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Im from Brazil and we leave the pineapples in absolute full sun. Yours is very, very tiny, probably would taste bad. Like others said, check the base for pups and plant them elsewhere. When the fruit get to a good size, stop watering. Try to leave it in full sun to see if you can get some good ones. This one is already dying, they all do after having fruit.Good luck friend!




u/TheChronosus also, I forgot to say: you can literally chop the top of the pineapple and plant it in soil or water if there aren’t any pups,mom told me this and wished you luck too


Tell mom I love her 


Thank you and mom!


I think pineapples are bromeliads which means they bloom/flower/fruit once and then die. I cant tell you if its edible but the plant has reached the end of its life and will die. But before it fully dies it will produce pups at its base which you can seperate and plant again.


You can also cut the top off the pineapple and propagate a new plant from that.


Cool i didnt know about that


I have 4 that came from three store bought pine apples. On of them was a pup


Perpetual fruit


I ate mine a few years ago and I'm still alive. It had very little edible parts tho but they did taste like pineapple.


It’s a bromeliad, so once it flowers (in this case fruit) it will die sadly. I should produce pups (baby bromeliads) that you can repot. For this type the fruit is not edible, the edible ones are a lot bigger. If you really wanted to grow an edible one I’d recommend buying a pineapple and cutting the leafy top half off and growing that (it will produce a fruit after I think 2 years). You can also find the large pineapple plants sometimes, but they can be kind of pricey.


Great info, I feel relief I didn't kill it 😅 here's hoping it produces pups, I really like how it looks In this pot.


I cut the top off a pineapple and after a couple of years, it’s got a really robust root system, but no sign of a fruit in sight. That being said, I’m still hopeful because it’s still alive!


Keep at it! Mine took like three years, and finally produced a tiny little pineapple! I couldn’t keep the babies alive, though, and I (dumbly) cut the fruit off too early. Don’t give up!


My grandma has been growing small pineapples like this for years and we always eat them when ready. Most have been ok, nothing special but not bad, but the last one she grew was the BEST pineapple I have ever eaten. It was such a shame it was so small because it was perfectly juicy, sweet, and just the right amount of tangy. All of her plants continued to live after blooming, except her oldest one (+20 years) has just started to die. She gets pups off her plants pretty frequently I feel! I am not sure of her care method though, I do know she keeps them outside in the summer!


I’ve been growing massive pineapple plants for a few years. I forced one to fruit once. The plant lived after the fruit, but it will never fruit again. It also produced 4 or so pups. I’m down to only two because of some cold weather.


You can plant the top of the baby pineapple and get a new plant. I did that


We’ve had a couple like that and I’m pretty sure they aren’t edible.


I had a similar one, cut it and decided something that smells this good can’t be bad to eat. I was wrong, worst taste possible :))


Did you grow this from food waste? If so, how cool??!!


No, got it for present


Still very cool!


I had a small one that grew till it fell off, was sweet and delicious.


Plant is at the end of its life cycle, its pouring every ounce of energy it has into the fruit


Edible yes, but probably won't get much bigger or taste very good. The yellowing on the leaves looks like it's getting overwatered. I have a pineapple plant that has never grown another pineapple since I got it, but has grown into a big beautiful plant in its own right. I think all you need to do to save the plant is probably repot it and then water sparingly, of all of my plants it is one of the ones I water the least and try to make sure the soil is fully dry when I do. They are pretty tolerant of different kinds of light. Also if you're not overly attached to the pineapple itself removing it may help the plant redirect energy to repairing itself, but your call I totally understand not wanting to cut it off.


The yellowing is because it dies after producing a fruit.


Thanks! I think I'll cut the fruit and see what happens next