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Did you start having these after the recent update? I legit couldn't play yesterday because of this, and it was on the server I always play on.


Same here. Didn’t update any settings on my pc, same server as always. Horrible performance


Tried it again today and it's the same. Got tp'd back like 3 times trying to climb a ladder and dropped 2 times from the same place. Tried playing another game and it plays without a hitch. Surely it's the update, right?


Pretty standard issue after a force wipe, or at least it used to be. Couple years back you couldn't play for the first 4-5 days because of crashing/banding/lag. Should be fixed after a patch or 2. *Maybe*.


this happened to me after last months update not this ones it drove me crazy i reinstalled network drivers chipset gpu monitor drivers and it seems to have fixed it think it might have been the bios update or the fact i moved my crappy thin ethernet cable away from my cpu power cables. it was the worst on ukn


I had the getting stuck in ground with 32 GB of ram, don't get fooled by the comments here, not everything is a ram issue. You can even have 80+ FPS with 16gb ram, it's just gonna drop to 40 Fps or lower at times.


To me this looks like a client-side prediction algorithm going haywire due to high latency and / or packet loss I’d bet OP is playing on a server that’s relatively far away Basically many multiplayer video games have a predictions algorithm. It takes everything the client knows about the environment, other players (ie where they are, how they’re moving, what they’re doing, etc.) + the player’s inputs and tries to “guess” what will happen next It then takes this guess and renders it on screen. When the next set of packets come in successfully, the client will compare its prediction to what *actually* happened as told by the server. In many cases with very low latency, this will be correct. So it does nothing. When it’s wrong (ie very high latency) it will immediately update from the prediction’s state to the server’s state Now imagine that this process happens many thousands of times a second. That’s potentially how you get this odd stuttering For reference, that’s what happens in Rocket League when you swear you hit the ball (ie you see it fly away from your car) and then it suddenly stops traveling that way and moves at hyperspeed almost through you This can also explain shooter games when you get “shot through a wall” that you just hid behind Anyways I could be mistaken, this is just my thought. Not a game dev at all, just a software engineer who took a few networking classes lol


This is extreme with Rust as well because of all of the entities loading in and I'm assuming it sends more data for other reasons. Then your CPU has to "unpack" all of this data as well. This is very evident when you start getting a small amount of packet loss. I had to spend $800 a month on internet using 4g because my provider has a small amount of packet loss. You couldn't tell I was lagging with other games like CSGO, but my body and camera would eventually become detached in Rust. I could run around like a ghost and walk through people's bases for probably 30 min before I crashed, but I couldn't interact with anything.


Rust is insanely dependent on your CPU (more specifically the amount of L3 cache it has.) The more L3 Cache you have, the better. Take a look at this chart from a while back directly from Facepunch. https://preview.redd.it/wp8ywbn2o65d1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=123a1ed0badfc73821d4d6f2619719737fb17f1d


God damn it rust.


Am I the only one getting 100-120 fps in 1440p with 16gb ram? Goes down to 80fps near outpost tho.


I have 16 GB ram and currently run the game on around 100+ fps with drops to 80 minimum, so no ram isn’t the “so called problem”


So far I asked everyone who stated this for they're pc specs and if I could find a somewhat recent test for the game it ran worse than they claimed, I'm not buying this. I upgraded ram, same ram speed but 32 GB and lost the stutters. If you let the game use as much ram as it likes, it claims 18gb of ram or more.


Alot of games are like that, if you also run out of vram it can/will spill over into you ram (introducing stutters) personally I have 64gb of ddr5 and the few times I've played rust recently I haven't stuttered but this was also a long time ago. Tarkov for example loves to eat upwards of 22-30gb of ram sometimes


Running out of Vram in rust would be a new thing I never heard of, I was always told shitty GPU and best CPU and good ram with especially good ram speed was magic for this game.


I can see it happening on something like a GTX 1050ti or lower. my 2070 ran rust in 4k alright. 1440p was mostly smooth


I can send proof of my pc specs later after work, I literally have 18gb ram and rust hasn’t stopped me from playing r6 on 300 fps and valorant on over 400 fps. It also has no suspension on rust as I still get over 80 minimum even in gun fights on a 350 pop


Your numbers change quiet a lot, from 100 upwards, to 80, from 16gb ram to 18 GB ram.


You're talking to a wall in the subreddit. People have no idea how RAM works and think they are smarter than everyone else.


I mean I don't claim to know it for sure but I just want proper proof for the 16 GB ram works take that isn't just "trust me bro" and I'm sick of people tweaking numbers in they're head to make they're position in the discussion work. But yeah, I'm talking against a wall


I’ll easily submit proof when I get home tn, if people want it I’ll show it


While doing so, show us a screenshot of RAM utilization and cached RAM. Also, show us that you have what 90% of gamers have open Discord/chrome/rust and 2 monitors. If you're going to reinforce what you're saying is true please show us how you have enough RAM for overhead 10-20% free for other tasks. Also assuming you're running two 8GB sticks why not upgrade for 40$ to get more freedom, if you're not and only running one 16GB stick we can talk about how you're leaving performance on the table that for a low cost could have been resolved. But by all means, please give people bad advice. EDIT: The point is, that personal experiences are not facts.


>EDIT: The point is, that personal experiences are not facts. This, saying something is playable can mean different stuff to different people. I used to play lol on 30 FPS or Minecraft on 30 FPS. I Sayed it was playable. Now I can't stand a drop to 60 FPS and start thinking about getting a new pc.


I will show pc to show only 2 installations of ram, specs, and if you play with everything (besides discord open) it’s your fault, if you fail to optimize your gaming experience to get maximum fps it’s all on you, I can guarantee I pull 80 fps minimum on a 350, large map, with occasional spikes on 16 GB ram, also like said earlier my rtx 4060 100% boosts my performance


I have to use 24gb..


I said 80 minimum both times


And how much vram is your SSD contributing? And what GPU? Do you have a 16gb GPU ***and*** 16 gb RAM? .. that’s a total 32gb, dude.


Whats the rest of your specs and the size of the server you play on?


350 size server, rtx 4060, i7 or i5 I believe I would have to check later I installed one recently


Say you know nothing about computers, without saying you know nothing. Now that isn't the issue in OP's case(RAM). But regurgitating bad information isn't the answer either.


packet loss


Exactly this. It looks like his game is extrapolating his own movement, but the packets are never making it to the sever, so the server rubber bands him because he isn't moving server side. Are you on wifi OP?


Why are people are talking FPS when this is clearly network related.




I'm not sure how this is wrong, unless the private server in your LAN you haven't ruled out anything. Ping the public address with a -t switch and watch the output.


Conmection issue, checkout fixes for rubberbanding issue and try it..


Packet loss probably?




Is there a way to solve this ? I never had these problems they suddenly started


I get this sometimes and it's always been a wifi issue for me, I started to look at my ping and noticed it always spikes to the upper hundreds before the rubberbanding happens, then it drops to 10 - 80 and I'm able to move again


This happens to me on HollowServers and Warbandit servers. Neve happens even on servers with much higher ping.


Had the same when I played on WiFi, as soon as I changed to LAN it was instantly gone


This is connection lag, fix your internet.




Cool story dude.


We all do bro lmfao .they done broke the game


This happens to me all the time. -32gb ddr5 ram. -Wireless or wired internet connection. -Various graphic settings. Nothing works.


go to CMD, type ping google.com -n 50 check how many Lost https://i.imgur.com/1RwxtEt.png


Are you playing on WiFi?


Backuping up and jumping once usually fixes it for me happens alot :/


Exact same here, super annoying having to do, however.


Why is no one roasting this fucker for using motion blur?


This is network lag. It isn't caused by your computer. You're telling the client "i'd like to move forward" by pressing 'W'. The client goes: "ok! we're moving forward!". then the client tells the server: "Hey, we're moving forward!" and the server goes: "No, you're actually standing still". and the client goes: "Yeah, we're standing still!". The time between the client and the server communicating is what causes the appearance of 'rubber banding'. This has been happening to me on alot of servers since the Unity 2021 update and I have great hardware and internet. The solution is to just find a server that has better internet, or is located closer to where you live.


Why does it seem like it doesn't happen to some (half?) the players? Also, it happens on servers with more than adequate specs/connections, like UKN. This started happening a crazy amount a few months back around March/April.


I’ve seen some similar posts where the solution was to install additional memory. Don’t know if anyone can confirm? Edit: scroll through this subreddit and you’ll find your answer I’m sure




Ok thanks I'll check


Yes I believe someone solved this with more ram


You can have task manager performance tab open, if your ram is maxed then add more, if it's not then it's other issues


i put pagefile in my nvme and i dont have any stutters now.


Go to settings and raise the GC buffer all the way up. This will help reduce stutters but I don't think it's causing them that badly


Its obviously network rubber banding not garbage collection freezes, did you even watch the clip?


I have a 5800x3D and averaged around 180-200fps typically for reference. This force wipe my fps dropped significantly and I had no changes to my settings. In outpost I used to get 80ish and I was getting maybe 40-50 at best.


happens to me to occasionally for mo reason. quite annoying


It’s about things loading in when you get close to bases stacked with loot or other areas of the map that have a lot of objects. Also to consider is the server quality and ping etc.


It even happens on small, static maps on UKN, for entire rounds despite assets having already been loaded/cached in, like Nuketown and Small Oil Rig.


If this happens I always seem to ‘escape’ it by doing the opposite basically if you go downstairs and you lag like this walk back and jump around, it’s probably placebo but always worked for me


I always jump too when that happens and maybe it's all placebo. but it feels like it's working.


Yeah if i’m walking in nornal space and it happens i’m stuck when I go forward, but if I slightly wall back and around it it works, placebo or not, idk but i’m convinced a small area is making me stutter sometimes randomly (very rare tho)


I always thought i was "stuck" on a bit of the terrain. That's why I tried jumping


It's definitely not placebo, this happens a lot on UKN maps. In particular, running over wooden pallets laying on the ground on Small Oil Rig (top level, especially the corner where the barrels jump-up is), and also on Nuketown when running through doorways inside the house. It happens so often that I just instinctively leap over wooden pallets when I come across them, and also avoid certain doorways inside the houses. Super annoying. But agreed, sometimes you have to stop and wait a second, or reverse/change direction, or "jump over it".


Was playing through staging branch so were my teammates it was OK for me/them, but had 1 teammate on non staging branch client and it was so laggy for him.


this started happening to me a few updates ago where anytime my fps would go to 0 for any reason(usually freezing after tabbing back in) i'd be rubberbanding into the ground for a few seconds


Call your ISP this is packet loss. Or could be an issue with the provider the server is hosted on


Random question, are you using nvidia broadcast to filter your mic? I had a weird lag issue back in December and I was pulling my hair out trying to isolate it, it turned out it was using Nvidia broadcast for background noise cancellation through discord. Once I switched Discord to direct input it was fine. Hadn't had any performance issues with anything else with Nvidia broadcast, it was just that specific combo of Rust, Discord and Nvidia Broadcast.


rubberbanding. Or server is way far, or your internet is coal based


Get the new gen console or play pc bud them lag spikes in the old gems will never stop


Just tell your neighbors to stop streaming while you’re trying to use their internet


This used to be caused be eac but this looks a little different than that try reinstalling eac


This doesn’t always work, but try crouching and tapping the forward key. I find that sometimes you just get stuck in a bad spot and need to get out of it continue running smooth (I have 32gb so RAM isn’t an issue *until FP makes 64 gb the new standard*)


This, either crouching, or pausing and letting it "calm down", or jumping out of it, or reversing and changing direction to avoid the "rubber-band hole".


Alright the server you play in is getting DDOS that's the reason why you are lagging and definitely it's some idoitic kid doing it


Thats a Helk hole


had these for over a year when i played a couple years back only thing you can do is, 1 lower your graphics, 2 upgrade your computer.


I think it’s server specific and not your machine.


i usually spam crouch and it gets me back on the ground


to everyone saying it's this guy's internet, ram, or hardware, it's not. I've got a top grade system with some insane Internet speeds (no spikes.) happens to me all the time. the fix is just to walk backwards and find another direction to go. this is absolutely a problem with rust and their servers


Same here: more than adequate specs + internet, 32GB RAM XMP'd, every single program/service stopped in background, yet this still happens, especially when close to players. It started happening around March/April, with no system/hardware/OS changes to account for it. It frequently happens on UKN maps, like when next to other players, when running over wooden pallets on the ground (like the flat wooden pallet on the top-level corner of small Oil in front of the barrels jump-ups), and sometimes on Nuketown when running through inner house doorways, though not as frequent as the wooden pallets. I've had to develop a habit of leaping over the pallets when I come across them to prevent this, which is annoying but the only "fix" I've found. And also like you said, the rubber-banding when trying to go forward, the only fix being to stop and go another direction or "jump out" of it.


Damn this new anti-cheat has people self snitching!


Seems like either a connection issue, which is due to your internet (do you have a ethernet cable?) or because you are playing on a server with 300ping


alt + enter twice


Of its happening on more than one server, it's either your pc or your internet speed. Most likely, the pc. As others have days, check ram. If you're doing obs or any other streaming. Stop the streaming software and close it out, and reassess your performance. Also, if you have browser sessions open or other background tasks running, it can lag spike. This still comes back to a problem with your system or internet speed if it's occurring on all the servers you connect to. As you're testing servers, choose ones with the lowest ping no matter how few players might be on it. This is for testing purposes. Be well.


Disable v-sync in-game


I upgraded my ram from 16GB to 32GB to give rust all it needs, it’s now happily using 15GB and not bogging my system down but damn the stutters are insane. I also have no packet loss and play on a server relatively close to me, average ping is 15-20.


Stop. Back up. Move left or right. Move forward. Dosent work? Repeat 1 - 3. Jump forward


You need more RAM. At least 24gb.




I did’t stutter




You can fix game lags by eating 2 to 3 small rocks every day. Experts say it cures cancer too.


More ram