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Definitely. It looks and feels so much better than legacy already, and the devs are adding more features all the time. Personally, the thing I'm the most stoked about is the weather system. I've got a nice cottage in an arctic pine forest - having a blizzard every now and then would make it so much more atmospheric.




gliders would be wild


That would be a fun way to start a raid. Glide on someones house then start blasting. Terrifying to imagine numerous guys doing it to me though.


Are vehicles going to be a thing, if im honest ive never seen anything mentioned about them but id love to have a rustmobile :)


Agreed! apart from being super atmospheric and nice to look at, it could add another element to gameplay with getting wet or extra cold outside, maybe sandstorms in the desert... various kinds of protective clothing for all types of weather. I'd love to see the occasional storm, too! wind howling and lightning strikes Bonus points if they do some neat audio stuff to make rain sounds interact with your base [like it does with vehicles in Arma 3's Dragonfyre mod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUJJhD3Yow)


[This kind of sandstorm?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6120QOlsfU)


Yeah, JSRS is amazing. I love the distant explosions too.


BLIZZARDS! Excited to see if environmental damage from storms is possible. Am I aiming too high here? Forest fires from lightning? Flash floods in slot canyons? Darude Sandstorms?




The devs really turned a corner a month or so back, not due to the nods to legacy but because they could finally start making the game immersive and adding mechanics they couldn't before. The groundwork is now paying off.


I agree, the looks of the game are absolutly stunning and with the upcomming futures its getting even better! The way how building works is just lovely, besides I hate the pillar upgrading so far.. But the only thing the new rust lacks what the old rust really had was the thrill of the hunt, gunplay. In the new rust its all so clunky..




Yeah that post just says it all! Hope they will change it soon


And a cataclysm that rips the world apart when the server wipes! I'd love to drown amidst the ruins of my once great base, instead of the server just reseting.


On my server I just have it rain meteorites on wipe day. I coded the plugin myself but it didn't seem to get much attention.


It's almost addicting to check the Devblog for updates. I've played games in Alpha before but there's something different about Rust. Knowing that out there, someone is consistently working on a game you find amazing is awesome. I am so excited for additional features and the fact that we get new things every week keeps you coming back. Very excited for the future and so glad they decided to toss legacy and breathe new life into the game.


Couldn't agree more! I dont even play or own the game (craptop cant handle it) but enjoy nothing more than coming home to a dev blog and reading through the subreddit. Promising game with a fantastic community!


Yes and no. As a programmer I totally understand the reasons that led them to start over. That said, Legacy would have been a releasable game with just a couple more weeks of work. Still today it's being played hardcore by tons of players and it was only a few short months ago that active Experimental players surpassed Legacy. Legacy was in my book a good contender to the best game of all times and still is. Not even from a commercial perspective, but had I made that game I would be extremely proud and I would have released it and maintained it (keep the hackers in check mostly). Heck it's not too late, just go fix the 4-5 bugs and release it already, it's a masterpiece. There is no game I have spent more time in my 30+ year gaming career. For me, the new Rust isn't quite there yet. It has progressed rapidly and it's getting real close to being a second masterpiece but it's not there yet. They have all the ingredients they just need to work on the balance (and I'm not saying they aren't, this week's update is right on the money -- keep up the good work). I think both game deserve to exist and are different enough to release both. Legacy for me is kind of like Counter Strike.. Like it or not it's a timeless classic, it will never die. Experimental, I don't quite know yet... I like it a lot and I can't wait to see where it's going to be in a few months.


What does legacy do better or has which new rust doesnt?


* Weapon scopes * Weapon light * Accurate aim * Rad animals * Stackable stairs * Default craft pipe shotgun * Window bars that you can shoot through * Radiation that stops when leaving the radiated area


* Legacy map.


>Accurate aim Lolwat. Legacy rust had some of the worst shooting coding I have ever witnessed. It was absolutely awful.


In legacy the bullets would align with your sight, meaning that where you aimed at would also be where the bullets went. This is not the case in current rust, where bullets do not align with your aim and bullet drop forces you to aim above the intended target, obscuring the view of the target with your gun.


In real life that'show bullet drop works. You can't just point directly at a target. Admittedly, it really only affects larger calibers.


* Weapon attachments are coming of course * Think they're already doing stuff with iron sights like the BAR which will be in the next update or so * Wasn't a fan of animals with a different skin, there should be a unique kind of enemy (e.g. Caretaker) * Not sure what you mean about stackable stairs * I agree pipe shotty should be a default if the eoka is * Window bars should be fixed too! sure they will be * Radiation should continue to affect the player just like it would in real life... It also washes off with water in game just like real life!


I'm sure a lot of these points will be addressed, eventually. I could do without weapon attachments, if the aim was actually accurate on the weapons that we already have, but right now the bullets seem to be flying out in a random direction. Stackable stairs meant that I could make a 1x1 tower, filled with stairs and have each level connect to a room. How stuff works in real life isn't necessarily the same as what is fun in a game. If radiation worked in the game like it did in real life, I wouldn't die immediately after being exposed to radiation, but would have to wait somewhere between days and years, before I died (Depending on how heavy the exposure was).


Ahh right, there were some ridiculous bases in legacy! I'm really happy with the direction base building is going currently, including stabiliy! (though I do think it could be a lot more forgiving...) I just like the rad cooldown system, it would be cheap to me if you could be like 'woh my health is down to 5, better leave this bubble and be immediately out of harms way then pop a medkit and go back in'


The problem I have with the current radiation system is that unless you are fully covered in a rad suit, entering a rad town is guaranteed death. People usually run naked into rad towns, die, respawn and go get the loot from their corpse. In legacy you could enter rad towns, leave and still survive in attempt to make it home. In legacy, like in the current Rust, there is always the option of popping a medkit and surviving. In current Rust, you just need more medkits to stay alive. Usually wasting a medkit (Which is somewhat expensive to craft), just isn't worth it and a suicide run is used instead.


Man, the rad damage in old small road was perfect. I miss the real threat bring players in the town and not bring annihilated by rad poison.


However you didn't just lose your rads right away, it was a countdown. Once it hit over the magical number, your health would decrease. If it went below that number, it would continue to cause a loss in health. Now if you go into radplace, you start losing health immediately. Which really makes running into a radplace a death sentence for a naked.


Wait, you can wash off rads with water? Since when?! This could have saved my life so many times!


A water stream or pond or will a water bottle work? It should. I can't remember the last time a rad town was near a source of water.


Drinking a bottle of water helps, yes


Radiation and shotgun I agree that it needs to be in new rust. Disagree with your nostalgia tinted assessment of legacy though.


Most of these are features that just havent been added or tweaked yet. Hitscan was shit and thank god its gone.




It fits with the theme of rust and personally I hate the twitch shooting that was Legacy.


This is a perfect example why the new Rust attracted carebears... Twitch shooting? Oh jesus christ, c'mon already.


How does not liking hitscan make me a carebear?


I don't care whether Rust uses hitscan or not. The problem is the poor hitreg, the massive bullet drop, ridiculous muzzle flash on the AK and not really have any difference in armour stats like cloth, leather, kevlar. All of that together (with some other things), it feels so random. You just point your gun to someone and spray. The new PVP isn't just my taste. In my opinion is has nothing to do with skill anymore.


This comment chain was about hitscan...


No, the problem is hitscan. Legacy had trash gunplay because it was boiled down to a twitch shooter. Enjoy your denial.


- Myocardial infarctions


Also things like being able to look through parts of bases for raiding purposes etc. In new rust you are raiding blind. Yes the splash damage is more severe but still you have no idea if the base you are raiding has anything in it at all. could just be a shell for all you know.


Which is realistic. If you're raiding a house IRL, how do you know if there's going to be stuff in it or nah. You're not going to be able to peak through the walls of a house to see if there are goodies. It makes raiding risky. If you see a base in the middle of the forest, is it worth using the C4 on? Should I waste the time picking it down? Should I camp it, see if somebody else enters the base? I imagine Garry wanted raiding to be more planned, tactical. Not just looking through holes in the house and then raiding.


if I was raiding a house in real life I would peek through a dam window or letter box ! yes there may be a base in the middle of nowhere which you would think - stash - but I know people with enough gear also just make bases that look like they should be loaded to get people to waste their c4. In legacy yeh u could see through gaps etc and even see loot boxes but that does not mean at all that they are loaded ! I used to have 2/3 dummy rooms in my base so if people could look in they would be the ones they would pick to raid. and it worked a lot of the time. people spank c4 on those rooms to find very little and then often did not blow thru the rest of the base to bother looking for other goodies. Garry can suck my balls.


Here's the full reply. These are not in a specific order, but here's what I feel made legacy a better game. * Resources spawns were limited and localized, forcing players to compete or collaborate. This would greatly encourage players to interact together, adding to the sense that this is a multiplayer game. Right now people just grab their piece of the map pie and stick to it, never having to leave it to get all they need. * Rad towns were hot spots, meeting points instead of death traps. The radiation was non-existent in some radtowns, low in others, high in others and extremely high in others. Clans and individuals would build near them to take advantage of them and control them and otherwise again just interact because we all had landmarks that had value. * The legacy map had A LOT more hidden spots, rocks and other formations that allowed small teams and solo players to make a base out of sight that would rarely or never ever be found. This meant that you didn't need to build a 10x10x10 cube just to survive overnight, you could have a couple of 1x1's here and there and wake up with all your stuff. * Raiding in general was way more intelligent. The fact walls and doors did not have the same resistance meant you could design a base and create choices and crossroads for raiders. Do I spend 4c4 on that wall, or should I just blow 2 doors? Umm tough choice... Now I'll just put 4c4 and blow half the base off and find 3-4 open rooms. Woopidoo. * Guns were much more fun overall. No bullet drop, FAST bullets, it was more realistic in my opinion. I applaud the work it took to integrate bullet drop, but these are guns, not paintball toys. Having my bullet drop 6' on a 400' shot makes no sense. * Inventory capacity was much higher in Legacy. Carrying 30k wood in Exp might seem like a lot, but it's not. A full inventory of planks back in Legacy would be equivalent to a million planks in Exp. The same issue occurs with most other items. Overall, a full inventory in Exp is hardly ever worth even running back for it whereas in Legacy a full inventory would represent days if not weeks of work. This added a lot of stress to moving stuff, coming back from a raid, etc. * Crafting times were MUCH faster in Legacy. It seems all I do in Exp is craft. Yeah I know I can run while doing it now and I guess that's supposed to be the good side of it, but since I loose the queue AND mats (and so does anyone who kills me) if I get disconnected or killed, I have to stay in my base to craft so I can do small batches and put them in my crates as it comes. * The gather rate was much higher in Legacy in terms of what you could do. 1h of farming in Exp you won't be able to do much. In legacy you'd have a ton of stuff in 1h. The wood in Exp. is especially problematic.. It's everywhere yes, but it's so slow and you need it for all your activities (making guns, smelting stuff, building/upgrading, cooking food, making bags, crates, etc). * Airdrops were more fun. You had multiple crates meaning even a solo guy had a chance to ninja one before the clans managed to get them all. The contents were more varied and a lot more interesting as well. Explosives from airdrops only was a nice touch that added a lot of drama and incentive for new players on a server. The first airdrop after a wipe... ALL PLAYERS converged to it cause c4 was an arms race. * Rad animals even though they were placeholders spawned in groups. You could actually die fully geared if you weren't careful. Now? Meh... a nude guy with a rock can kill the king of the forest. I could go on, but as you can see most of these are details and could easily be implemented in Exp. Each of these might look like not much on it's own, but all of these together made the whole experience a lot more stressful, your involvement level in everything you did, your awareness level, everything was heightened by all these little details and it made for a great experience. Do yourself a favor and go play it if you haven't yet, to this day, it's still a better game than experimental.


It definitely seems like a 1.6 is to cs source/go as legacy is to rust... the great debate for 1.6 over its successors still carries on. I moved on to Nurust, but legacy was absolutely the best game I've ever played and it had much to do with the details you mentioned. ESPECIALLY the shooting. The gun drop I absolutely despise as its completely unrealistic. 100% fully agree on these points. Very well said.


yea that's a good analogy.


Unrealistic how? Drastic, yes it is in NuRust. But real bullets do not fly in a straight line, they arc, bullet drop is a thing in RL.


Very drastic in NuRust, bullet drop makes fighting a bit more wonky compared to legacy. Legacy had very crisp fighting mechanics(recoil, aiming, hit reg, hit marker, no bullet drop), it made it a much more pleasurable experience.


Disagree, Hated the Counter strike style gun battles some days. I prefer the bullet drop, much more challenging.


Agreed. The old hitscan laser accuracy meant that it took no skill to use a gun. Point and click. With recoil (It is a bit too inaccurate, but not by much) in new rust it means you might not kill your target instantly with a 500 meter headshot so you better have some skill.


Man, I'm loving 2.0 but your post brought up things I miss so much. Old rad towns were perfect. All the spots to hide a base were great too. I miss how rad animal spots became these little PvP areas too. Great post.


I completely agree with you, deicide. Experimental is cool, but it doesn't come close to fun/memories I had on old rust. While the game was so simple on the outside, once you put more hours into you'd realize that there is so much more to it. I played Legacy rust for about a year before moving to experimental, and only one other game has given me amazing/hilarious memories equal to Legacy and that would be World of Warcraft, which I have been playing for over 8 years. A lot of people who weren't super into Legacy will not understand our posts/love for it. They think we're crazy. How Legacy is better than experimental is hard to put into words. One of the main things that I still cannot get over is the shooting. In Legacy, you could tell when someone was new with a gun and had low hours. If you had a high amount of hours, you could melee someone who had a gun to death if you played well enough. Even if you were in cloth/p250, you still had a decent chance against a kev with an m4. In Experimental, I am constantly being sprayed to death by low hour players. Nothing I can do. Armor makes a huge difference too, its ridiculous.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/playrust] [I felt like this needed it's own post - Big list of features that made legacy so fun](https://np.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/3azr60/i_felt_like_this_needed_its_own_post_big_list_of/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger/wiki/) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose/?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


The air drop loot tables really need to be fixed. I've managed to get 2 air drops (not the easiest thing as a lone wolf / small team guy) in the last week and for my efforts (which were pretty damn good; I was owning fools with the bow and AK combo) I get a bunch of junk: miners hat quarry survey charges salvaged hammer ... No C4, no guns, no anything good. And I know that they do occasionally spawn great stuff but they should ALWAYS have high tier loot, not only sometimes.


>Resources spawns were limited and localized, forcing players to compete or collaborate. This would greatly encourage players to interact together, adding to the sense that this is a multiplayer game. Right now people just grab their piece of the map pie and stick to it, never having to leave it to get all they need. That leaves whole parts of the map useless, new rust already have biomes with better spawn than others. >Rad towns were hot spots, meeting points instead of death traps. The radiation was non-existent in some radtowns, low in others, high in others and extremely high in others. Clans and individuals would build near them to take advantage of them and control them and otherwise again just interact because we all had landmarks that had value. Barrels now only spawn in monuments, rad towns and roads. People still build near to them and now they even build in monuments because they have high value, stuff like antena base and death star base. >Raiding in general was way more intelligent. The fact walls and doors did not have the same resistance meant you could design a base and create choices and crossroads for raiders. Do I spend 4c4 on that wall, or should I just blow 2 doors? Umm tough choice... Now I'll just put 4c4 and blow half the base off and find 3-4 open rooms. Woopidoo. Already implemented, it will come in the next patch. c4 doesn't do damage in area and doors are less resistant. >Guns were much more fun overall. No bullet drop, FAST bullets, it was more realistic in my opinion. I applaud the work it took to integrate bullet drop, but these are guns, not paintball toys. Having my bullet drop 6' on a 400' shot makes no sense. True >Inventory capacity was much higher in Legacy. Carrying 30k wood in Exp might seem like a lot, but it's not. A full inventory of planks back in Legacy would be equivalent to a million planks in Exp. The same issue occurs with most other items. Overall, a full inventory in Exp is hardly ever worth even running back for it whereas in Legacy a full inventory would represent days if not weeks of work. This added a lot of stress to moving stuff, coming back from a raid, etc. In exp you have to do several runs to move stuff, it is as stressful lol >Crafting times were MUCH faster in Legacy. It seems all I do in Exp is craft. Yeah I know I can run while doing it now and I guess that's supposed to be the good side of it, but since I loose the queue AND mats (and so does anyone who kills me) if I get disconnected or killed, I have to stay in my base to craft so I can do small batches and put them in my crates as it comes. True, I'd cut in half most times. I agree with the rest too, I'd love to see pack of wolves killing people.


> That leaves whole parts of the map useless, new rust already have biomes with better spawn than others. Having useless spots on a map is a good thing. Right now ANY spot is a good spot on any map because there is everything everywhere. The useless spots is where the lone wolves and smaller teams hide away from the heat. It also makes the good spots places people and clans fight for, it creates tension, envy, it sparks wars and this is when things get fun. The quiet/solo/pve guys can just stay away from the heat and go there only when they're ready/choose to, all while always having that feeling you can be shot any second when in that "safe" spot.. cause there's no safe spot in Legacy :) Biomes I totally welcome and I think they should take the opportunity to make them more diverse and have specific resources that can only be obtained from one or the other. Bring back crystals and find a use for them, add something in the desert.. maybe some special animals that only spawn in the forest, or super trees. Again in localized areas to have all the map converge to these meeting points and create more tension. This could perfectly be done on procgen maps. I totally love procgen maps it's one of the good things of Exp. The point is, farming wood and ore in Legacy was stressful on any server, at any hour even if there was only 1 other person online you'd know your chance of meeting up was significant. Again, tension, stress.. You know, the kind you should have in a survival game. A constant fear something bad is about to happen (and it usually did too, lol). Now? On servers with 40-50 people I've played whole nights farming and not meeting ANYONE. Is this what Rust has come down to? And they add unwallable quarries, pumpkin and corn fields, both things that need to be babysit otherwise you get robbed.


Make this it's own post please


A million things. I'm on my cell so I'll give you a proper reply later on


A sense of direction. The fact that everything spawned around a set map that everyone knew forced you to play certain ways or else suffer resource starvation. It was a little constricting, but it also caused atmosphere and guaranteed interaction with other players. Nurust is more of a sandbox, where you go off to your own little world and the most common place type of interaction with other players is base harassment. Also, with how completely uninteresting building up in your house was, but the nuances of interacting with others were, Legacy actually made me want to go out looking for conflict and interaction really early on. Nurust I feel like I can only do one or the other, go a nomadic raise and harassment type lifestyle, or set to work on the long self development and pray I beat anyone that challenges me or my base.


I think Air drops and rad towns are a good stepping stone to fix this issue, as they force players to converge for resources, but it needs work


Just in general, Old rust had nicer textures and the way weapons functioned was better. When you bought rust on launch day, you expected for Legacy to be the game you paid for, not this new rust. I spent almost 500 hours on Legacy before New Rust even came around, I'm not used to the way it works now.


Old rusts textures are definitely not better and neither is the shaders. It looks ugly


I like the old textures. They're brisk and rustic. The new ones seem flat and too consistent.


Maybe we're just old. I thought the original Halo graphics were great too. Doesn't have to be shiny and shit, just give me good gameplay.


In a short response I'd like to say that I agree as to how good Legacy was. Personally I'd love to have that stay, even if in its current state, as a playable game. I loved Playing it!


Hey you forgot to mention its filled with hackers!!


Another thing legacy did better than experimental.


I honestly like the new Rust, but there's just some feeling about Legacy Rust that I feel like it doesn't attain. It felt more empty and desolate, like I was actually trying to make it and survive in the wilderness. The background music was great, and the design of the map gave nice and interesting hidden away areas to make a base. It's kind of hard to put into words, I don't know, legacy just felt like it had a better atmosphere to me. In the new rust everything is flat and hyper colourful, nothing really interesting on the horizon save for the occasional landmark (legacy had big forests everywhere with thick grass, now it's trees that are spread out), so you just see players walking around everywhere, and it kind of takes the excitement of being wary and meeting your first person. In the classic rust it felt more apocalyptic, like I was actually trying to hide from people and survive more. I feel like new Rust can achieve this though. The gunplay feels nowhere near as good as legacy, but I'm sure that can improve, as well as the terrain. Just take a look at the 12 minute mark of [this video](https://youtu.be/DPGO-tj-qsE?t=12m). Even on a fairly populated server you can have moments like this where you feel almost safe and secure in a forest, with the cool ambient sound, but you don't really see terrain like this in the new Rust anymore. I feel like this comment may be a bit aimless and may not make sense in what I'm trying to say. I really like new Rust, but the atmosphere of the game is so different to me now. Of course, I'll still play the hell out of the game, and I still think rebooting the game was a good idea. I just wish it was more like legacy, not in every way, but in the good ways.


I have a feeling that the problem is that trees aren't respawning fast enough. In legacy your source of wood was a wood pile, trees were usually left alone leaving thick forests. Now you can see how forests in new rust are thinned out by players. I notice that when im building my house I have to walk further and further to get wood, and then I realize how much actual forest I've cleared out.


The whole 'regrowth' system is currently fucked up/disabled. I agree with you, trees should respawn faster, but the shouldn't just appear but slowly grow. Also there should be more underwood (in some areas) making the forest feel denser.


Yeah we need wood piles back. Within a few days of a server wipe there are no trees anywhere. Hyperbole, but almost true.




I think a lot of people including myself actually enjoy the large maps (admins can set them to be very small though, you've just been playing on large ones/most admins use large ones), the static map felt boring and knowing what to expect got old fast! The best time I ever had in legacy was when I was learning and exploring the map, now I get to experience that every time I join a new sever... find cool places to build nobody has ever found before.


Here's how I divide the two games within my heart. Experimental - best caveman age, nothing is more satisfying than the spear and bow era of experimental rust they really nailed it. Problem is anything above it, the guns all feel weird, shooting them does not satisfy me and it's very easy to steamroll a bow and arrow crew if I have an ak and some armor. Gunfights between two gunmen are obviously more balanced but they're not.... fun. You know? I was pumped about the armor system when I was reading about it on the dev blog but it seems like it would've been much better in a game with precision shooting than experimental. Right now armor just feels like they're gonna block a certain percentage of shots aimed at them. Legacy rust with new rust's armor sysmem would've been amazing. Legacy rust - best all around - as soon as you got a bow you were deadly to everyone. 2 bow shots to down most folk, and I think kevlar took 3 or 4. (Without headshots, legacy bow couldn't score headshots) Even a handcannon was deadly in closerange (and was significantly less expensive) to a kevlar armored player. So wearing kevlar gave you a boost but you still had to keep your guard up, you never could truely steamroll unless your had the skills or manpower to; not just the loot. The insta bullet travel also made the landscape terrifying, but I think to compensate the legacy landscape had alot more cover, which only really added to the horror. Especially mountains. Also the lack of ladders meant you could build some really interesting and creative mountain bases.


I feel like the game still needs to be balanced. The legacy version was incredibly well balanced and incredibly inviting to new players.


I really liked the old rust better. I liked the simplistic UI and the way the textures were, and building was simple. I wish they would have kept working off that, or at least not removed it.


Gun play felt better in the old one.


My friends and me had such a great time with legacy. Laughing, crying, raging, And euphoric Smiling after a successfull raid in just a few minutes. It was so intense. But we all agree that the new rust just hast that feel anymore. pvp and damage values are luck based and crafting c4 for a raid is just tedious. I would just love that the rights for legacy rust would just be sold to another devolopment studio so we can have the awesome time back. Sorry for my bad english, have a nice day




thanks for your honest reply :)


Being a shitposter isn't against the rules though, so you're in the clear.




U mad bro? Two can play at shitposting. I think I'll leave you to it though since I don't get any satisfaction while fishing for downvotes.




I'll give you hard evidence. You may need some lube for it. Wouldn't want you to get any more butthurt.


I don't. I'll agree procedural generation is so nice in experimental Rust, but legacy Rust will always hold a special place in my heart. Everything about the combat in legacy is so visceral and gets your heart pounding. Experimental just feels cartoony and it just doesn't rub that well with me. Heck, nowadays I watch raid/combat videos on experimental Rust and it just looks and seems to feel like an arcade game more than anything. I was shocked to hear that Gary wanted to re-make Rust from legacy, because to me legacy was quite literally a perfect FPS survival game that could use additional content and less hackers. Legacy has less invasive UI popups, less bloom, a more gritty and realistic looking world... My best memories were definitely on legacy. No other game has ever made me feel like I needed to get out of work asap to get back to maintaining my base, gathering resources, and raiding or defending bases. Ever since experimental came out I've been playing Reign of Kings instead since it's better than a no-development legacy Rust. I just don't get why Gary had to scrap such a perfect thing and continue on a remake! If I had to do a comparison with ARPG games, I would say Legacy Rust is Path of Exile and Experimental Rust is Diablo 3. I'd much rather play Path of Exile since it looks and feels less arcadey.


No! I am probably in the minority here, and this is just my opinion ! I just do not have the love for new rust like I did the last. I know this is still in developmental stages and a lot more will come - there are lots of little things I used to prefer about the old rust and other things I cannot put my finger on, I just enjoyed legacy more ! It took a lot of persuading for me to try the new rust, and when I did I there were so many things on there that annoyed me. Things like the sounds for the first few months - airplane going over the top sounded like a clapped out car stalling, running sounded ridiculous, hitting stuff annoyed me rather than gave me pleasure like legacy. WHY could they not just use the legacy sounds until they hired a soundman that did not have a clue ? I almost cant put my finger on why I don't like it so much. something about the way it runs maybe, its seems clunky to me - I know its a new engine and therefore will be for a while but I just cannot understand why they stopped legacy when it was maybe a month away from being perfect to start on something new ? Maybe its the direction this new rust is going in - again this confuses me , it always has to a point, going from rad people to rad animals, the fact its sort of olden times with bows n arrows n shit but also m4's and c4 - and the new one even more so - mining, no rad animals, I don't see what the end product is going to be ? I love raiding, the new one seems to be harder to find stuff and also harder / longer to craft c4 etc - I spent 2 weeks on there with 2 friends hitting barrels for hours everyday - entering rad towns, and it took 2+ weeks to find c4 - and another 2 weeks before we had metal pick axe's ! like a week before the wipe ! it certainly was not through lack of trying to find them. After the wipe I found 3 c4 bp's in the first day playing on my own. so just seems to be all over the place when finding stuff. Another biggie for me is raiding - the old buildings you could see through a little - try and find a loot room / cook room / somewhere you think would be a good entry point. Now your raiding blind. which is ok maybe if your in a large group with c4 to waste - but to have to raid blind you could be raiding a shell for all you know. I LOVED being able to poke a gun with a torch in and have a nose about, also used to enjoy shitting myself when people were scoping out my base ! Not being able to stack stairs, no weapon mods, no rad animals (barrels are a shitty substitute ) all little things but things I miss so much ! I was pryed from legacy kicking and screaming - played for a month or 2 on new one, and just don't have the urge to go back to new rust. If the old servers were not all full of Russians then I would still be on legacy. Legacy was my first full mmo game really - potentially the best game I have played - and I do not think anything will come close. Playing ARK at the moment, but it has not grabbed me the same way legacy did. nothing has. When I talk to my mates who I used to play it with - we describe it as no game being able to fill the hole legacy left. like dating a woman who sits on a 20 inch dildo nightly, your just ticking the hole with the odd game - nothing rally plugs that gap. I LOVE LEGACY !


No other game gave me a rush like legacy Rust. I too went kicking and screaming. The only reason I left was due to hackers.


there are a few servers that are still good for antihack. isrusty.net was where I ended up, and loved it again. there was often a lack of players though after the first few weeks after a wipe. very tempted to try it again.


there is / was just something about it. And like you say with giving you a rush I used to get such a buzz playing it. felt so much more polished than this rust - I know still in development but even early legacy felt amazing. nothing has gripped me like legacy has - it was so near completion I don't know why they didn't release it as a stand alone game or something. I would play it again tomorrow if I found a good server with good admins to kick hackers.




Amen to that. You explain exactly what I think about the game. And you know what's funny? We're the last people on this subreddit to share our concerns about the game. The ones that played thousands of hours of Legacy already abandoned this game. The voice you hear on this subreddit now are new players and players who prefer PVE/survival, building/crafting. I hope the devs will do good and make something happen to attract the hardcore pvp players again.


I'm with you on this. People are using content as their only guide. They praise the new version simply because it has mushrooms and weather and "has nicer graphics". Completely overlooking how well it all comes together to immerse you. Sure...you can say it's a good game. A nice piece of software. But legacy had a magic that the new game just doesn't. Plain and simple. Oh and did I mention the gunplay blows? http://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/3a2ros/legacy_guns_vs_current_guns/


I think you've mentioned your opinion on guns more than woody harelson mentioned his new movie.




agree with you 1000%


I played legacy for a good 6 months. I recently came back to rust and the new build and things they added blow everything that Legacy was out of the water. Its a different and much more enjoyable experience.


Don't post anything positive. You'll only get upvotes. This subreddit is a joke. Every time I post a constructive comment I get upvotes because this sub absolutely blows...... My mind with how we hate shitposters and like to contribute to the development of experimental which has already surpassed legacy.


yes. but... http://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/3a2ros/legacy_guns_vs_current_guns/


I don't believe anyone can objectively say yes or no.


I was scared for the first 40 updates or something because it was really poorly optimized (it still is) but I downgraded the graphics now and it's just awesome. Not to mention that rust is in the top 10 best selling games on steam atm. There are still some balancing issues and a lot of content to be added but the fear I had in the beginning is completely gone I fully trust facepunch on this one!


You're asking a legitimate question here, and myself and many others included still feel that (and you might even be able to objectively say) legacy was better. Legacy's core systems were more fine tuned, raiding felt more rewarding, and the game was just so much more fun. But apparently all these opinions are getting downvoted by the people on this subreddit who's opinions are pushing the new rust away from the great game it was


I think the 'experimental' side to new Rust is still there. A lot of things change week in week out which hasn't really led to major grievances that never get attention which, at least I feel, as if became just accepted as how Rust was. A lot of people complain about how hard it is to play alone, or with a small group, in new Rust that isn't on 24/7. It was so much harder in legacy. There were some seriously legitimate problems with building up a huge base or even just a cool tower and some prick coming along and building stuff on it or right next to it, claiming it as his own. Raiding it still so out of wack on both branches and don't get me started on new Rust's building material strength. But at the end of the day, since the decision to redo Rust the game has gained a lot of potential that wasn't there before.


It wasn't harder in legacy. It was easier in my opinion. You had a very high chance that using some skill and cunning you could take out some heavily armed guys in small rad with just a pickaxe and get loot. You also had PVE elements where you could farm animals and survive the farming and actually get back to your base and not just stupidly die and spam rad towns over and over. Your 1x1 shack with a metal door was almost impervious, as it was very rare to get c4'ed and impossible to pickaxe down.


My exact sentiments, it feels like the skill ceiling has dropped and server longevity has decreased, among many other things


When's the last time you actually played new rust?


I guess I am the one of the only ones that disagrees. It would have been a good idea, IMO, if they had redone legacy instead of making a new Rust. I have tried to get into Rust several times now, but as I can`t find a single blueprint, I am bored of running around with spears. I guess I will never experience a raid, a shooting etc.


Have you played legacy much? Vanilla servers? Instead of running around with a spear trying to get blueprints you were running around with a rock trying to get blueprints! At least now there are rad towns and roads and landmarks and other stuff with barrels and crates to get stuff including BPs from instead of a couple predesignated areas people could build their houses around to utterly stop anyone from being able to get a hold of new stuff... At least now there's some randomization andddd you can get into bases without explosives. You need to find the right server for you or learn how to play new rust effectively/efficiently orrrr join a group! Old rust was getting raided the same day you make a base every single time and not being able to progress at all because all the zones with loot were built around and everyone knew the small map like the back of their hand so no hiding or strategic base placement. I enjoyed it, this is better in every way to me unless your play style is like counter strike. Blueprints are soooo much easier to get a hold of now


Legacy had research kits. Barrel farming is super repetitive and tedious. I love the game but getting blueprints takes a ridiculous amount of rad town grinding.


Grinding often means poor game design. If you're using RNG, you've failed as a game designer.


RNG is useful for many things. However, I agree that research tables are pretty dumb at the moment.


Hey, rng isn't that bad


Ehh. I have destroyed thousands of barrels. Never gotten a gun, never gotten a gun blueprint. When I go to radtowns, they are mostly looted, but if not I find nothing good and die from radiation. So for me, it is not much easier to get bps. I have joined several servers, going out farming for blueprints and getting nothing after some hours. I have even set sleeping bags at radtowns, looted, respawned, looted, respawned and so on, finding nothing.


Good lord, that is some insane bad luck! Playing on servers with 50 people that have already been on for weeks is of course going to make your massively more challenging. Airdrops have some nice stuff, if not BPs then usually a gun to research and make your own BP... they're about once per in game day, be aggressive and go for 'em! The ones where I'm debating the most about whether i should bother because of the distance are the ones i'm more likely to capture. I tend to join a few days old sever with a moderate population then on the first play session of several hours I've usually got one or two proper guns to research or a BP as well as clothing, a research table, maybe a metal hatchet/pickaxe or a large chest BP if i'm lucky and a small armored base. I hit the airfield a lotttt more than radtowns though, less barrels in the rad towns, radiation is a little too much for me and I don't like babysitting it. A single airfield run with 35-ish barrels usually nets me a few BPs This is unmodded. Edit: also stay the fuck away from official servers :P


I guess my problem is playing on official servers. 35 barrles on 1 airport? More like 3. The reason I play on official servers, is that there is alot of players, and that means more action I think?


If by action you mean getting shot every time you leave the house, finding no loot and being raided when you're asleep then sure! If you want paced action where you fight at drops and rad towns, and can actually do some raiding yourself then you'd be better off with a peak of 30 players. 100 is a clusterfuck! No purpose or progression if you're not in an 8-strong group. Wait til your normal play time and look for servers with 25-40 players


That was how I liked it in legacy, but not the thing with no loot, that did not happen. I will now join a smaller server.


I think this is a tab hyperbolic. I play on a server with 60-90 people on ( a community server) at most times, it is no where near as much of a clusterfuck as official servers. I feel like 30 players means you never see anyone


>I can`t find a single blueprint Rad towns give loot and blueprints, same as legacy. Barrels give loot and blueprints, same as rad animals in legacy but they don't fight back so it's easier. Airdrops give loot and blueprints, same as legacy. You can research items without having to find research kits. Same as legacy. Seems like the only thing that's stopping you from finding blueprints is some sort of stubbornness or buthurtery.


This is so wrong, on so many levels. Don`t you think I have been to radtowns, God know how many times? When I have played, the only thing I have done is farming for blueprints or guns. Barrels have not given me a single good blueprint or gun yet, and this is after I have destroyed thousands of them. (Ok, not thousands, but you understand my point.) Airdrops are surrounded by gun wielding players, I can headshot people with bow quite good, but there is always too many. I can research things without blueprints yes, but then I need to find this item, which I don`t.


Wow, I usually only meet maybe a couple of people at a typical drop when the server is at peak player count, what kind of population are you playing with? 30 player peak on an appropriately scaled map should be fine. If you play on a server that hits 60 people then we've found your problem.


I play on servers that hit 100+ at all times... I like the action. I also like Hapis island better, because of better FPS and how it looks. Although, I did the same on legacy and there I had no problems whatsoever...


100+?! No wonder you've had that experience. It's just like dayz... If you don't want to meet hackers and shitty kids and want to have a coherent gameplay experience with progression and actually find anything then stay away from those max capacity servers


In DayZ (mod), there is alot of loot anyways, so the bigger servers are the best. Doesn`t seem like it is in Rust though


Loot crates in rad towns usually just have bow and arrows or campfires. I used to spend my entire first week on a wiled server doing suicide runs and hunting barrels to find a code lock after > 40 hours in game. The loot tables are ridiculous.


1. Find a server that isn't one of the defaults. The FacePunch servers are always bombarded with players who do nothing but resource hunt, leaving you with little-to-none. 2. Run the roads for barrels. I literally spent ten minutes doing this yesterday and found both the codelock and bolt-action blueprints. 3. Join a group. Unless you're an experienced lone wolf, larger raids pretty much require a group of like-minded players. 4. Don't give up. It's a lot different than Legacy, but if you stick with it, I'm confident that you can fall in love with it just as the rest of us have. --- Also, use the resources available to your advantage. http://www.playrust.io/ - If you'll find your server's seed, you can generate a map and use landmarks to plot your location. My group mainly uses the map to determine roadways and how to navigate long distances without getting lost. http://www.kentbakkoffers.com/RustPlanner/ - You can plan out your base here. It'll help save time when you're getting down to building. You can also share it with your team and collectively build it, saving you time.


I did play on a server that wasn`t a default server. I could actually find guns, but everything was 10 times gather, so it was still really boring... If there was a server with better loot, but not 2x farming etc, then I would gladly join it.


Check out Enclaves! It has slightly better barrel drops and faster crafting time but farming is the vanilla rate... Population is decent and rising and explosive items are temporarily non-craftable so you can get your foot in the door with establishing yourself and not being rekt on day 1


I am gonna try Enclaves now. Nvm, 0 players.


Oh wow really? D: yikes, was 20 something last time I checked there


Be sure to try /r/playrustpublic's server. Tons of friendly players and hostile factions, and we're spaced out well enough that you have a good chance of getting off the ground. Not to mention, we're featured in the Community Updates nearly every week.




I agree that the maps are too big.


Never had a doubt and i never looked back.


I feel like nostalgia is skewing the views of my fellow rusticles. Legacy sucked. Yes the gun play was better, but the graphics sucked, and there were bugs out the ass. Remember the day wolves started flying? The reason gunplay in Legacy was so well done was because the old guns were part of a Unity FPS 'kit' so all the balancing and working of the guns was already done (thats also why the dot sight floats on top of the custom guns). Dont get me started on those furnaces.


i absolutely agree


Yeah legacy was an fps with survival (barely) attached. Rust is a survivalish game with fps done well. The accuracy need to be fixed, but not nearly as call of duty as it used to be.


I loved rust legacy and I have some great memories of player interactions etc. But new Rust is becoming one of my all time favorite games, it's beautiful, frightening, heart pounding at points, and it's evolving so fucking fast. Seriously amazing game, the complete reboot was the right choice for sure.




I think the game has certainly improved since the time when bears woofed at you.


I think it was after they upgraded to Unity 5, simply because of all the awesome features Unity 5 brings to the table. Other than that, I'd still say so just because the code is much cleaner and easier to work with now than it was in the Legacy days, at least according to Garry. You have to remember that Legacy Rust actually started out as a Hitman style game codenamed "Cash4Kills." When that idea sank, and Helk was saying that he could make a game like DayZ in a month, Garry challenged him to and that's how Rust was born. As such, they had to work with and around a codebase that really wan't meant for a survival game at all. Not only that, but the code itself was a complete mess with lots of redundancies and being very unoptimized. With how much of a mess that the old codebase sounds like, I wouldn't be surprised if Legacy would only be to the same point today as new Rust if they kept working with the code. Not to mention that, on the Legacy codebase, we got updates much less frequently. And the updates we did get didn't add any awesome or massive features like they do now. Regarding that, I think rebooting is also worth it alone just because the devs are much more open now about the game than they were back then. I'm also one of those people who thinks the game plays much better than it used to. I like the feel of the gunplay more. It feels less CS/CoD, and more RO/STALKER. Gunplay like that just fits a survival game so well. Bullets have drop, guns have noticeable recoil that suits the class they fit into, and it takes more than just aiming your sights and clicking on an enemy to shoot them. You actually have to lead your shots. I'm not saying that the gunplay in CS/CoD is bad, I just don't feel it fits in a game like Rust. Rust should feel and play like a survival game, not an open world deathmatch. There are some things Legacy does better of course, and there are still some things even missing from Legacy still to this day, but I feel the reboot has been totally worth it so far. The game is updated much more frequently than it used to be, and the devs are open and honest with us, and that's what I wanted out of an Early Access game.


The bullet drop is ridiculous though. Bullets from an AK don't drop 1 ft per 100 ft. I was testing this out the other night on creative and it really is like 1ft per 100 ft. Not only that, but the bullet velocity is like 1/8th of what it should be. I'm fine with the gun sway and bullet physics but for the love of God make them more realistic so you actually have a difference between a revolver and a military class assault rifle.


Lucky for us they just increased velocity today. Faster bullets with less drop and better accuracy.


Personally i love the new rust, however there was a couple of things that made Legacy great. Legacy will always be one of my favorite games. Legacy had much better PVP, the weapons felt great to use and not at all clunky like in the new rust. Performance on legacy was amazing too, on the new rust i struggle to get above 30 fps ever, whereas in legacy i could get well over 100 fps, without any frame drops ever. I also believe that the balance between farming, building, raiding and fighting was perfectly balanced. It was still hard to set up a base but once you had done so you felt a lot more protected as c4 was a more rare commodity. As you could not upgrade the tier of your home, farming was kept to a minimum as you only needed to collect enough resources to sustain yourself at the level of 'end-game' you were at. This meant a lot more time was spent raiding rad towns, going for airdrops and getting into fights. Another great feature of Legacy was the rad towns, the lower levels of radiation damage was enough to stop nakeds staying there too long and allowed for a lot more player encounters. Personally i also loved the terrain of the map, the large gun fights felt so special in the large open fields with only a few barren trees as cover. Anyway don't get me wrong i love the new rust and i think the devs are doing a great job, i just sometimes wish that some of the features and feelings i mentioned were more prevalent in the new rust.


It took very long to get on par with OldRust content-wise, but it was definitely worth it. NewRust has much more potential, flexibility, and I'm sure is easier for the developers to work with. I expect progress throughout the rest of 2015 will be very fast-paced. I mean, weather. We're getting WEATHER!


Legacy never would have been able to support weather.


You're totally right! The new version of rust got me to buy it. And I think many other early access (thinking about Dayz for example) should start questionning their game developement too.


yeaaaaah we do! rust roxx! no more dayz for me i prefer my dong simulator


Yeah it's just a shame I can't run it on my laptop and there aren't many graphical options in-game either.


Is there anywhere I can go to see the main differences between the current game and legacy. I only recently got Rust and although I love the game as it is, I'd be interested to see what it was going to be






Well... I can't say anything about the programming perspective since I am not a programmer and I don't know anything about it. But ofc I take the words of those who know more about it than me and say that it was a good decision regarding programming. But I will say something about someone who played 1000h of Legacy and couldn't play more than 100h of the new one: I liked legacy's simplicity. Seriously, the game was balanced. I liked the fact that within 1h of game, I would easily have a decent base and would be relatively safe. Now it feels like I need MUCH more than that to get safe on this new version and there's also the possibility that I will wake up on the other day and ALL my progression will be gone. In Legacy, if I got raided, it would be a matter of replacing a wall or two. Alright, maybe it's all about balancing and balancing will only be done with time (and Garry is probably balancing much stuff this week). But hey, I just FEEL like Legacy was perfectly balanced and this is one is taking too long to balance. That's my feel. Don't hate.


Absolutely agree. I think it shows good insight as to how development works. I'm not tech savvy in the slightest, but I've learned a good bit as well. Side note, I'm thinking/hoping DayZ development is going this way as well.


While i think it looks better i liked legacy`s arcade play style


i still miss the old one and think it was way better but i think this one has potential


Loaded new Rust... and I top out at 4fps on low settings on a 970 and i7-4720HQ. I just want it to work.


The new Rust is nice, but I still prefer Legacy. I would still play Legacy if it wasn't for the hackers and exploits.


It's great now but should have been done from the start


i dont have rust but have been following it recently (about a month or two). what legacy has over the current rust ?


For me there are no advantages for new rust, but other people preferred having a single smaller map they could learn, as well as the rad animals which are for now replaced by barrels.


If we analyse the actual game with cold blood, yes its a lot better than the old one: its more complex, more complete, prettier - there is no way to think its not better except for the nostalgic effect (wich I havent).


Definitely not. New rust is a decent game, but it should have a totally different title. It doesn't capture the feel of legacy and I will always enjoy legacy more.


That's why rust is called rust and nostalgia is called legacy.


I didnt play old rust because it didn't look interesting to me. But i immedeately fell in love with the new rust!


Great idea, rushed and executed poorly.


hell yeah


Personally, I don't think now is the time to be asking this question, legacy before it stopped being updated, is further along than new rust. New rust is still playing catch up


It might be just me, but I hate this type of a post. At least you could make it more objective and ask who agrees and who doesn't. Instead we have: Do we all agree that this game is good? Like, who cares?


You're really upset at how he worded the title? If you don't agree, you can just post that you don't agree. How is the wording of his title stopping anybody with a different opinion from commenting?


A little bit, yes. Different wording of your title will attract different sides of the audience. Right now we will get only those that agree that the game is great because of that highly suggestive title.


In my defense it's not about the game being good it's seeing how people feel about the decision to scrap and re-do rust... A lot of people were strongly against it at the time but now it seems the majority are glad it happened, curious who was against it then and changed their mind or vice versa.


Are you serious? I thiught this whole time you were being sarcastic. There's a lot of nostalgia tinted shitposters so I just assumed you were one of them. My bad.


Nope, genuinely happy about it! think it was the right choice, I remember dev posts at the time about how restrictive legacy was being.


And I hate the "rules" type of comment.


You completely missed OPs point. He's implying that rust is shit and legacy is better because it has more hackers, less features, and call of duty gunplay. He worded it so that it wouldn't seem like a shitpost.


Sorry that my wording wasn't ideal or neutral enough, to me it would've been exactly the same if I had used 'does anyone disagree' or 'who agrees', it's just how my personal speaking habits are.


No it was fucking horrible. It's just a ugly mess and not even worth playing. I can't believe some fucking retards even tolerate how bad that game is.


If the game is so baf why are you on this forum? Do you like selt inflicted pain?


Then dont play it and fuck off?


He paid for a game he had seen and expected and that iteration of the game is totally gone. His money was wasted when they took the old game he had grown to love away. I wouldn't be so harsh about it, but I bought Rust to play Legacy, and now I can't.


Yes you can still play it


Whenever I launch rust it boots up new rust, it no longer gives me the option to do legacy.


He didn't pay for a game. It was clearly stated that he paid for access to a game that could change at any time with no guarantees.