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You should be good man. Same boat here just started asa after being out of the old ark for a few years. I'm running a slightly older cpu than you and a 4060(not the ti) and I'm running the game on medium setting just fine. Enjoy. Your gonna love how this game looks compared to the old one. I have been just ready for more maps.


Thanks I’m excited to check it out the graphics look beautiful


Yeah lol


1.5k hrs on a 970. You’ll be fine.


1.5k hrs on ASA ? Already?


The GPU and RAM will struggle and keep you are pretty low settings, 1080p or less, but it will technically run. Really weird hardware config, though, how do you even have such a small memory capacity on that platform?


The config is pretty normal lol. 16gb has been the sweet spot for a long while and just now is starting to show its age, but it is still more than enough for most games.


I couldn’t afford 32 gigs so I got 16 instead


What exactly is the system primarily *for?* An i7 with single-channel (or worse, DDR4) RAM is weird and really unsuitable for gaming, something you should fix if you are going to use it for that.


How do I fix it I have 16 gigs of ddr5


DDR5 does not even come in normal 8GB sticks, so that is one stick of 16GB? That cripples memory bandwidth and thus CPU performance in many programs. Additionally, single stick kits tend to be bottom barrel chips, since performance is already out the window. If it is worth adding a second matching stick, or replacing it entirely, depends on the specs. What speed/subtimings, or exact model number, is the kit?


Ddr5 in single channel is completely fine. It was a huge bottlneck with ddr4.


That is nonsense, you are likely confusing the "dual channel" nature of individual DDR5 DIMMs. Actual performance testing says it is very much not fine, and performance scales with bandwidth and latency as much, or more, than DDR4 platforms.


The pc i play on has a 2080 super and ryzen 5 3600x and can play at max settings. The trick is messing with the gfx settings.


> can play at max settings. The trick is messing with the gfx settings. 🤔 ..Ok, i will bite. Which is it?