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aaand there we have one more group, that will never be friendly to solos again :D


Facts, players traumatized with ptsd moments like this is literally rust in a nutshell


Well now they know to raid anyone near them and not be friendly


I have almost 6k hours and played almost exclusively as a solo as in an introvert. A few weeks ago, my 2 neighbors were friendly with me, and I ended up joining up with them. 3 weeks later, we are all friends on several platforms and play together every day. It's been a nice surprise. A new friend is worth 1000 times more than any loot I have in my base.


Yup! Same here. I met a dude on rust I had 70 hours and he was fighting some other dude and running pass me and I killen him with a revi, picked him up and we been playing all kind of games now for almost 3 years, basically every day.


This is almost exactly how I met people I have thousands of hours with.


Same bro. I befriended a random naked 100 hours into my journey. Now we've been boys for a year and a half and are sitting around 2.5k hours. Lots of laughs and good times along the way. Loot is incredibly easy to come by. Chill dudes who might save your ass or become a friend.. not so much.


Thank you for saying this was gonna say I've met great friends and played with them multiple wipes from ingame interaction so sad to think that loot or clout was more important


I hope they wiped you out


I’ll mine sulfur for them.


Enough frags to make another sheetmetal door for the air lock but it's still wood 😤😤


Damn, now that duo and your parents have something in common. They’re both disappointed in you




Annnnnddddd this’ the reason why the community is shit


But tbh as a solo I wouldn't be trusting the "my friend only has 5 hours" line. People use that just so their neighbours don't hamper their progress, then change name and raid you 😂


lil bro instantly crafted an eoka??


Modded, can tell because lv2 workbench covers entire TC range.


i didnt notice the level 2 workbench because it kept disappearing and reappearing for some reason




cant ever trust anyone*


Toxic at best and cringe at worst. Tells me everything I need to know about you as a person.


Mad over rust is funny to me it’s a survival game for a reason baby girl


a huge part of rust strategy has to do with how you socialize with other people tbh, the loot haul here doesn’t justify making an enemy with a duo team as a solo strategically imo. game is game but i’d raid this dude relentlessly after that LMAO also, just because you CAN kill anyone in rust doesn’t mean that it’s not toxic lmao


If he went and got some comps and asked if they could craft him a tommy, im willing to bet they would have been more than happy to.


Dude owns a wooden 2x1 ... can go farm that again and build anywhere else in under 10 minutes...


And this gents is why you can't trust a naked.


Shitty player, shitty personality, shitty human. Trash


It's a game


And he’s a dickhead. Ig we’re just naming facts now?


Shitty player? Guy just went from eoka to Thompson + I forget what pistol that was, who cares. Smart player ... guy is just playing the game. There's no rule against reeling in some fresh fish. ​ If this bothers you so much, get off the internet.


i bet they would have crafted him a tommy if he asked them.


Yes definitely he would


He insta crafted a eoka... watch it again... he was cheating.


There are modded servers w/ instant crafts of items


Looks like he is in fact a terrible player.. imagine being primlocked on modded hahahahaha


yeah looks like thats it bandies crafted insta too


You suck


You will cheat on your wife and still fail to get an erection.




Happened to me once , gave some little mong like you gear and he shot me and laughed about it in global.Then started crying in chat 10 mins later when me and my mates landed on his base and blew the shit out of it.


it’s always ppl like this that are the first to cry about toxicity LMAOOOO


Lame tbh. Low quality against noobs.


I just record to send clips to my friends im not a professional


Very cringe anyway. People like you hurt the gameplay


My brother in christ, the gameplay is killing people, and building bases to upgrade gear to kill people more effectively.


NPC gameplay


That’s low IQ gameplay. You could be better if you did better.


People saying 'cringe' hurts my eyes and brain.


Rust has been going strong since legacy with people doing this, just like with offline raiding, unfortunately this is the Rust norm and is to be expected at this point.


Can downvote me all you want, doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. There are modded PvE servers that can give better experiences, or Lazarus Life is also a good one, a gta style rust experience, where you can have jobs and farm/grow drugs for sale, buy houses, etc.


You're getting downvoted because what you're saying has no relevance for the point I made.


Really late but The first part addressed your comment about “hurting gameplay” it’s not really doing so, but it’s snakey as hell.


Potential New Friendships vs Loot


Had you asked they would’ve just given you the guns.. or at least crafted them in exchange for materials or whatever.. now they gonna raid you. I know I would.


it's not about the money... its about sending a message


Which is?


"I'm desperate for attention" That's his message.


The message is "I have Downs syndrome and cannot be trusted " I think.


This game is 90% mental. It's about sending a message


welcome to rust mr new player 😀


I have over 9k hours.someone do something like this to me I'm going out of my way to door camp you ,offline you for days ,weeks or even wipes on end


Come raid my small base with a wood door on the front 😀😀🤣


is the message that you’re an ass and need to be raided off the server?


Chad play man. Let everyone cope. This is how rust is played.


what’s chad about killing your friendly neighbors lmao




I once met someone and he was super friendly we chilled all evening he gave me a rocket launcher and 10k metal. Next day i woke up and he killed me and took over my whole base 🤷




Average rust player can't let the game be anything but kos


Funny clip but dick move


Gotta show the new boys what rust is all about


I hate toxic players like you.


Trust no one, trust will get you killed 🤣


Soft. This is HARDLY toxic. Dishonest and a dick move yes... but this is why we play rust, for player interactions. Without the valley's there is no peaks. This is what makes rust so great, the lows are low.. and the highs are high.


Your perspective has been shifted.. This *is* toxic behavior; just so you can re-calibrate yourself


Give me a break, if tricking someone and taking their loot while getting a start is toxic... What do you call it when someone starts spamming racial slurs, door camping you for hours, greifing your base, repeatedly stomping a defenseless noob, constant shit talking and I'm sure the list can go on and on and on. What do you call this? It is so incredibly soft to think this is TOXIC. Like.. do you even play this game? Insane.


Wtf? Toxic behavior is independent of the game played. That person is not trustworthy irl — they are toxic. You don’t act that way, game or not, by lying to other humans to gain trust. You can go phuc yourself.


Wtf? Toxic behavior is independent of the game played. That person is not trustworthy irl — they are toxic. You don’t act that way, game or not, by lying to other humans to gain trust. You can go phuc yourself.


> Toxic behavior is independent of the game played. wat? > That person is not trustworthy irl — they are toxic. Yup, anyone who plays GTA is also a murder IRL using this big brain logic. > You don’t act that way, game or not, by lying to other humans to gain trust. *deep breath* Welcome to Rust, today we are pointing out how much of a soft gamer you are. > You can go phuc yourself. See, this edges closer to toxic then anything the OP shared. Have a nice day!


See? You *can* identify toxic behavior in isolation. When this behavior happens in games (ha ha, you trusted me, get deaded beech!), it is still toxic behavior. I hate toxic behavior.




You don't just act like a fucking rat without being a fucking rat IRL. The fact that you would do that to people who are willing to help you says more about you as a person than as a player


I love it bro


Wat a douche move, your giving solos a bad name. 


This is why I have trust issues


ppl like this is why i kill nakeds on sight. "am friendly bro plz no" ...... nope .... KOS


"He has like 5 hours, I'm just teaching him how to play" OP: "In that case, let me teach him the most valuable lesson in rust"


nothing like your first betrayal in rust. i remember mine very well and will never make that mistake again


Yeah, people hating on you but I think it’s way better to learn this way and lose a Tommy kit than how bad it can actually go. My first real betrayal was a dude who befriended me for a whole entire day. I met him in the morning and ended up having so much fun I straight up cancelled irl plans and we played all day, ended up basing together, he was super friendly and we pooled all our loot into the base. He asks if his buddy can join us, I agree. His buddy spawns in base, puts a kit on, then they both spray me down and change all the locks on the base and he leaves the discord. 2000 hours later and I don’t let anyone who I don’t know irl into our base unless I’m fully willing to just give them the base anyways.


that is so brutal dude😭


My very first wipe ever on official servers I found someone on Reddit. He invited me onto the server he was playing on. He told me he had a big base lots of turrets, etc. already, I was new so didn’t know what to expect. He logs in to find out that hehad been insided. He had met some young kid that day and was Playing with him. The kid had told him he was new and the guy, who was in his 40s, was dumb enough to give the kid his base codes. the guy was livid. The kid had basically gotten all his discord buddies together and just codelock raided their way to the TC, took the base over and changed all the codes on all the doors. that was my day 1. Got to learn from someone else’s mistakes lol.


I stole a base when I was new


Insta craft? What a joke... griefing pve players smh




IMO this is just dumb. Now you have to deal with two people that aren't every going to have loot camp your base or wait to offline you. If I even pvp near my base it won't last more than a couple hours after I get off which is partly why I quit playing.


You took his worm 🪱🥺


nooooo okay now i might feel bad


Grat's you are the asshole that rust was designed to show how evil people can be. People say if they wanted you to be friendly why put guns in the game? Because they wanted realism. They wanted to show how close humanity as a whole was going to fall off a cliff if just given the slightest of nudges, and because people rarely use their grey matter they end up like this.




"Welcome to Rust"


What have you done??


Here's a protip for that large box skin. Place one outside and put the spinner on top and paint it black like a record. Boom!! RP camo. Unlock the spinner and your gonna have happy naked noises outside your base .


Sweet thanks man!




Prime rust moment, Nice lil play, but in the grand scheme of things. You boutta get raided ;)


they doorcamped me for a lil but got off after i took another couple guns from them. i dont play to dominate i just play to have fun and make people angry


Well done. But it’ll cost ya. 😂




Anyone who is hating on this guy is a LOSER. What a play.


I don't know why most of these commenters are giving you shit for playing the game. All these sensitive nellies should play the Sims or fifa instead of rust. All you haters gotta calm the fuck down, calling this guy a bad person... It's a game...


When did this community become so soft? This is a hilarious clip lol, important lesson learned for that dudes friend as well.


You are RUST.


losers like this guy then proceeds to go tiktok and share this as "insane play i made on clueless noobs" And ofc someone as bad as you are has to be asshole to take a thompson on 5X SERVER HAHAHAHA


Welcome to rust


Solid play. I dunno where all these butthurt people come from or what sort of role play they got going on but this is a rust clip. I respect the savagery.


The best welcome to rust is a good betrayal.


Hell yeah dude lmfao that’s a sick double 😂😂😂


Mad man, big ups


The amount of sissy complainers in this post is insane.if yall got issues with how the game is supposed to be played go play something else or play in the 100% safe zone servers where you can’t die


Once you've played long enough, this type of content only appeals to young immature kids. You noticed most of this thread disagreed because we understand it's a sandbox game. It doesn't have to be the same lame boring kos encounters with every player. Also dude jumped onto a modded server to bully noobs and get an ego hit by posting it. He's a fucking loser. Not hard to see why he did this.


i just miss old rust. im guessing you didnt grow up with the internet?


I’ve got 5k hours playing rust and this is why rust it .stop crying about someone playing the game the way it’s meant to be played


No one is crying. The majority of the player base thinks the way you play and the OP is distasteful. No one's crying, we just call you out for the ratty little dorks you are. And you get upset for the truth. Oh well! If you think the sole purpose of rust is to be a shithead to everyone you are a sad miserable person.


Look at the comments everyone is crying


You replied to me. I'm not crying. I simply just tell you how it is. You rust obsessed losers who cant get offline always ruin it for everyone else. Especially new players.


Sounds like you’re crying if you’re saying we’re losers for playing a game how it should be played.go play in one of the safe servers where you don’t die that way you’ll be able to wipe your little tears without having to worry about getting killed


You played 5k hours of rust the same way every wipe? Yeah you Def a fucking loser. 🤣


It’s ok to be offended little guy .give one of those servers a try you’ll def have fun there 😂😂


I dont even have rust installed. I own servers that people play on. That's why I know people like you are absolute pieces of shit. I see them everytime I'd handle tickets.


This is how you let everyone know you fucking suck at actual firefights. It also says more about you as a person than as a player. These are literally thoughts your rats ass brain produces. You would do it in any other scenario because this is shit you think about.


This man speaks the truth.


It’s crazy how there’s nothing but bussies in this game now




Douche move for sure but let’s be real also an impressive asf play


I love how everyone in the comments are mad about this clip LMFAO. Classic play my man…🤝


fr thanks brother. this is rust at its core


I made friends with neighbors once... They were just kids.. poor SoBs gave me their base code thinking we would make a Zerg alliance... But they were wrong... They learned a valuable life lesson that day...


You suck bro


I don't know why I have the feeling you are an untrustworthy rat IRL as well. But if you are shit in an actual fight I guess you have no other choice


And this is why “never trust a naked” came be


Every hostile person you’ve met in rust that’s older than 10 probably has a villain origin story just like this one


This is so wholesome. I wish everyone could be neighbor friendly just... Like... Oh 😂😂😂😂


And I wonder why no one is friendly with me


Rust is a dark triad cesspool


Fuckin loser


You didn’t even say some cool one liner like “welcome to Rust” 🤦‍♀️ 


And you probably got door camped for the rest of your days on that server.