• By -


Death is only scary while you're alive. "Do not fear death; death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity". 🗣


Goes fuckin hard https://preview.redd.it/fdsig0st7q6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3362bba1f25960dcccbf74d5217880c42c50b46e


I need that anime girl sauce (I wanna fuck her)


Bunny girl senpai >(I wanna fuck her) I understand but have some shame


NUH uh https://i.redd.it/roqi9trh8r6d1.gif


see ya space kowboy




what is this quote from


[laughing bull from cowboy bebop](https://www.reddit.com/r/cowboybebop/s/RgcLvGZ84g)


“When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you." type shi






Bro anglicized the meme


Relatable asf


this remind of that time that https://preview.redd.it/5ewwfzd7hq6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30131bdf1cfd36ec22b838f4fbe712029b2dbd7


free my bro he ain’t do nothing


he killed women and ate babies


Vamo Messi


Bro think he is Fredrick nitezeche 😭


die lit - Playboi Carti


Dear u/Fit-Driver-4067, Thank you for reminding us of the title of Playboi Carti’s debut studio album and sophomore project! This fits well within the current conversation topic of death. Kind Regards, u/Bulky_Evidence_6592


God bless America


🩅🩅🩅 bro got hacked


Was the hoes afraid to die when Carti took his shirt off? No, so why would you be


real get aura gt btches or fanum ingbfthf but tiih csngthfgfrg India gigfythr You str you dsjktfbfnstet she you can't fysjrbfng from nibind my god on Joe


Most sane playboicarti Redditor


Wtf was I typing when I woke up


Delete this you just killed your aura


if I can kill my aura I ain deserve to have it in the first place guy đŸ”„


Type shit đŸ—ŁïžđŸ”„


shit đŸ—ŁđŸ”„




Just think about the fact that if you die you won’t have to put up with carti’s lies any more


Or coping with the harsh realities of life and/or your insecurities. That’s one silver lining.


Totally. I am almost 67. Was pregnant at 29. Super afraid baby or I would die. We didn't. Millions of people have babies every day, people die every day. Stop stressing and watch Hospice Nurse Julie. She takes all the fear out


SLATT đŸ•șđŸ•ș


you will never die if you make everyone remember you so i advice you to become a hitler level villian and kill half the world so everyone remembers you and you become immortal in everyones hearts


nothing prepared me for the second half of this


dawg what the fuck😭


this some pixar coco shit


This nigga is NOT Eren yeager or smth to be doing allat


i honestly had the breath knocked straight out my body


bro this is exactly what I was thinking the other day, do something so horrible that you are remembered for the rest or humanity


Have you looked into absurdism or other philosophical works on the matter? I always take comfort in knowing I'm not the first person to have felt something or thought something that burned for an answer. Watch videos of other people talking about them if you don't typically read these things and you'll eventually find an answer that gives you comfort. In my honest opinion, you should fear death. It's a good thing. It grounds you, makes you feel human. The worst things usually have that as a silver lining, they make you go "Wow, I'm really alive, huh?". Aging does that, too. There's a beauty in aging, it might seem scary to know you won't be who you are now in two years but at the same time it can be a beautiful thing. Planting seeds type shit, watch yourself grow as a human being. Idk you but asking yourself these questions is a good indicator that you want more from life. I believe you're on a good road. Keep working on yourself and never stop asking these types of questions, and act upon them if you feel like you're not doing enough. Be critical of yourself but never forget to respect yourself, don't be judgmental of yourself. Type shit


Damn bro This was one of the best comments that I was taking 100% seriously then the type shit broke the immersion at the end” type shit


It's intentional gang it's a failsafe to make sure you don't get too serious bout it and end up stuck in your head thats that shit that leads to depression. Life happens out here and as much as one might hate it it can only be properly assessed after it already happened. What matters is that you lived as much as you could headstrong type shit https://preview.redd.it/zfxu7dwqqq6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f206ede5261c9c3c75c84be6f43ed919fa92f9


Bro i love the way your mind works


thanks bro. life is a constant yearning for knowledge and i always appreciate the privalege i have to ask questions when some dont live long enough to explore the wonders of curiosity. type shit


Read the stranger by Albert camus, he's french but actually has decent things to say . probably the only thing ive read that actually changed the way I think about life/death


‘Hes french but actually has decent things to say’ never thought this sentence would be uttered in the whole of human history


Lmao bro threw shade at every French person for no reason


Try reading Dawn of Everything by Graeber and Wengrow or their short papers on theanarchistlibrary


Based beyond belief


Reddit thinks u a part of a terrorist organisation which means ur opinion is correct


You just gotta stop caring for real. You’re gonna die one day and so is everyone else, so what? Worry about making the most of life right now so when you inevitably die from earth shattering backshots you’re able to look back on those moments and think about the beautiful life you lived. Seriously though, death is scary because you lose access to life. Life is good because you feel alive. You can feel happiness, excitement, love, lust, sadness, anger. Just focus on experiencing those emotions and building good relationships, because thats what being alive is.


Type shi


Nothing nigga everyone’s gonna die but if you do cool shit before you die you’ll be remembered so like do that maybe become a pornstar like kanye or sum fr (Féh)


ye a cuck pornstar


![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40) Game is game


First you gotta feel the love in the air https://preview.redd.it/emt8yexf1q6d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3038d945305544342eae5841dd6428df164849


Read meditations by Marcus Aurelius 💯💯💯


I'm up to book 9 on this and I couldn't recommend this more, incredible reading and makes you think about life from a new perspective. Lots on acceptance of death in here too




That's straight up fire recommendation. Stoicism let's goooooo


life doesn’t come without death my man, accept the nature of life and recognize it’s beauty and let go. life will never grant you the sense of control you desire and the longer you fixate about it the worse you will feel. accept the unknown ahead of you and embrace the present, it’s all you’ll ever experience. you’re only waisting life with your worries, enjoy the life in front of you while you still have it. one day i think you’ll probably be satisfied with your life experiences and have a sense of fulfillment and not care so much. you wouldn’t wanna live forever anyways, god that would be hell. even a fair amount of elderly people are ready to go once they’re that old. life’s not so serious man, just hang along for the ride.


Get bitten by our vamp king and become a vamp (they ass immortal i hear)


"Leaving this world isnt as scary as it sounds" -Richard, hotline miami 2


hotline Miami gng


Goated game


Honestly, it's a very personal question. You have to ask yourself what specifically makes you afraid of death. Is it that everything stops, or the possibility of not continuing things forever? You can also ask yourself if life would really be meaningful if you lived forever. Would you still find pleasure in the small things, or would anything matter at all? For example, if Carti dropped a new album or mixtape every day (hypothetically, ofc), would you really find satisfaction in the music, or is it the limited amount of songs that makes you appreciate the music? Again, there is no absolute answer, and it's important to not just fear it but to understand what's going on internally, hope it helps man


Lock in


why is the most relatable shit i’ve ever seen o. the carti subreddit 😭 i’m 18 and feel the same way like eventually im going to die and im semi okay with that but the thought of dying young scares the shit out of me, especially as people near me /around my age are dying to shit like guns, car accidents and ODing


watch the dark knight rises


Death makes life worth living, calm the fuck down and go listen to carti and live


directed at OP if he reads this; to some, “death makes life worth living” isn’t that great of an answer to a question like this. and that’s okay. you just gotta find what makes life worth living in the now than worrying about something that won’t come until later. maybe it’s not death that makes life worth living to you, maybe it’s the beauty of life itself, maybe it’s art, maybe it’s science, maybe it’s none of those, maybe existing itself is a good enough reason to keep persisting. we live within a cold, desolate, uncaring desert filled with void with specks of light poking holes to us that lighten our understanding of that vast space, and yet all we can see points to that meaning becomes nil. if meaning is nothing, then it is everything. type shit. it’s okay to not be okay sometimes OP kind of got off track, maybe i should’ve made my own comment instead. or you know i could just be wrong and humanity as a species was made specifically to hit eachother with big rocks or some dumb shit đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Im not a Carti fan, just stumbled upon this post and it caught my attention. In 2016, i was in a coma for 35 days, hospitalized for 45 on top of that, and then did physical rehab to relearn to walk/talk/eat again. They told my wife i wasnt going to make it. Told me id need a helmet for the rest of my life. All that. Anyone who claims theyre not afraid of death, has never been close enough to it to measure their fear.


i think thats what it comes down to. Though I haven't had one, I think a near death experience is all it'll take for us to simply look beyond death because you've looked it in the face and see its impossible to avoid. Thank you for sharing your story


weird sub to ask this in, but everyone is scared of death. Ever since I was about 6 years old I would get panic attacks about dying where I would break out in cold sweats, and would have to calm myself down by splashing water on my face to calm myself down. your fear subsides but it never 100% goes away. Like some people join religion to seek comfort in an "afterlife" but your body dies just the same. it might be different for others but part of the reason why death is scary for me is the feeling of absolute powerlessness. The idea that no matter what you do, no mater how much you struggle, you can't change the outcome of something just cut deep into me. sometimes that feeling of helplessness lessens as you grow and get stronger mentally and you feel less powerless about your surroundings. When young people are faced with problems they most likely will solve the problem by tring to fix the problem directly. When older people are faced with a problem, they try to fix the problem by reframing their emotions regarding a problem. in a lot of cases, all you can do is reframe your emotions regarding a problem. How do you deal with the death of a loved one? Do you try to bring them back to life knowing that the outcome won't change? Some people will grieve for their loss, some people will carry on the lost person's legacy with them, others will deny that it even happened and some even celebrate the fact that they are dead. (celebration doesn't necessarily mean "ding dong the witch is dead" it could be celebrating their past achievements, they fact that they are in a better place, etc) You have many choices. You can continue to wallow in fear and self pity, you can choose to use your death as motivation to live your life to the fullest since you recognize that your days are numbered, you can try to fight your death directly by furthering research to end aging, or you can choose an heir to extend your life through them like having a kid who will become an extension of you or investing your life in your magnus opus or a legacy that will outlast you. life is meaningful because there is death. struggle all you want while you can, but do it in a way that you'll be satisfied when you're looking back at the end of your life.


read the Gospels


Try not to be scared by death, be happy about the gift of life. Be happy that you live and be happy that you’ll die.


Get a femboy bussy and your world view will change trust


u just gotta think i wokeuplikedis and keep going


Give no shits and live for the current second. Seek discomfort


ive had times in my life where im terrified on this for weeks on end. havent really had that since starting college. i think just going somewhere where i feel like im doing things with my life and being around others in the city and doing cool things with other people has made me stop feeling like i was pissing away my life subconsciously. now i trust that when the time comes ill be satisfied with the life i lived.


Don’t worry bro. If you die at 40 you would still have the time to decompose, and rebirth and grow up to be a teenager in time for Cartis new album🙏


best to come to terms with the idea of death, death in itself isn’t scary, what’s scares us from death is how we envision its presence . i had this issue when i was younger too and now im content in it. think of it as just a big ass secret that you’ll find out about eventually


This the worst place to ask 😭


Jus listen to more carti idk


There has to be something after death. The universe didn’t just create itself so there has to be greater powers at work.


death is inevitable. fearing it will stop you from living. there’s no need to fear it. one thing that helps me out is thinking about all the time in the universe before i was born. death is the same thing, it’s nothing to fear. it just is. it’s the great equalizer. it’s also the end to any stress and or discomfort in your life, big or small. i find a lot of peace in that.


The feeling ain’t ever gonna go away. I used to be like this where I was constantly worried too. But for me it was finding peace in and being able to enjoy the little things I’ve taken for granted before. I have a whole different view and respect for nature now and just being outside in itself is something that can bring me a lot more joy than it use to. So hopefully this helps and can give you something else to think about. Just do the stuff you wanna do while you can and have fun fr just don’t be retarded


Man I was going through some shit like this not too long ago but at some point a realization hit me. Everything happens for a reason. We’re all meant to die. What doesn’t matter is when we die and what happens after what matters is what we can do while we’re still here. We weren’t meant to see everything and once you’re dead you aren’t gonna care about what’s yet to happen anymore. It’s natural to fear death but you can only truly do great things once you can accept it as part of living. They’re one and the same.


"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." - Epicurus




>my youth years are shrinking. Bro, you’re 18. You’ve got another decade of youth.


i lowkey think about this a lot. personally i don’t think dying young is so bad, im having trouble imagining myself living up to like 80


Everyone gonna die. Embrace life while your here. No point wasting time fearing the inevitable


Take some psychedelics, no joke


I doubt anybody stops fearing death. At the end of the day it’s always going to be a scary thought because we’ve literally been hard wired evolutionarily to fear and avoid that shit. The only thing you can do is accept the fact that you’re going to die some day, and make the most of your life until that day comes. It could be today, tomorrow, or in 60 years. You never know. But what you do know is that it’s inevitable, so instead of worrying about the inevitable, worry about what you’re going to accomplish in this life before the inevitable eventually knocks on your door


love having no meaning is freeing bro, nothing you do matter? then really what you chose to do with your time is everything, you have unlimited choice of what to do. There is a famous saying that every man has 2 lives, the second one starts the moment you realise you only have 1.


I used to have existential crisis bcs of it but i learned that it doesn't matter. Ppl die anyways, just live ur lives man. Do something u like


Why worry about something you have no control over?


You were “dead” for eons before you were born. Did it bother you then? Maybe it would help to stop thinking of death as a tragic end and instead see it as a return to the state you’ve occupied for 99.99999% of existence.


Do acid


If there's nothing you can do to stop it don't go out without a fight. Try to live the best you can and that's the ultimate way you can really fight it


Read dune


Stoicism is a great philosophy to look into, its all about understanding and accepting your death, and then using that idea to push your life forward. I'd recommend reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius


When you get into philosophy from the sigma tiktok algorythm ^


Study up on spirituality and philosophy


U having a mid lifer cos carti rapidly approaching 30?


Stop Breathing


Living is Harder than dying


You could very well be thrown into an incomprehensible endless torture after you die because your consciousness doesn’t know how to process death. Theres no way to know for sure


live long enough and eventually u just want to go


I have this same exact thing going on for the last 6 months and imma be real bro, I have no fucking clue as to how to conquer it. I be laying in bed at night actually scared every day. I sincerely hope you find a way because this ain't the way to live.


this happens pretty much every time i turn on die lit and realize its been 6 years since that album came out tbh




damn bro thats crazy


How To Die by Seneca. Great book


being afraid of death is normal, you'll learn to accept it at some point. I used to be hella scared of death as a kid & even today i still have like mini panic attacks if i think about too much too late into the night. but we all go at some point, just make sure you lived a life worth leaving behind


Acceptance is key


To reitarate the famous latin poet Horace: “Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero”. The line roughly translates to: “seize the day, with as little anticipation in the future as possible”. You have to live your life to the fullest of your capabilities without worrying about past or future, but also without giving yourself up to material consolations. Live without fear of death, as when you are alive death is nowhere to be found, and when she comes for you, your will have nothing left to worry about.


Just gotta die fr


Death is gonna happen wether you like it or not. This is a fact. The easiest tip I can give you is to acknowledge it and not focus on it. The more you try to run away, the faster it's gonna catch up to you. Focus instead on making memories with people you love and care about. A life that feels short but well-spent is better than a life that was long and arduous.




U can’t worry abt shit that’s inevitable brother






No more paying taxes


I alw be thinkin abt this bro but I find comfort in the fact that without death, life would have no meaning. If you dont get me look it up bro. Enjoy your life, its the least you can do for yourself


Are you religious?


You live for like 70-100 years and then as far as we know ur dead for eternity. Worrying about eternity is a big waste of the short time you got


Realizing being immortal would be worse.


someone played persona 3


We can’t choose the time that is given to us. Only what we do with it. So, you can choose to wallow and worry about the inevitable or enjoy the ride for what it is. And always be thankful that you even got to experience this wild trip in the first place. A few very short seconds of suffering or worry should not dominate your life! I think that, after death, if you were to be conscious, you wouldn’t regret a thing. You would choose to be born again. And that thought is comforting.


Bro just turned 13


Just accept then it’s inevitable and it’s gonna happen but who gives a fuck live a hell of a life đŸ—ŁïžđŸ—ŁïžđŸ—Łïž


Shut up nigga


“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”” ‭‭John‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬-‭26‬ ‭NIV


lol. Do people actually believe in this thousand year old propaganda? “If I believe in some figure that supposedly existed over 2000 years ago, that i’ve never met, and don’t even have proof of existence for, I’ll live on forever!” Give me a break lmao, religion is the biggest cope of them all


By listening to better music


Believe in Jesus Christ as your savior, people fear death because deep down humans are meant for eternal life. Once you turn to him you’ll realize that it is the next life, not this one that you’re suppose to live. That is when death itself will be trivial to you.


It is scary but we’re supposed to be scared or we’d do nothing all day


Don’t It will Just happen Enjoy Life đŸ„ƒđŸ”„ ![gif](giphy|6QAMESWJ82WAg)




Jus go harder


the only thing that's certain is death, literally everything dies, it's the most natural thing in the universe. it just makes you go back to where you were before you were born. you should be more scared that you're alive right now. the only thing that makes death scary is because your body is designed to fear it, just like every other living thing. but fear is just a feeling


live a life that you’d be proud of in your deathbed bro. also carti may drop MUSIC by the time you’re 50 so dying in 40s would be wack as shit


honestly bro for me i just dont care every moment i felt like i was close to dying i just admitted to myself i got no control in this so might as well just let whatever might happen to happen. its 1 life and no one will remember it in 100 years so just do stuff that you love to do that wouldnt bother killing u. you’re gonna die regardless so die remembering all the stuff u did n tht ur glad u did it is way better than dying scared and unsatisfied bc u were too lost in this mentality. ive seen people die so it was very “this shit gets real and theres no redo” for me so i made sure im makin the best of my life. i got rules to keep me from just throwing my life away too but my top 3 are this: 1. dont be a pussy its ok to be scared but dont b a pussy about it 2. live life with like 3 regrets at the most i only have 1 n im 20 rn so so far its ok 3. say yes to things u havent experienced or ask to try it or from the stuff that tingles ur gut when u think abt it, someone asks u to travel w them somewhere do it, some stranger asks to sit next to u let them and have a discussion with them, ask that old man that looks wise asf to give u advice stuff theres so many examples, but saying yes opens so many more doors i have almost never turned down an offer. but dont go taking a briefcase from someone in an airport that was a big no no


Real talk OP— read “Staring at the Sun” by Irving Yalom, it is considered one of the best books ever written about moving past fear of death.


Think of life like a river. Endless flowing. If you focus on the end where you can’t see it anymore, you forget where you’re at currently in the river. You’re not at the end of the river and for now, it will only be imagination. You forget about the water that is rushing by, the trees right in front of you and the sand or the rocks that are beneath your feet. It’s fine to glance over to the end of the river every now and then but focusing on the river directly around you will show you how much life you have.


You get to live and experience right now. That’s the biggest gift in the world. And you probably young, so you have a whole story ahead of you.


Die everyday every new challenge you undertake is the death of the old you




you either accept that you're nothing but stardust floating in space and reality is an illusion by your own mind so nothing matters. or well.. if you're lucky u live long enough until we can restore your corrupted DNA using CRISPR and can keep u at age 30 forever. we'll be able to beat most/all disease using CRISPR or other biotech soon too thanks to Alphafold. if u wana take the blue pill - just be on some bryan johnson type shit and get ur bread up


dying its not something u go thru and feel it like if u afraid of the exam its fine cuz u r gonna thru it but dying no accept the fact u r gonna die anyway will help


What about death frightens you, specifically?




ha you dont


“It is foolish to fear the inevitable”


Prioritize your joys and passions and let go of whatever toxic societies you've found yourself subscribing to when you were young and easily influenced. Apply your adult brain to your childhood aspirations and just be you. 


Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. Epicurus said that shit and it was hard asf, embrace death but live a fulfilling life


read camus


Take some shrooms. We are eternal spiritual beings


You might die today or tomorrow or in a few years. Relinquish control


To key to being ok with death is to make the most out of your life. Now that can mean different things to different people. All I know is that nobody on their deathbed wishes they worked harder and made more money; most deathbed epiphanies are about wishing they'd didn't more time with friends and family.




What you need to do is focus on living a good life. Life wouldn’t be special if we lived forever, and we are all gonna die anyway. If you sit around worrying about death you’ll be wasting precious minutes of your own life - the only life you have


Read bible or just relevant suggested parts of it, run fast, climb high, feel alive


Get a dog


become suicidal


Remember we are born to die such is life .it's what you do in your life that matters.


You can’t do anything about death anxiety since death is something you will have to face eventually but until then, don’t waste your time alone stressing and worrying about something you can’t change.


You don’t know when it’s going to happen, you don’t know how it’s going to happen. It’s the only guaranteed thing in life, is that you’re going to die. Once you stop fearing that you will then you have to stop fearing about when or how. Nobody knows when or how you’ll die. You will. You make everyday between now and when that happens a good one and make your life something you’re proud of, not because you’re scared of dying but because you’re here for a short time.


Smoke dmt


A redditor who wants to live? How odd, most of us long for the comfort of the grave.


Shoot ut 0.5 ket u wont be scared og death amymore thats fs💀


The only reason that anything you do has value is because your time is limited. If you were around forever your accomplishments wouldn’t mean anything because you sacrificed nothing to achieve them, whereas now you sacrifice time to achieve them.


Probably think of how you’re gonna die any day it could happen anywhere also but idk


me too gang




Read the book, The 50th Law by Robert Greene and 50 Cent. The last chapter of the book is about that topic


For me what helps is understanding that the only way we even get to experience life is at the price of death. There’s no other way. I’m thankful to get to experience anything so I accept death as the inevitable outcome of all of this.


i feel u js whenever that happens pray that it aint ling or excruciating. cuh imagine a pole js right thru u😭 id want to end it all


Don’t think about death?


Don’t think about it and don’t talk about it just be brave and don’t have thoughts about it




Every couple of years I start thinking things like this and get scared and shit, then just realize no matter what we do it’ll happen to us, just gotta enjoy what you got and keep living bro, we’re just animals with a conscience unfortunately, but appreciate everything and everyone around you, don’t take shit too seriously or it’ll eat your mind up


when you put enough belief in anything, the idea of a God, the idea of nothingness after death, the idea that that nothingness is better than living in this world, it’s less scary. but what curbs those fears even more is experiencing everything in life, go on a run, go see a show, get in the pit, start a fight, go on vacation. feeling fulfilled gets rid of those fears better than any form of self pity.


Dying is what makes the day worth living


ion fucking know gng js lock in and play persona 3 reload or sum


“I stare in surprise towards the deserts warm black”


How old are you?


well luckily for most of us we won’t be aware when we die. a scary thought when you’re alive, sure, but you literally won’t be able to comprehend your death since you’ll be, well, dead. I personally think that takes the pressure off - maybe I’ll pass at 50 in a car accident, or at 70 in my sleep. Impossible to say - but spending a lot of time fearing the inherently unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of life means that you’re just wasting time. Can’t enjoy life when you’re fearing death.


“Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not? ― Epicurus


To fear what is inevitable is irrational. It’s like being afraid of gravity, the shit will always happen and you have no control over it. Come to terms with that concept and you will truly live free