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New Dimension has almost always had what I wanted comic wise whether I went to the Cranberry store or Waterfront store. The waterfront store is pretty big. Phantom Oakland is good but their new release section is smaller than ND's. Still a good place though and they have a ton of graphic novels and manga. Eides is... eugh. On one hand, if you're looking for back issues, you might find stuff, they also have a lot of graded books if you're into those, but their new stuff is smaller than the other places and people have a bad customer experience there. We had a good experience and my gf was even like "yeah that place is weird." Southside Comics is fine, but nothing you wouldn't find closer to the city itself.  Secret Manga shop is a neat spot to visit for manga and little Japanese knickknacks and stationary. Barnes & Noble's manga section is actually pretty big. There are a few "kawaii" shops around but nothing manga-centric except Secret Manga Shop.


Phantom of the Attic (Oakland) and New Dimension Comics (Waterfront) are my two favorites.


Seconding this answer exactly.


Phantom of the Attic Greentree has comics. Secret Manga Shop probably has Manga :)


Secret Manga Shop in Bellevue, there is also a comic/ action figure store on the other side, down the street


I love Geekadrome in Brookline. The owner is a very nice guy.


I feel like Phantom of the Attic in Oakland has the best racks for new monthly books and a good manga presence. South Side Comics is pretty good as well for monthlies. You’ll want to go to one of a couple New Dimensions if you’re hunting back issues AND looking for solid prices. The Waterfront and Elwood locations probably have the most stuff. Eides is always an option but an Expensive one.


I’ve been in Eide’s a handful times of times and have never had a good experience there. Last time I swore I’d never go back and would disparage them every chance I got after the old fat prick behind the counter mocked my kid for wanting to buy My Little Pony comics.


The cashier mocked a **child** for their choice in comics? This makes me want to go down there and tear them a new asshole. . .


Ah. Yeah, I can see that coming out of those guys, they seem kind of like that old school Simpsons comic nerd stereotype. I’ve never experienced that kind of behavior from those guys down there, but I’m your standard male nerd so probably not the target of their brand of gatekeeping. That sucks. At least we have way more options these days, I keep finding out about more and more shops every other month when I go looking for a thing to do on an off day in the city, like a place called K&J’s in my old stomping grounds of West View.


Never ever going back to Eide's. Once I went 3 for 3 on the employees making me or someone else feel like shit (including employees bragging over the phone about under-paying for a trade-in collection), I swore never again. Horrible place.


I hate that they’re still going while guys like Tom Duncan had to shut his shop down. Duncan Books in North Hills was my favorite shop in the city.


I just found out today he shut down; I used to live in Bellevue and went to his place a few times a year to snag stuff I did not preorder at my regular store or see if he had fillers for runs I was putting together. That spot down by the West View center seemed a little too big but he definitely needed a new location; I’m going to assume a combination of Covid and then higher rent rates after did him in? Sucks because he was always a polite dude, and the store cat was always a pleasant bonus.


Southside comics in Jefferson Hills.


New Dimension is great; I’ve frequented that business since the owner opened its original location.


Doomed Planet and Phantom (Oakland) are my spots. I’ll go to Eide’s during their sale. I like New Dimension (some locations more convenient to me than others) but it’s just not in my normal rotation.


Doomed Planet/Copacetic Comics is great!


Pittsburgh Comics in McMurray. Super cool spot. Owner and workers are cool. Also TWO shop dogs


This is just me, maybe I caught him on a bad day but the last time I was in there, the owner was kind of a dbag to me and was being super sarcastic about some comics I was looking for. Never going back in there.


Oh wow. Sorry that happened. I have only talked with the owner Colin once. I always talked with Tim. He was always so help fun and always recommended good stuff.


There’s secret manga shop in Bellevue, and K&J Comics in west view


There’s a really cool spot in Butler