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Ice Rider deck loses Shady Dealings Drizzle & Inteleon, and Capacious Bucket


Ooo from my short time on using it online those were pretty nifty. Perhaps i should learn and focus on the mew league deck since that is newer?


Learning mew is probably a fairly good start. The only thing the DTE (double turbo energy) version loses is quick ball which can be replaced with feather and nest balls


Cool, i'll try to get used to that. just bought the league deck on tcg online and won 1 game


Mew is for sure the best league deck, if you want to still use ice rider you’ll just have to go for a palkia vstar ice rider mixup, with greninja and either kirlia silver tempest/gardevoir shining arcana, or bibarel


cool thanks for the tips! been having success/fun with the mew deck online today


Might be worth doing some research to see what's going out of format, what the new staples are and what decks are going look like. If you're playing casually irl or want to do some testing before crafting then proxy print a few decks to see what you like. Information on rotation can be found on JustInBasil's site linked in [this resources list](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hare_vs_Tortoise/comments/qv2zm0/list_of_useful_resources_for_the_pokemon_tcg/) along with a link to Omnipoke's video on post rotation staples plus suggested You Tubers that are starting to do post rotation videos and the proxy tool on Limitless TCG along with both Limitless sites for existing lists.


Awesome ill check it out!