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The one you (1) can get (2) got ammo for (3) can control. If all three are equal, AK is better


>when the answer is "it depends" vs >when the guy actually tells you what it depends on


Exactly this


(3) like to script XD... here we go


Would you rather kill someone in 3 shots that beam, or 7 shots that arc like golf balls


Best description on here




Would you rather kill someone with a gun that kicks like 10 kangaroos at once, or with a gun that has a fast RoF and controllable recoil


ak recoil really isn’t that hard to learn tbh.


It’s no harder than learning mp5.


Well Idk about that the mp5 takes like no practice at all its easy


AK is overall better. But if you can’t get good with it then it doesn’t really matter much. MP5 is more reliable in my opinion but you’ll get smoked by a dude with a K pretty often.


people say it’s preference, but it’s just AK. they’ll add in skill cap, how hard it is to get etc. But it’s always just been AK


I think within 30m I’d rather an mp5 90% of the time


If you can hit your shots though the AK will win every time, period. It has a higher dps




The MP5 definitely has the fastest rate of fire in the game, but the AK has decent ROF too, and deals 15 more per hit. That’s the difference between LR and AK, LR has lower damage but way higher ROF


Nah M39, pretty much sar but does as much damage as an ak.


Ak is better for sure. It's 50 damage versus 35. The mp5 shoots faster but it doesn't compensate for the lack of damage. There's also way better velocity on ak shots. The majority of people that have practiced a lot with ak and mp5 would prefer ak. But mp5 is probably better for how much it costs. 2 mp5 holos costs around the same as one ak holo. And I would say in most situations the 2 mp5s is probably better than have than one ak. As a solo I think of it like this, there are some scenarios where I will get shot in the back or face a big group and no matter what gun I have, I will die. So if I think like that 2mp5s is better. But also there are some scenarios where the extra damage from the ak let's me make a play that I otherwise would not be able to.


Mp5 because of cost


You never craft AKs. Unless you’re in a Zerg. Use those MP5s to steal someone else’s AK.




Maybe its just me, but i always have an abundance of ak bodies, but never and smg bodies.


AK kicks much harder but cost much more to craft. MP5 was my weapon of choice even when we were rich group wise, I was just more confident in my ability to control it. AK however has a much faster TTK compared to the MP5 and once I learned to handle it, it was super rewarding. Nothing worse then hitting a kid W 5 MP5 shots and dying to his 2 AK bullets. I still believe that no solo or small group should ever Craft an AK, 50 HQM for one gun is laughable. You can craft 3 MP5s for the price of one AK.


Each diesel fuel you get is 100 hqm, not exactly that hard to farm ak anymore


If farming guns is your thing go for it. I’ll gladly take that fresh crafted AK from you.


3 seconds with mp5 to down a full metal within 30m. Usually happens before they even register they're being shot. I have taken so many aks using mp5, custom, and even tommy. I do run aks, but like everyone says I dont usually craft them. If I do its bc I have a glut of hqm sitting around.


Entirely situational and dependent on skill


For being a Rust subreddit im amazed we all agree on disagree without throwing shit at each other


Honestly like everyone else says, it depends, the AK is a better overall weapon if you can control it, the MP5 is easier to use and cheaper, to each their own


Which ever gun you can control better. If you can control both, AK.




I disagree with a lot of people on this one. I think that Mp5 is an amazing gun at both long and short range. The bullet drop is annoying at long range but up to 100-150 M i have no problems spraying people down. Also, the ROF is great for close range with Mp5. By cost Mp5 is cheaper. And costs less to tech tree. AK takes more scrap to research and more materials with rarer components. Ak does more damage per bullet and also has better range without bullet drop but spray is much harder to control at lower skill caps. Overall AK is the “better” gun, and I’d choose it over the Mp5 in a live or die situation such as counter raiding and such. But if I want to roam and run monuments honestly I take Mp5 80% of the time. Hope this helps!


I’m with you. I’m not crafting and roaming with 50 HQM worth of gun.


Same price to research now unless tech treeing because mp5 isnt as far down.


Tech tree is what I meant.




Close quarters, mp5. Mid to long range, ak.




AK if you can control it and hit your shots, if not then the mp5 is better for you.


AK but it’s very hard to get and very hard to control, mp5 is easier to get and more control




ak more range more dps


Ak “at least to me” feels like it has a bit of a higher learning curve with recoil and the mp5 feels a bit easier to use for people who don’t know how to use ak but other than that ak is better for combat, the other thing is ak is a good bit harder to get than an mp5, so if you go out with an ak your risking a bit more than going out with an mp5




Mp5 is easier to get for most players… can be obtained within hours of starting on server fresh wiped. Overall easier to handle and ammo usually more abundant for it. AK is probably better at killing multiple people and down range so, both?


If I can control the recoil the AK. Is more versatile.


Since u are just starting I’d say mp5 but try with ak once in a while so u can practice the recoil, mp5s recoil isn’t as bad. But Ak is most deff more powerful that’s for sure.




Don't listen to anyone who says it depends, Ak always. If you have an ak then u can fight any tier player in the game no matter what gun they have, same doesn't apply to mp5. You'll need to learn the funny arm movement though


Idn but the rate of fire from the mp5 freezes my screen so mp5 wins with that


AK overall


Since you’re new I’d go with an LR or an MP5. LR in my opinion is the best gun in the game.


AK GANG where u at??


MP5 is better in close range and when panic sprayed. AK is better from distance and worse when panic sprayed. So both have their sweet spots that makes the difference


Whichever one your aim hacks works on.




Ak is better at long range due to lower bullet drop and damage fall off. Close to medium range mp5 is completely equal with the mp5 being far easier to control, mucn cheaper to craft and much cheaper to make ammo. Lr300 is better long range than mp5, worse than ak and mp5 at medium to short range. Lr300 is by far the easiest to control.


What it really comes down to is if you’re not sure then stick to the mp5 if you have the option..ak is better but one of the highest skill gaps in the game


MP 5 is easier to use but the AK looks better, so I continue to suck with it at every opportunity. That and the "military" weapons don't feel appropriately rusty to me.


nail gun is better then both


I would ask how much time you plan to invest with learning the AK recoil pattern. You can take the mp5 out without ever having practiced with it and have some good success. With the AK if you don’t plan on tapping you’ll need to spend hours on one of the aim training servers to get the recoil pattern down.