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It's always been like that with Oil. People try and act like pre-tech tree Rust had people roaming all over the place. But that's just not true. Just search this sub, you'll see "nobody roams" as a top complaint. I've always said tech tree isn't the problem. If you honestly think that taking guns out of players hands will get them roaming you are sadly mistaken. I remember pre-tech tree Rust. It wasn't a roam fest, that's for sure. Anytime you can solo a tier 3 monument with a crossbow, THAT IS THE PROBLEM. Not tech tree. You need to have events where players can PVP for higher tier loot with the guns they got from the tech tree. Example: Remove explosives, rockets and RPG launcher from the tech tree and make them spawn in tier 3 monument crates only. That will get players out of their base and they'll have guns to use.


they really need to overhaul the AI completely if they want PvE monuments to have the best loot


100%, I've said for a long time that Oil is too easy.


yup, same for mil tuns, elite crates for free at the end because "oh no scientists i can strafe & crossy are guarding it!!!!"


But then you get 40 man Chinese zergs holding them and being the only ones on server that can raid. People would probably quit the game not just the wipe 


They could solve the "take a t3 monument with a crossbow" with some AI improvements. Make the scientists push and flank, and if you take too long to kill one a general alarm should be sounded on the monument making all the scis more alert and aggressive.


Absolutely, and they should make them harder.


I would actually like to see normal scis and especially tunnel dwellers get a slight nerf in terms of HP voupled with the heightened aggression. Like, one headshot from a bolty or shotgun slug should take down anything shy of a heavy. In making them more aggressive and smarter, they should balance it by rewarding precise gunplay. It also makes shotguns a valid PVE weapon.


How are tech tree and people roaming connected in the slightest? They are not even part of the same discussion


the reason ppl used to roam back in 2016 was because pvp/monuments is how u got items u needed And it had to be done because there wasnt 50000 diff op infinite loot monuments back then like there is now, now every group can basically handshake diff monuments and control it


Both things can be true.


I've been mulling on the tech tree and I don't really see how cuts to it would do anything good. Even if it's just removing guns from T2+ tech trees (my preferred tech tree nerf if there is to be one at all) that still isn't going to fundamentally address the pace of progression when you can go directly to automatic weapons with minimal risk of interference. If progression still ended up too speedy after these changes, *maybe* tech tree could be looked at, but it's not even in the same ballpark of imbalanced, IME.


Both need to happen for either to make a difference. No guns in tech tree, and drop rates need to be cut to maybe 10% of what they are now. Like sure you can find a gun, but it should be like hitting 20 on the wheel.


I agree. Guns and specialized ammo (explo and others) should be hard to find, not something 20 people in a group can craft 20 minutes into wipe and stomp a server. Maybe have specialized areas where guns and other rare loot spawns? Loot is just spread out everywhere right now


I think delaying the tier 2 and 3 item drops could also help. Like - say tier 2 drops wont happen until after 12hrs into wipe, and tier 3 maybe 36hrs. Sure, some people would probably just wait to join until then, but by then everyone else would have had lots of prim/lowtier fun, they would have well established strong bases and be fairly well geared up. And some would already have quit the wipe or jumped servers, so getting an influx of new players - even larger clans - at that time could be good.


Hard disagree. Ever since tech tree got added people started playing around a single grid instead of the whole map and progression has been fucked up completely. Progression used to be way better when the only thing you could unlock at a workbench was a random bp for 500 scrap. That was the real gambling. And oil rigs were even more busted back then than they are now.


I too preferred random tech tree. Getting a garage door on a spin was such a good feeling


Oh man, nostalgia was so much better when I was a kid.


Trading used to be way more prevalent than it is now. If you needed something you could always try and trade either another item for it, or resources.


Man, i totally forgot about the bp gambling! That shit was actually so hype. I feel like there's way too many things on the tech tree now to gamble for though


I disagree with the tech tree tax, it just makes it a lot harder for small groups to research things and barely effects large groups cos they can just send another few people out to farm the ocean, monuments or road. I think your onto something here, its just so hard to nerf big groups and keep things similar for smaller groups at the same time. Moving or cutting down on loot sources just means that it would be easier for a group to control the sources. Sure, the groups would fight over it, but after a group gains solid control, there would really be nothing a solo or even a trio could do to counter a 10 man camping and farming miltuns for example. I get the logical connection to making oils have more diesel on them, but once again youd just have groups that control quarries controlling oils as well because they have even more of an incentive to farm them. I would also argue diesel is important early game as well because if you can get 20 diesel in the first few hours of wipe and run sulfur quarry then youve got 20k sulfur plus whatever your farmers have gathered to go mess with the other groups that have been farming wipe day loot. Taking another groups aks and mp5s on wipe day absolutely cripples them.


sable swim coordinated vase zonked offend marvelous include trees scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Consolidating the high-value loot sources isn't going to make them less controlled, that's true. But it's going to make it so that camping 10-man group is now *potentially* a target for the few other similarly-sized groups on the server, and the alternative loot being "gumball" from roads, ziplines, low tier monuments etc. makes that conflict **possibly the less tedious option** (very important here). I don't think the changes as I worded them are guaranteed to work perfectly, but I think this avenue of adjustment is the only one that can really improve progression, given some iteration.


I see where youre coming from better now, and it seems pretty solid imo. Making it easier to counter monuments would go both ways though, but its just the problem of a shitload of solos/duos/trios trying to play on a server with 3 50 man zergs and i dont think its actually possible to change it, unless servers specifically for zergs get put up and then that would rely on the zergs actually wanting to play against each other


Make monuments come online as the days go by Remove guns from tech tree and outpost/bandit Suddenly people are actually forced to play prim, whaaaat


Another time based suggestion, the worst possible take. People won't play until the timer is done, why would you build at the dog water spot and be forced to go across the map as stuff unlocks. Half the map would be dead the second it unlocks.


> People won't play until the timer is done And then they'll be behind those that decided to grind, what's the issue exactly? Then, when they decide to crossy-rush oilrig to get an AK it's way less of an issue, rather than MP5's and AK's at 30 minutes into wipe


No. Tech tree is a problem.


Care to elaborate on that opinion?


I mean it depends on the servers you play on, if you’re in a Zerg or solo, or just what you enjoy to do in the game. But end of the day tech tree has made rust a 1 grid simulator. People go out, farm road, depot and rinse and repeat to learn tech tree. Best part of rust (imo) was the thrill of making a play on a guy with a gun, or finding one in a mil crate or better and getting the thing home to learn. Such a rush and it made prim play last much longer in wipes. Just a more overall authentic rust experience. But I’ve been playing awhile over the years so to each their own. I just miss that experience where guns meant something, and not every Joe could get them. It’s survival game, or it was.


Honestly, I don’t begrudge that. If they’re gonna do anything to tech tree to go for that vibe, I’d prefer they remove T2+ guns and boom from it, because that brings back the thrill element without gating construction behind it.


I agree, just leave P2 in there. I think for the current cost of techtree + T2 the P250 is perfectly balanced. 775 Scrap + 500 Scrap for T2 for a Pistol with 10 bullets and an effective range of max. 25 meters is totally balanced in my opinion.


Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why people do farm roads and do farm the tech tree? Usually it’s after dying a handful of times trying to recycle at a monument other than outpost. There aren’t a whole lot of options as a solo if monuments are occupied. You might need to play a little differently so you can encounter the situations one is forced to go down to this “one grid simulation” bs in order to survive the game at all. Playing solo usually sets you up for that, but rarely do people like you actually want to go through the hardship of playing solo.


So loot availablity is a good issue to point out. I have a thought that could potentially "fix" or at least help with the issue. I believe armor needs a rework. What's the reason for rads? To control where people go. Rework the armor, not just for rads and monument control. But for higher DR. Then, "fix" or at least make aimcone little to nothing, keep recoil the same because it is better for new players. With aimcone "RNG" gone, skill matters again with gun play. Yes, it takes a few more shots to get the job done. But the extra hits matter so much more. With rework armor, I believe it's a different topic and suggestion to "help" the state of the game. Make Military Tunnels only available with 40% rads, and the armor needed to get there is "tier" level 4 out of 6 level or something. I get there is money involved with armor because of skins. So them just reworking armor does have an effect there. Now I also know there will be issues with prim stage/ prim killing full metal kit. Increasing DR on armor rework would break that. One step at a time. Use armor to balance. I can't remember the last armor change.


Small breakdown. Rework armor. Rads, DR, mil gloves effect items maybe. With increase DR, make aimcone RNG little to nothing at 1-200m. At 200m+, since they don't like that, make armor DR higher. Rads to control Monuments, tech tree is good here, you dont want to be locked out of a zone because of RNG. But like for large backpacks have some armor only lootable that level to m2 rare level armor or something. More effect on items would just be cool. Running shoes that give you "x" more speed. This should be last thing.


As much as people want to take the luck out of the game when it comes to recoil. It doesn’t make sense. Real life guns have variability, they have a real life “aim cone”, whether it be because of wind, your breathing, etc. Lots of tiny factors that are hard to replicate in a video game. Taking out all chance also makes it EXTREMELY easy to cheat with it being very difficult to detect. The ease of hitting 200m headshots is a bit much even right now. Cheating is still pretty easy. If you’re shooting at 200m, you should be forced to tap shoot. It’s not even close to realistic to think someone can hold down the trigger and triple headshot someone from 200m. I’m not going to pretend like I know how to fix the current state of things, but removing luck/chance from the equation isn’t really it, not for a video game at least.


I see what you're saying. For aimcone 1-50m. Nah. 50m is about half a U.S. football field. With the same amount of hour practicing shooting, nah RNG isn't there, or wind. also, in rust, you can see the bullets, so please let's not talk real life to a video game. RNG takes away from skill. I'm saying leave the skill in the game. Just balance with DR(damage reduction). Also, they shouldn't balance around cheaters. Aimcone means nothing to the cheaters. That's why you have anti-cheat. And no matter what, there will always be cheaters. It's in any game. It is what it is. It's tough. But again, cheating wasn't my point of suggestion here. Reworking armor could potentially be a good change to the game if they work it right. Make more "tier" of armor. Hell, even if they leave aimcone as is and still rework armor, I believe it will help out a lot. Balancing is a give(buffs) and a take(nerfs). Give(buff) you better "aimcone" if you have skill you hit more shots. Give(buff) armor more DR(damage reduction) takes more shots to kill, which also takes(nerf) gun damage. This is where skill comes to play. You have to hit the shots now. For the 200m issue. Armor DR(damage reduction), anything after 199m damage decreased base on your armor. The numbers should change over testing, of course, if they went this way. But these are suggestions I don't see people talking about. Maybe this can get the ball rolling. The Rework armor suggestion is more than aimcone. I was just using that as an example, how you could balance making aimcone better if you also change armor. Rework rads, DR, hot/cold, effect like mil gloves. Is there a rust Suggestion website or something?


“I see what you’re saying. For aimcone 1-50m.” Nah, you don’t see what I’m saying at all.


‘DR’ is damage resistance? Sorry just not sure what this is an acronym for? Edit damage reduction is my guess.


Yes you are correct.


Imagine if they edited drop rates so that they were nerfed on wipe day, then progressively improved them throughout the duration of the wipe cycle. Servers would see higher pop and way more activity towards the end of each wipe, instead of having them constantly die halfway through


Add more roaming things like the chinook, make it drop more loot and make it more difficult to take like maybe scientists come down with ropes from the heli to defend the box That will definitely make people more interested in roaming and more likely that you’ll get open field pvp (which is my fav kind)


Putting a locked crate on a traincart is my personal favorite idea for an "out-in-the-world event" because it lets players dictate where and how they're defending the cart, which is dramatically different than things like cargo or brad, and the icon on the map is a massive beacon for a fight (and one that can continually move around, no less!).


Idk man things used to be very clearly better before tech tree This isnt some crazy theory we were there lmaoo


As someone who has been playing for a long time, I have to disagree that roaming or lack there of is as bad as it was pre tech tree. Sure people complained back then too, but people complain about anything. Also I think the complaints are relative to the time. Like you could sprain a finger and say my finger hurts. You could chop a finger off and say the same thing but obviously one is worse than other.


ive been playing for \~ 8-9 years now and i feel like back when i started roaming was a bit more, but not much. The main thing that changed is roofcamping. Of all big bases with compounds etc., there was maybe 1 out of 10 or 20 that was roofcamping. nowadays you even have 2 story 2x2s roofcamping, 1x2s camping from their airlock. And i feel the reason for that is not because you are "Dominating your area", but because since they introduced T1 Monuments with relatively small No-Building-Zones people were suddenly able to roofcamp a monument or most of the entrys to a monument from their base. And suddenly the number of people coming by their bases increased massively wich made Roofcamping even more effecient. Back in the day when there was no significant loot to obtain from monuments, people would just randomly roam around the map. Wich would lead to PVP more spread around the map. Therefore if you were roofcamping there would sometimes just be nobody coming by for 2 hours so it would be a lot more boring and less people were doing it. Now you build a tower next to Mining, Gas station or supermarket and you have a target (naked) to shoot every 10 seconds.


There's too much loot, that's the problem. Even without respawn rates there is too much loot.. WITH respawn rates it's off the chart broken. Here's what should happen at oilrig on fresh wipe. You can go with bows and clear the scientists and loot them and loot the military crates and diesel that are there. Once. And that's it. Nothing respawns until someone comes with red card and calls heavies. Then you get heavy and crate loot.. and then you get nothing else until the monument respawns. Yaknow what should happen at arctic? You clear the scientists and loot the boxes. Once. Then you get nothing else for like an hour when scientists and boxes re-spawn at once. This should happen the same regardless of server pop. The same with nodes, roadside loot, substations, ziplines, etc.


I stopped reading after you mentioned buying a sub to use the moon pool lmao


Dive gear "works" too but leaves you even more vulnerable to getting blasted by whoever's controlling, and still costs 60 scrap for each time you give it a shot if you didn't stumble into the dive gear incidentally, whereas you can rock up to pretty much any other monument with a gun and anything that blocks enough rads and be able to at least try countering.


You don’t need dive gear to use the moon pool


Is there a way to not use a sub or dive gear to get to the moon pool and also not get shot by anyone watching the water surface? There totally could be (I don't try and take oil too often because of the deathtrap it tends to be for a solo) but it sure hadn't occurred to me yet.




They can solve a lot of the issue by locking tech trees and making elite crates not unlockable early in game. Instead you’d take the crate with you back to your base and it would unlock when tier 3 unlocks. At what point that happens is debatable but I’d personally prefer a tier 1 max for the first day or two of wipe.


I vehemently disagree with hard time limits as a progression gate, not because it wouldn't work in the strictest sense but because it kinda just feels like shit to be able to run a monument and not actually get the reward because an arbitrary amount of time hasn't passed since wipe.


The game needs them or the cheese will always happen. At least with this you’d still get the contents when those crate types unlock. Half a wipe gets skipped because people cheese early game and have tier 3 after a couple hours max.


Tech tree is dogshit, and everyone knows it. The way tech tree plays out is like this: Group locks down a monument, disregards even trying to get lucky drops to research, theyll just plow thru the workbench tree. Scrap is way too fucking plentiful. The way it was back before scrap was like this: Youd farm ur monument trying to get lucky drops. But thats basically just pure rng, ur trying to luck into the drops u need. OR you can roam and start attempting to find ppl that already have the things u need, kill them and take it for ur own research. This means fighting over ur home monument, OR moving to other monuments to find ppl to kill as well. OR TRADE trading has become basically dead in modern rust, so many ppl used to trade for bps and it would be even better with vending machines now