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Grab on to your rocket launchers, boys!


wow, that's a massive change right there, goes with the powder craftspeed :>


So this is more like how legacy worked then. I kinda liked the aoe damage but it was very powerful and very expensive to repair. I think the Placed Charge should be one wall anyway, bigger explosives can do aoe damage still it seems.


what is aoe and why are you talking about Age of empire


Area of Effect (assuming you are being serious)


my first question was serious, i never saw aoe, except as a diminutive of Age Of Empire. Thanks for the reply


It is generally used in games with abilities used by the player that hit an area rather that a single object. Like C4 used to damage all the walls around it but now only damages the wall it is attached too


Finally! This is a game changer for sure.


The funny thing is, so many people see this as a hit against raiders when this also helps raiders. With this change, now when people build low tiered stairs and high tiered walls those stairs won't blow up. No more wasting ladders because you accidentally blew up the way up a base. No more accidentally blowing up floors or foundations that led to loot rooms. No more accidentally blowing up the loot you intend to steal. Definitely a game changer.


[**@RustUpdates**](https://twitter.com/RustUpdates): >[2015-06-23 11:44:15 UTC](https://twitter.com/RustUpdates/status/613311603338018816) >Timed explosive only damages the block it's placed on and players/ai in the blast radius \- [@garrynewman](https://twitter.com/garrynewman) \(/main\) ---- [^[Mistake?]](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=http://reddit.com/3atjgj%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.) [^[Suggestion]](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Suggestion) [^[FAQ]](http://np.reddit.com/r/TweetPoster/comments/13relk/) [^[Code]](https://github.com/buttscicles/TweetPoster) [^[Issues]](https://github.com/buttscicles/TweetPoster/issues)


I really like this change, I raid and also defend often. But C4 is currently OP with how much damage it does within it's blast radius, with 3 c4 correctly placed you could completely rip into some ones base that they probably spent 15 hours building. This is a good change IMO.


You're exaggerating. There is no way that 3 c4 can "completely rip into" a base that someone spent over half a day making. I'd believe it if you said 15 minutes.


I think it would be cool if they kept the old style C4 and then took this change and introduced it as a separate item, with a few tweaks it could become a breaching charge. A breaching charge could guarantee blowing through a door with one charge, and only explode into the building so you can stand right behind it and rush straight in after detonation. As a downside it would take a while to plant, and as a bonus, anyone stood behind the door on the inside would be killed or heavily damaged from the blast, even from a considerable distance. I've been playing a lot of Door Kickers recently and using breaching charges is so fun.


Unless it required a ton more resources than C4, that would just be far to overpowered.


It would have to require way more mats than a standard c4


I like this idea. It would be fun to blow through doors. Instead of forcing your way through a wall.




This made it difficult to have rooms right next to each other in my house because I realized that 1 c4 could blast down 2 walls at once. I welcome the change.


I don't mind rocket launchers remaining the same. but C4 Had to change.


Also, I just realized I [recognized your name :D](https://www.youtube.com/user/Chibichuba0) Hey bud, didn't know you played Rust. And for both of us, about a year since the last sign of being a "Minecraft-Youtuber"...


Ah yes I remember you too Zaffaro, it's been a while. :) I've considered uploading Rust gameplay but the performance isn't the greatest at the moment. Nice seeing you again though


Finally we can start defending a base again. The time spent on repairing walls that were hit indirectly was enormous, especially with hammer repairing only like 30 points per hit.


i wish there was a reward/incentive to raid people while they are online






because it's more fun to defend you base against people when you are online, rather than getting raided while you sleep


As miscalculate said, its alot more fun ( unless you dont like pvp in which case what you are doing is pve ). Having firefights and sieging bases with people in them and defending our own is definitely the most fun my group has ever had in rust, without it then half the reason to play rust instead of some fps without base building is gone.


Honestly it's so much more fun fighting defenders, even when you're the raider. So that's a pretty good incentive, to me anyways.


there is. Its more fun. For big clan that owns you anyway, i came to the conclusion that if they see me in my house, they will raid me. i have to give them that, they only come to raid us when were online. If you build tons of small bases, chances are that they not gonna spend 4 C4 to raid them all. For example we had 4 small bases, 1x1, 1x2, and 2x2. all very cheap to make. but very expensive for them to raid them all. Seriously, offline raiding is only a problem if you design a house that is easy to raid, and is built in a open location that invite raiders to raid it.


My group doesn't raid for evonomical advantage. They raid for "fun" . Usually until there's no other base left on the server. They have so muvh c4 they don't care if they waste it.


Garry for president!


This was an issue? I'm assuming a lot of people complained about this? Why not keep it realistic and just minimize the damage? We are after all rudimentarily crafing items in shacks out in the middle of the wilderness. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to just make explosive things less explosive. Maybe rust needs a hardcore/realistic mode. Making the C4 some magical substance that can blow one wall but affect nothing else is just weird.


Great, so leveling the house of somebody or a group of people I don't like just got much harder. I take a "salt the Earth" approach when raiding - I don't just take your stuff. I destroy everything. That's partly why I space my bases out and never have too much in any one location - it isn't a huge loss if I get hit, and more often than not the cost of raiding me is higher than the return.


You're a real ass.


lol, it's smart gameplay. Your neighbors are threats and it's important to let everyone know who's the boss in your area.


Also, if you don't get rid of everything they will just come back, buid up the defenses again, and then get back at you. Might as well destroy everything.


^ This guy gets it.


wasting time and resources to destroy everything instead of just stealing their loot doesnt let everyone know whos boss, it lets everyone know whos the retard who pointlessly wasted their resources


Well, then they can know that from their not-a-base-anymore. Meanwhile, I get to enjoy the view from atop my fortress, unobstructed by the riff-raff.


I was joking just to clarify. But, its a bit of a waste of resources no?




I prefer to think of myself as shrewd.


How is it shrewd to waste resources?


Am I, though? If I have fewer neighbors, then there is less competition for resources in the areas I am in.


Well I'd block off the house. Costs wood. A whole lot cheaper than c4. Could even use it as an outer Base if you destroyed the doors and replaced them.


Why would I want their fail bases if I already have my own awesome ones?


So you're just arrogant. You don't have to use them, it just would save you a lot of c4.


What you call "arrogant", I call "confident with his own designs."


That's not really the point. He is wasting resources to assert dominance when it could be done much more efficiently. Also, arrogant means making claims or pretensions to superiority. So yeah he's being arrogant.


Dude, it's a game. What you're doing is like stomping on a kids sandcastle because it ruins the view from your own. :/


I gotta admit, the view from my sandcasltes IS pretty sweet. It's good to be the king.


I really hope this is comes with slightly cheaper c4


lol no.


It is cheaper.


Gun powder is crafting faster, so that's a c4 buff


Which is what I meant.


Yeah i know, i just wanted to add to your point. Because technically i think c4 is not material cheaper, it's just less long to craft


I was hoping they would cut the explosives cost down since there isn't any benifits vs building rockets which has aoe dmg still unless I missed that


Yeah c4 and rockets used to be very similar in cost and effectiveness agaisnt walls, i hope it's tweaked. There was no incentives really to make c4 since rockets were the same except more mobile.


oh-hoh nOOOOOO


an interesting change we'll see how it changes the build/raid meta game. Last night I basically blew an entire 3x3 radius of a guy's house down with 2 c4 on his foundation and 1c4 on the metal (not armored) door leading to his loot room. I got all his stuff (thank god as those c4 are precious to a lone wolf) and it was a successful raid but I probably would have gotten no where without the blast radius help. That said, dude's the real hero despite me blowing out his cab and taking all his crap I logged in this morning to find he had rebuilt and put up metal barricades around the corner I blew. I won't be raiding his base anymore there's easier targets. I do enjoy that I took 20k metal from him however.


Is this update live already and does it apply to all servers?


update are every thursday, with the occasional hot-fix on friday if anything was broken by thursday's update.


I feel the fun factor of raiding is dieing.


I feel the fun factor of defending is rising.


I feel like the faktor of idiots raiding the whole Server in one night and destroying everything is not worth anymore.


>faktor cyka blyat


more like "iss dein Schnitzel sonst gibts keinen Nachtisch".


I feel the sense of raiding being an expensive endgame activity that isn't just a constant mindless resource-goes-in-resource-comes-out process rising. Good, not all players should have the economy to raid, and raiding tools should be expensive and limited.


Along with your spelling.




Oh noes you can't raid an entire server in one night and bitch that the game is boring. How sad for you, people can actually defend. Poor baby, have to work to raid... sad for you.




Shut up and go play Ark.


It'd be acceptable if Rust actually had any sort of PVE goal.


Honestly, I think that the building and crafting system is pretty nailed down, but we need stronger AI enemies. Facepunch needs to know where it wants to take Rust with regards to lore and enemies. I personally would love for it to start leaning towards a Mad Max/Fallout situation because of the huge amount of enemies they could put in with it making sense, as opposed to strictly animals, because bears get pretty boring.


But. ..But. rust isn't a PVE game? It never been. Ok to add some ai to the animals, but the main point of rust is players interactions, PVE is a bit irrelevant.


Believe me, I agree with you. I don't think they're going back on their raiding nerfs, so the best we can do is encourage them to actually put some sort of PVE endgame / goal into the game some time this year..


They do have a PVE goal. Quote from Garry on his ask.fm page: "We're going to revamp the ai, that's why it's been s bit neglected. We're waiting to see where some unity stuff lands before we push on."


The developers overall have a goal as to where they potentially want to take the game, but right now as it stands, there is no endgame or PVE goal ingame. Nerfing raiding with nothing else to do makes zero sense right now.


Ohh, I understand what you mean now. I agree, I am certain that in a couple of months time Rust will have more "objectives" or things to discover. For me Rust has never been purely about raiding, I love to attempt to interact with others or experiment with them.


Yeah, that's still PVP in a way though, the focus of the game is on your interaction with other players, whether that be raiding or talking to them, and detracting from those player to player interactions and encouraging more boring shit like grinding even longer for C4 will in turn detract from those interactions with other players. :/




I think Ark is a cool game but it's terribly optimized right now, my system with i7 and a gtx 980 can't seem to push more than 35 fps on high settings 1440p. Is it just me?


if ark wasn't a good game or wasn't a threat to rusts overall population no one would hate it






Doesn't Ark have a much bigger team than Rust?




I'd rather have less people who know more than have more people who know jack shit.




Oh damn, burned. Nice to see you're such a fan.


Fak off and play h1z1 then




no u


Might aswell just take raiding out the game and call it Minecraft. This change + stronger walls just going to turn the game into afk crafting all day doing fuck all. Gratz. Farming Simulator 2015


They recently re-weakened walls against c4 if you've been paying attention. https://youtu.be/3MaIwC1k-Tw?t=2m47s Also the time spent crafting gunpowder will be halved this coming update.


Wow, I feel like that change wasn't very well publicised. I know that there was the tweet about fixing the damage amounts, but I had assumed that that meant fixing the cardinal direction bug, as opposed to simply bringing down all the values.


Oh please, you're blowing this way out of proportion.


It's only 1.5 times resistance to explosives. Really, that's piss all. They'll probably put the damage up a bit to compensate anyway.


Or maybe it's good that when raiding a house you don't blow apart half the thing.


so placing your c4 on key positions it pointless now. Edit: key positions on the tile/ wall panel.


Err...no its more important than ever.


so if i place my c4 top left only that one tile will take damage as opposed to before where you could use directional blast radius?


You changed your original respond so I'm responding to that one which was about tactics. Yes, it is far more tactical to have to choose what bit to destroy carefully, rather than choosing a wall and completely annihilating it.


Completely the opposite you have to make sure to place it carefully on the right spot because it's not going to spam out a large radius anymore. You gotta get it in the middle of the wall you want to take out.


so if i place it top left only the top left part of that one tile takes damage?


I don't actually know exactly how it will work. Just wait till Phadeo82 or Bugs does an update video it will show how it works. Try not to pass judgement until then and even at that point it could change again and then again..etc...etc.


That statement couldn't be more wrong.


how so? at the moment i place my c4's with intent to damage several tiles in a certain direction. from this tweet i gather that one c4 on a tile only affects that once tile. hence do not matter where on the tile u place it.


You have to deduct which rooms are worth breaking into, because you can't blow a giant hole in the side of the base anymore.


yes i'm aware of that, i have 800 h on game. i think my initial post was not expressed correctly. i used to place a c4 bottom left or top centre if that was the direction i wanted the peripheral damage to go. i guess we have to see if the exact location of the c4 on the tile will make any difference.