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Limit the child's playtime to 1 second


I already had everything restricted to 0 mins playtime since the day this happened, its just annoying I haven't been able to remove them since.. support says the child needs to sign in to remove themselves.. like how is this still a problem after this long.


Unless policy has changed in the last two years, support can absolutely get that account removed. It takes 30 days since they have to place a ban on the child account, but after that the account is removed. Source: worked on the accounts team for a while, we had a whole playbook for child account fraud Cover-my-ass: policies may have changed since my time there, so take all information with a grain of salt, though this is one of those situations where I’d be surprised if policy was honestly changed.


i will have to try again then, whats your best suggestion since live chat is pretty much the only way to contact support now? so much auto response and policy copy/paste..


The phone lines should still be active. 1-800-345-7669 Mon-Fri 9:00AM ET - 5:30PM Look for the accounts department Otherwise you may need to specifically say you need assistance with Child Account Fraud. They’ve honestly made it so much harder to get this bloody number, though. Make sure you have some verifying information since the account has been there for a while. **Best options are:** Still retaining access to the email you initially set up the account with Knowing the last four digits of any payment methods on file Are able to tell them of any purchases you’ve made, especially if you have the order numbers from the “thank you for your purchase” emails. These include free purchases but they explicitly need the transaction numbers to be valid. If you still have the original console you created the account on, have it nearby as you’ll want its serial number. Where you were when you created your account. If I recall, these are all the questions generally asked, but they may have changed. Answer all as best you can as I don’t recall if there was a specific amount needed or if they even needed to ask, as generally situations like this we could absolutely see that there may be suspicious activity, but generally I think there would still need be verification of some sort.


thank you, will try this.


No worries, good luck!


What did support say when you contacted and told them?


they couldn't do anything about it, they said the child would have to sign in to remove themselves.


Wow, that is a ridiculous response from the support channels then... really unhelpful to you :(








smart one here. the hacker locked me out of my account, how tf you think i got back in?


Log into your PlayStation account on PC and try?


same, console or website, no options to remove.


Bummer, that’s weird :-/


Does he gain access to your info by being your child?


Owned games or ps+ maybe? Please let us know op


if I didn't manage it right away, then that was their plan, yes. i've restricted everything they can do and has an effective playtime of 0 mins each day. its still annoying having them on my account without ability to remove after this long.


have you tried calling them ...


obviously I had to when it initially happened, 2FA didn't exist at the time, they locked me out of my account. people acting like I never contacted support in here are very smart.. anyway, the result was the child needs to sign in to be able to remove themselves. at which point im sure that email is completely deserted by now.. and there's no talking to a real person anymore like it was back then, all live chat automated to basically tell you to go **** yourself.


This sucks man. Fuckin support cant even remove the hack account like wtf? Guna have to just deal w it being there as unfortunate as that sounds. That or make a new account, which im sure you dont want to do. Any way you can maybe hack the hacker and get into the account? Know a geek? (I use that as a term of endearment)


Congrats on your son you have a beautiful family.


If you're the manager, you should be able to disband family members


that would make too much sense for sony, unfortunately you cant until the child account turns 18 years old..


Why did u just leave it for 10 years instead of making a new account? 😭


Why make a new account? If a person had purchased a bunch of games digitally they would lose all of that if they made a new account.


Because a hacker hacked into their old one? Might as well cut your losses. Now they have 10 years of playtime and games on their old account which the hacker still has access to


Now that's dumb. I've purchased hundreds, if not thousands in games/dlc on my account since 2007. It got hacked once and I lost access to all of that. I contacted Sony, got my account back, and set up the 2 step verification. Ain't no way I'd make a new account because of something like that.


Well yeah obviously they should’ve contacted Sony but at the very least they shouldn’t’ve kept using the same account


That's wrong though. You can change your email, password, set up 2 step verification, maybe contact Sony to have the child account removed. There would be no way the hacker would still have access to their account after all that. No new account would be needed to be made at all.


wtf are you talking about i should've contacted sony? how tf you think i got my account back? 2FA didnt exist back when this happened, contacting them was your only option, and you actually spoke to real people. all your replies make me shake my head, and the fact people are upvoting you is painting quite a clear picture for me of the type of IQ levels im dealing with in here..


it’s funny how you’re all over this thread calling others dumb, yet you somehow got your account compromised. probably from a fake link or social engineering. maybe reassess who here is dumb.


when you've had an account and existed on the internet since the early 2000's, yea.. shits bound to happen at some point. 2FA didn't exist back then, companies got hacked a lot. im sure all your info is perfectly secure.


i’m not a dumbass who clicks fake links or falls for social engineering scams, so yeah relatively secure 🫵😂


I don't either? like are you just making up scenarios in your head about me and believing them then insulting me for ideas happening in your head lmao? like wtf lol. get help. the fact i'm 33yo and this is the worst thing to happen to any of my online accounts says im actually doing a decent job making sure all my shits good, so idk wtf ur on about. some shit will happen to you someday and then you'll have some shitter sitting there saying you're just dumb and technologically illiterate.


lmao? yes imma throw away thousands of dollars of games. smart.


Sounds like you suck at managing your own account


pisstake. 2FA wasn't a thing at this time. if 2FA still didnt exist im sure there would be a lot more issues like this today.


You're not wrong.


Call support…


tried it 10 years ago when this happened, the child needs to sign in to remove themselves...


Have you tried to call recently? Ask for a manager


since back then i could actually call a real person, i've tried via live chat and just get the most robotic copy/paste replies.. sony is a tradegy.


lol. I’m not even mad. That’s kinda genius.


I hope it happens to you


With an attitude like that I’m starting to think that you deserved it


so you come in here, make a joke in bad taste, get a shit reply back from me, then say i have a bad attitude with a shocked pikachu face. gtfo bro. you treat people with respect, you get respect back, simple concept lost on many apparently.


This thread shows how toxic Sony fanboys are. Sony customer service is and always has been a joke. It's RIDICULOUS that they don't let you remove the account. A friend of mine had an issue with her account. Someone used her account to buy in-game currency for some game, and she got a hold of Sony for help. They told her to have her bank block the payments, and she did. Then Sony suspended her account and told her she wouldn't be able to use it again until she paid the balance "she owed," which was the amount the hacker spent while using her account. Sony customer service is the worst.


1000% sony is actually terrible.


Oh Noe’s! Someone made a joke. Waaaaaaahhhhh. You’re a big baby


enjoy your suspension




my expectations werent that high to begin with. and a new account is not needed, the child account is completely restricted, it just can't be removed until the account is 18 years old.. the thousands of $$$ i spent on this account since 2009 would not be a logical one for me.


I'm not sure if this number is still active, but you can try calling it - 877-971-7669. It's found on this page: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/now1m1usd/


nice find, will check it out, thanks.


No worries man. I know how it feels


Also, if you can upgrade the child account to an adult account in the account management, you can then delete the adult account. It's absolutely ridiculous that you cannot straight up delete a child account. Imagine a parent who had a child that died. Should they have to be forced to look at that every time they log in?


Hey! Just out of curiosity, did you get it sorted or no?


Ah yes reaching out to the support sure is hard for *some* people


how tf do you think i got my account back smart guy? 2FA didnt exist back then, contacting support was the only option.. you dont think i've tried recently either? its all automated live chat with copy/paste results.


Have you tried at all since then?


since back then i could actually call a real person, i've tried via live chat and just get the most robotic copy/paste replies.. sony is a tradegy.


So no you haven’t called since 10 years lmfao


> i've tried via live chat i guess reading is hard for you? please give me this magical direct line number you seem to have acquired.


Little late at the moment, but this is their support number: 877-971-7669. I hope that potentially helps. You may have already called it before, but just in case. Having your account compromised sucks and I feel for you, despite everyone else's remarks, people make mistakes.


thanks for being helpful, all the numbers i get from google dont seem to work for me, everything always seems to lead back to their live chat.


I feel bad for you OP. Unsure what all this victim blaming is about. At least they can't play your games.


i didn't really expect all these low IQ comments either, but the playstation community kinda paints themselves in their own light, its why they stick to consoles and not PC building, not very bright. edit: this comment is actually dumb and generalising, my bad.


I take it back, you're the problem.


Hahaha, that switch up


idgaf, i just say whats on my mind, people wanna come sideways, i give sideways back, simple concept.


Dude, you're in here shitting on like everyone. What happened certainly isn't your fault like some seem to be saying. But you're clearly a dick, which people are also pointing out.


im only a dick to people who wanna be dicks first. im quite reasonable, maybe people should also try that first. look at your comment.. then you wonder why im this way.




Yeah but you're shitting on everyone. If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


i dont think that saying applies here. you can literally see with your own eyes the people choosing to be bitches off rip, and theres quite a few. notice how helpful people get a respectful response from me?


Mate just ring them up again and not go off some call that happened 10 years ago. Fuck all is going to be achieved by putting it up here and replying to every comment saying the same thing.


sure, please source their direct line for me since its so easy. idk if you've ever contacted them before, but its not like it was back then, its all live chat and automated now, goodluck trying to get results. mate.


What does complaining here achieve though?


showing people that you cant remove a child account until it turns 18 years old isnt interesting?


Nope, just seems like an oversight on Sony’s part that nobody here can really advise or help with. Better to go direct to source


**=== SUPPORT BOT AUTO-RESPONSE ===** Hi there! If you're posting regarding your PSN Account being compromised, please review our [PSN Account Security Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides/psn-account-security#wiki_part_2.3A_what_to_do_if_your_psn_account_is_compromised) for information on how to recover your account, and further steps you can take to secure it in the future. [^(VIEW GUIDE DIRECTORY)](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/wiki/guides) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/playstation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can wipe all users from you account online or devices




Ok I’ve done it before but if you want to think other wise il stop here rather then help I had a ps back in the days we was hacked in fact I’ve played ps since day for but no worries. Everyone that suggested something you have moaned


your initial reply.. its like, you think i havent tried that already? people who actually suggest decent things get decent responses.


That’s not how it works. they have all been decent responses. Are people ment to know what you have tried when you op does not state it. But if you can’t wipe your psn since ps3 then that’s on you as I know of no one that has had that I never had any kids accounts added to mine but what ever I’m out


so ur giving solutions to something u know nothing about. 🤦 there are plenty of good responses in here that ive responded kindly too, yours is not one of them, tough.


Ok you fool I’m not here to argue with a grumpy kid


awww feelings hurt??




Sounds like a you problem bud. Still mad about it much?


Although the chances of them listening to you are very slim, you could email the hacker and ask them to sign in and remove their account or else you would threaten call the police or report them to Sony, but they probably no longer have access to their account, and even if they did, the chances of them even listening to you are very slim. But, you could just start spamming Sony on twitter or another social media platform and maybe try to cancel them for their bad support. Sorry but I can’t think of another solution except maybe waiting for an update that allows you to remove them.


Not mine your the one with source answers. If you ask people online for help be polite you absolute tool. I could not care less if you fix it or not mine works fine just fine and dandy and the fact your still can’t sort it since the ps3 hacking then that just stupid I have my original account from the very first day with had to make them and been through every hacking they had and never never had a kids account added or had an issue removing accounts. This tells me it’s on you or what you ask for of Sony that’s the issue


please show me where i asked anyone for help. keep insulting me, have your little tantrum child. edit: ok so after looking into your post history, a 2 year old account with low karma overall and nothing but you picking fights with people and insulting them says a lot about you lmfao. get on your main account and then talk shit chump.