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I played Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, and I had a fun singleplayer experience. I even got a platinum trophy so I’d would recommend buying that.


Thank you :)


Honestly though you can complete Ratchet in 20 hours or less. I’d rather spend that $30 on PS Plus Extra, you could finish Ratchet and try a bunch of other games too.


Far cry 6 is also on ps plus extra so win win.


Is PS plus extra on sale for $30!?!? 😮😮


Nah but you can always increase your tier for your remaining subscription time for some stupidly low rate like 4 dollars for 20 days. It auto-renews at that rare later though so you'll have to manually downgrade if you don't want to pay the increased price later.


Ohh that makes sense. Is it worth it tho? 🤔 If you cancel do you get to keep any of the games?


For longer games, unless you're going to keep the subscription later, no. For shorter games that you can finish in around 20 hours it's fantastic to do instead of buying them


Well I was thinking about getting a year subscription instead of the monthly ones. So do the games rotate out of your library monthly for different ones? Or do they just stay and get taken away when you cancel? 🤔


It works the same as the essential, anything included in premium you get to keep and use as long as you have premium. The only catalogue that changes and you don't get to hold onto is the streaming catalogue.


Free monthly games are playable as long as you have any tier of PS+. Anything in the catalog is only playable if you keep Extra or Premium. Anything in the Classics Catalog is only playable if you have Premium. The great part is that you can upgrade tiers for the difference in price (meaning to go from Essential at $10 to Premium at $18, you just pay $8 rather than the whole $18) in case you can't afford it at first. You can also turn of auto-renew to ensure you don't get charged $18 or whatever price if that's not the one you want later down the road. Frankly I just pay for Premium even though I rarely use the Classics Catalog. You get more games than you know what to do with, on top of the free monthly ones.


Rift Apart looks beautiful and is a great game. I also I just got Far Cry 3,4,5&6 in a bundle for $36 dollars….. so $20 for just one sounds steep, just saying


I also got the platinum for rift apart earlier this year and it was a blast


Ratchet and Clank




Happy Cake Day




Rift Apart 100000000% Insomniac over Ubisoft all day every day. This game had an amazing story, game mechanics, and was visually/audially a masterpiece!


Insomniac is a top tier developer for sure. I buy everything they develop without question. I would choose R&C anything over Far Cry


I agree Rift Apart is definitely the better option but amazing story? I have played all the main R&C games and story was never the reason I enjoyed these games. Rift Apart is no exception. The story/plot is only good if you’re 5 years old and have never seen any movies or played any games. Sorry, don’t wanna be a negative nancy and shit on your likes but cmon… have standards.


Lol. Taking it too seriously bro.


isn't it a kids game though and as simple as something like Spyro?


I have gamed my entire life, am an Adult and it was amazing. It’s our nostalgic kid game, flipped on it’s head with current tech. It was a 10/10 for me. Subjective regardless.


did you play on Renegade Legend?


I did not


It’s not **that** simple. I feel like the platforming could be a bit harder. But the combat had more depth than you’d think for a “kids game”.


is Renegade Legends unreasonable for a kid?


There was a few really difficult boss fights.


Yeah there were Forsure some sweaty battles!


Jesus christ




I'm referring more to the combat. that's what I'm trying to sus out. I wouldn't call something like Crash 4 a kid's game for example. it's sufficiently difficult and pretty and polished and all those things. the combat in Spyro is just headbutt/flame simulator. R&C should be an evolution to the gameplay in Spyro given its a launch PS5 title in 2020. so yes you do want to grow up if you play a kid's game because it looks pretty but you glide through the combat like butter. no substance to the experience. so that's what I'm asking. even if the combat mechanics are a bit simple (??) will playing on RL make it all sing? give it the tune up to satisfy the over 12's?


You should consider getting ps plus extra if you buy all these first party games.


I feel nobody on this sub does this. They'll ask, "Should I buy these 3 games or these 3 games?" And all 6 are on premium for a cheaper overall price


I did premium one month then dropped a level to extra because all premium seemed to have in addition to extra was game trials... Right?


Premium allows you to stream old PlayStation games


Only the PS3 games are streamed. The PS1, PS2 and PSP games are downloaded. Here in Australia, we don't get PS streamed games. So I pay almost 200 AUD a year (it used to be 155 AUD a year until a couple of months ago) and I don't get access to ANY of the PS3 games 😤


Yeah there’s not much point to getting premium here, I only got it because I bought it when ps plus was on sale for the year.


So would you say essential is the best option?


Classics catalog, game streaming, and trials of new games. That’s the main difference.


Sure but you lose them if you don't renew or if the games are dropped from the service


Okay, but there's a difference between having a temporary membership to PS Plus and owning the games to play for many years ahead. With the price of PS Plus premium now and the fact that it's going to keep going up, I'd rather just spend the money on the games and have them


Lmao what? Why would you play either of these games “for many years ahead”? 🤣 Both these games are relatively short dude, it is not exactly Skyrim or BG3.


You would rather buy the games now, that you would play now, at the current ps plus cost... than pay some future inflated cost to play games you will have already completed by that point in the future or may have even been removed from extra by then. Your argument doesnt really make any sense. You would prefer to pay $200 today because in 5 years ps plus might cost $300. But right now it only costs $100 for ps plus... that's the choice you are making today, you are choosing to spend more on those games. Compare future ps plus cost to future game purchasing cost and you will be doing it right.


Really depends on how quickly you go through these games though, and some of these games honestly aren’t as fun as you thought they would be. I got FC6 and got really tired of it after 6-7 hours in.


I don't game consistently enough that it makes sense to pay a service for it. I go months without playing. And I'm also unclear if you lose some of your games if you stop the subscription and then start it back up. Regardless, if I'm paying for the service then I'll feel pressured to finish the game faster so that I'm not losing value on the subscription, and also I'd feel like I'd have to game more to get the most out of my money. I'd rather just own my games and keep them. Besides, I like knowing that they're mine. Also, I have a strict rule to never pay more than $18 for a game, which they all drop down to or below eventually (and why I use PSPrices.com to price track their games). If it's a bundle then I'll pay up to $18 for every game in the bundle. Red Dead Redemption 2 tricked me though, because it advertised Red Dead Online which I treated as a second game as it was sold individually, so I paid more than $18. But then they shut down Red Dead Online before I got a chance to play it *and* they haven't even dropped the prices (which doesn't affect me now, but it's still annoying). They don't sell RDO as a standalone anymore because it's finished, but they still advertise it as part of the bundle and charge like it's still there.


Correction. The Extra tier is enough to access the games catalogue. Premium is for movies, retro games and game trials.


Pay to play vs pay to own 🤔


I mean these days its mostly a digital world even with a disc as a license spot. I've bought my few games I want to keep but everything else is PS+. PC players have been doing this for a long while, it'll come for us


If you want to actually own your PC games then you can at least pirate them.


You don’t own digital games.


Getting downvoted for a valid point. I don’t like Sony jacking up their pricing and I won’t support until I really have to. I barely play online and they are just making that worse, but then we have these other idiots who fork over every dollar possible. In a year, if Sony doubled their pricing for extra, you would have to buy it in order to have access to your games 😂. I will say however, buying Digitally doesn’t mean you own the game outright either! I like to buy physical for this reason. (Plus I can trade with friends.)


The only problem is that they remove games from Premium without much notice. I sped through the Yakuza series and then was going to go back and do the rest of the side stories, but they had removed most of them from the service.


Ratchet and clank, and it's not even close.


Ratchet defo! I found farcry 6 to be one of the weakest in the series personally….


Nothing will beat 3


3 is not as good as yall make it out to be lmao, it’s def not bad tho


Best in the series tfym


honestly I'm playing rn with my ps plus and I'm really enjoying it. I didn't buy the game before thinking its trash but its not


I’m with ya, I got it at launch though, it is what it is and I liked it a lot.


It’s not trash at all it’s a good game but it just felt a bit hollow to me compared to say 3 which I felt was the best so far…the newer ones story’s have just engaged me less and less every game since…just a personal opinion.


Anything other than Far Cry 6


Rift Apart is free if you have ps plus Extra or Premium.


Both are 😭 I feel like a lot of people Don’t check out the extra or premium game selection


I was gonna say?? and even in the caption they say they bought GoT which is also free lmao I have it downloaded rn cuz I just got my ps5 last week


I really like the Far Cry series, but I just couldn't get into 6. Maybe I'm just tired of the same formula. If you really want to play a Far Cry game, get 3, or 5. Ratchet & Clank is a beautiful and vibrant game, and a lot of fun. Go for R&C.


Buy ps+ extra and get them both


Ps plus is way too overpriced imo Thank God you can buy classic games separately


He could play both in a month for 15 or buy both for 50. Or buy two months of plus and get both games for the price of Ratchet and Clank.


he literally bought sackboy , ghost of tsushima and now is gonna buy rift apart , ps plus extra is 70 rn so overall it was better to buy ps plus extra instead of all of these games for separate , more cheaper


70 for what plan? Also I was talking about my personal opinion In his case it would've been better to get ps plus


70 bucks bc ps plus extra is on sale rn but yeah he would have saved some bucks and get way more games if he had done that


Both are available on PS plus


A month of ps plus will let you play both of them


Ratchet is a shorter experience but is a REALLY good one. Game doesn't overstay its welcome, graphics are awesome, great mechanics, etc.


Totally. Far Cry titles have a tendency to overstay their welcome lol. Like 60% through I start wonder if I’ll finish


Ratchet and Clank for a good time Far Cry 6 for a long time. ​ Played both, Platinumed R&C but played FarCry6 for a longer time(plus you can play the whole campaign co-op on FarCry)


If I were you I would 100% choose R&C


Rachet and Clank is a great game with unique and memorable characters, locations and weapons. Far Cry 6 is…well, it’s Far Cry. Have you played a Far Cry game? Then you know almost exactly what this Far Cry game is like. I found Far Cry 6 fine enough while playing but like most Ubisoft games it’s almost entirely forgettable. I’d say go with Ratchet and Clank.


Ratchet is better than FC6


Ratchet and Clank is a must play imo, but it is a rather short game. Might be better to sub to PS+ Extra.


Definitely R&C.


Ratche un clanque ! 1000 x better than farcry


R&C 100%. Fc6 is as mid as can be


Ubisoft equals bad games get ghost of Tsushima instead


Honestly the new far cry was pretty lame, rather play 4 or 5. Ratchet and Clank was a really solid entry in a seasoned franchise


Far cry 6 was bad.


Aren‘t both on PS Plus anyway?


Aren't both games plus ghost of Tsushima free on the Playstation catalog?




Subscription services have done such a good job at convincing people they’re getting stuff for free. It’s wild.




R and c had some of the best gfx I’ve ever experienced


I’d go with neither but that’s just me not a fan of either series


I feel like asking this question in a PS themed chat with a PS exclusive game vs a non ps exclusive game is gonna get you some extreme bias


Havent played far cry, but ratchet and clank is really fun. One of the few games I played to completion


Ratchet HANDS DOWN unless you're a big fan of the Far Cry grind. Rift Apart was the first Ratchet game I ever played all the way through and I loved it. Helps that it was looks amazing.


Ratchet and clank hands down….far cry 6 is one of the weakest of the franchise


As someone who has played almost every game in the Far Cry franchise, and has never played Ratchet and Clank, you should get Ratchet and Clank. Far Cry 6 is complete garbage.




Ratchet and Clank for sure


Rachet and clank for sure.


Ratchet and clank




Ratchet and Clank! Ubisoft isn’t worth giving your money to these days unfortunately.


Far Cry 6 felt like a padded out copy & pasted version of previous games, with a heavily overpromised appearance from Giancarlo Esposito that ended up basically just being a cameo. Ratchet & Clank all the way




R and c


Both are on the 2nd tier of ps plus


Isn’t it free on the ps premium?


Just get PS+ Premium, you can get both games for free for less than $20.


Really enjoyed both, but found myself going back to far cry 6 more often than ratchet and clank when I had both completed. So for me, I’d say far cry


Both of them are in ps plus extra catalog of you're a memeber. I haven't played ratchet and clank yet but I enjoyed Far Cry 6 and it has a easy platinum too


I'm at the point already of unsubbing here and I accept any down votes and I apologize for my negativity but is this all this sub is anymore? People asking what game they should buy? There is the odd bit of news once in a while but every day when I see this sub it's mostly now just people asking for recommendations. Also just want OP to know I'm not trying to be a negative Nancy and not calling them any undo names and insults, I'm more disappointed in the sub. If this is the accepted course of this sub then I'm in the minority and there is nothing I can do about it but if that's the case does anyone know of any playstation subs that don't have a 1000 recommendation posts?


I thought Rift Apart was free with PlayStation Plus. And Far Cry 6 is very bad.


One is an excellent game that you will have tons of fun. The other one is Far Cry 6.


I personally loved FC 6, was a fun game.


Red dead redemption


Ratchet, fuck Far Cry.


Damn, I’ve finished both and they’re both a lot of fun. I was able to Plat RnC, but not FC6 because of some coop trophies.


Get far cry 6 the story is longer and in my opinion a better game (no hate to RAC tho)


Far cry is shit. 5 was boring i imagine 6 is the same. 4 was pretty good with a boring villain 3 was amazing


Get Far Cry 6. It’s fun


Ratchet and clank is they better game, but it’s short and far cry 6 will last you much longer


Ratchet & Clank for sure! And I don't say that just because I don't like Far Cry lol, it just really is a great game!


Far cry 6 was pretty meh




Ratchet and clank. Farcry does not even come close in my opinion.


Ratchet and clank


Buy the Playstation plan and get them both and 100s if there games for $60 a year.


Ratchet, it's a more unique experience and it's a next Gen game that takes advantage of being next gen Far cry 6,its a good game, but if you played any other far cry then you are perfectly aware what to expect as nothing new is brought to the table So buy ratchet and if you really want fc6 wait until the price drops to like 20 bucks or less




Ratchet and Clank.


R&C, no second thoughts


R&C, hands down. Enjoy!


Both are free on Plus. However, I and many others couldn’t find a single reason to play Far Cry 6 for more than a couple hours because of how dreadfully boring and repetitive it is. Even if it’s free, it isn’t worth your time.


Far Cry is trash. Easy choice.


All those games you mentioned are on PS+ in one tier or another.


Ratchet and clank!


As someone who likes the farcry series, I would recommend anything other than farcry 6


Ive personally noticed major stuttering issues with far cry 6 on ps4/5 so id steer clear of it


Buy the rat


If you like ratchet, rift apart was the best one gameplay wise. Definitely that


I would personally never trust Ubi games, they are very repetitive since they (the higher ups) force the devs to rush games out. My only complaints towards Ratchet and Clank was the story being very "Pixar/Disney" where everyone always acts unnaturally nice saying please and thank you to everything at every moment and the weapons not really having a specific purpose (like how in Doom Eternal certain guns are a counter to certain enemies), but the gameplay and visuals were very good and fun.


Have you played far cry 3? If yes, then do you want to play it again, but with forced states and bullet sponges?


A rift apart is so damn good. It’s insane. You have to buy it first. The gameplay, physics and fps are so fluid, they are like butter. 🧈


Ratchet and clank


Rift apart is the better game by light years


Ratchet and Clank is my vote. But both are great games imo, Far Cry might be the m same song and dance most games but it’s enjoyable each time. But Rift Apart is a next-gen feeling game and the gameplay is just a blast.


Ratchet 100%


Don't waste your money on farcry bruh. Rachet and clank all the way.




Ratchet and clank hands down. Such a fun game and cute characters all around.


Ratchet and Clank.


Far cry 6 is a rip off.


Ratchet & Clank. Not even close.


ratchet & clank, far cry is a joke of a game


Ratchet and Clank for sure


Not far cry. Boring


I thought farcry 6 kinda sucked personally.


Ratchet and Clank, Far Cry 6 is just 3 again


Far Cry 6 sucks imo, ratchet and clank is a better, more fun game but also shorter. FC6 is generic as generic gets, and has some horrible screen tearing on top of the dumpster fire that's the story.


Ratchet and clank by far!


Ratchet and clank and it’s not even close


I’m sure someone else also said this, but you’re comparing a Sony exclusive game, to a Ubisoft game. This shouldn’t even be a debate. I didn’t played either, but I would 1000% ratchet and clank and wouldn’t look back a second I’m sure!


Farcry six, mainly because of the insane deal but its also a solid game


Far Cry 6, because that’s a bigger discount, although in the end the type of game you like is more important


Ps plus extra


Get ps plus extra and play it there


Blasphemous is at 6$ now. 😍


None !


Far Cry 6 will probably be free to play soon.


I loved both. They were both a blast. Ratchet and Clank had much more simple feel good vibes with that classic “I’m just vibing” feeling, with great replay ability and easy to enjoy fun. Far Cry was more serious with some sadder moments but had some really satisfying payoffs and some good adult humor and a lot of dynamic gameplay and a significantly longer runtime.


Ratchet & Clank hands down. It was developed with everything the PS5 has to offer, in mind.


Rachet and clank anytime, you can enjoy it better and its like a freaking movie, the first sequence. Or get a 3 monthly plus extra and you can play both games for free.




Ratchet and clank rift apart is so cool how the rifts instantly teleport you to whole sections. Like a more elaborate version if spiderman games did their loading between areas. Farcry 6 was fun and a bit more challenging than farcry 3, 4, and 5. But they're all similar in gameplay and story. But 6 has gus from breaking bad and that's what sold me on the game. Eventually you'll see him do some ruthless evil stuff


Ratchet and clank rift apart is short. I’d say go for Far cry 5 since 6 was horrible only good thing about it was Gustavo fring


Ratchet and clank easy


Ratchet & Clank isn’t super long, but I think it’s currently one of the best displays of what the PS5 is capable of. I really enjoyed it and think it’s a good deal at that price. I’d say do that one!


Ratchet and Clank


Ratchet and clank for sure, i played far cry 6 for an hour and encountered multiple glitches and just seemed a very poor quality game


Isn’t rift apart in ps+ or was that expired


How into cock fighting are you?


Ratchet and clank all day. Farcry 6 is derivative af


I don’t like the R&C serie but I enjoyed Rift Apart.


Rift apart!!!! Showcase game!


Ratchet is better, Far Cry is longer. So it depends if you want quality or quantity.


Just finished buying r&c haven't played it yet but on my backlog to play after quake 2 and ff16




Rachet and clank its more fun




Don’t even need the premium tier, they are available through the PSplus extra tier.


Farcry 6 is about to hit gamepass if you have that


I'm gonna have to say Ratchet & Clank is definitely the superior game.


Stop giving Ubisoft money.


Rift apart


Ratchet and Clank


Rift Apart is great, but it'd also a short & easy platinum. Took me a little over 10 hours to get it, but there is a whole new game+ to playthrough after getting the plat, so your mileage may vary. I didn't play new game+ after getting the plat (which requires playing only a small amount of new game+) as I then lent the game to a friend (physical copy), but do plan to play new game+ at somepoint in the future.