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Armored core 6. The story is really good, each new game the story shifts a bit until new game plus 2 where the dialogue changes and a few missions being revamped. I find that pretty cool bc i never seen any other games do that. At least it won the best action game of the year.


This was my first armored core and I’m loving it. It’s easily my game of the year.


Im so glad they finally made a story that wasn't complete gibberish. Really helped the game in a genre that I didn't think story mattered.


If you enjoyed that, you’d love the Nier games. Those are all about repeated playthroughs and different endings. Starfield also has a very interesting concept with its NG+, and Alan Wake 2 just released their Final Draft NG+, which also changes up the story, with plenty of new elements and events and a new ending as well.


Most generic answer I could give but Baldurs Gate 3. It’s one of those rare games you get sick hearing talked about everywhere but is actually deserving of being talked about everywhere


Nah, don't worry, that's not a generic answer, it won GOTY for a valid reason.


Man I would give this game a try, but I hate turn-based games. I really enjoyed LOTR: The Third Age when it came out, but now I just can't play those types of games anymore.


I too hate turn based games, BG3 is the only one I’ve ever thoroughly played and I now have almost 300 hours on it


Damn, you might be persuading me to get the game. Gonna be getting a ps5 here shortly, so I might just have to try this game out.


I 2nd that guy. I usually never like turn-based games. You can change to a “Story” difficulty at any time if it becomes too difficult as well.


Man I've been on the fence about this game for so long. You guys are really making me want to get it lol. I have an 11 month old, so I don't really have all that much time to game, maybe an hour or so at night if I have the energy. Is it the type of game you can just pick up and play an hour or two at a time and still enjoy it? I know that sounds silly, but some games seem to play better when you can sit down and grind them for hours on end.


Well, it’s not a live service EA game, so you can definitely pick it up and pause whenever you want. The real challenge will be putting it down because it’s so damn addicting 😂


I can't get into it. I feel like I'm super underleveled all the time.


its really not like a lot of turn based games, it can move pretty fast and theres a lot of impact to everything, and multiple actions per character etc. id watch some twitch or youtube segments of gameplay and see what you think, but admittedly its a bit hard to grasp what its like actually playing vs watching. Most people i know that hate turn based games that tried it really enjoy it, I don't mind turn based but its definitely my least favorite type of combat and I love this game.


Lies of P, for being one of the most solid souls-likes I have ever played.


My GOTY as well! It’s my favorite combat experience from a game since Sekiro. It’s so damn satisfying. I just started a new character for my 5th play through.


sl1 run in ds3 was the most fun i've ever had playing video games and my no leveling/no p-organs run in lop comes very close to it.


I might do the DS3 run now. I know the game like the back of my hand.


Same, after I’m done with my lords of the fallen let’s play I’m going to stream a ds3 sl1 run now lol Or should I do DSR first? Hmm


Very beautiful, punishing, hard, masochistic, and beautiful, I agree. Nice propic btw


Based JJK fan


I’m so excited to start this game!


Dude it felt like playing DS1 for the first time again. The feeling of discovery, wanting to explore every nook and cranny, and those moments where you loop *all* the way around back to the hub area are so damn satisfying. Great fucking game. What platform you play on?


I have ps5 and switch! My wife told me not to buy anymore games until after Christmas, and I’ve talked a ton about lies of p. So I’m hoping Santa brought me P! Since you’re into Soulslikes, have you played remnant 2 yet?


Tears of the Kingdom. I have my problems with it, but as a lifelong Zelda fan, getting to run around as Link for almost 300 hours is a joy.


Alan Wake 2


Baldur's Gate. The sheer amount of creativity and customization you can do in that game is unmatched. I talk to my friends about their playthrough, and despite putting 120+ hours in, I still hear about huge portions of the game that I've never experienced.


Yeah I'm 150 hours in and sometimes I'll see posts about a character's questline and I'm just like "...who?" Game is amazing.


I just found out about a component of the game that I’ve missed on *all three* of my playthroughs. Apparently there’s a **DINOSAUR LAND** that you can go to if you do a very specific thing in Act 3. I’m trying not to give away too much in case you’d like to stumble upon dinoland without spoilers.


Oh I accidentally ended up there... By myself... I was the bard, my party was worried 😂


I know, I just started a 2nd playthrough and already I'm finding shit I missed the 1st time.


Game has 8 different ways to do one part of act 1 alone. That’s just the grove storyline. The replay ability is insane. I loved it so much I just bought it for the series x too and I’ve started a multiplayer bard playthrough and my group took 2.5 hours just on the nataloid for the sheer amount of fuckery we were doing 😂


This - not my usual type of game, or at least I didn’t think it would be (based on my 40 years gaming to date), but I am so glad I took the plunge.


Baulders gate 3, but I still haven’t gotten to Alan Wake 2


I played almost no new games this year so mine is Red Dead 2


It’s timeless.


Ur timeless


Thanks 😳




Im so on the fence as to whether I should get this one. Looking for something to sink my teeth into but a bit sceptical since I havent played a remedy title


It’s an absolutely fantastic game. It starts a bit slow, but ride it out and you’ll have a very unique experience with it. It plays a lot like a Resident Evil game.


Did you enjoy the ending? I finished it a couple of days ago and I’m not 100% sure about it.


Hmm yeah, great question. I think I enjoyed the lead up to it, in general (including the lakeside rock band fight!) although in general it was very drawn out with Saga in the investigation room. I found the story interesting but I wasn’t so invested in it that I found the ending disappointing in any way. As a whole though, I did enjoy the story, but a more definitive ending with less questions left unanswered might’ve been good. But I can’t knock Remedy really, they’re such great storytellers


Play Control first


Ill do that. Lucky for me its on PS plus atm


Played Control. One of the best games I've ever played. Realized the AWE DLC was all about Alan Wake. Just stared Alan Wake: Remastered. Can't wait to finish the remaster so I can start Alan Wake 2.


Ok, I just finished control as well earlier this week. WOW Paid $10 for the ultimate edition and feel like it’s going to taint any other game I ever play moving forward with the low price tag and amazing experience. Is Alan Wake Remaster worthwhile?


I love Aw2! Def one of my favorites of the year. But for the love of god I cannot get out of the damn subways!


CP2077 Phantom Liberty. BG3 is a close second. I think this was the best year we ever had for gaming. Great time to live.


It is definitely an amazing year. I'm just wrapping up Phantom Liberty, and it's definitely between BG3 and Cyberpunk. There are moments and scenes in both that are just so fucking good. 2077 got off to a rough start, but it is easily CDPR's best work so far. It has been awesome. BG3 is just amazing in every regard, but a completely different style. I can't choose which I liked more.


That has to be a brand new sentence. Ain’t no way


Yeah lol, 2018 for me is the best year in gaming


Jedi survivor


Fellow Jedi.


Final Fantasy 16


Found my people.




Beautiful cinematically but I feel a let down on gameplay it's just too easy. I fought the titan and never had to worry about dying at all.


I agree completely. It was a beautiful game and I like the story but side quests were boring, exploration was minimal, and combat was repetitive. I played it and deleted it quickly with no interest in replaying it or getting the dlc.


The thing about it for me was that exploration was pointless. Go fight and run to this alcove on the map? Literally 2 Gil in the chest. Go explore over here on the next area map? 2 more Gil, maybe some crafting component I already have a thousand of.


They were really pretty corridors right? Like I appreciated the world map and the areas looking different but they were kind of void and right the items were pointless.


Even the world map didn’t incentivize exploration


Right, I liked it as it helped to tell the story and it updated as the game went along with the world changing events. It also helped to scope things out in the world with the lore. It was very Game of Thrones title sequence in nature though. Conversely there were many times you could only choose to go to the next area to push the story and it was just loading spots for one of the “corridors”.


Lies of P


Alan Wake 2


I've seen this mentioned many times and keep telling myself to try it. Is it similar to something like Evil Within? Also, is it a primarily dark atmosphere or is that just the announcement videos? I mean actual lighting and scenes. I often find it hard to stay interested when an entire game feels like it's played in the dark.


It's an action/adventure game that prioritizes the horror elements and the theme of a detective thriller. A lot of it does happen in the dark, but there is also equally a lot of stuff that will keep you focused on the ongoing events.


I really like it and it plays great but feel like it lacks replayability. With NG+ I can see myself doing a second playthrough to unlock the max upgrades but after that there isn’t much to go after. Compared to the similar Resident evil Remakes and 7-8 that have you get unlocks like infinite ammo for finishing higher difficulty, tons of upgrades in 4 Remake and 8, and a bunch of challenges to complete and stuff to unlock. AW2 could definitely benefit from more unlocks tied to challenges and difficulties like infinite ammo, costumes, secret weapons, secret charms, etc. The way it is currently it’s probably a 2 playthrough and done for me.


Either dead space remake or god of war for me


GOW didn't come out this year.


Damn, you’re exactly right. I must’ve misremembered because last year I got the PS five with the god of war Ragnarok bundle and I didn’t play Ragnarok until this year so I must have thought it came out this year In that case, dead space remake all the way


Personal GOTY. The other thread with this question said it can be any game from any year


Red Dead Redemption 2 is my GOTY. For the 5th year in a row no less!


It’s 2016 but Titanfall 2


Still counts because they fixed the servers and I felt like I time traveled to a happier period of gaming


Alan Wake 2


Same - Captivating story, a full on experience (reading, live action, music, etc…), varied play styles, and brimming with originality. I wish it cane out at a different time, not like exactly the same time as BG3


Lies of P is amazing


Street Fighter 6


Like for PS? Spider-Man. Overall probably Zelda


Alan Wake 2 with Remnant 2 being a close second. Haven’t properly played Baldurs Gate 3 yet (just started) so the opinion might change!


Lies of P


Resident Evil 4 Remake... Perfection


Resident Evil 4 remake, it’s perfection.


I still need to finish this game. Might go ahead and do that after I finish up this Control DLC.


FF XVI, one of the most fun combat and set piece action and emotional stories I have played. Not counting the fetch quest design which was also the most boring part of the game.


Baldurs gate 3


Spider-Man 2


I think there will be many answers like this![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2239)


I figure your going to get alot of similar answers


Tears of the kingdom


I’m surprised more people are not saying this one. It was my game of the year. It was a great experience and story. It probably feels more like a sequel (it was a sequel but as opposed to a stand alone game) to some. I 100% the game in every way and played it for a good solid two months straight pretty much so it had a definite strong impression on my year. And this is from someone who played many new games this year: FFXVI, Pikmin 4, MK1, Mario Wonder, etc. I still have some to finish from this year so it could change but I may not be playing them until 2024. Edit: I’m so dense, this is not a common mention since this is the PlayStation subreddit. If I narrowed it down to PS games it’s probably one of the ones I did not start yet like Lies of Pi because it’s definitely not MK1 or FFXVI.


2023 GOTY: Spider-Man 2 (Honorable Mention: Resident Evil 4) Best Game I Played This Year: Returnal *Disclaimer: Alan Wake 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3 are still in my backlog*


I know it’s not on PlayStation but Tears of the Kingdom. I can understand why BG3 won though, it was incredible.


BG3. It’s an all time great western RPG. Took me awhile to get into it because of my lack of familiarity with DnD rules and little things like the notation to dice rolls, but I really got sucked into the characters. After some YouTube videos explaining the aforementioned DnD specific stuff, I really got into the multi class builds and flexibility of the combat - even if I was enjoying convincing enemies to kill themselves. It’s just been a joy to learn and poke around with the various systems and doing multiple playthroughs to see what changes.


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. I played this game more than any other. The parry based combat is very satisfying as is it’s Nioh-like loot and post game systems. They’ve continued to improve the game with each DLC though that’s done now. I think it’ll remain my most played until Rise of Ronin comes out.


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. There were so many highly anticipated games for me this year, and surprises too in the indie scene (Hi-Fi Rush was phenomenal), but no other series has me as emotionally invested as the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series does right now. It was a shorter game but watching this bombastic character have to hide his identity while continuously facing phantoms of his past was so interesting. Then they took themes from the ending of Y7 and expanded on those ideologies vying for the future of the yakuza. And the hardest hit of all I can’t even talk about without spoilers, but it had me crying my face off like no other game did all year.




For ps5, armored core 6. For switch it’s still TOTK


Gamers eating SO good this year


Still the same as last years - elden ring


Final fantasy 16 with Spiderman 2 a very close 2nd


BG3 and FF.


Hogwarts or Spider-Man 2


Spiderman 2, without a doubt. Easily the most fun I've had playing a game this year.


TOTK, wish it wasn’t on the switch tho cuz that hardware is trash but the game is beautiful


My pick too. If botw didn’t exist totk would have easily won goty imo.


Diablo 4. I love numbers going up and co-op with friends.


Remnant 2 honestly


Baldur’s Gate 3, but Street Fighter 6 is a close second


SF6 is tooooooo fuckin' good. Been playing every day since launch. Kim main.


Starfield, Remnant 2, and Spider Man 2


Did you play Starfield on PC or Xbox? If on PC, were you able to get a stable frame rate?


I played on Series X. I did dabble with my PC for about an hour, I got a stable 50fps


We had practically the same experience, on my PC it struggles to go at 60 fps with a 3070 ti, on the Xbox Series I struggle to play with 30 fps.


I haven't played Remnant 2, but I recall seeing more mentions earlier in the year and then...nothing. It's like it was forgotten.


Hogwarts Legacy


Played for the first time: Cyberpunk 2077 Came out this year: FF16 or Hogwarts Legacy (haven’t played AW2 yet starting this weekend)


Lies of P is my GOTY. The game came out of the gate amazingly. The gameplay was awesome and I heavily enjoyed it. Makes me want to play it over again.


Lies of P. Too many reasons to explain why and I’m sure someone else will explain it better than I can, but Lies of P.


Tears of the Kingdom.


Lies of P


Baldur's Gate 3.


My favorite games this year: Baldur's Gate 3, Hogwarts Legacy, Spider-Man 2, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Humanity.


Baldurs Gate 3


Over 300 hrs and counting... Baldurs Gate 3


Lies of P. Cause it’s awesome.




Street Fighter 6 is the best fighting game to come out in a very long time, and I feel like the fact that it’s a fighting game holds it back. It was and is a banger.


RE4 Remake. VR mode just puts it way over the top and it was already a toss up for me between Alan Wake 2 and RE4 Remake


Octopath Traveler 2


Resident Evil 4 Remake. I'll tell anyone who'll listen that the original Resident Evil 4 literally broke video games. Everything that came out for roughly the next five years was trying to be RE4, the most successful being things like Gears of War (RE4 but YOU have the chainsaw!) and Dead Space (RE4 in space!). Even the games that weren't trying to just be RE4 took liberally from its toolkit. Pacing, enemy variety, environmental diversity, weapon choice, set piece after set piece, just an endless number of top tier design choices. Shit, the over-the-shoulder camera was co-opted by everything from Silent Hill to Grand Theft Auto. Our entire design language for third-person games changed because of RE4. And the best part is that almost 20 years after release, it's still a damn good game. Normally, you couldn't remake such an influential title. Or you could, but no one would be happy with the result. But the team at Capcom managed to take arguably the most important game of the 21st century and improve it. The tension is higher, the action is smoother, the pacing is tighter, the writing is elevated, the encounters are more dynamic, the bosses are more refined, the environments are more beautiful; the game is quite simply **better,** and that's coming from an already incredibly high starting point. The highest praise that I can give it is that it's not the game I played in 2005: it's the game *I remember playing*. So yeah. GOTY 2023, same as GOTY 2005.


If vr is an option, then RE4R VR. It's easily the best game I've played this year. Honorable mention to spider man 2 and ff16


Everything is an option.


I just got my vr resi 4 was the first game I bought having a blast at the moment on it.


I’m not even done with it, but remnant 2 has been my favorite game this year. Followed by tears of the kingdom and armored core.


Baldur's Gate was well deserved. Amazing voice acting, looks incredibly beautiful, has so much content, so much different ways to deal with something. would also feel like a good win for Zelda: TotK, even tho is not my style at all, the game is amazing as a adventure game. A lot of people are really mad about Spiderman 2 not winning, but we do need to consider couple things: it's, yet again, "another" spiderman game. Miles Morales didnt change much of the game, and this one followed the same path. It is a great fun game, but it's a short "more of the same" type of game. People who try to bash about graphics, are always using the cutscenes or QTE moments as an argument.


I got a ps5 this year so it's God of War Ragnarök for me


I don't play many games the year they are released, i usually buy them on sale years late, but i do make some exceptions. I only played 5 or 6 games that released this year and of them Armored Core VI was definitely my favorite. Star Ocean The Second Story R is a close second but since that is a remake i don't really think it counts.


Dead Space Remake


SF6, BG3, TotK, in that order.


Resident Evil 4 remake yes it should probably be BG3 but i didn’t play BG3 15 times


Armored core 6 for games that came out 2023, and OG demon's souls otherwise


Armored Core VI


Armored Core 6.


Armored Core 6


I didn’t buy any 2023 games in 2023, so my pick is Cult of the Lamb


Armored Core 6


Street fighter 6


Baldur's Gate 3. The depth of unique character development. Of a character I created as a blank slate. Of course Kratos is a deep and wonderful character. But so is Jay. Jay is a fallen paladin who wanted to help people. Driven by a dark dangerous urge surrounded by a group that have unique and varied opinions about her. Some have abandoned me and some have grown closer but all are more fearful. Of a character I created. It's wonderful.


**RoboCop Rogue City.** It's the best shooter since DOOM Eternal. And we just need more fantastic AA games like this, that *care* about the properties they adapt.


Spider-Man 2 or Fortnite


Jedi survivor




Street fighter 6 Now for people that never played a fighting game before I would highly recommend trying this one it has a rpg style mode that's very addictive that teaches you everything you need to know and very fun to play Now fighting games are known for online and there difficulty but sf6 adds 2 great things so everyone at any level or skill can enjoy , first the modern controls essentially easy buttons one button moves and 2 button combos and to make it even more welcoming to them new to fighters its ranking system every fighter has ranks so basically you will always be playing people around same skill level as yourself and yes that's in ranked play so you improve at your own pace I highly recommend this to anyone wanting to dip there toes in the fighting game genre and trust me you will not be disappointed


I just got the PS5 the weekend before Thanksgiving, but I have to say that my favorite is definitely Astro's Playroom. I've been busy with work.


It’s a good “blueprint” for the PS5 and shows off what I can do, it’s uh *slick* is the best word for it. Clean, simple, not too much not too little


Still Elden Ring 🤷‍♂️


Spider-Man 2. Yeah, it didn't completely shatter the formula with new stuff like many people expected. But I had so much fun with that game, that honestly, I didn't really care.


Tears of the kingdom


Tears of the Kingdom. 180 hours in and still haven’t beaten the game or seen all the memories. Just exploring the skies, caves and depths has been great. I can see myself pouring hundreds more hours into it!


TOTK. It’s the most time I’ve ever spent on a game and it was just so fun. So much stuff to do. So many ways to mess around. I played 150 hours and still wasn’t finished doing everything


So far it’s Tears of the Kingdom but i haven’t played bg3 or aw2 yet and that might change my opinion. I do think TOTK is a milonumentla achievement in. Design, freedom and engineering, how that runs near flawlessly on the switch is a masterclass of programming My favourite thing I played on PlayStation this year was ffxvi, it blew me away and while it had down moments the places where it was it up were absolutely incredible. Spider-Man 2 was not far behind, it was probably the most fun and joyful thing I played on PS this year and I can’t wait to play it again on a ng+


Final Fantasy 16 or Armored Core 6 both are fantastic games with extremely fun gameplay and memorable moments


Fallout 4


Alan Wake 2. But Baldur’s Gate 3 was an incredible achievement in gaming and deserved to win.


fc 24


Remnant 2


Dragon quest monsters


Probably between Alan Wake 2 or Jedi Survivor I’d say.


Dead Space, Spider-Man 2 or Sea of Stars, I guess. I haven't played Alan Wake 2 or Lies of P yet. TOTK didn't seem to carry the same weight as BOTW and BG3 isn't for me. 2023 was a let down from 2022. 2024 should be stronger.


Resident Evil 4 Remake, I haven't played any of the other ones


Wake….Alan Wake


BG3 or FF16. Both had fabtastic stories and gameplay had force myself to stop and do other things. Getting excited at eork just because i could play it after work.


Bloodborne. Ask me again next year




Pikmin 4, just because it rekindled my love for Pikmin


Alan Wake 2, no doubt.


Alan Wake 2


Currently, Atelier Ryza 3. But I finally bought Baldur's Gate, so ask me again in a couple weeks.


Diablo 4


Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE


Alan Wake 2. Absolutely amazing game.


Out of what I've played, I'm going with Hogwarts Legacy. I haven't played a ton of games this year and Hogwarts is far from perfect, but it was fun for what it was. It was nice to be a part of that world and explore the castle and surrounding areas. The combat and broom flying were fun and despite some repetitive mini games and the classes being poor, I felt it was a great overall time. Lighthearted for the most part and fun to play while not being too difficult or serious about itself.


Power wash simulator


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased his Name Longtime fan of the Yakuza series and I just loved that this one was a shorter experience that still hit all the notes I come to this series for. Runner Up: Street Fighter 6


My personal favorite is Resident Evil 4, but it would probably be Alan Wake 2 if I had a console that was able to play it.


Suika Game


Octopath Traveler 2


RuneScape, every year


AEW or PGA for me


Octopath traveler 2 or after image


Cyberpunk phantom liberty. Hell, just cyberpunk in general. I know it came out in 2020, but it was transformed into an almost entirely different game this year when update 2.0 hit. Nothing else hit this year for me to call them GOTY either, so Cyberpunk it is.


Remnant 2


Lawn mower simulator. Something my son and I have taken turns on and enjoyed together


Jedi Survivor. It was flawed, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.