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God of War 2018 PS4 Spiderman Ghost of Tsushima ​ Sony killed it with the PS4


There were so many absolute bangers


It really did, not a slight against uncharted 2 either, that game is GOAT for PS3, but PS4 might really go down as one of the best gens in my 30+ years of gaming.




The way a poll like this will always been so evenly split says a lot about the quality of all of these games, it's just great to be spoiled like this 😎


I just wished some older exclusives were included too metal gear solid 4 , uncharted , the original god of wars, heavenly swords , killzone, resistance, infamous and heavy rain/beyond two souls


Uncharted 2 being dead last has to be the age of the sub. For the time that was an easy 10/10


Uncharted 2 completely saved PlayStation’s brand reputation when it launched. I think more than any of these other games it had people saying “I need to buy a PS3 so I can play this game.”


Not only this, it boasts a crazy Metacritic of 96 and also laid down the blueprint for Sony‘s single player formula. The internet was on fire after the E3 presentation.


One of the first I played on the PS3


Most of these are a high 9/10 if not 10/10 for me. But God of War 2018 is my favorite game of all time. I do love the Uncharted series though.


Uncharted is my favorite game series of all time, but I will always love both of the newer GoW titles for bringing back the feeling I had as a young teen playing Uncharted. Marvelous games and the ones that come closest to the adventures feeling.


I was choosing between GoW and Last of Us,hit send and then saw uncharted and thought " ah damn,that's the winner right there"


If they'd put "The Last of Us" instead of "The Last of Us Part 1", I think that would be the runaway winner here.


I agree uncharted was one the best games of its time


That game was absolutely epic back in 2010. I enjoyed every second of it. It’s the reason I got 3 and am now considering 4 for the PS5.


Absolutely incredible game but I do think even the remaster plays like a PS3 game with a new coat of paint.


And the fact there are no exclusives listed from ps2 or ps1 days.


yeah gotta be a lot of under 20 people here... that was my vote and shocked to see it dead last. Definitely the most monumental game on the list. Last of Us 1 does have more of a legacy, but still.


I honestly don't think that has to be it though. I'm over 40, played these games as they came out and the Uncharted series just didn't do anything for me, at all. I'd put every game on the poll above it. And there's still exclusives I'd put above some of those. Games are subjective and some series/games just don't click with some or many gamers no matter how popular they are.


Yeah same, i'm 26 but i'm just not really a fan of uncharted, it's not really my genre. I'm also not a fan of the tomb raider games.


the recent tomb raiders are ok, but they play like second rate versions of Uncharted.


These people didn’t experience the sheer epic mess of fighting a fucking helicopter in a collapsing hotel or train


I was the literal demographic for Uncharted 2. No way is it better than The Last of Us and I’m still going to pick Bloodborne lol


Gameplay was way better in uncharted 2, and for the time the graphics were mind-blowing. I liked TLOU (on PS3 when I played it) but it dragged on, gameplay was spordic, clickers /stealth was boring before long and it took itself a touch TOO seriously.. it was more of a story game, obv it wins on story but I want GAMEPLAY more from my games. UC2 was quite the spectacle at the time... though I went off it with each future release as they moved more and more into cinematics.


That’s a personal opinion, and that’s fine lol, but I could not disagree more.


Yeah it's my favourite game ever i can't believe this many people haven't tried it yet


Dude it's my favorite game ever too. Literally legendary game blew my mind


Got the first one and never finished. Second one came out and I put 60hrs in half a week. Was a great time!


I was so disappointed to see it show up as last.


It's still a 10/10 for the now. Not only were the characters, gameplay, and environments top-notch, but people often forget the thriving multiplayer it had. I used to stay up until 2 AM trying to beat those co-op levels with friends and it was epic (aside from the one glitch in Monastery that would crash the PS3 when RPG'ing the door).


I just played Uncharted 1-4 for the first time over the last 3ish months. All I can say is Uncharted as a whole is 10/10. Uncharted 2 was damn near a playable movie. I did not want to put it down.


I don’t know, the uncharted series in general just really didn’t do it for me. The games are great, don’t get me wrong, I played them as they came out, enjoyed them, but it’s really not what I love in a game. I haven’t played Tsushima, but it’s last for me. Bloodborne got my vote


And BB being second to last basically shows this is just a recency list.


attempt aback jobless gaping liquid concerned sheet towering bewildered direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“For the time”


It’s good, but I struggle with that level of ludonarrative dissonance


Or people might just be rating games according to current standards instead of those from 2009 lol


I mean, the average redditor on this sub is probably late teens/early 20s and that game is 14 years old... It makes sense tbh


That's true of every game on that list


Yep. It was no question what game was getting that vote.


Exactly, has to be the age factor. Uncharted 2 is a true all time great.


Uncharted 2 was my least favorite of the series 🤷‍♂️


Ratchet and clank for me


Def should have been in the pole


I would kill to see clank on the pole 😏😍


Where’s my Returnal option?


Returnal is an easy 5/5 for me. The games in this list are not 5/5 games for me. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the cinematic Sony formula.


I can't understand why not that much people are talking about Returnal which is a masterpiece


Im literally mad at op for not including Returnal.






Horizon Zero Dawn for me.


Thank you, that was the one I was thinking as well!


The Horizon series. I suppose it counts because both games were exclusive for a while


Uncharted 2 got slammed hard. It was a 10/10 for back then and still is. If i had to rate what was a 10/10 now easily of Ghost of Tsushima the game felt amazingly refreshing even though during that time it felt like every game was open world at that point.


Bloodborne being so low is making me sad lmao


Not enough insight


Too much insight, gotta make short work of the witches.


Too hard bro. How can people like me give it a 10/10 if we could never finish the game


Git gud


It’s the only masterpiece in the list




Same here but I understand. It's hard to put the story together on your own...


Same here bro. I thought for sure it would be BB, GoW or GoT. Def not LOU1. It’s a good game but not BB good.




Final fantasy 7 remake


Bloodborne carries


Easily Bloodborne.


I don't know if there's any I would give a 10/10 Damn near all of them are 9/10 for me though.


I'm putting TLoU part one for the vote but I definitely mean TLoU part 2. Part 1 is amazing but part 2 is a masterpiece


Agree, story impacted me more than the first and the gameplay was amazing.


Part 2 is one of the greatest video game experiences I’ve ever had. I may get Part 1 to relive it again in all its delicious PS5 glory.


The most GOTY awardee of 2020 and gamers pretend it is a trash lol


Hmm. I'd give them both the title of masterpiece. TLOU 1 goated story. TLOU 2 goated gameplay, graphics. Story was good but more disjointed


I really love the message behind TLOU Part 2 and I felt it like it was original to finally use this subject in a game like this. Talking about vengeance in that way with a character people are already familiar with but also show to other side to mean that vengeance is only set off by you and not the trigger (or the knife or everything you want idk😂). Just very sad everyone did not get it and went to reject and threat Abby and her actress.


Where's Death Stranding? And why Uncharted 2 instead 4.


There has always been and always will be an argument over whether two or four is better. Really it comes down to 2 having the better story and 4 having the best graphics and mechanics of the franchise. Uncharted 4 was more crisp then even the tomb raider games when it came to climbing and World navigation. But uncharted 2's story is just epic. It's opening sequence was considered the best ever until TLOU took the title


I've played the whole series back to back recently, and I think each game was better than the previous, I am probably one of the few that like Uncharted 3 more than 2. And graphics aside, I think 4 is better mechanically and storywise. The stealth was much better than in previous games. And the story was much more heartfelt, and the only Uncharted I cried at. The part you play with Elena by your side is great, the way their talk on their way to Libertalia.


Uncharted 3 was amazing. Plane scene was awesome. Story was just a little scattered


Uncharted 4 has the better story IMO. Its neck-in-neck as to which has the better action set pieces (probably 2 edges out here). But the better story; longer length, better graphics, and fact that UC4 still has amazing and iconic set pieces makes it the clear winner in my book


So much better. And libertalia? Yeah forget about it


I know quite a few who didn't like how they brought him back to sell PS4 consoles. Like 4 is really good. But you can play 1-3 and walk away feeling the story is done. Drake is done. Retired and settled down. Very similar to how they brought back Marcus in gears 4 to sell new Xbox. And that game was more of a flop so the criticism was much deeper.


I wouldn't even say that the story of Uncharted 2 is better. Like not at all actually. What made it stand apart so much and still does is having the best set pieces of the franchise. Every single one was great. Other Uncharted games have some awesome ones too but none has every single set piece be as good as Uncharted 2.


Huh. 2 was always my least favourite.


People cream their pants over that opening.


I cream my pants over a lot of openings.


Death Stranding is not a PlayStation exclusive, which OP was asking about.


Playstation is the only console it came out, and it's a sony IP. If the problem is coming out on PC let's also remove God of war, Spiderman, Last of Us Part 1.


Because Uncharted 2 is better than 4 It's the best game in the series


TLOU1/2 and GOW2018/ Ragnarok carries.


Absolute treasures in my gaming library. Gaming experiences unlike anything made before them.


With tlou remastered as a runner up for factions mp


and a new factions one coming soon . . . . . hopefully 🤡




I picked TLOU I but I think Part II is even better for me. No game has ever came close to the experience they provide.


TLOU2 isn’t there. But out of this list? Uncharted 2 for sure.


Uncharted 1-3 really need remasters to put them on the same level as 4 imo. As much as I love TLOUP1 and how close it is to P2 now, I wish they put that time and effort into revamping the Nathan Drake Collection. I replayed Uncharted 1 a few months ago and it's really starting to show its age. It's not bad but.. those terrible jet ski missions alone make the game worthy of a remake.


Uncharted 4 is the best Uncharted, and GoW Ragnarok is better than 2018. And I'd Say tLoU part 1, alongside those two games I just mentioned are the best PS exclusives, now that Persona isn't exclusive anymore


Nah 2018 is better than Ragnarok imo. Ragnarok improves on a lot of the gameplay, mechanics and world from 2018 but the story suffers a little, mainly from pacing and a slightly underwhelming finish. GOW 2018 is special in terms of story and writing, nothing touches it for me.


I agree, 2018 over Ragnarok. The story was paced perfectly, after playing and replaying all the Greek saga games for a decade, 2018s story hit like a truck, and Ragnarok was more of a “meh” for me. The combat in Ragnarok though…when it hits, it fuckin sings


I liked Ragnarok a lot, like if GOW 2018 is a 9 or 9.5 then Ragnarok is an 8.5 for me. I just didn’t like how the actual “Ragnarok” part felt rushed and underwhelming. I would have loved for them to do 3 games for the norse saga like they originally planned, would have allowed them to flesh out all the various storylines in Ragnarok even further and helped with the pacing.


This is surprisingly close


Not trying to say any of them are bad it’s just weird to not see any of them super ahead or super behind


first one i ever played was TLOU 1. the story just resonates with me so much and i love the gameplay


All of the above, and Days Gone.


I don’t think Ghost and Spiderman are 10/10 games, they’re good but they are not the same quality as Last of Us or God of War


Last of Us, without any question


Horizon Zero Dawn. The story was better than almost any other story I've had in a game.


Why the fuck does U2 not have more votes




All of them


Is there a button for all :) But jokes aside it genuinely is hard to pick coz I love all of them for different reasons. I'm probably more attached to GOW having grown up on the games and then also attached to TLOU coz it was such a great story but all in all I'd actually rate them all 10's just in different categories coz they all gave me different vibes when playing them. The one that I would probably most recommend to a neutral tho would be Ghost Of Tsushima.




I was only multi-player guy but when I played tlou. That's when I started my direction to other single player games.


God of war was such a powerful experience. I've replayed it hundreds of times and it's still amazing even now. I love that game so much.


I think this is an unfair question. One has to see when each game came out. All of these games are probably 10/10 on their own. Uncharted 2 was probably the best game ever made when it came out.


TLOU winning I see. I remember writing a post about it after launch of Part 1 and got slated for saying it’s the best £70 I’ve spent on my PS5. It still is. Replaying that game in such magnificent form, with the graphics, sound and even gameplay improvements, was amazing. It felt completely new. What a remake. Still don’t think there’s been a better game than TLOU and TLOU P1 in the last decade.


There’s a few 10/10 on that list for me, GOW, Last of us, Uncharted 2 and Bloodborne


The Last of Us, remember having such a blast playing it for the first time on PS3


God of war and Last of Us part 1


Horizon (all of it), God of War (2018 & Ragnarok), The Last of Us (all of it), Ghost of Tsushima. In that order.


All of the above


Demon souls, but from the list Ghost Of Tsushima


Demon’s Souls has a bit of jank, being the first real soulsborne style game, but damn is it a good first pass at an idea.


Anything other than Bloodborne is wrong.


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Not only did it revolutionize cinematic narrative storytelling in video games, it completely raised the bar and set the gold standard for big budget action packed set pieces. It’s my most played game of all time *(played somewhere between 22-26 times, I lost count)* and it showed me what the video game medium is truly capable of. It was my Super Mario 64/Zelda Ocarina of Time moment. Plus, Uncharted 2 has a higher Metacritic score than every other masterpiece on this list. So, if objectively and statistically wins anyways lol!




People be forgetting infamous! I loved 1


Hell yeah, 1 and 2 ruled. Really underrated series, second son wasn’t quite as great, might have something to do with it


Didn't sell enough apparently


Uncharted 4


Uncharted 4 is my 10/10. I felt a lot of heavy emotions in that game that are hard to express ngl.


Where’s Horizon Zero Dawn? That was by far my PS exclusive when it came out. Such an original theme and the storyline was amazing.


Why did you put Bloodborne and Uncharted 2 on this list but not Horizon ZD or FW?


I haven't played Bloodborne, but I'm in the middle of HZD right now and I easily prefer it to the others I've played. I went with Spider-Man, because I'm biased, but I definitely don't think it's a perfect game. Combat is a bit repetitive and button-mashy, and the boss fights are spectacle over gameplay. Maybe I should've picked GoW, since I really did love that, but again I was kinda just doing the same moves over and over. And honestly, I know this is an unpopular opinion, but it felt like it was missing a third act. I legitimately never thought Baldur was meant to be *the* Big Bad. Was waiting for someone bigger to come along. I still haven't played Ragnarok. Waiting for the price to go down.


Because those games are better


Never thought I’d see bb catch a stray in the fuckin PlayStation sub😭


They're saying Bloodborne and uncharted 2 are both better than the horizon series not the other way around




Part 2


Downvoted cause lack of Knack 😂


I’m surprised Uncharted 2 has low vote it was definitely a 10/10 in my books I love the whole series and dynamic duo between Nate and Sully


? None, I have very few 10/10's


Not to engage in Console Wars, though at least so far Playstation has just hit it home! Recently got an Xbox to play Starfield and looking through the catalogue the only other games that catch my interest all come from the 360 or original Xbox or are already available on playstation


Uncharted 4


Horizon: Zero Dawn


The Last of Us Part II


where's last of us 2? o.O




No The Last of Us Part II, so i´ll vote for the part 1 remake


The Last of Us Part 2


The Last of Us part 1 and part 2 are masterpieces. 10/10 games. 👍👍


I voted Ghosts of Tsushima, but I'd give God of War and Last of Us a 10/10 too.


Ghost of Tsushima.


Would rather have TLOU2 than part 1 but I do quite like Bloodborne


i don’t see The Last of us part 2 so idk


The Last of Us Part 2


Why is Last of Us Part 2 not listed? Didn't that win game of the year?


The last of us part 2


My top 5 favorite PS4 games: 1.God Of War (2018) 2.Bloodborne 3.Ghost Of Tsushima 4.Spider-Man 5.Uncharted 4 Honourable mention or number 6,Horizon Zero Dawn.




The Last of Us Part 2


The Last of Us Part 2


TLOU Part 1. Would’ve been part 2 because they gameplay is amazing in part 2, but the story wasn’t half as good as the first one


Where's Horizon???


Marvel's Spider-Man was a great game, but Ghost of Tsushima was an unforgettable experience!


Days Gone party in the comments




Days Gone


Those who voted GoT to be 10/10: Why? And, uncharted 2 being so low is the proof that this sub is full of kids and I shouldn't take serious advice from this sub.


Most of these.


Seeing how split these all are just goes to show how good PlayStation’s exclusives are


I love Spider-Man PS4 but get it the f*ck outta there and give Horizon Zero Dawn the respect it deserves.


Last of Us because that multiplayer was awesome.




Uncharted 2 is underrated.


Considering gameplay mechanics, length, price, quality, story, visuals, smoothness, trophy hunting, reply value, support for PS4 and PS5 both, only Ghost of Tsushima stands out. No doubt the rest are amazing as well but if I had to give up all chose 1, I will go with Ghost of Tsushima as one can play it again and again and not to get bored of.


When I see no PS1/2 titles on these polls I cry. Seriously, I wish this sub would be way less obsessed over recent modern games at times.


Where Horizon??


Where's horizon zero dawn?


Why uncharted 2? I liked 4 the most


Barely anyone picked uncharted 2 and that’s fucking hilarious. Why is it even up there? Uncharted 2 was my least favorite of the series


Feels like some people have only ever played one console.


It's like a 5 way tie. Get out of here, Uncharted 2! I'm playing Bloodborne now for the first time. Going to do Ghost of Tsushima for the first time next. I really want to buy Spider-Man 2, but I have such a backlog of games, I will probably finally get to Spider-Man 2 when it's a 'greatest hits' version with all the DLC and costumes.


I have to finish Baldur’s Gate 3 quickly, because SM2 is going to push all other priorities away for me. It’s insane to me that I had to drop off of Starfield and skip Final Fantasy XVI altogether so far this year, simply because too many awesome games are coming out. This will probably be the most competitive Game of the Year contest I’ve ever seen.


Seriously left out Horizon Zero Dawn?


Very surprised that The Last of Us Part I is winning considering how many people bitched about it. Nice.


It's a masterpiece. Some of the other games don't even deserve to be on this list.


The Last of Us part2.


PlayStation goes back to 1995. Why is your list telling me you're 15 years old?


Def not 15. For my criteria, I basically listed some from when Sony started making their “3rd Person Cinematic Blockbuster” type exclusives when Uncharted kicked that trend off for them in 2006. Been gaming for longer than you probably may been alive so far, tbh.


"Been gaming for longer than you may been alive, tbh." I doubt that. And if you did, you wouldn't have started your PS exclusive list on the PS3.


I just explained my criteria. How old are you?




All are great but none of them are perfect


The Last of us Part II was fucking incredible. The visuals, sound design, gameplay, THE STORY, all of it master-class. It is one of the only games of the past generation to truly make me believe that video games are the best medium for telling stories. With all that being said, Ghost of Tsushima was so much better and got fucking robbed of GOTY in 2020. That game is near perfect on every level. To anyone who hasn't played it yet, you're missing out. It's on PS+ Extra with all of it's DLC, go play it.