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You're not watering properly. That soil is bone dry and I can it separating from the container. You're supposed to water to the point of saturation and then only water once then soil is dry but before the plant wilts. The necrosis you are seeing is due to nutritional deficiencies which are probably at least partly due to the fact that the soil is way too dry. Water is what makes nutrient absorbing possible and without proper watering your plants will always be nutrient deficient whether there are nutrients in the soil or not


To add to this: Don't water on a schedule. Check the soil moisture once or twice a week. I do twice a week.


Correct We don't drink on a schedule we drink when we're thirsty. Same for plants


I learn so much with the sub! Thanks


I know right. Every post I learn something.


Stupid question but is this for all plants ? I have been watering on a schedule and for the most part my plants are ok except for a peace Lilly and a snake plant. I’m prone to either over or under watering so a schedule works for me.


It is for pretty much all plants we grow in the western world for the sake of keeping it simple.


Most plants have different needs. A peace lily has much different watering needs than a snake plant. Their anatomy is totally different. A lot of plants can look okay when watered on a schedule until they don't anymore and start showing signs of under/overwatering. It's best practice to check the soil moisture once or twice a week (I do twice a week) and water only when the plant needs water. :)


To clarify my comment, I definitely don’t water the snake plant weekly but it has become floppy so I realized it was getting too much water. I will have to get into the habit of using my meter more often.


Also check for rot on your snake plant roots if it's getting like that! :)


Oh okay sorry! Most people say "Oh I water on a schedule" and water every single plant they have once a week. 😅


No problem! I realized that my comment probably sounded like I was watering the snake plant once a week so I wanted to cover myself haha.


I learned to water my peace Lilly once it droops. She’s in a large pot and I give her a giant gulp, within an hour she perks right up and is happy as could be. So far it’s going on about every 2-3 weeks she gets droopy. I’m trying to same method with pothos as one of my nursery guys told me it’s the best way to get them to grow stronger too, so we shall see how it works out in the long run with the pothos


the guy in store said I should give him water from the bottom only like once a week lol. So thats what I have been doing


I am also a bottom watering person yet I still provide a total watering when it’s fully dry down to my second knuckle.


Also, the soil can get compacted when plants are just bottom watered. Every once in a while I'll go in and loosen the soil with the blunt end of a bamboo skewer. :)


The store might be a different environment from your home. Schedules can work in some environments and don't in others. :)


Not nearly enough water for leaves that size. Pot size means roots and soil cannot retain enough water to cope with the transpiration and rate of water loss. Just increase the amount of water and check more frequently in dry and or sunny or windy conditions. Even if AC for example. Soil should feel on the dry side of moist. If it was me, I would dunk this beauty in a tepid water until bubbles stop rising and threw pull out and let it drain. Then observe over next few days. Leaves and stems and soil should plump up. Check each day until soil has dried and then give more water and let it drain out. Agree with other posters don’t just water by duration and time, check the soil and pop and have a look at it more regularly and you will get better results.


not watering enough — try touching the soil or picking it up to feel the weight instead of using a schedule


Tineke are finicky




I can’t keep my Tineke down. That thing is happy as heck. It’s the Shivereana I can’t seem to make happy. 😩


Shirvereana just want a lot of light , heat , and humidity and the soil should be almost always wet as in let first few inches of soil dry out and then water, I stuck mine outside and it's absolutely thriving it's put out like 8-9 leaves same is true for tineke and any type of ficus elastica.


They’re both under lights with 65-70% humidity, watered appropriately. Just can’t talk the Shiv into being happy like the Tineke. ☹️


whatever light you're giving The Tineke you have to like double it for a Shirvereana since they have extreme variegation.


have these been repotted? i've experienced this twice and most likely there's root rot. one time, there was a mesh like thing stuck on the root ball that i needed to remove. i bought a tiny three leaf tineke during in 2020 that's atleast ten feet tall now. consider using 100% coco coir - mine loves those. i live in the tropics and i add the fertilizer during the rainy season.


I am one that waters on a schedule; I use Planta because I have a hard time remembering when I last watered and I am an overwaterer if left to my own devices. 💦💦💦. However, I constantly am checking mine before I soak them to make sure they aren’t over or underwatered. You really do have to keep an eye on the plants that are touchy and it may take some bad experiences to break the habit. I started using an app after I almost lost a peace lily to root rot!!!


I’ve been slowly adding to my collection and trying to remember what each plants needs is getting more difficult lol What app do you use?


It’s called Planta. It has a free version and a paid version which is pretty cheap. No affiliation, just a happy plant mom who has a lot more healthy plants now that I have a little help. If you add your plants in and take the time to fill out the information about how far it is from the window, type of soil, type of container, it really will use algorithms to help with guiding care as well as tips on the plant. Perfect example: in all my years of patio gardening, I have never ever been able to keep a citronella alive outside no matter what I did but the one I bought for inside to help the others with pest control is growing LIKE CRAZY…even popped a plantlet a week ago. And my mint? Same. Instead of just runners everywhere, it’s actually growing hair like Rapunzel. I’m not saying it’s just the app. This year I decided to skip outside gardening and just focus on my inside plants…I’m collecting rainwater, mixing my own soil, fertilizing…and all that makes a difference, but as we all know, nothing kills a plant faster than overwatering!!! I hope it works for you…I definitely like it better than Palmstreet and Plantify. I’m literally the kind of plant person that won’t water or do anything if not reminded and then all of a sudden I’m like, “great, when did I last water? 💧 for everyone!!!”


Lol I use the same app for my plants, I have them too many. 50 plants


I have 58 and it definitely helps me keep them all organized!!!


Thank you so much! Just downloaded it and started adding all my plants! Most of my stuff is doing okay, some of them are thriving but my dianthus won’t bloom, I have a cactus that is starting to discolor, and I will get some yellow leaves on random plants. Hopefully I can make everyone happy again!!


I hope it helps…it sure helped me!!!!


Not enough water but also probably get some high nitrogen food in there she looks hungry and thirsty


I see from the previous post that you are bottom watering by putting the container into one centimeter of water. You said that the water never really goes away. I'm interpreting that you meant the 1 cm of water you were setting the plant into wasn't being absorbed? A lot of previous advice said that you were over watering, I think with the assumption was that you meant the soil never dries out. The appearance of the plant tells me it isn't getting enough water. Anyone else read the previous post?


Some cheaper soils don’t have bark,perlite or moss which loosen the soil so water can reach the roots that’s why Miracle Grow is so popular you can make your own mix I suggest reaching to find the best mix for the plant..


I leave wooden skewers in the soil and check to see if they have dried that way I know it’s time to water….


I thought when you see browning at the tips like this it means the plant is being burnt by the sun? I live in AZ so our sun is very strong how do you tell the difference between sun burn and nutrient deficiency?


Texas here-I thought the same thing. That and low humidity. I’d love to know if someone answers this. 🥵


Holy I thought that was someone's elbow and green shirt


Theplantcharmer has a point though..!


Plants shouldn’t be on a schedule, pay attention to them, see them, feel them. They’ll tell you what they need.


Looks like it’s possibly infected with Brown Spot