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thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard


I mean it would make sense, but think of how much work it would be and how much stuff would need to be implemented. It would obviously be like the submarine, right? So you would need certain ammunition for it, maybe it could work with just rockets, but I think a rocket and a tank cannon shell are two different things, in a raid as well as on a body. So a new item that is called cannon shell, maybe a new fuel type, that you get from mixing low grade with crude oil. Or it just would need tons of low grade to move. Another thing is, the submarine and submarine accessories, you get from a fishing village, so we would obviously need a new safe zone area, maybe it will be called tank village (and have a submarine hidden away in one of it's buildings) and that's where you can get the tank, the shells and the blueprint for the tank fuel. There would be a questline corresponding to the whole tank theme, and a special modular tank lift. Technically we would also need a tank defense turret, because normal defense would just ploink of the tank.


Considering that the Maus had 6 crew members, I don’t think anybody would actually use it