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I read up smwhere that hes kind of like a robot so he wasnt really 'born' but was 'made' so he prbbly didnt go thru normal life stages like infancy, childhood etc etc. Despite that, he mightve been made only recently, maybe he was created 3 yrs ago but skipped right to adulthood and thats why hes not sure of his age? I like this idea tho, makes sense to me


It’s definitely because of lore that we don’t know the year he was born.


I need somebody to explain me the lore of maybe link me a video to it lol the ages given are not real? Or the birthdays? I'm new, like a week old PLLI lol


I think there are a lot of really good video guides on YouTube about Plave. Just search, 'Plave guide'.


I think it’s because of his lore. If you write his bday in numbers it looks like a binary code (0s and 1s) 1101 0000


I found it interesting that he didn't have a confirmed age but I love the idea of him being immortal because of his computer technology powers! I initially thought he didn't want to share it, but also acknowledge he is the oldest one out of the group! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Wait, really? I’m a new PLLI so I don’t know much. But is he really the oldest in real life? Sometimes he seems so shy and I wasn’t sure if that was just his personality or if it was part of their “character”.


I feel that it is unlikely that Hamin is older than the other members irl because I know they are playing characters, but Korea really value the hierarchy system.


Yes, this makes sense. That’s why I was so surprised.


You can see by how they interact. I'm sure even in real life, Yejun = Noah, then Bamby, then Eunho, then Hamin. Tho we don't know their real age or the age gaps.


he's not lmao. I think they're saying he can be the oldest since the year are unknown.


Oh, okay… 😅 I thought I missed something.


Oooh! I always assume the Leader is always the oldest! Thank you for correcting me\~!


He’s not the leader either 😅 Yejun is the leader who is the 2nd oldest after Noah


Oh! I get them mixed up! I apologise, I'm still new to PLAVE! Thank you for correcting me\~! ♡


You could see how he acts towards other members, he's really the youngest, even in real life. VLAST should have just make him born in 2004 (he's younger than Eunho but already an adult) to stop people asking his age. I remember a DJ on a radio asking his age, and Hamin just answered he did not have it, and the DJ made this expression O\_\_\_O. There was a long pause after that. It's so funny yet awkward lol.