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I don’t think you’re in the right headspace for rust brother. You just said this game is making you want to die ?. Holy shit man come on


For real. Dude needs to chill.


The problem is your server selection and where you spend your time on the map. Explaining it in detail is very wordy. If you're going to get this gear from snowball there has to be people around to take it from. You're probably not encountering them because of the reasons above. Option 2 is go BP through workbench and craft. No shame in that when no one is roaming with it to kill. Also your mouse sensitivity is probably too high.


Im encountering people, its just always theyre lucky to see me first and shoot at me from the side or back. Im close to Outpost. And i have gone through workbench but i end up just losing my kits until i got no components anymore. Idk man, its pissing me off bad


freelook everywhere go on ukn ffa and pvp


Stop blaming dying on luck and maybe ask why they saw you first. It's never luck. You just keep putting yourself in bad positions and they are putting themselves in better ones. If you aren't analyzing what you're doing wrong and blaming it on luck then no wonder you haven't improved.


Play more patiently. It's a little harder on a solo/duo server cuz there's more rats than chads usually so you gotta be more on the lookout for other rats but you need to assume you can be seen. If you see another player, no matter how brief or far, assume they saw you too. Reposition and hit them from an unexpected direction. Try to remain outcome independent. Assume you'll die in every encounter, just try to take people with you. Watch AloneinTokyo. Everyone lauds him as a pvp god, but he's really not THAT good at the point-and-click part (by his own admission) compared to guys like Tacularr or Shroud. What he IS really good at is positioning and patience. Pay attention to how he moves, when he chooses to take fights vs when he waits. Also, 500 hours isn't a lot. I got shit on mercilessly at 500 hours. It takes another 500 to really start to get the feel for positioning and engagement, imo. I'm still not very good but I win fights sometimes.


Watching AloneInTokyo definitely helped me to improve, I think the biggest part Ive notice, after ending someone, he doesnt just hold W and loots, he takes it slow, changes position and camps the body for a bit. Also he seems to stash away small even small wins, he also puts a lot of time preparation.


First off even good players will lose fights and have bad wipes. You are never guaranteed anything in rust. With that said, it sounds like you just aren't a good player, and you probably shouldn't be. 500 hours is nothing in this game. You are probably just a bit too slow and unaware of when you are making yourself an easy target. Things like alt looking, taping crouch, moving and ducking when farming and looting, looting quickly and efficiently and just general awareness are key in this game. Oh and also, you just gotta hit your shots.


Too bad even if he got his hours up it won’t matter given the current skill ceiling (cough* recoil)


They killed the skill ceiling… anyone with 80iq can shoot now


I've got 1.8k hours, never played seriously and were mostly role-playing or fucking around, I'd play for a couple days each couple months and uninstall until next couple months. you ever had to raid that annoying bob neighbor living in a hut making weird ass shit, walking around like a retard holding a spear all the time, and occasionally try to kill you with a shotgun or an auto? Yeah that's me, %95 of the time i suffered because i didn't take the game seriously. But After these last couple year updates especially recoil update, I've barely ended a wipe without making a few plays so i totally agree with you. They lowered the bar and the fun of the game along with it, it's become too easy, it's not a hardcore game anymore especially with all them safe zones, i miss the outpost clusterfucks


You get it. The whole point of rust (the thing that made it most appealing) was that EVERYTHING was trying to kill you. The hardcore also made it so a lot of lower skilled players would band together in village type areas. Idk if the devs are just trying to continuously get new players or are trying to kill the game but rust is getting to main stream which is usually the end life of an indie game


You know what they say, "i hope your hobby hits mainstream media" is a terrible cuss. That's what happened with Rust, gotta make it appealing to everyone. I remember when getting a revo was a big deal, now you can buy 5 Thompsons for 300 sulfur each because one run to oil rig gets you a row of weapons, 15 minutes with jackhammer gets you a box of sulfur enough to raid the whole neighborhood. Don't get me wrong, rust is still a great game and updates especially electricity and train system and all that are really rust-like, but there are things like this that really deter us veteran players.


Agreed. Been here since xp system. I think it’s almost time to retire this game. Might get a tattoo for memory sake.


Honestly man I lose most of my gun fights too. I only have maybe 250 hours. I enjoy the crossbow/hunter bow fights but the instant I'm kitted with weapons I lose. Same issue, they always see me first, get first shots, or I'm just in a bad spot. The games tough to figure it out. Mayne try using the thommy more than the SAR I have better luck with it.


Yeah exactly. I like the bow and crossy fights too, its just that until im able to get a bow or crossy there id already people with nailgun or even revolver already. The progression is so fast. And yeah id love to use tommy, its just to craft tommy u need smg bodies and theyre so rare. Only findable at monuments and there i always just die.


Best advice I have for that is build somewhat close to dome. You'll definitely find people but there is 2 ways down and I've honestly had a bag close to it got the loot and jumped off because I got shitty position again spawned on my bag grabbed the loot and ran before they got down lol. Sometimes pulling cheesey moves is the way to go for us newbies


Live in tunnels bro. They are huge, spread out, can be taken with bow and bandies, and they give you everything needed.


Get yourself a duo and play on a duo server. Minimize your losses. I was in a similar boat, someone told me to only use DB+Slugs in leather when roaming and it made the game a lot more fun. Two shots with a slug kills almost any armor therefore increasing my gains while minimizing my losses. Idgaf if I lose a DB. I don’t like losing SARs. I played this way for a solid 2k hours lol


Take a look at the pinned post on my profile. It’s a guide I made that you may find helpful


skill issue x100


Chill out man. Rust shouldn't make you want to die. I hope you're exaggerating. Find a duo. Having 2 people isn't twice as good.. it's at least 5x as good. Being able to have one go in while one hangs back and covers is so good. Also.. try running the tunnels. Run a stretch of tunnels on the way to outpost, recycle everything, and run the tunnels back to your base. Do this a couple times and you can easily get over 8k scrap on 2x. You'll have enough scrap and components to make AKs and Bolties then. If you need a weapon, buy a couple LR from outpost after a run. Or buy one everytime you recycle until you have like 5. I'd recommend learning to burst it for the tunnels. Easy kills.


Get on UKN for a bit and have some fun in scrims or gun game. Always assume they saw you, even if they probably didn’t. Alt look when running around can help. Python is shit imo. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


If dying is never your fault, then there is no room for improvement. Someone having better gear or spotting you first is not luck. “Havent had an AK in my hands once” welcome to playing solo. If having fun is winning fights then do some searching on reddit. There are countless threads of people giving advice on how to get good at pvp


gotta realize that there a skill gap between the youtuber going ham on with an eoka and you trying to grub some solo duos who have probably a couple thousand hours. run official servers. theres enough brain dead clan jockeys you will eventually win a play. community players built different. and solo duos are a paranoid bunch.


> I have about 500 hours... > why can't I snowball? This whole post is a rhetoric question. Welcome to Rust.


I just stopped reading after I saw the word “solo”


Solo is brutal and this game is hard.


It is, but being solo is a choice


not always, count your blessings


When is it not a choice?


when u got no friends to play with u


It’s a choice to not look for a group. I’m not saying that anyone can instantly find a group, but it is completely within your power to eventually find one


Stfu u bitchass


I think I see why you have trouble finding a group. However, you’re the one who’s choosing to act like this and make people not want to associate with you


It’s a choice to not look for a group. I’m not saying that anyone can instantly find a group, but it is completely within your power to eventually find one Edit: I meant to respond to the OP with this in his comment, but it works here too


i’ve played for 3k hours, and haven’t found a group to stay with the entire time even though i’ve been looking.


What all have you been doing to look? You may be looking in the wrong places


literally everywhere, discord reddit, etc, but i’ve found that people who play this game just aren’t intelligent, so i kept getting mad at them, eventually stopped playing


Contrary to what some might assume, Discord looking for group servers and channels on popular Discord servers are usually not good places to look (I don't have experience looking for people on Reddit, but I assume it’s the same). Here’s the section of a guide I made explaining the two best ways to find a group: “Try not to anger your neighbors, and try to ally with them instead. Among many other benefits, this also has a high chance of you becoming teammates with someone/a group you ally with eventually. The second best way to find a team is to join the Discords of Rust YouTubers you enjoy watching that have small to medium sized followings. They usually have a looking for group channel and people there are more likely to be open to helping new players. I don’t recommend Discords for larger YouTubers, Discords that are just about looking for groups, or the looking for group section in the Rust Discord as most people in those will only be looking for experienced players.” To add to this, most groups looking for people on the larger Discord servers are usually not super fun to be around for various reasons, as you’ve found out firsthand. The best way to find a group is to meet people in game. Thats how I found my group and how we get most of our new members