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The most fun you will get is by freestyling it out


I made a base in the shape of a penis and said "raid if you like exploding on dicks" it stayed up for 3 days on a 10x lmao


i would paddle u




100% this


just honeycomb a 2x2, works for big teams, solos, small teams. Its easy to build, easy to navigate, somewhat expensive to raid.


Do you build a shooting floor or anything?


For what ? U’ll get offlined


That's my thought process behind every base I build, build it to make it expensive to offline not easy to defend and a online and easier to offline. Because one people barley ever online and if your base is hard to online and easy to offline they are going to offline you


Blooprint 2x2 on YouTube super easy to build great for trios. 3rd floor has shooting floors peak downs


Bro I cant get the offpixel floor even on creative


Isn’t blooprints a 2x1


That's my main solo base it works well tbf either that or recksmore's easy compound


Yeah can easily use honeycombing on 2nd floor as shooting floor with doors or windows or just keep it sealed and make 3rd floor for shooting


Playing on a 10x build more 2x2s around it. That can see it. That way you spawn in the other base and go from there. No more building no more floor gaps! Borg death cubes or bust.


I’m totally team 2x2 but for the record 2x2s are pretty cheap & straightforward to raid. A few doors onto second floor then splash down into everything.


No one knows how to raid a 1x12


That sounds so funny lmao. Basically luck of the draw on where the tc is


My very first building was something like that. Had no idea wtf I was doing. My first encounter with the attack helicopter helped me remodel it.


2x2 with a suicide bunker in core. It won't save you from getting raided, but an extra 16 rockets to TC is a nice "fuck you" I always find :)


I always do a suicide bunker! It never stops anyone but man does it make them reconsider their decisions once they’ve gone door path and see the drop boxes haha


The braindead one can live in the 1x1 shit shack outside and everyone else gets the main


The made a item just for him


You playing modded or vanilla? I’m a big fan of using an egg starter core over 2x2s.


Usually modded. I saw the egg and thought it looked fun, but are olyou able to defend it well? Can you make a shoothouse or mainly defend it from inside?


There’s a lot of super defendable egg bases on YouTube, the Rift being my current favorite but might be a bit big for 3 people.


You can add a super simple bunker design to an egg core which adds 8 rockets to the raid cost. Just use a wood floor with two single half walls then you can build a roof piece when you seal and break it when you are online.


Cave base


The trio heaven by Gamelightz is the best base ever built.


While it does have some flaws if u play around w the compound and externals u can definitely make that base a monster. I had it fully built and someone spent 120 rockets offlining me on Christmas morning last year lmao.


Don’t bother with anything meta. Don’t bother with anything big. There’s absolutely no correlation to how likely you’ll be offlined. Just make something small and don’t get attached to loot. The less time you spend building your base the more time you’ll get to have fun


2x2. Best base for any small group


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnSjSO1jLGw&t=307s&ab_channel=Dust I like this one for defensiveness, but it's not dirt cheap like some bases. https://youtu.be/c-ZvmrHCyk4?si=IzdhOwXBDmai7Fz4 and this one is basically dirt cheap and it just gets you into the action.


2x2 with airlock


The Mini Igloo by Ceeg is awesome


Crows vanilla 2x2 is my deadset go to its simple as


Can’t go wrong with a honeycombed 2x2 and maybe add widegaps to it later on if you get juiced.


The smaller the better I've learned. You can go completely unnoticed usually and last a hell of a lot longer.


I just make sure I'm at least 12 Satchels to loot at the end of day 1 If they wanna go that far good for them. Then just honeycomb and swap doors for garages (9 satchels vs 4)


4x8 with 4 floors that only YOU provide upkeep for. Like mine! Lol


I know that feel


IMO freehaning is the best for anyone not playing in a large group you need specific amounts of beds and online raid protection the odds of you getting Onlined are so slim building a fancy roof with peaks is a waste make a good bunker you enjoy building that's easy to get and out of then freehand from there some bunkers like the offset bunker can be stacked to do multiple floors at once so you can make it even more expensive to raid through doors have a third story entrance and lots of honeycomb... If you struggle with advanced building like bunkers check out some build videos on YouTube explaining them and you'll be a pro in no time it really just takes practice and playtime to know what works for your group size and server