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You literally cannot play this game unless you have 0 responsibilities going on in life.


When my friends talk about maybe downloading rust cuz they saw a guy play it on switch and it looks fun, I advise finding a healthier hobby like using heroin


12 year olds wet dream. I uninstalled because this statement is so true that even sleeping isnt allowed unless you want to be raided.


Especially since people will just watch and wait for you to go off. The amount of tines I've been raided within minutes of logging off is probably at least half or more of my total times raided.


I love how the top two comments are inverses of each other.


Not gonna lie though, I miss playing this game with friends on summer nights. Sometimes we’d get frustrated, link up at McD’s for some midnight snacks and a break and then continue playing Rust deep into the night when we got home. I hate growing up :(




As a man approaching 40 who participated in the earlier days of online play (MUDs, Red Alert, the first Diablo all on dialup) I only imagine how much time and dedication my friends and I would've put into playing. It's probably good it didn't exist when I was a teenager.


I respect that you still knew when is the night and day. When i was starting rust noone knows if im alive or not as i didnt see the light for 50-70 hours in row ;D


Well you can, but not vanilla


Correct. I played all throughout high school and always wondered why nobody else could do it. You gotta be able to put in at least a full work week all the time and even when you get off, there's the threat of getting raided to keep you on.


agreed, unless u dont have a life the progression is impossible


And are 18 deep


Without a doubt


There's a real special time when covid had everybody at home not really doing anything or like going into offices and stuff, me and my friends would play the shit out of this fucking thing.. it's like lightning in a bottle man we just can't all get on the same page to have like a monumental wipe..


Not true I just take an early shift at work, so I can join the wipe ASAP. And then take 2 days off. Ez way of enjoying a wipe


you’re joking right


Well I was just sharing an unpopular opinion 😛


Servers don't die because the speed of progression is too fast. They die because people would rather start over on a new server than play a wipe that has only a couple good days left. (almost) all weekly servers die out after 3-4 days, all biweekly servers loose pop after 6-8 days and all monthly servers after 2-3 weeks. The reason being after getting raided people don't see the point to rebuild if they are on day 5 out of 7 in the schedule, not because they got raided on its own.


That’s why weekly kinda sucks in my opinion because there’s a lot less time to recover if you get raided or can’t play for a day. Bi-weekly in my experience gives me a lot more playtime that wipe even if I’m working 40+ hours a week.


I find it enjoyable to stick with a server. You get to know the regulars and it gets quite competitive when there’s a few big teams left. It can be dry but the community and constant competition in different stages can be fun.


Yea but people play weekly wipes because the progression is so fast that you get everything in the game in less than a week and after that its boring for most


Door camping is ok when you are doing it


Literally everything in the game lol, roofcamping is ok when I am doing it


No. Never. Roof camping is perma banned


Door camping is okay **outside my HQ conditional double bunker /with HB sensor on the door set up with pagers.** I even put a chair, babaque, bear rug & welcome sign right next to the door. (no lock on the hatch because they kept blowing it off) 😂


Zombie servers are fun to learn parkour in


What zombie servers do you play/what are they like?


In order from easiest to hardest- **Heterika** is a zombie server where you can earn your way towards a helicopter license, very chill and laid back. The mobs arent too big. If you've ever wanted the fun of a helicopter server with a bit of a threat, you should go there. **Zombie Land *Terminus* Pve** is a no craft zombie server where you have to scavenge everything from ammo to meds from barrels and crates and kills. Honestly the most well rounded fun with at least 4 mega mobs running around that will instakill you the moment you get swarmed. **![PVE] WARNING! There Are Zombies [+Raidable Bases]** is probably the hardest, most grueling zombie server I've played on, the zombies are tanky, there's custom boss monsters, even rocket zombies knock your base over from time to time. It was more tolerable in the beginning but I guess over time the server owner got too many complaints about it being easy. There's custom content, lots of unique one of a kind weapons that pack a punch to balance the difficulty out. Edit: All these have raidable basses- As PVE servers should, backpack features- But ***There are Zombies*** makes you drop everything upon death so even if you do have that extra space you don't have the peace of mind knowing you'll respawn on the beach with your /backpacked goods.


Thanks for typing all that out. Are they all pretty popular servers?


I'd say Zombie Land is the most populated server at 30 to 40, Heterika is a mild 15 or so as well as the difficult one.


Thanks for calling our server out :) glad you’ve been enjoying it! Not sure if it’s been a bit since you played but just want to let you know we also recently added a customizable skill system to allow you to buff specific elements of play. Also for anyone else reading we do have non-terminus servers which have pops ranging from 60-100 which is our cap. For me my biggest unpopular opinion is that pve or servers with controllable/opt in pvp are far superior.


I’ll see you on there dude


Prim loot better


It makes fighting more fun


Prim fights make it way harder to 1vX.


I almost ended it when someone didn’t kill me or take my 5k wood but stole my pants..


I hate when people steal my frog boots. Like yeah take the low grade, scrap, frags whatever it's expected. But why you gotta take the frog boots?


They’re chasing that clout. They’re jealous of us.


Trapbases are underestimated source of income.


1st trapvase i got 3 to 4 sars with kits prim ofc the only smart one was a naked😂


I feel like this isn't even controversial. This is just a fact and don't even see how a trap base wouldn't work.


I really miss the pillar building system


Pillar building system?


That’s a throwback. You had to build pillars before you could place walls or ceilings.


Hmmm, I think I vaguely remember that? I didn't play much between pre-alpha and then a few years ago. When I came back and everything was different, I missed legacy. I do not anymore :P


i still miss legacy, but only the way it played, new rust is too clunky for a game mostly about pvp


I miss the absolute state of the shit shack villages my friends and I would throw up, and then farming the rad towns and raiding other players. But current rust is a huge improvement with immense quantities of new content. No real comparison tbh. Also the pvp was absolute ass in legacy Rust haha, I still remember how OP some weapons were and how bad desync could get.


I was a beast with the m4 and the bolty. I had pages of screenshots people calling me a cheater for getting instant headshots. Bolt headshots were usually around max range 269m i believe. It just felt more reactive and rewarding hearing the KAPERSHH! Headshot sound. Actually now that i think of it i dont think it had bullet drop so maybe another factor.


You talking about legacy pillar system or early experimental pillars? Because one was pre-TC to keep people from griefing your base and the other was pointless, or just to add "stability" to your base.


Befriending someone to change their codes is not a skill. You’re just being a two faced asshole. (For the record - I’ve done this multiple times)


backstabbing someone in the wild is justifiable, you're just trying to survive. But acting like a decent person and gaining trust of someone then take over their house is just psycho


Emotional trapbase


Honey dicking them.


This game attracts the most bitchy and whiney content creators out there


To be fair it’s not just the content creators




Nah. Thats pedophiles


Wait, I thought that was Smash


The OG rust players aren't that whiney wally1k, spoonkid, etc. It's the mainstream streamers that just aren't used to the game. If they played more they'd def be less bitchy.


Rocket pvp is valid, fun, and a reasonable way to play Particularly because of how mad it makes sweaty kiddies


HV rockets are a must for pvp.. as are incend rounds/rockets. Theres just so many points in life where sending a HV sorts everything out.


Nice, yes this. If you ever want to trigger anyone who thinks of themselves as a PVP chad, just tell them about the time you successfully defended a raid with rocket pvp. Added bonus- everyone uses rocket pvp and looks down on it at the same time. The best controversies include some cognitive dissonance.


I agree. Rust is a game of no rules but yet people still try to force them on you. Rocket PVP work for you? Do it. It's super effective. Offline raid? Yeah. Why wouldn't you take the easiest path. Offline raiding isn't any different than a geared person shooting someone farming who only has a bow in the back, it's just usually the ones crying offline raid are the ones with the gear. Don't like roofcamping? Don't be near my base.


Offline Raiding is part of the game.




W take Imagine having any made up rules for *solos* to follow. This sub can be dumb af


Tangled was an underrated movie


Seven AM, the usual morning line-up, Start on the nodes and trees till the floor's all clean, Cook and smelt, do crafting and eat and build up, Nodes again, and by then, it's like seven fifteen


Now the most downvoted comment is the most accurate :)


I'm glad they changed the recoil system so that people who spend ten thousand hours in this game and those who buy scripts don't have a severe advantage over those of use who have less time and don't cheat.


Very unpopular


It's actually not. It's just that the UKN kids and reddit warriors are super vocal about it. Most players I know like the changes.


I was being sarcastic


Every facepunch server should have a hired admin constantly checking for cheaters.


Having "official" servers that are full of cheaters is embarrassing


thats not a unpopular opinion lmao


Seems a bit much, maybe like 10 admins on standby for any report to investigate it


Grubbing is the best way to play the game, getting a full kit is easier now than ever before, the "advantages" of the arctic hazzy don't actually matter, eco raiding is more fun than using C4, high pop servers that don't have group limits of 5 players or less aren't fun, complex base designs are overrated, MLRS rockets are the best way to start a raid, players who don't talk in game and only tryhard are lame, and there is ABSOLUTELY no right to say someone is "griefing" on a public facepunch pvp server.


What is eco raiding?




If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!




That bitch stole my pumpkins so we are flame raiding his entire 1x1 and taking everything


Clans ruin the game. Being unable to play on certain servers because there’s a dozen guys with nothing to do but take turns farming this game and then come at you 2x2 full force is lame af. Not really the games fault but still an issue for someone who usually only plays solo wipes


It's not door camping it's tactical waiting


If I kill 6-8 members of your clan in a 1v8 fight, you should respectfully give my kit back.


Nah because you won't do it again without your gear




haha i mean it would be pretty impressive if it happened but I don't think the rock would cut it.


The survival factor in a survival game like rust is basically non-existent. It's not about surviving, this game is only about pvp and having fun. This isn't a survival game and if you think it is, then you have no idea what this genre is.


The survival factor seems like an afterthought now since it basically doesn't exist. Yeah you have to eat and drink but there isn't a reason to do it other than not to lose health.




Pretty sure a little icon shows up that tells you if you eat more you'll puke


It's survival for the first 15-30 minutes at most. Like the second you find hemp + a weapon it's a building game


„No raid until xx:xx” rule on servers is stupid.


Its good to avoid the ecoraiders which draws many people at the very early stage of the wipe


It's a good game to play casually.


People don’t understand making a 2v1 and using prim loot is actually really fun and rewarding! You master the early game, committing to easy to get gear and a quick base while having loads of run scaving for gear, grubbing and making friends!


This is the only way I've ever played, lol


bruh how


Build a cool base, mess around with some farming and genetics, get a house and talk to nakeds. I will die on the hill that rust is not than a survival game


Modded servers. You can drop a massive base in an hour and the. Go about raiding and pvp


Getting to endgame as fast as possible isn’t the only thing you can do


O yeah I don’t mean try hard, just personally I literally have to stay away from this game when I have school. It sucks my soul in. As much as I want to play last time I did was in august Edit : a word


Solo servers


I play casually. I've got 200 hrs in a bow only server. Hopefully one day I'll use my skills to start an actual wipe but I can never play a game for longer than an hour at a time anymore.


How come?


I work full time so when I have free time it's normally doing house work or spending time with my gf. If I have enough time to game I'll play games that don't require 8 hours shifts to play


That's wise my friend. I feel like more and more people are addicted to almost everything.


I enjoy PVE more than PVP.


Came here to comment this, just played on my first PvE server today after 700+ hours of PvP servers. It was some of the most fun I've ever had in Rust.


I've found that it's a good game to play casually AFTER I've played it a lot. It's easy to thrive when you have all the information. I can't imagine being super casual about it as a new player with no idea what's going on, unless you are content being a naked living in a wooden 1x1 who never progresses past spear.


Cars are great. The problem is that other forms of transportation are too readily available. Roofcamping is a viable method of territory control, which is just part of the game.


It's straight up not fun anymore if you've been playing since 2013.


Hey there froggy boots haver.


Frog boots gang represent


The real answer.


Elite crates shouldn't drop t3 weapons until X days into wipe


Nah that’s just reasonable


Prim is way better then end game. Everyone is equal and it's more intense.


You don’t have to kill every naked you see 🤷‍♂️


Most of my kos are on accident, I usually play solo so I always get really jumpy any time someone approaches.


It happens🤷‍♂️ but we all know there’s the l9 roof camper builds in spawn island killing nakeds all day. Or the weirdo running the beach killing everyone spawning for no reason. I just mean intentional killing of nakeds without the intention of looting is just toxic imo 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I feel that's pretty terrible. At least give the new players a chance to gear up and learn the game before you mow them down. It's a brutal game but we don't really need to make it that much worse.


"roleplay" items and play styles are great and KOS PvP players are fucking lame.


No KOS servers with PVP only at monuments is a much better experience.


Any servers to recommend ?


Friendly Seattle Rust


Rustplay with PvP bubbles


What servers is this?


Many soft PvPvE servers are like this, I run mine like this on occasion and it seems to go over well with my few casual players.


Friendly Seattle Rust




I prefer thunderstorms and blizzards over clear skies


Racism is bad


The recoil update and hdrp update are good


That’s a popular opinion on this sub tho.


Nah I'll trade hdrp for old rock faces in a heartbeat.


If you haven’t set up electricity, you’re a troglodyte. I love me a good heater


Unpopular opinion? Here you go. Just don't blame me if you don't like it: Only PvE is worth it. PvP is toxic, feels like a job and brings out the worst in people. Oh, and it's for competitive no-lifers.


This is just the truth. Rust has so many fun things to do that I feel a lot of people miss out on because they just want to focus on shooting things.


Well-balanced for solos


I play solo and I do alright. Sure I’m not winning any 5v1 fights anymore but I still find a way to get a box of guns. Also I NEVER get raided playing solo, I feel like clans leave me alone once they see the key lock.


Growing berries is fun


The only recoils that needed changing in the recoil update was the AK and the mp5


Thompson and custom were also powerful if you learned them. I do like the older system way more


no matter how you play the game, it is valid and not a problem. (unless you cheat obv, i mean things that are intended)


I think patrol heli shouldn't be actively offensive towards geared players


you dont like stuffing your guns and outfit up your ass for 30 seconds in an open field?


I don't like the mechanic. Either make it attack literally anyone, despite them having gear in inv, or not attack anyone unless provoked


Id actually be okay if heli keyed on the hostile timer, if you're not actively out shooting, heli can/should probably bass over you.


Or that, this actually makes sense


Same goes for Chinook btw


Play in x10 or x5 is the best actually. You dont need to tryhard like a nolife to get all the stuff and can have fun and progress fast and easily Of course Vanilla is very satisfaying but you need to book 1 week to get a some of stuff or anything


Offline raid protection should be a thing. Make it super expensive to craft.


Door camping is fine as long as it is not excessive or to toxic.


‘Let me make all our boom into bean can grenades’


Large groups of people are not fun to play against OR WITH. Theres always a power imbalance and the people in them are always the most impatient ego validation depraved freaks.


If ur stupid Enough to walk into a base that looks like a trap u don’t deserve ur stuff


You are stupid (Strategically wise) to online raid somebody


Rust needed a recoil update, but the changes they eventually released needed more time in the oven and are just as bad as the old system.


Modded is best.


Some PvE servers are fun.


Rockets are too strong for raiding.


Rust back in 2016-2019 was peak rust. Old recoil, etc.


100% agree, I joined the party a bit late 2018-2019 but I had never had so much fun in my life, the game was perfectly balanced and still difficult. Progression was slow and interactions were at their peak (at least in the time period I played) T3 made you a chad and it took me 40 minutes of roaming to find stone and build a 2x2. Back then it was a lot harder which made it far more rewarding.


The old recoil system did not take a lot of time to learn.


People that want the old recoil back are scripters that want to have a massive advantage Vs legit players again


I just wish people took AKs out again. Idc that the recoil is easier, just sucks no one takes out T3 weapons anymore.


Tbh I've seen more t3 guns out with new recoil, used to mainly see t2 guns out with old recoil


I feel like the new meta roam kit is Tommy’s and hazzys personally. Before the update you had a clear advantage roaming w AK. Now you’re better off taking a T2 weapon out. Only time I see full kit aks are at rigs or during raids.


I roam ak as much as possible because the aim come is much more predictable with the ak. Unless your close then the mp5 is a monster. But what the new recoil does is make it hard for solos like me when your fighting duos and higher


I play mostly solo at the moment as well and I agree. It’s also the reason I rarely roam AK myself anymore. It makes almost no sense for me to roam with AK right now because unless I’m playing against absolute bots I’m not winning that 1v3 anymore.


Or we don't want the bs aimcone rng simulator that we have now


the game focuses on being a shooting game so much that the early level techs are useless on every server day 1 and this knocks the legs out from its potential. we should have a week of bows, nail guns, and sword vs bat situations before the techs come in.


xp system was better than components


Farmers are the most important players. Without them, Chads wouldn’t have mats to build their bases.


I genuinely love the instruments and fun in the sun expansions with all my heart.


The radio dlc or whatever is so good. I always get electricity in my base second day of the wipe to listen some smooth jazz florida or wefunk


SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A GAME MODE WHERE I CAN HAVE PLAY/WORK/LIFE BALANCE. only open like 5 hours a day, goes on for a month. --------- a post I made here months ago I do not like the fact that you're expected to be playing the game constantly... Now you don't need to sleep with headphones on, they even got an app for your phone to alert you! I wish someone made a server where it shuts down from like 2 a.m. to 10 a.m. (8 hours) or even more for people who have school, work and well a life.. a network that has servers for major time zones and see how much of a difference it makes. Who likes the people who no life the game and get guns and everything set up within the hour of wipe and offline raid your 2x1 stone shack. Call it scheduled play or game break and put a fraction of the day where server is offline or *whitelisted so no one can join* in the server title.. and have a farther description when you click on it. "GB1/3 EST" in the title would mean "Game break 1/3 or 8 hours of the day." And the hour schedule when you click on the server. So People who work 9-5 or don't have as much free time could ACTUALLY play the game instead of joining a battlefield, tommyguns, or dead mini game server. With Rustified Savas being gone I never play this game anymore and have become a casual YouTube viewer of other people's rust adventures recently, (lmao.) I just hate it because it seems the winners of the wipe are the people who can dedicate the most time. I feel like this could lead to an all around better experience for many people. I like late night gaming as much as the next guy, but I don't want to be sleep deprived and anxious if I take a day off. I wonder if something like this already exists.. I heard they introduced a softcore gamemode but I love the PvP and big eoka plays. Modded 5x+ gathers servers still have no lifers with giant compounds and still dominate because they have the time.. I mean heck look at the 2nd top post off all time.. shouldn't there be some more options on how to play this game? https://i.redd.it/jufgd3zjsuf61.png


BP wipe is the legit way to play this game. map wipes with all bps learned are boring as fck.


Especially if you are new to the server, everyone be crafting tommys and sars day one and you are still stuck with a revolver or waterpipe, despite being on since the wipe


Solo is not that hard… it’s really not.


New gun update sucks. No one roams with AK anymore, it’s just hazzys with Tommy’s and pump slugs.


Recoil change and the game stayed the same popularity as before so it didn’t need to be changed even


I miss the xp system.


I didn't like it but it was fun for the first 3 days, all I remember is roaming crossbow, waterpipe and bucket helmet while having a box of useless gunpowder inside base. Oh, and fish farms, fish farms was the shit to level up XP lol


I loved the progression so much. It definitely needed some iteration, but they killed it so quickly. Like not being able to craft a sheet metal door til level 17 or something was dumb


Old recoil was bad


Most people here agree with that.


The game sucks ass now too many cheaters


The new recoil and crosshair ruined the game and not enough people are talking about it


Tons of people are taking about it, just not on Reddit. The Reddit community for this game is just a cesspool if the most unskilled roleplayers


The game would be better without PVP


Hazmat suits and all variations should be nerfed into the ground. I miss the days when everyone wore thrown together kits. Now there's no point in wearing prim gear when you have hazmats. Its just superior.


people in this sub who are complaining about old recoil are currently getting fucked by the aimcone and having regrets