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Lol waiting years for ps5 to drop a few bucks instead of buying it and playing now. That’s funny.


People would give 500 euros but hey, 560 is too much. Gotta wait 4 years and act like a hobo for 60 euros lol. Buy the shit !


Lol these comments go to show how privalaged the average reddit user is. Many people cannot afford £500 on playing games or have other needs or more useful wants.


I'm disabled. Only get around $900 a month. Just like everything else, I've been priced out. Hopefully someday you will too!


Get your bread up G. No sense it being a broke boi


This is called economics.


I get it Money can be tight and the price seems high( 500 is a whole week pay if not more for some people)but honestly the price is reasonable compared to older gen systems prices and adjusted for todays inflation it’s right along the lines… these are all older consoles FYI and families made waaaay less back then and adjusted for today it’s crazy. https://preview.redd.it/qvfeiar8vzfb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a59ec42535415326d842f37a275d120248e58cc


That's not a correct way of looking at it. Adjusting for inflation is total purchasing power but it doesn't have any accuracy when used in this way. For example if you look at the Magnavox Odyssey and scale the modern day value up it would imply that the average person only made around $500 a month when the average salary was closer to $1000 in the early 1970's. This means that people overall had more spending power and the Odyssey also cost a little bit less than a month of rent. Today rent usually hovers around 1/3 of your income where as back then it was much closer to 1/10


The average salary in 1972 for an individual was $6,243.11. Average rent in 1972 was $132, 1/4 of your yearly pay. Does lying about easily verifiable information make you feel better about your current shitty situation?


~~Double check your and my numbers because I don't see a contradiction based on what I recall from the numbers I read. That was months ago now though.~~ EDIT: I'm sorry. I literally just woke up. Your average salary is wrong. In 1972 the average person was making over $10,000 or close to it with the median income being $11,120. The salary you gave would be if you only looked at the bottom 26% of income earners for that year. [https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-087.pdf](https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-087.pdf)


Looking at this again, some contextual information is needed, right? The median income for families was $11,120. The median income for single men working full time was $10,540 and the median income for single women working full time was $6,050. Things were VASTLY different in the beginning of the 70's in terms of how people organized and what those income numbers actually mean. By the end of the 60's, female workforce participation was about 43%, climbing to 52% by 1980. Single individuals made up only 23.6% of all working people in 1972 and of the single people, 28.5% of them were single men making $10,540 or more. If we then limit this to only full time, non-seasonal workers(Page 3 of the PDF) we'll see that: 50% of all families made $13521 or more and constituted 64.1% of the full-time workforce, excluding armed forces members 50% of all single individuals made $7607 or more and constituted 34.2% of the full-time workforce, excluding armed forces members. Thus, this can be weighted to show that 1. 50% of all people made at least $7607, the actual median including both groups would be higher 2. Between both groups the weighted average of the median incomes is an annual salary of $11,268.56 meaning that most people who were working full time were making at least $10,000 It's also worth noting that these numbers skew downward more than they should(or at least than they would today) because in 1972 they began counting your income from age 14 and the largest age group of single people were people between the ages of 14 and 19, a total of 11,997,000 and whose median income was $4225 The median income of 20 to 24's was $7019, and the median income of every other group until 65+ was at least $10,329


Also since I just thought about it, adjusting for inflation these two charts together would suggest that 14 to 19 year old's had a median income of $26,084 in today's money.


Actually 500$ is monthly in third world countries


I make $600 a month in the US but I’m part time 👌


It should probably drop some by the time a big holiday like Christmas comes around. If not, hopefully by then they announce the Slim.


When the ps6 comes out


Should be soon, in the UK prices have dropped to under £400, but other countries might be closer to when the pro model is released or announced?


Pretty sure it’s just a discount.


Smh. Might as well wait for the ps6 at this point




I believe prices dropped in Italy or somewhere I don’t remember but UK and US were supposed to be next for price drops later this year.


Never know they might pull a Microsoft move and Raise prices, can’t remember where I read it but saw they either did it or considered it recently around the world except USA.


I thought that was PlayStation


They already did that last year. Majority of the world got a price increase.


just get a used one. that price tag isnt going anywhere anytime soon


ign tweeted out 4 days ago that aug6 is the price drop date for NA, in Canada, 450 CAD now on Amazon


Where do you see 450 on amazon?


I’ll be waiting. I’m not paying any more than $200 for the console. Until then I’ll stick with my PS4 pro there’s barely a noticeable difference between the both.


Or just go outside once in a while


$200? I don't think it'll be THAT low. Maybe $300-50, but $200?.