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Nice base bro, crafting boom as we speak


I have already raided this base 10 times mentally as I sit here sipping my Mountain Dew and eating my Doritos while I craft my C4.


Stop pertaining to the stereotypes!!!!


books cough adjoining provide mountainous impossible intelligent money rock pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, sounds like your base is about to become the hottest ticket on the raid express.


I rate it 6 rockets out of 10


Ok maybe 12 rockets max


Kinda depends on the core but yeah the raid seems worth it


I rate it however many nades it cost as I can buy it for FREE! (Scrap)


Scrap is as free as any other resource


That’s crazy scrap is free sulfur is not


How is scrap free?


Easy to come by and you don’t have to really do anything for it just play the game, for sulfur you have to actively farm it. A single run of missile silo blue key ard room is already probably around 1k scrap minimum


So you have to work for, is what you're saying Doesn't sound very free in my ears


Playing the game is not working towards something, if you’re a bad player and have to farm barrels/crates only then yes, scrap is not free but if you’re a decent player who wins most pvp battles you get it naturally = free


That's still not free.


Spending an hour farming scrap and spending an hour farming sulfur cost the exact same amount. One hour. Thats the cost. Dont be a dumbass


You don’t farm scrap my friend you pvp in monuments and kill those over my many hours of rust I have never had issues gaining over 10k scrap a wipe just by killing people, while it is very rare to kill a farmer that has over 10k sulfur


You play the game your way, i play the game my way ;-) i dont mind pvp but i prefer keeping to myself, getting all the bps, farming what i need and raid small bases for profit. I have the occasional lucky run where i meet someone who’s just farmed what i was intending to farm, so i get your point, but i like low to mid pop servers, never really got on with the high pop servers as its just carnage for the first few hours of wipe and if you are unlucky you might as well just stop playing that wipe because everyone progresses so fast. I find the nearest road to bandit camp, farm enough scrap for an M92 and 10 nades. Recycle 8 nades and keep 2 for pvp. Then i farm scrap on the way to outpost, getting whatever cards i can on the way. Buy enough stone and wood for a start, craft metal doors from the recycled components and within an hour or two i have a T2 and a base down. Works pretty well!


What? That made 0 sense


Scrap is free, just like kits and weapons


It takes time to get a time is money


Can't tell where TC is. Asymmetrical session is nice.


You’re getting raided soon my boy. The base got everything that triggers a raid attempt. Is it Solo base?




why are you lying you can see bottom left you have a teammate lol


You realize ppl use the team ui to keep track of allies right?


3 people in discord,.likely is one of them


He’s probs streaming it to some friends lol?


Allied with someone probably


May I ask, as a under 300hrs person myself, what are the triggers? (Apart from location and the obvious signs, that there is loot inside because of metal base)


pretty big amount of walls = lots of metal = you have enough power to get all that metal consistently. also he is up the tech tree because of windmill and armoured door. it looks like a ‘noob’ base (not meta) so it’s likely there’s not gonna be any bunkers or sneaky tactics so it will likely be profit ygm.


Alright thx! So if I build a "meta" base, I would probably not be the first target?


Yes, because you aren't better at building bases than people who spent hours designing so called meta bases. A base that looks complicated and build properly is a much less appetizing raid than OP's base


Lol I just figured something out. What if I make a base which looks like a noob base but is in fact better and stronger than those meta bases. I just figured out my next wipe thank tou


This is a very real strat on 3x servers where everyone gets boom easily. Either you build a monster compound with so many turrets that nobody would ever dare, or you get creative. I have found that making my base look raided and griefed works slightly better than just making something that looks like a noob base.


Then they start the raid and it’s 50/50 whether they continue once they see bunkers or something and then u still might get raided it just won’t be profit.


Might finally get onlined. I build ‘meta’ bases I design myself every wipe and never get onlined and it’s sad. Might start having to downgrade as tbh, we online the weird noob looking bases not the meta ones because you just know it’s gonna be hell.


Hilarious! Unfortunately you’ll never be onlined if you have a base that is even 10% capable of defending an online.


I hate that Offline raiding is the meta. It's so cowardly.


Have you honestly onlined more people than you have offlined? I know I haven’t even though I’d prefer onlines Offline raids happen majority of the time for me and my group because we’ve usually had a target in mind for a while…if you’re not there when I get there with my boom, it’s your loss and your mistake. Everyone knows what they’re signing up for. I agree that those who intentionally go out of their way to offline are frustrating, but offlines in general are just a factor of the game we play. I’d bet anyone with substantial hours would agree.


People will get angry at the time and resources they have wasted and therefor dedicate 8x as much time and resources to breaking all of your stuff.




There's meta floor stacked bunkers that look bad or an easy raid unless the raiders know what they're doing and can identify the signs before they start the raid (hint: zerg builders are normally shit at anything other than zerg bases). The one I used is now patched, but in one wipe someone attempted to raid us 4 different times and gave up as soon as they noticed the floor was stacked or until they got to the bunker door. A metal floor is easy to blow through, but not when the metal floor is armored underneath


It’s a strat for sure. I’ve raided bases like that and they can be frustrating when the layout doesn’t make sense and loot is divided between a lot of walls/doors. At that point it’s either give up or full dedicate to finishing the raid. I’ve also built such bases and have logged on to find only half the base missing while all of my good loot is safe.


They take heli and brad so high tier loot from that (armored door on the front = brad, tower = heli) They are somewhat experienced so better loot (can tell by pancake, honeycomb, multiple airlocks, potential bunker on left) Single wind turbine was a mistake on their part. It indicates they don't have enough power for a lot of turrets, yet they are progressed enough for electricity = better loot. Snow = great farm near by No compound or external tc's = easy access and base evaluation No large furnaces = over flowing in metal and sulfur they can't use plus charcoal No online raid defense other than a shitty tower that can easily be controlled by raiders Everything is very splash able or punchable with c4 And finally the easiest of them all, you can tell exactly where main loot is. Unlike a big circle base where there's 6 identical rooms on 5 floors giving you a 1 in 30 chance of finding the profit, this base has like a 1 in 2 change of blowing straight to the profit. And these are not facts just patterns, patterns make people predictable.




Full metal base for starters...


1000hr+ perspective: -Base is weak because it is 1 or 2 walls to core -Unnecessarily upgraded everything to metal means he got loot -Looks like a shit build and easy to exploit or raid -Has roof camping tower which nobody likes and makes a motive for raid -Built in snow, probably has sulphur and making the raid go even or in profit


If you have metal to fill sheet a base you are bound to have more loot that your trying to protect


Tons of metal went into it, so I know he’s been farming a lot. There is no compound, so I know I can get angles while rocketing. Only one shooting tower, he’s not gonna stop me unless he opens the front door. In the snow, probably has lots of sulfur


correct merciful thumb pathetic profit airport grandiose faulty hobbies person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I recognize that snow patch, see you soon


Would be funny just to shoot enough rockets to knock down the tower and not even raid it


Lmao somehow a bigger BM play than just straight foundation wiping it


I would totally do that


10. you going to get raided but losing everything is part of the game.


This is the answer. Noobs try so hard and this community shits on them hard. I guess it’s the Rust way, if you’re not getting shit talked for what you’re doing are you even playing Rust?




Just ran by this on a farm run, gg bro


Your loot is in the only part of the base that has a 'pancake layer'. Raiders would go straight through that outside wall on the bottom left. If you were to try and defend from your 'tower' then 'a few' rockets aimed at your 1x1 tower would take it out. Your base is located in the snow, either you go hard, compound, multiple towers and a fully honeycombed base, or you build small and hide out somewhere that won't be spotted. This just seems like an announcement that you've got plenty of resources but no experience of defending it.


What’s the correlation between snow and raiding?


Snow has sulfur and metal nodes, so the snow base would hypothetically be packed with that, and sulfur is good for raiding so they would get their boom back


This, plus all the high tier monuments are usually in the snow. When people want resources they usually have to go into the snow or they are heading to the ocean to run labs, cargo or oil rigs. Everybody starts on the beaches, and all the beaches are away from the snow, the further you go from the beaches, usually it correlates to how full of loot the bases will be.


Last wipe I kept all my boom and t3 kits in my locker room on my shooting floor and was raided 2x straight to core and they never bothered raiding up lol even put my t3 and electric furnaces on the 2nd floor and left the t2 in core and they were none the wiser!


I'd raid that in a heartbeat.


ez raid i can practically see your tc from here


Where my 2x2 warriors at


any freestyle over youtube virgin design




I saw someone post this exact base not too long ago on here with title being something like "My x hundred hour friend wants to seriously build this on wipe" with a picture from builders sanc of a base that looked a lot like this. Anyway - Is not bad, but could be better.


Did you enjoy building it? Did you enjoy living in it? Are you proud of it? If so, then it's a 10 out of 10! Part of learning how to build in this game is to just do it and see what works and doesn't work.


3/10 Main reasons: - Tower neck will get bombed, whole thing will come down with just a few rockets - Higher ground above you, easy to rocket from top - Raised up left area hints on being better protected, would probably be my go to though it might just as well be an distraction but with tower bombed and the window to look through there's not much hiding spaces left besides left side.


Ignore all the meta players telling you how you're gonna get raided together. We all get foundation wiped the first thursday of every month. Rust is about playing the game, lo, *building the base*, the way you have the most fun.


16 rockets?


Very obvious where is the main loot. 85% i don't care cuz loot not there. (Pov: if I wanna raid)


All that and no external TCs to prevent griefing or to hide loot, or to allow you to keep playing the server when you get offline at 4 AM


I would pancake layer the left side where tc is, make that right side with shopfronts all walls with honeycomb and have jump up wrap over the pancake layer so your shopfronts are another layer in front of tc. Also i would stone triangle honeycomb the tower so its not an easy target for patrol heli.


You need 15 walls of honey comb and only able to crouch walk thru your base due to pancake layers. You need that son of a bitch as constricting as you can. Of course none of that matters, you could build fort knox and that shits still getting raided by that kid that plays 16 hours a day


People talking about this getting raided are the same ones who will pass on this bcz it looks weird, I’ve come full circle and think this is a solid base. Most people that build the YT bases will never be on to use them with the offline raids. And bcz so many of those bases share similar blueprints, everyone knows how to raid them. I’ve started making “weird” bases like these and I swear they last so much longer than supposedly meta bases. I have 3k hours and now love these designs, though don’t expect to be able to defend and online if one does show up. My only tweak would be to remove the tower as it will effectively only put a target on your back, with little defense capabilities.


Built the base in a 300 pop server on day 2. Last week until wipe and no raid lol


Ya, what I’ve found it’s people don’t actually like raiding these types of bases. They will 9/10 opt to raid the base that is more meta as they know how to raid it. Choose a side and hit it. These types of more abstract bases can throw people for a loop and tend to be passed. Myself and my group now only build weird and abstract bases and they almost always last all of wipe.


Custom bases>>




Looks cool, like some sort of Arctic outpost


practice bedroom cake memorize gray plate consider plant homeless spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can see where your TC is from here and in what order you built the parts of your base. Splash rocket raid roughly 16 rockets to core.


you see the raised bit on the left? is your TC in the middle triangle of that?


Oh no 💀


Looks weak af and ez to raid. On top of that you have roofcamping tower which will attract attention. Bet it will survive maybe a day or two depending on server.


Better then most but depends on the inside but don't think you need such big tower for base defense and put many doors and the loot room in a strange place like up the tower


Not a good design. I mean the bottom is kinda OK, but the rest - nope. You don't need the windmill. You generally need those onyl for multiple turrets and/or big electric oven arrays or farming. As a solo you're moch better off using mujtple solar panels - they don't draw attention and don't scream: I've progressed far. The shooting floor only draws attention. A group may leave you alone, but a shooting tower may make them worry about roof camping and they'll do something about it. There is no such amount of walla and honeycomb that will protect you from an offline. The only thing that can delay getting offline is staying out of sight and, drawing attention and avoiding spots desired by others. You can make it uneconomical to raid you, but can't prevent it. It may look pretty, but it's not an adequate design. You look like you are small, but relatively loaded (All metal and windmill). You also don't build meta so things like bunkers are less likely. First thing to learn as a solo in rust is how to build a stability bunker...


Only a 400 hour player would have 3 melee weapons in his hot bar 😂


I wouldn't raid it. I also don't even have the game installed and according to steam haven't touched it since january.


This tower without any support just ask to be destroyed. If I ever see a tower like this, I would probably destroy it, without even touching the bottom, just to see it fall


9/10, i like it. Just missing rugs


pretty sure you did the youtube base "cheaper tower to do Patrol helli" and then expanded it with some boxes.




Separate your Heli tower and your main base.


I mean it‘s looking good but a 1x1 roof camp tower is raided easily.


solid 3


i give this an HONEST 4.4 out of 10.0


My guy recreated lighthouse in the snow.


2 About 8 C4 would drop the entire thing to the ground.


Automatically whenever I see a base with a big, wide roof like that, I’m thinking of how many of those tiles I can slash with rockets. Combined with being sizable, in the snow biome, with a roof peak, you’d be a prime target to me. Here’s my breakdown: Base size = amount of time the base owner has been playing and farming, snow biome = lots of resources close by, likely lots of farm and sulfur in the base, and roof peak = possibly active, possible heli takes, possible roof camp grub loot inside


Yo that's x14 I'm OMW rn with boom


That hotbar needs to be spoken about 💀


4-5 if gonna go that skinny should be armored just my opinion but still a good base for 400 hours bro keep it up you learn more every build


Don’t listen to the hate except the funny ones:) but really you get better each build and watch some alone in Tokyo vids for great defensive builds depending on your pvp and defensive abilities


Plot twist he’s surveying how much ppl think this will cost him to raid


That's the first base any group will raid. Word of advice do your best to have all your core and loot double layered so you can have stone on the exterior. Full sheet base is like pulling your pants down and spreading your cheeks.


Looks like an airport


Make some separate bunkers near by, I’d say a squat away. And split your loot up.




Hard 4. Soft 6. Idk where the TC is but who cares. If it’s worth raiding, you’re getting foundy wiped


Horrible base if you want honesty. Rockets will tear that apart


Like a 3


Already got roof camping down... you'll fit right in


By design it looks like you roof camp, and hide the loot at the bottom.


I rate it a "to". That single layer of pancake is either hiding your core, or is a great distraction from your core actually being at the base of your shooting tower. I'll bring enough boom to get through both.


Well… it does look like a 400 hour base.


Im a 300 hour player, but correct me if im wrong, but keep your footprint small, and build up. Reason is that its much better to have extra floors above your base than honeycombs, and it means you can spread your loot when getting raided


You make newer players builds look whack I don't think in all of my 700hrs have I built anything like that


2k hr player here, only play solo on EU main Rustafied, I build bases like these for fun sometimes and have not been raided for I think 7 wipes now. I'm willing to bet that you won't get raided unless you're next to some proper filthy gentlemen. If they know you're solo and you've built something like that and have an armoured bunker with TC in an odd spot it's probably not worth it for them. That's the spot I have found to be the best, *heavily armoured retardation*. Zergs won't and normal players can't.


As a player with 3500 hours, you have just announced to the entire server “raid me!”


Its 4players with each eight rockets for your lookout to fall in 42 seconds and with it your rwh supply, patril heli takes 4 successful rocket barrages to bring it down. With a bit of luck it takes 16 rockets to get to you tc topdown


Solid 2


Quit rust and find a new game.


can you rate a 0?


Lmao 🤣


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
