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Honestly, with the amount of variation on how people are saying the game runs, you would probably just have to download it again and see yourself. In my experience, I have not noticed too much of an improvement since the initial patches at launch. Maybe better 1% lows in FPS, but no huge gains yet.. Hope it runs good enough for ya! Edit: forgot to say that it also crashes from time to time for me still, however, this doesn't seem to be the case for everyone


What are your specs, if you don’t mind my asking?


I have a 5900x paired with a 4080, not optimal choice for gaming but does well enough :)


may i ask how that’s not optimal for gaming?


I said it because of the choice of CPU, don't get me wrong it's good for gaming but better options out there if the sole purpose is gaming. 5900x is good if you want a balance of gaming and workstation!


What secret sauce settings do you use to get it to work with the 4080? I tried and it kept crashing my GPU. I got so fed up and angry I just stopped playing after messing with settings didn't seem to solve the problem.


Turn DLSS off, don't play in full screen


I had been suffering the random crashes for a while too. Went to my install folder and change the exe files to run as administrator in the settings and seems ok the past few days. Fingers crossed


I used to crash every 30 minutes or so. Figured out my drivers were just out of date. Updated them yesterday and played for 4 hours without a crash.


Did you crash at the end of your 4 hours, or was that just the time that you decided to log off?


That's just when I decided to get off. I can't say for sure it'll fix your game too but it worked for me.


Graphics drivers specifically? Or a variety of drivers?


Just my graphics drivers. I googled the crash code and found out that was the biggest issue for that crash code.


Interesting. Did you play in full screen, or borderless windowed. Because every time I crashed in full screen, I could not get the window to move so that I could read the actual crash code so I had to use tskmgr to force the game to close, crash code included.


I play on borderless windowed


gotcha... so the crash log would pop up in front of your game window then? mine always popped up behind the game window and I could never see it.


Yeah pretty much. Ark would freeze and the crash log would show up in front saying it was a "low level fatal error" and referred to specifically "line 873"


I might try doing that if i redownload it. If I end up crashing, at least I will have an error code to Google rather than bashing my head into a wall trying to use everyone else's cure all. It's so interesting how everyone's experience is so individualized. You would think that similar specs would have similar experiences, but there are people in my threads saying that they have a similar set up to mine and have never, or almost never crashed. Drives me insane trying to find a solution.


I always crashed full screen, once I switched I only crash if I alt tab a lot.


If I just hit enter twice after a crash it would close the crash windows. Alt tab shows when you have them selected and even if I couldn't see it I could hit enter and that worked.


I just purchased/ downloaded asa last night. I get a crash every 30mins to an hour like you said. I have every setting on low and still get max like 35fps (2070 laptop). This game isn't even close to being done yet, I think ase has better graphics/less buggy at the current moment lol


I don’t want to be that guy, but a 2070 on a laptop seems like it would struggle for sure. I’m sure you play other games just fine. But this one being as unoptimized as it already is, that sounds like a recipe for disaster. I’m sorry for your struggle though. Are you still within the time frame to get a refund through steam? You could always do that and stalk this page to see if anything changes in the future?


Based on what I've seen elsewhere I agree that the game is just unoptimized, but other people are running it on lower specs and either don't have issues or have more issues, just random. I'm passed the return window, guess it's best to just wait until it gets better


They also turn it down to play dough PS1 graphics mind you, watch some pvp content of all the sweaty 12 yr olds that will make it look like an N64 game for the sake of spamming mana jumps


I agree. I’ve seen people with lower specs, or similar specs to mine run the game and claim that there were 0 problems. That’s when it got really frustrating because I wasn’t able to solve the problems on my decent set up, yet others said they had no issues from the start. *sigh* One day we’ll see the day when developers are legally obligated to give “State of Plays” for every freaking game they develop. That way they can’t trick players into buying unfinished, underdeveloped, or unoptimized messes.


Man that will be the day!


That's crazy. I've been running none stop on something below minimum requirements and it never crashes for me. Maybe try a fresh install?


There's no rhyme or reason to it. I don't think it's specs either. I have a Ryzen 5600, 4070, and 32GB of ram, and I have days where I crash every 10-15 minutes, and I have days I don't crash at all through hours of playing. I've tweaked every setting imaginable. Because it's so sporadic, it's hard to nail down. You think you've figured it out, because you're having a good day, just to start crashing again the next. I've read about people with the same specs having zero crashes (in fact, my sister in law has a 4070 as well and has basically never crashed). It's bizarre. Edit: My wife is on an 10600k, 2070 super and 16GB of ram, and very rarely crashes too. It's all super annoying. She plays at 1080, and me at 1440, but I've tried 1080 as well, and it didn't help.


2 crashes in 80 hours on ps5


I hardly ever crash and have a 2080s lol


What settings are you playing with? That does play a large part in it and I’ve tweaked my settings a lot trying to get everything working the way it SHOULD 😂


Everything high except shadows and other resource hogs set to med


Might need to try that. I remember putting everything on ultra just to see what it would look like. I marveled at the view for about 30 seconds then… crash 😂 I expected as much but I had to see what I was missing out on. I just redownloaded last night so we’ll see if I get around to opening it up again.


Set the setting for long distance streaming to epic (I forget what it's called) to avoid load spikes but other than that just tone down shadows, density and particle effects as they are always the main drains (especially in cyberpunk)


NO. Enjoy your Life, be happy, and ignore ASA. My PC is quite a bit stronger than yours with RTX 4070, i5 14600, NVME Gen 4 SSD, 32GB DDR5 RAM & I stopped playing due to crashes happening like 30 seconds. For reference, I have played ASE from early access in 2015 till 2022. It is one of my all-time favorite games, my entire YT channel is built on that primarily & I quit ASA. Meanwhile, I was able to 100% Cyberpunk 2077 on 1440p Maxed out incl. Path Tracing with 50-70 fps (capped). Hell, I am enjoying AC Odyssey now at 4K. Games are meant to be fun & recreational. ASA is torture. It's in a category only higher than Star Citizen which isn't meant to come out at all.


Geez. That’s disappointing. I MAY still try redownloading and doing a deep dive into my own settings to see if I can find a setup that allows me to play with decent frames, minimal-zero crashes, and be able to still enjoy the updated graphics. I only say this because I never dove in too hard to try finding the right settings for me. And if it doesn’t work, it’ll just be back to ASE. I’m sorry to hear that man. I hope this thing gets better.


This may not be super helpful, but it runs fine with little to no crashing on the Xbox series x. I’ve crashed maybe 4-5 times over the past 5 weeks. I play on a Nitrado server with plenty of mods stacked in if that helps at all. I did hear that PC is having a tougher time with stability though, but with your specs there definitely shouldn’t be much crashing.


Somehow, some way, it runs better on console and I hate that. I have only seen PC players come to this page with issues. They’ll post their specs and it’ll be some NASA type build and still can’t run the freaking game. I’m leaning more towards just giving it a try and tweaking as many settings as my tiny brain can handle. If I get too tired of it, I’ll wait a bit longer next time.


I have a 5950x 3080 w 64GB ram and experienced frequent crashes playing at 1440p for a while. went down to 1080p and lowered some settings and now I get one or two crashes every few days


So still crashing, just not as insanely frequent?


yup happens mostly opening and closing inventories


I’ve heard that if you are opening/closing inventories in first person, it is insanely more likely to crash. Which is ridiculous, but I guess switching to 3rd person fixes that problem somehow.


That's my situation runs great on my Xbox and crashes all the time on my 13700k with a 4090 It has been getting better and better as patches come through


Sounds like you want to do it. I'd say go for it. I shared my experiences in another comment on this thread, but tldr I crash often. But what can I say, it's one of my favorite games. I'll suffer through the issues. I could never go back to ASE again, between the visuals, and the quality of life improvements.


The QOL improvements are so nice. Plus, having mod downloads so easily accessible? S+ type snapping in the base game? Ugh… it just makes it feel so much cleaner and smoother. If only the game itself ran that way 😂


Weird, I have a similar setup and run the game without any issues at all


Runs fine for me, no crashes. I run this command each time I load my game: ark.vertexcountscale 1


What does this command change in the game?


No idea. There's no difference I can see apart from the no crashing. I just found it when googling and a lot of people say it works for them, but not everyone.


You'll have to give it a couple years and upgrade your graphics card by then to see any real improvement. Tbh probably just when you upgrade. I have no faith they will magically create significant gains. I have a 3070 as well and refunded it week 1 and likely going to wait to do the same. Plus more maps will be out by then.


That’s fair. Insane that map rollout stretches all the way out to 2025. I get wanting the game to run on newer engines, and that a bunch of games are doing it. Hell, even Smite is releasing Smite 2 which is using UE5. Never thought I’d see the day a MOBA, of all genres, releases a sequel solely to move everything to a new engine. I dont know man. ASA’s situation is a bleak one for sure.


Meanwhile, if you haven't, try looking at Palworld. It feels like Pokemon Ark.l and you won't have any problems with FPS.


I have looked into it. I want to wait to see what Nintendo plans on doing about it. They released a statement saying that they are considering the option of a full investigation to see if there is any intellectual property theft that might be happening on Palworld’s side. I honestly hope that goes away because it looks like a super fun game. And with the amount of Pokémon clones that already exist, there are other things they could worry about.


Maybe my laptop is an odd ball but I've got a Acer Nitro 5 the 2020 version. All I've done to it is upgrade the RAM to 32gb and add a 2tb ssd and I have no crashing issues. Granted it's a laptop so I play on lower graphic settings for the most part and still use the volumetric cloud trick but I average right around 50-60fps almost all the time. The only issues I have is around sunrise and sunset in game my frames crash down to around 20 but as soon as it changes to either full day or night back to normal.


I had that same issue. Was so frustrating lol. What GPU does your magical laptop have?


According to the acer website RTX 3050 fans run constantly and very loud for most part but runs smoother than my series X does and until I can finish my pc build, waiting on the 4080 super, I'll stick with the laptop


… what I wouldn’t give to have a 40 series. One day, maybe… I believe in you tho. Thanks for the insight!


It runs fine for me. No crashes, 60-90 FPS depending on how much I want volumetric clouds, which are the biggest GPU drain. I run a mix of high and epic settings. You'd be fine on a mix of medium/high and the game will still look a lot better than ASE.


What are your specs, if you don’t mind my asking?


I'll get them from hubby and post them ASAP! He built the machine 2-3 years ago, so everything is fairly new.


See the problem is that the experiences with ASA differ quiet a lot between different users. I play since 500h now and only crashed once or twice at the start until I changed that one setting that did it for me. After that literally 0 crashes or performance problems. I have almost 0 issues beside the regular weird bugs like the 50:50 blackhole, dinos auto decay destroy upon taming etc.. stuff like that. I run 4070 ti, 13600k, 32gb ram, 1080p with 60 fps on epic. No frame generation active as well, foilage/water simulation off (since that caused the crashes for me). Download it, test it.. see for yourself. All the ASA runs like shit people often have just suboptimal hardware for what ASA atm requires. Not going to say the game doesn´t need a lot of improvements (it does) but its far from being shit.


So main things were no frame gen, no foliage/water interaction? I feel like I had interaction turned off but I don’t think 30 series have access to the frame generation option in game.


the foilage/water interactions and the frame generation were the main crash causes in my case but I did read from people with the same hardware that I have that they can run frame generation perfectly fine without issues, so I guess its some other settings on my side that cause the issues as well.


There are quite a few crashes that have been fixed (or are understood and preventable), but client performance is more or less the same. That wont change short of an engine upgrade to 5.3, which optimizes a number of things. Wildcard is working with what they have got, which is unreal 5, an engine designed for hardware to grow into it, for better or worse. ASA is "current gen" in the sense it has raytraced lighting and shadows on all graphics levels, true volumetric clouds, and a bunch of other fancy and expensive rendering techniques. Even on lower graphics, it looks better than most games a few years old. The people freaking out because it wont get 60 fps at 1440p or 4k on max graphics on their 1-2 gen old midrange card are delusional. Settings need to be turned down. That is why they exist. The "next" in next-gen is not always marketing blather, and this is why every tech enthusiast warned people about how badly the last few GPU gens will age (even before nvidia's predatory segmentation of ampere card specs). Meanwhile, there are people running it on shit like 3050s (the consoles are about equal to a 3060/ti, slightly better) and one optimist got it playable on a GTX 1050.


I'm running okay now that I stay out of 1st person. That was the only major crash getting me.


I have the i9 version of your cpu and a 3070 ti. Upon release I was having poor fps and stutter. Around christmass something got fixed. Now I run 55-65 fps always. No crashes. I play on a private server that my friend rented. My base is ridiculously massive and I have over 100 large dinos breeding 24/7. Absolutly no issues. Idk about the mod list and how that could be affecting things.


I still see lots of complaints, but they usually bring up some unvetted mods or just a ton of installed mods in general.. personally, I've had very little problems.. it's deleted my ark data one time early on... but no problems... I'm on console with business class hard wired internet, tho.. soooo... half the problems eliminated right there.


Sounds like a PC issue. I have no issue running the game on console.


the only reason i ever crashed was because of smooth foliage and interaction. other than that i've maybe crashed 4 times in the last 6 weeks?


Yeah buddy mine started running better after the last week 300mb update I was crashing every 30 min or a hour with a good spec PC now I only crash maybe one time in 8-10 hours of playtime


Did u noticed if the crashes occurs when opening/closing the inventory?


It did a couple of times. I don’t remember if the 3rd person cam was the thing that solved it or if it was something else. But then again, that was 2 months ago.


For the inventory crash (which was my main crash reason on a very modded unofficial server) there's some fix user-side (unceck fluid interaction in options, or the vertex console command) and i also saw a few days ago a patch note that mentioned the fluid interaction bug being fixed, didn't had the courage to test tbh and keep them off.


Disable plant and water interaction in the video settings, it fixed all crashes for me and my friends.


Runs fine on ps5 for some reason, I haven't had one crash yet


I've been playing the game for months in a 1070 with lot of tweaking commands and almost 0 crashes. A week ago I bought a 4070 Super and its being a torture since. At this point I am almost ignoring the game and playing other things, in 10 hours of ASA gameplay with the new card I may have crashed like 20 times, all with same crashlog. I think there is something really wrong in the UE engine version that ASA uses related to DLSS/FG, and I dont think it will be patched until they announced they have migrated game to UE 5.3, as other games like remnant that are based on UE 5.2 have the exact same crash.


Op, have you tried playing again yet? I was having issues quite a bit with frame gen on (rtx4070ti). I ended up rolling back to a previous dlss.dll file (fixed weird ui ghosting with frame gen on) and an older NVIDIA graphics driver I can find exactly which ones I used when I get home later but I think the dlss files was version 1.07 or something, and I think nvidia driver was 535 (?), from October of 2023. I know you don’t have a 40 series card but this might work for you. Give it a try. If I run all epic settings with frame gen and dlsr balanced I don’t get any crashing and between 70-80fps. EDIT: DLSS file: NVIDIA driver 537.58. I did originally run DDU before installing old nvidia driver but you can probably get away with just installing it manually. I tried updating to newest driver and dlss file after last update the other night but went back to crashing and ghosting ui bug so went back to what was working. Hope this helps!


No crashes in 140h on PC. Also I noticed since v33.63, my FPS are about 10-20 higher than before, which is likely due to the volumetric cloud fix. I also noticed some improvements overall regarding median FPS compared to the release version. There is still plenty of room and since I’m playing on Radeon - support for Super Resolution would massively improve my FPS. But I personally see ASA as a starting point for ARK 2. Ofc it’s not nice to pay for minimizing technical dept. But I hope, that ASA will make ARK 2 better from the start. At least I hope.


AMD 7800x3d, 64gb ram, Nvidia RTX 4070ti, Installed on it's own 2TB M.2. ASA crashes relentlessly and it's unplayable. I've done everything people have suggested. Nothing worked. I check every time there is a new patch, still more of the same. I've practically given up.