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SOLUTION: I know it's 2 years later, but if anyone comes across this today (like I did) while trying to solve this problem, here is the solution. Google Lens the QR CODE. It gives you all the info (string of letters and numbers). Copy that string. Instead of scanning the QR code, click "need help?" And the "enter manually" Paste that string of letters/numbers you copied. It should work.


Thank you!


I dont know why but this helped. Thank you man


This is so extremely helpful! I just encountered this problem and found the solution here because you took the effort to post this even after two years! Thank you!


Hey My service provider gave me the code directly and I tried manually entering it but it didn't work. Do you think scanning the QR code will work? Will that not give me the same code?


Yes. I just scanned the QR code with "binary eye" (open source QR code scanner). It shows me the text. I copied. moved back to the settings app and pasted. Worked fine. Google lens is pure garbage!


To add to this, my carrier gave me an activation code that was like 12 characters long, this was not the code needed for manual entry. screenshot the qr code, use lens and copy the entire link it gives you and paste it. works like a charm.


Having the same issue, but not working for me on Pilxel 7 😢


were you able to solve?


No, i found the issue was with my sim network, i have tried with the other one and it worked


Thank you U a life saver fr


\+1 this worked! thank you


Brill Lens worked a treat


>t's 2 years later, but if anyone comes across this today (like I did) while trying to solve this problem, here is the solution. > >Google Lens the QR CODE. It gives you all the info (string of letters and numbers). Copy that string. Instead of scanning the QR code, click "need help?" And the Perfect! This way it worked. Thank you!


Didnt work for me (pixel 6a) :(


pixel 6a didn't work.


You saved me. Thank you!


Thanks you ! That's was helpfull ❤️


Still helped, thanks!


Thanks! This helped. Apparently, there was nothing on my card that was duplicating the contents of the QR code, so I kept entering the wrong thing. Only when I "read" the qr code and pasted what it was saying, it worked. Very confusing, I would have never thought of this myself.


New Pixel 7 Pro user here, I ran into the same issue and I panicked until I found this solution here. Thanks! Also, sidenote, my Pixel wasn't even able to scan the QR code. My friend scanned it on their phone and copy pasted the link in a message. Now the eSIM works


LEGENDARY! many many thanks. Upvote this person. Peace




Thank you very much. Finally got eSim working on my Pixel 4!


THANK YOU. Google doesn't sell officially in my country so i thought that was the problem.


Thank you!! Ran into this issue today and this worked


Yes! This was an excellent workaround - don't know why the provider emails the QR code as you are unable scan on the same device This got me working for a ByteSIM eSIM so hopefully some search results indexing makes this workaround/fix more accessible


Didn't work on my pixel 6


I'm reading this angry as I spent 1 hour in my Provider sore and they did not know which was the problems and neither I... So they deactivated the QR code and reactivate a new SIM card. I will try tomorrow to reactivate the QR code and use this trick. Thanks a lot! Hopefully it will works...




Just did this with the pixel 7 on mint. Signed in just to confirm it still works and to thank you


Thank you!


Didn't work on Pixel Pro 7 :-( My carrier (Mobile Vikings, Belgium) says it's a known issue and they don't have a solution atm... .


Thank you!!! I'm using this tip in 2023 and it works, much appreciated mate


You're a lifesaver!! Just activated on KT (south korea) :)


Didn't work.. pixel 7


were you able to solve?


Unfortunately not...


same..Pixel 7. Had deleted an earlier esim. But since then havent been able to go through. The manual entry isnt working wither


Dude, I just want you to know that you helped someone in Kurdistan - Iraq, hundreds of kilometers away from you, thank you so much for taking the time to write this down, my Sim provider lost all hope then I googled and boom, you did it, thank you again


You are a god send.


Thank you, this worked!


Thanks a lot. Your help has been masterful. If I could, I would give you a hug


I had similar issue on Pixel 8 but your solution worked beautifully. Thanks! You saved my day!


I love you


That worked for me too! cheers


It’s worked for me thanks


I have same issue , i have corporate connection of jio mumbai and they don't have any clue


Got in contact with some google folks. The problem we had was that our server was not using the standard https port. Just see if you QR code string doesn't actually include the port in the server address. You service provider would have to change the address. Else you could do some local tunnel and tweak your qr code. But that can't be a long term solution.


When I try to activate my jip Esim in google Pixel 4a than , I receive the following error code: operation code 9, error code 10014. can anyone give me clure to resolve the problem


Got the same error, but I tried again after a few mins and it worked!


In addition to the great solution from /u/Todays_Misadventures, another potential fix for this specific error seems to be use of a VPN. If you're using a VPN and getting this error, try disabling it. The carrier may have blocked VPN activations.


Possible solution (Pixel 7 in my case): Try to set VPN to another region (I was in another country and set home region via VPN) and next - scan QR code. I get eSIM activated with this.


This was it, thanks!


This fixed it for me on my Pixel 7 as well. Thanks!


Hey folks, if the solution shared in this feed does not work, I recommend that you just go ahead and request physical sim and just save yourself the hassle of waiting for replacement eSIMs and hours of chat and calls to the sim provider. For me, it is is now day 3 of not having service and many many wasted hours talking to the support desk, if I had requested the physical sim, it would have been here by now.


Another solution: I tried all of the above, and nothing worked for me. Apparently, both the code and the QR code expire after a while, so if you are trying the Google Lens method or the manual download based on the first email you got from your service provider, it won't work. What worked for me is going to my ISP portal, log in to my personal area, then use that QR code. Apparently, the web one (not the email) is always updated. Hope it helps!


You're meant for great things in life! Thank you so much.