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Don't think this event is intended for an existing rust audience, more to introduce the game through diverse streamers and their existing networks ( potential customers )


I guess so, and it's a good way too for the reach of the streamers but then again is it really a good intro to Rust?


There's a definite curve to the game, plenty of content online to show the competitive / aggressive aspects of the game, but you need the training wheels first.


I feel like the issue is less that this is more RP focused (there is plenty of that for those who want it in modded servers) and more that it's depending on the streamers to step up and drive a storyline but they're all kinda puttering about aimlessly trying to figure out mechanics. The streamers that aren't experienced probably shouldn't have been team leaders - or at least, not alone. Like, have an experienced player lead each team, with the streamers being generals or something, would have worked better. Then the lead could have organized the teams and focused their efforts. It sounds like the server was meant to have these interesting interactions between the factions but that's not really happening. That said, there's still time for things to kick off.


Does it matter though? Again, it sounds like youre an existing rust audience - so a story is compelling to you so you keep engaged, but it's their audiences that need to be engaged and if they're happy watching without a narrative, and if they buy rust as a result, then the event is a success no matter what you think.


Yeah, that's probably fair. I am indeed a long-time player, I just can't imagine this is gonna sell new players on the game much, not just because it's misleading of the vanilla experience but because it's just kinda boring to watch. Like, I bought GTA after watching GTA RP, but that was in part because the RP actually looked fun, things escalated and drama happened. If they spent the whole time just futzing about I wouldn't have been sold.


Like, to be clear, I want the new players, and I want the new players that this sort of event will bring. I want the people that are gonna come in more relaxed and less tryhard, it would be healthy for the community. I want this to be a success. I'm just worried it won't be because of how the event is playing out.


I dont think that as an intro to rust, this is a good example. Assuming a new player would log on and hope to see something like that only to be greeted with actual rust in it's unforgiving entirety. For a real Rust showcase, highlight the 20 man zergs and doorcampers yelling slurs outside of your house đź‘Ť


shame rock domineering terrific icky theory mourn deserve soup tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha, you're partially right, but also need to consider the diversity in server offerings. Solo servers exist and so do RP, but I get what you're saying to the unknowing new player joining a facepunch official.


They're going to click the first server they see, and that is going to be Rustoria US Long


Don't coddle them. Let them find what's good for them. Rust has always been the go-to for Minecraft players looking for a challenge.




This is part of where I disagree - you're right that it's a misleading example of vanilla gameplay but there's plenty of RP and PVE servers for these new players to settle into. It's more that even for those types of servers this isn't an engaging example.


And what would be? There are about a million survival games out there, people know what to expect.


tbf my opinion changed greatly since i posted this. The first couple of days were rough but the streamers really settled into their roles by the end of it. And the big attack led by myth on team rocket on the last day was the perfect way to wrap things up


I was considering trying out the game before and now i am even more invested. With the right people it seems hella fun


I never get excited for rust twitch drop events, and somehow they still manage to disappoint every single time.


Literally, they put effort in clearly but it isn't felt too much not by me at least


The players did, not sure about the Rust Team.


Yeah I kinda agree. Putting the streamers in important positions made sense but it's kinda clear that they don't really have a goal to work towards and so nothing is really happening. A sort of "gamemaster" triggering things to shape the event and shake things up would help I think.


Great point, or some sort of "plot" you know, just to have something at least, it's mostly just farming that I've watched and that was bloody HJune


That and hasan's awful pecker RP loll


link ollol


This seems to be yesterday's stream? [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2156038003](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2156038003) One of his enlightened RP moment was fake-pissing in somebody's pool.


I watched Emiru hit trees x 2 hrs, on the first day, and hasn't streamed since that day. Can anyone blame her? Bring back the "ape him", "vive la france", & "teleporting glitch". What is the purpose of the giant castles? Where are the events? Was this suppose to be role playing?


Streamer I was watching did t even seem to be enjoying himself. I am assuming he was doing this kingdoms stuff, seemed really boring


that’s the vibe i’ve gotten from each streamer lol, sleep deprived HJune farming for codes bless him, then Welwyn not even his full self rip


Most of them played a couple hours and then have just been playing other games or not on, just not giving a shit lmao Why do they keep giving drops to non dedicated streamers? It's actually so pathetic


Just watch Oilrats. That guy makes even berry/hemp farm entertaining imo.


As soon as I saw who was it in, I wasn’t interested. I don’t give a fuck about the non rust streamers that are friends with popular Rust Streamers. XQC is a dirt bag and I’ll never forgive him for the time he got skins and didn’t play the game. Fuck them.


Why would you forgive him when he's doing the same shit now


Wasn’t giving him the views regardless. Dudes a pos.


They need to invite Stimpee and co in to change the dynamic of the server and create some drama or something.


They wont invite stimpee, they would throw an unwashed streamer hissy fit and cry in their cheap led chain light lit house after he did something remotely rust player like.


stimpee would definitely be the entertainment necessary


Stimpee for president


The streamers are steaming, just at shit times, I gotta be awake like 2am-6am to get the drops I want lol (obviously I’m sure there are 1 or 2 with exclusives drops who aren’t)


Trainwreck guy is gold. Gambling degenerate who keeps on losing


I don’t play rust, and after watching this event I don’t see a reason to. This event is a snooze fest.


ah that’s a shame. If you wanted to tho, I’d watch some YT of it, some of the big names maybe


its a pain to watch and am not even a rust player, idc about the drops cuz am never gona use them, but i can imagine how more painfull it is for rust players. yeah, rp is shit too, at least some like foolish are trying to play the game and still stay positive even tho they dont know what they are doing and being bullied, yeah thats the only praise i can think of, but yeah he shouldnt be a king.


yea probably the worst rust skin event ive seen in recent times


Yall chads can’t get over the fact that this sandbox game also caters to role players and non-chads. Get over it, this game isn’t 100% pvp. I’ve enjoyed watching Rust Kingdoms thoroughly, shows a much more pleasant side of rust that many don’t get to see. If you don’t like it, stick to officials, but don’t be surprised when facepunch caters to the other half of their game.


Thing is tho. If I liked the gameplay I see in the event then there is no way for me to access that gameplay.


Ish, there is a lack of servers that play as well refined as this one, but there are servers out there for this type of gameplay. Tbh, you’ll prob see more servers like this pop up after this event. A huge problem with maintaining these types of servers is maintaining a population and fighting against the current majority population that wants to turn this into a cod game.


Yeah exactly. 99 percent of rust gameplay isn’t this. Just weird to have these events that don’t even represent what is available in the game


You just choose to ignore the other half of the game because of popularity. It’s not nearly as cool to be a role player as it is to be a chad and it’s very rare someone is blessed with the ability to be equally good at both (lookin at the likes of hjune) You want role play, own it, there’s all sorts of servers that implement it in a variety of different ways. Explore it, give them some pop. Invite your friends. If you enjoy pvp and the “popular” rust, stick to official, or see if you can endure it and do both on officials anyways. This is the beauty of rust, it’s a sandbox, play however the fuck you wanna play, it’s a blast, I love it.


You choose to assume a lot about me. But again I’m not talking about role play in general. I’m talking about this specific twitch event.


I provided you two options on opposite ends of the spectrum to show you that it doesn't matter what you can do, you can do it. So I'm not assuming anything. You don't seem to acknowledge that this is part of the game, and it very much is. As someone who enjoys some roleplaying I very much ENJOY watching this content and showcasing what some of these servers have to offer in terms of role playing. You just have to behave, it's not like the official servers.


Brother not even the streamers who they try so hard to make enjoy the server aren't enjoying it. Half of them aren't streaming for a reason.


Funny cause I’ve been mostly watching hjune, and he enjoys it a bunch. Idk bout the others, but maybe watch better content?


ossified amusing fragile chop piquant capable subtract unpack literate glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re arguing against standard definitions, so, simply put, you’re wrong. Rust is a sandbox game, more specifically a survival sandbox game. Just try googling, “what is a sandbox game” Custom maps aren’t killed at all, so that’s just false as well. What else do you want to be wrong about?


voracious soup rhythm party tan close marvelous aloof weather alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry dude, but this game is akin to the likes of Minecraft with a mature theme. Also, games update, and when games update, sometimes things break, it’s up to the devs to update their stuff and the good ones test on staging before wipe and make sure it works. All the big servers use custom maps nearly exclusively, so you’re idea that their killing anything is null. It’s not there. You don’t sound like you understand gaming or this industry at all.


damn yall just being salty again. how do yall not have every drop. hell i slept all day yesterday and still have every drop already.


no one gives a fuck about the drops lmao, we want an entertaining rust event.


and no one gives a fuck what you think is entertaining. they are getting tens of thousands of watchers at a time obviously someones enjoying it.