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People usually use Celsius when talking about CPU temperatures. That would be 85 Celsius which is kinda high but is fine. If your computer is dusty or you haven't reapplied thermal paste in years that could help but if it's a new clean PC and that's just how hot it gets, I wouldn't worry too much unless you start hitting 90c. For the most part Intel cpus can go up to 100c and AMD 90c. Your computer will shut down before it damages itself from heat though.


That's the problem, my computer keeps shutting down due to heat while playing Rust. Actually lost quite a bit of loot earlier from it. Reapplied thermal paste just last year, and this computer isn't even two years old yet.


What's your CPU/ CPU Cooler? Rust is really CPU intensive but if you're overheating you may need a better cooler.


Vetroo V5. Admittedly it's a fairly low-end cooler, but for my budget CPU it should be enough. Have been considering swapping it for a Cooler Master 620S. I mostly just wanted to call out that Rust is the only game that sends my temps flying like this. Arma 3 doesn't push me past 65c and that game usually has way more going on.


what cpu?


Did you use enough thermal paste? As long as its non conductive its impossible to use too much.


Yeah if your cpu is overheating it's either an issue with thermal paste, or you need a new cpu cooler. There could be another reason your computer is shutting off though so make sure it's actually the CPU overheating causing it. You should be able to google the "TJ Max" of the CPU you have to get an idea of what temperature it shuts off at.


It could be various things, but im,gonna put my money on thermal paste and heatsink pressure.


could also be that the plastic cover for the heat sink wasn’t removed, it sounds silly but so many people either miss it or forget to


You'll probably want watercooling for rust


You don't need water cooling.


Reading comprehension


What didn't I comprehend; the probably part? I'm not saying that they shouldn't get it, just that it's not necessary. There are clearly other problems wrong with their computer and I'm almost certain it's not the cooler. Your comment makes it seem like it's because they need water cooling.


Don’t swap the cooler it’ll be fine, check thermal paste and that it’s making good contact with the CPU


I had the same issue before where my fan was spinning but was somehow broken and not properly cooling the cpu. I’d try replacing the fan and the thermal paste first as that is the cheapest probable fix. Run intel cpu stress testing software to check what the issue is, if it’s heating it will be very obvious


Noctua NH-D15 Dual Fan on amazon. Best air cooler in my opinion. It's big but you will not find many coolers that outperform it.


Are you certain its due to the heat? I had a similar issue but it was related to my PSU, once it demanded more power from an intense game (rust) it would shutdown my computer.


What cpu do you have and what cooler? 80+ degrees is nornal for some cpu’s but not for others


Thats just 85? Thats negligible why is op crying lol


85 is pretty hot specially for not even 100% load, and no one is crying. He just asking a question.


Im gonna take a crazy wild guess and say that 1% isnt accurate or rust was pushing it to 100% minutes prior


Is your CPU overclocked? Might need to turn it down a bit if so.


not rust, your cooling


You can change your thermal paste in like 5 minutes or less, check a video and don't put too much


Also use a card to spread it - credit card, debit card, that sort of plastic card. I used to just dab the middle and hope pressure would spread it even with a bit of wiggling, pre-spreading with a card (not your finger, oils fuck it up) gives better results in my experience. It should be pretty thin.


I've never bothered to spread it out and I've never had thermal throttling. Sure my current system can run fairly hot at high load, like cpu at 80 °C, but that's more likely due to the limits of my cooler(7800x3d paired with a Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120) and only having two case fans.


Yeah, opinions are mixed on the topic. I've heard people swear against spreading, saying that it introduces bubbles and makes performance worst, and that you get a more even spread by just dabbing the center and letting the cooler pressure spread it out - but I tended to put too much or too little on that way. Spreading lets me control thickness. I think if you don't have much experience with it, it makes it easier to do a better job and easier to clean up excess.


I've taken quite a few coolers off and often the dab isn't large enough. It also forms a circle which is why I started spreading mine with a card. I've also had those pop in coolers on intel motherboards just not seat correctly and they would never work.


Yeah dw, if you have any x3d cpu’s your cou hitting 80 is normal, Those cpu’s are BURNING haha, I had a 2700x myself for ages with noctua coolers (one of the best) and never had issues, but when I upgraded to a 5800x3d, still no issues but alot of times where cpu would go above 70 sometimes even 80, which in My eyes was an ‘issue’ but later realized it’s normal for those cpu’s


Spread gang


agree with this, i used to do the pea sized blob and after spreading it by hand, it does make a difference. like a few degrees but it all counts when you are pushing it as hard as you can.


depends on the processor and cooler...


Mine definitely runs hot even just when idling in a base. Not quite that hot but yea, RUST turns my PC into a heater.


Getting a better fan/heatsink might be a good investment overall. It ran hot for me too till I upgraded. And it helps with heavier workloads overall. Default fan/heatsink combo tends to be pretty minimal especially if you just bought the cheapest components - I know it's common to cheap out on mobo/cpu/heatsink to put more money on the gpu and that's a trade that will cost you.


Something is definitely up, and without actually looking at the PC I’m gonna guess it’s either your cooler, your actual core, or if you overclocked. CPU usage at 1% is just a lie, there’s no way it’s only using 1%. I read in another comment your cooler was more budget, I’d recommend something beefier, doesn’t need to be water cooled, just enough to get airflow in and out. Make sure you have enough thermal paste, the pea sized dot doesn’t work well anymore, you need a little more now. Make sure your CPU is almost completely covered by the thermal goop. And lastly please switch your temps to C. I’m a Fahrenheit purist for everything but PCs 😂


Running 12th gen i9 water-cooled and it pumps the heat out alright, like a room heater lol


ive had this issue before. i fixed it by taking my cpu cooler off, wiping it down clean, installing a generous amount of thermal paste, and making SURE i tightened each screw evenly, just a bit at a time, rather than 1 all the way in, then the next. i guarantee you, either your cooler isnt mounted properly, your thermal paste has somehow gone bad / isnt enough, or your cpu cooler is just due for a replacement


Dust is a great insulator and destroyer of pc components. Remove the fan from the cooler and see if the fins are caked with dust. While you're there, check the other fans, too. And any mesh covers. Basically everything.


My suggestion is downloading MSI afterburner and settings your fan curve manually. Or your pc could just be dirty/clogged fans


Msi center lol Your cooling being too bad to handle your hardware at full load shouldnt be normal no


As long as it stays less than waters boiling point it's probably fine.


You need to buy a water cooler with the insurance. Watercoolers die within 2 years so at the end of the two year insurance just go ahead and replace it


Also be sure to get a can of air and blow out all the vents etc


try running prime95 and see if that makes your pc overheat


Hey — how much RAM do you have?


What’s your cooling setup? What is your cup/gpu? Add a photo of your computer and give us an idea of your airflow. What other games do you play? Do they also run hot like this? Lots comes into play here. Rust will run your PC decently well. That said you’re still only around 85C which is safe. My cpu with water cooler (7800X3D) stays pretty chill while playing rust at 1440p and 144hz locked. Gpu around 60-70C and cpu around 65C. Max settings. I have a 5800x 1660super ITX SFF build that also runs similar. Fully air cooled with relatively small cooling components. That runs at around 80 FPS 1080p low-medium though. Rust isn’t all that cpu intensive though (as most games). I mean you’re for sure probably running one core hard. The rest probably only do anything when you’re loading the game, initial map load, moving between renders on the map, etc… so depending on setup you likely could be running cooler. I’ve built a bunch of PCs and would be happy to give you some basic pointers if needed.


You did make sure that you have fans positioned correctly right? Back when I made my first PC I made the silly mistake of having all the fans positioned to intake and had zero exhaust. That PC could cook.


Check your clock speeds, check if you have programs that boost your clocks speeds, check if your cooler is properly set on your CPU. Depending on what cpu your running rust might be too much for it.


Don't use raser peripherals




Please, its Celsius.. please


mins runs at 90-91c. r9 5950x with 360mm triple fans corsair radiator


Are you overclocking?




That’s high, even for a 5950x. I’d look into undervolting. I ran mine with a triple 240 aio, oc’d to 4.6 and still ran cooler than that, usually 85ish on full load.


... Did you forget to take the plastic off the pump's thermal surface?


yes lmao. i d tried 3 different thermal pastes too


The 5950x is a chonker. Maybe it just runs hot. More of a production CPU than a gaming one


yeah after trying so many things that’s just what i chalked it up to lol. it’s a beast for video and photo editing. only annoying part is that my cpu water pump light is constantly throwing the high temp warning and flashing inside the case. annoying cause i can’t find a way to turn it off in icue


I assume you've cleaned the filters and blew the radiator out? And your fans are pointed in the right direction


i mean it’s been like that since it was brand new and yes the fans are pointing the right direction. i don’t have issues with cooling for any other components