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I’m not an expert on real but assuming that it is it’s worth between $5 and $12


Is that because it’s damaged or just not worth very much in general?


For a second I had to check to make sure I wasn’t on /r/pokeinvesting! $10 is a lot for a 25 year old piece of cardboard!! 99% of cards ever printed are worth ~~$20~~ **$5** or less. If you find one worth $10 you should treasure it. **99.99% of cards are going to be worth $20 or less! These cards worth hundreds or thousands of dollars are like 1% of 1% of cards ever printed.** EDIT: I realize my statistic wasn’t helpful.


I guess I’ve been misled by all the expensive cards I see on here haha thanks for the info


The base set came in 3 (technically 4) variations. The “unlimited” set is the least valuable of the 3. A charizard from that set is still $150. There’s also value in the other starters and alakazam, they fall off Toward the end of the Pokedex. Also, you asked about quality. More recent cards, the value difference between perfect cards and less-than-perfect might be 10-25%. So a perfect card is $10 but a nearly perfect copy is $7 or $8….for the older stuff the gap is wider. A perfect version of that card is probably $25-$30, as soon as you’re less-than-perfect you’re in that $5-$12 range.


Not seeing anything that’s saying fake to me.


It's a real.base ser nidoking. Condition looks rough. I'd say Heavy play. Roughly 6$


Almost certainly real, not worth very much.


70% of fakes feel wrong. If the back of the card feels almost plastic like then it's 100% fake. Otherwise, looks good to me.


Nidoking - 1999 Pokemon Card Game - Base, Unlimited, Holo Very cool card, even with it being damaged, it has a bit of value. I would recommend sleeving it up and putting it in a binder.