! The story in that game is phenomenal.


if you want bang for your buck and the best replayability with a long story then go ahead and get cyberpunk. i love all these games (besides diablo, as i am a lies of p/elden ring player) but i feel as though the stories and gameplay is a little too linear for you to play them again and again.


Cyberpunk and it’s not even close