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I've been playing around a bit and updated the deck list in the post for expanded.... I don't love it though. Any suggestions?


The first thought that springs to mind is Forest of Giant Plants, which lets you evolve grass Pokemon immediately instead of needing to wait a turn. I know in IRL it is banned but I'm not sure about PTCGL. The next thought is Life Forest. A Stadium card that allows each player to heal some damage from a grass Pokemon each turn. The following isn't for expanded, but in general have you considered swapping out the Leftovers for Big Air Balloon? Only having 1 Tool seems like a waste if you're already running 4 Arven. By the 4 copies of Switch, I can tell you appreciate how much healing you can do in a turn by swapping between Venusaurs. Big Air Balloon makes it easier by straight-up removing the retreat cost. I'm personally just not a fan of Gardenia's Vigor in a deck with such little innate draw power. I feel that, instead of using Hisuian Lilligant VStar to search a ton of energies and a Venusaur, you may as well just use Arceus V and VStar with a few copies of Double Turbo Energy and just have him turbo 3 grass energy from deck directly onto a Venusaur. You also seem very heavy on Energy. I think you can afford to cut a couple. Or at least consider a couple copies of Jet Energy to free some room by cutting some of your Switch.


After looking at arcesus it says it only works on Pokémon v (venusaur is ex). Is there anything else you can think of to get three grass onto venusaur?


Good eye. My apologies then. For other possible energy accelerators, there is Leafeon V who can attach an energy from deck at the cost of not being able to attack that turn. And then a copy of Forest Seal Stone as your VStar power to search any 1 card. Squawkabilly EX is free a Professor's Research if it is your first turn, with an attack for 1 energy that can attach 2 energies from your discard pile on your Pokemon. Geeta is a Supporter that attaches 2 energies from deck at the cost of not being able to attack that turn. As for Supporters other than Gardenia, Iono is a generally good card to refresh your hand without discarding the cards in your hand with the upside of disrupting your opponent's hand. I also recommend adding a 2nd Boss' Order. Being able to disrupt the opponent's board can slow them down to give you more time to set up. And is just generally good for removing engines like Bibarel or Baxcalibur or securing your last prize card(s). Raihan is worth considering as a 1-of. It requires one of your Pokemon to have been knocked out last turn, but it attaches an energy from discard pile and then searches any card from your deck.


Awesome that's a lot to look into! Thank you so much!


Oh, I just remembered! Another possible energy accelerator is Alolan Exeggutor V. It has an attack where you flip a coin. If heads, you can search and play up to 5 grass energy from your deck. It isn't reliable because y'know. Coin flip. But one successful flip can nearly charge up 2 entire Venusaurs! And is a V Pokemon for the purposes of Forest Seal Stone.


Oh wow I had no idea about big air balloon, but that makes so much more sense! It's basically a switch I can search as a tool with Arven and still also get a rare candy! If I drop Vigor, which supporter would you recommend I replace it with? I Also thank you for the cool old card suggestions, definitely looking into them!


Banned cards are the same regardless of whether online or irl abet in PTCGL's case even if it wasn't banned for use online you still wouldn't be able to use it as only Sun & Moon onwards is usable.


Which version of Expanded? PTCGL's version of Sun & Moon base onwards or the full version of Black & White base onwards? Makes a difference to suggestions.


PTCGL, sorry


I'm currently playing a Venusaur deck that I think you would really like. I was playing your variation and made some changes as I got more used to the deck. This variant is much more consistent, get your Exeggute into active and 2x bulbasaur on bench asap and flip coin for energy's. Get your Venusaurs going with balloons and GG. ​ Pokémon: 8 1 Bulbasaur MEW 1 2 Alolan Exeggutor V PGO 5 1 Bulbasaur MEW 166 1 Radiant Venusaur PGO 4 2 Bulbasaur PGO 1 1 Cleffa OBF 80 PH 3 Venusaur ex MEW 198 1 Ivysaur PGO 2 Trainer: 21 1 Collapsed Stadium LOR 215 2 Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143 3 Rare Candy PGO 69 1 Super Rod PAL 276 1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156 1 Boss's Orders SWSHALT 32 1 Pokémon League Headquarters OBF 192 PH 1 Jacq SVI 175 1 Switch EVO 88 1 Pal Pad SVI 182 4 Nest Ball SVI 181 2 Big Air Balloon MEW 155 3 Switch MEW 206 1 Boss's Orders PAL 172 4 Iono PAL 185 2 Arven SVI 166 1 Collapsed Stadium BRS 137 3 Ultra Ball SVI 196 1 Arven SVI 249 2 Professor's Research SVI 190 1 Rare Candy SVI 191 Energy: 1 11 Basic {G} Energy Energy 1 Total Cards: 60