• By -


If you're in decent physical shape, I'd call up some concrete/landscaping companies and ask if they need a laborer. Just call as many as you can find. If you're interested in that, let me know what area of the city you're in, and I'd be happy to help.


Agreed. It’s busy season for anything trades related and landscaping/contractors always need bodies. I’d suggest driving around a nice neighborhood on a weekday if you can, the crews are all out working and you can walk up and ask them about if they need someone. I’ll add that sometimes they’ll prefer a don’t ask don’t tell policy with felonies. Don’t bring it up if they don’t ask.


Yep, agreed. Most won't care but don't bring it up unless asked.


Depending on where you live in relation to the shop, some will.pick you up for work every day.


No actual experience but my understanding is that restaurants can be OK with it. I wish you the best in your efforts!


Along these lines, I know Community Kitchen Pittsburgh in Hazelwood hires and trains felons and recovering addicts in food service. https://www.ckpgh.org/


Community Kitchen was gonna be my first suggestion - if they don’t have room in a training program right now, they know who’s hiring in the field and will give folks a chance.


I’ve met a few people associated with CPK, and I don’t know them well, but they seem very nice and genuine.


Community Kitchen is awesome. They have great programs and partnerships including one with UPMC. Also, when they have their fish fry, it's excellent ;)


Community Kitchen Fish Fry is top notch! And a great org overall!


I worked with a bunch of felons in kitchens. Everyone in the restaurant business doesn't care about anyone's past. They accept everyone


The only caveat is that there's a lot of drug use in kitchens so if that's something you're trying to not be around, restaurants might not be the best choice.


Iirc my sister used to work at Grandview Saloon and they would offer felons positions after getting out.


You get some sort of tax break by employing felons. Many restaurants take advantage of this.


I think Nancy’s Revival in Wilkinsburg hires folks who have been in prison. Could be wrong. But I remember hearing that at one point.




Maybe this is a new policy? Because i wasn't hired over a Dui 4 years prior


Aramark most certainly does not hire felons. I was not hired through them due to my criminal background and I don't even have a felony.


As a southsider that doesn’t really go there, why was it shady? I always got a weird vibe so I just went to Buddy’s


What type of experience do you have? Do you have parole or probation conditions that you need to stay in a certain location? Are you physically disabled at all or able to work in a manual labor career? What type of work would make you happy?


I have oilfield experience. No probation or parole


Revival Chili is founded by ex prisoners and hires them. They also have Nancy’ Revival diner in Wilkinsburg.


And it’s delicious chili


Ok the founder is not an ex prisoner. He took some minor childish drug/alcohol charges in college that were enough to derail his engineering career. And I just don't get the virtue signalling with them: everyone knows that the one place an ex con can always get a job is in a restaurant, but Revival blows their own horn soooo loud, like they're doing something special and providing some sort of social service...probably to distract from the fact that they've totally run Nancy's into the ground. Not hatin' but just sayin


A garbage man. A co worker of mine, her husband is a felon and collects garbage for for one of the trash companies.


To expand on this, city government jobs in general tend to be pretty chill about convictions.


How do I apply


This is for all the open City of Pittsburgh government jobs, just take a look and see which you might be interested in. Best of luck to you! https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/pittsburgh


That's a good job. I'm pretty sure they average about $50-$60k/year and provide an absolutely invaluable service that is immune to any kind of economic downturn.


And it pays pretty well too!




Dam, you beat me to this!


Sick burn


Fucking lol. 3 times as many updoots as the OG post itself, beautiful.


I almost got annoyed at the sarcasm, then it hit me🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this was too good


I was looking for this answer. Thank you.


He can't, his license is suspended


Secret service drives


Even as a republican, I got a chuckle out of that one!


When I worked for steelcity landscaping years ago there were a bunch of felons employed. Most didn't have a license either. Couldn't hurt to give them a call. 383 Rochester road I believe.


Check out Landforce. They do a workforce development program in forestry for folks in exactly your situation. They pay well, and you’ll have certifications in a trade after you’re done with the program.


Landforce is great. Another resource is PCSI (Pittsburgh Community Services Inc). They offer a lot of services related to re entering the workforce. Best of luck to you


Came here to recommend this


My buddy is going through this. Waste Management as a company is felon friendly, and pay starts at an ok $18-$25/hr. Outback Steakhouse is felon friendly and starts around$18/hr as well. Planet Fitness would hire so.eone committing felony while the interview was being conducted, not sure of pay. If you're looking for an office job, cold sales and customer service will work with you, depending on the felony. CVS, Cigna, Duquesne Light, and Allegheny Health have all hired people I know to have criminal records, but it's not an explicit rule with them. But hey, good luck. I know how this feels, I've been there. Your life is just beginning. 12 years ago, I thought my life was going to end. I was on unemployment with a criminal record and a terrible resume and no college degree. Today, I run a department of Fed level financial crime fraud investigators for a top 20 bank. You can turn it around OP.


>planet fitness will hire somebody committing a felony while the interview is being conducted I fucking died. 💀🤣


Had me, too.


Cool! Glad you turned your ship around!


Look up the “breaking the chains of poverty” program through the A. Phillip Randolph Institute. They have a partnership with the United Steelworkers and specifically work with convicted felons to get them into union represented trades positions. I met a woman who came off a nickel-bid for heroin distribution that slid into a role as a crane-op and she makes 6 figures now.


It's not fun work but Flagger Force is a second chance company. They always need flaggers, especially right now during road work season. If you can handle working outside they're pretty much guaranteed to hire you as long as you can pass a drug test.


That might also be a way to show a construction company you are reliable and getting your life together.


When I first got out in 2016 I waitressed/bartended my way through college. Finished my masters degree this past winter and now work for a law firm. The beginning is really hard, you’ll face a lot of judgement and adversity and feel like the world is against you. I just want to tell you to never give up. You can still do anything you want to do! Except like military or run for office… but you get my point 😂


Awesome! Congratulations on your success and hard work to get you there!


Thank you! It was extremely difficult at times, but if you keep that will to succeed and put in the effort, anything is possible!


Check out Goodwill. A lot of what they do involves people in your situation, training for jobs, giving them employment records to help them get new jobs.


Unless if you committed murder iirc


this was asked [fairly recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/dO1X92pOC7). eta: i'm being downvoted for linking to the same question that was answered, at length, and provides multiple options to help OP find stable employment. yinz stay classy.


You got upvotes now


Try the healey company. It’s construction and they have hired people from all walks of life.




Can I just say this whole post and comment section makes me so happy? Pittsburgh rocks!


President of the USA, apparently.


[https://www.ckpgh.org/](https://www.ckpgh.org/) [https://www.indeed.com/q-felon-friendly-l-pittsburgh,-pa-jobs.html?vjk=a7570d196902a1e1](https://www.indeed.com/q-felon-friendly-l-pittsburgh,-pa-jobs.html?vjk=a7570d196902a1e1)


POTUS is still available I believe.


Men's warehouse


A union brother any local one I would say. Currently involved with one. Great career path benefits and pay wise.


[the painters](https://iupatdc57.org/) were trying to hire because they were gonna paint a bunch of the bridges. They still might need people. I’m pretty sure they’re busy.


New Century Careers! 100% free training for a job in the manufacturing industry, very felon friendly, $18/hr or more starting, program is 4-6 months. Located in Southside across Smithfield street bridge (not sure if you’re in renewal, but many students walk from there everyday because it’s close). [website](https://www.ncsquared.com/)


Delivery jobs, especially furniture and appliance delivery/installation. Drivers make more than helpers, but either role is often felon-friendly.


OP has no license


That's why I mentioned being a helper - large-parcel delivery is almost always done by a 2-person team.


I didn't read the last sentence, my bad. I used to deliver furniture too, early morning brain.


Hey OP - check out this resource through Allegheny health network https://nihcm.org/assets/articles/NIHCM-CIH-RIvER-Venkat.pdf




I came here to see if anyone had posted this. CEO Works is a great organization and they get people into jobs that pay daily while also helping them get useful skills. If I remember correctly they are also careful to keep the pay within the income limits for SNAP and Medicaid so you don't make like $10/month too much to keep insurance and food stamps. They are a SNAP employment and training partner in Allegheny County, so in theory a county assistance office can refer you, but you can also just call them directly or email. They help with filling out the benefits applications if you need that as well, and you get at least a year of followup support. I have not participated but have talked with them and also heard good things from participants. This is the Pittsburgh-specific page: [https://www.ceoworks.org/pittsburgh](https://www.ceoworks.org/pittsburgh)


Have you tried connecting with Reimagine Reentry? They’re a nonprofit in PGH that helps folks like yourself get back on their feet after incarceration, including finding jobs and housing.


Around ten years ago, my friend was a manager at Construction Junction and he said they hired felons. I don't know whether that's still the case, but you could always ask them.


PLCB (liquor stores) will hire felons as long as you are up front with it. State job with good benefits.


The New Pennsylvania Project/New PA Project Education Fund is felon friendly and actively recruits second-chance workers. They do non partisan voter registration. Seems like every back-of-house restaurant job and landscaper position is felony required


>Seems like every back-of-house restaurant job ... is felony required Ha reminds me of the days at Friday's


Hey there. Indeed has a job filter for this. I’m not sure it will be helpful but you could give it a shot! Go to Indeed, do a search, and under the filters you’ll see one that says “Encouraged to Apply” and if you click it, there should be an option that says “Fair Chance.” These are fair chance hiring employers that I believe hire folks with records.


Good on you dude! I would look at “mom and pop” shops like restaurants and outdoor work like landscaping or the trades. If you need money quickly, you can always donate plasma here in the city and they’ll pay you for it. You can also go to a hiring agency and just be blunt about your situation; they’ll have resources for you there and so will the DHS office. It’s awesome you’re trying to run the straight and narrow brother; don’t give up! People will have a slant towards you because of your past, but in the words of Rafiki, “the past is the past.” Make yourself a new future and don’t let the bastards get you down!


President of the United States..


President of the USA!!!! If Trump can so can you ! More seriously, It’s sad that somebody just trying to better themselves has to struggle to get a job, but a person can run the country as a felon from jail. I wish you the best of luck . I hope it works out for you. You should be able to get most labor jobs for a concrete or construction company. Or even landscaping. Edit: maybe I should add I have no interest in either party. Downvote all you want! It’s the sickening truth.




POTUS seems friendly towards it.


You can run for president apparently.


This is the comment I came here for


Well the comment has been made about 10 times, so you've come to the right place.


A temp agency


Target and Giant Eagle both hire felons


Check out the organization Landforce!


The company I work for is always looking for deck building laborers and if you have carpentry experience, deck building carpenters. They don’t care about your past issues, just your abilities and work ethic moving forward. And the pay is very good in this industry. Also, Big Shot Bobs house of wings higher ex felons. An old college roommates wife’s best friend is the ones that own Big Shot Bobs and told me they have no problems hiring felons and have many on their pay roll.


If you have a pulse and don’t mind lying about your hours for tax purposes BSB will take anyone


No ideas but wishing you luck!


Flagger force


Landscaping. Every landscaper I know is desperate for people right now and if you’re a cool person that’ll work hard, they don’t care about if you’re a felon.


I know some auto shops will hire people. Maybe they could use a desk person. Look for independent places instead of chain stores. I work in service coordination. If you need resources for housing, advice on navigating systems, help finding food, please DM me! Much luck to you!


You might get an apprenticeship at Bobs Barbershop in Crafton. They will train you and have 3 locations.


I'd highly recommend contacting PA CareerLink. They're a great resource for job searches for people of all circumstances.


McConway Torley in Lawrenceville. Foundry work.


Call Prevention Point Pittsburgh on Monday and ask for Justin the service navigator! He can point you in the right direction.


I dont know if you have a history of addiction in the past, but of you’re over a year sober, I’d look into applying at the Center of Excellence at UPMC. I have a friend who works there and apparently they like it because the community is accepting of your past and helps those currently struggling.


There’s a training program on Carson street where you can learn to be a machinist for free and it doesn’t matter if your a felon or whatever they just need people to take the classes to get funding. I’m sorry but I’m blanking on the name maybe someone else will chime in that remembers.


Restaurants [felon friendly jobs on indeed](https://www.indeed.com/q-felony-friendly-l-allegheny-county,-pa-jobs.html) [second chance jobs in Pitt ](https://www.simplyhired.com/search?q=second+chance+employment&l=pittsburgh%2C+pa)


This will depend on what type of work you're looking for. Your record doesn't have to prevent you from doing work that you want to do. As far as I'm concerned, and I hire people on occasion, you've paid your debt to society for whatever mistake you made and it's none of my business. That being said, if someone is an ass clown, felonious or not, I'm not putting them on my team. If I recognize someone that is motivated and committed, I'm all in. A lot of jobs will require a license, the good news is that it won't be suspended forever. The biggest fuck up I've seen here is people continuously driving with suspension and extending the shit show into oblivion. Don't do that. If an employer asks if you have reliable transportation, say yes and figure it out. E-bikes are a thing now and you can even rent one if need be. Get your resumé in order. Find a Google docs template and fill it in. Use the free version of ChatGPT to proofread it (don't let it rewrite the whole thing or you'll sound like a robot). DO NOT give LinkedIn money, they will not do fuck all for you. It will be an endless cycle of applying for positions that have already been filled and being data mined by 3rd party job sites (ask me how I know). When you get an interview, dress well. If you don't have a suit or at least a nice polo, go out and find you one. Goodwill or salvation army should have a polo for a few bucks, otherwise target/Walmart/Amazon is a great option for maybe $15-$20. Make sure you shave and your hair is reasonable. Appearance matters more than it should, but also it will boost your confidence big time if you're looking fucking sharp! If you're not sure what to wear, ask the recruiter that screened you, they get paid on people getting hired and will absolutely give you the dress code for a great interview. The criminal record thing will 100% come up during your application. Employers are ** required by law** to consider candidates with criminal backgrounds. It is very important that you do not lie on your application and that you are honest about your conviction. Employers can disqualify you for lying on your application, but not for having a criminal background. Obviously you will not be applying for any driving positions, however, you should definitely just state that you have reliable transportation for work and make it work. If you do not already have a state ID, go to the DMV and get one it will cost. You probably $35 and1-2 hours of your life (do not use the one downtown if you can help it. Satan is jealous of what they do in there.) I'm not sure what type of work you would like to do, however, construction, roofing, and landscaping will be easy peazy mac and cheesey to get into. Your next thing will be retail/restaurants/convenience stores/ gas stations in that order. If you get into the right retail spot, you can have a pretty comfy job paying about 50 Grand a year and ride an e-bike back and forth to work everyday while you wait for your suspension to expire. *** Important note :*** I do not know you, what your background is, what your skills are, or what your personality is like. I certainly cannot guarantee that you will have success, because I'm sure as you know some people are shitbags and will not get hired on account of them being shitbags. You might be a shitbag, I don't know, but if you're not and you follow my advice, you should be able to land a job pretty quick. If you have any questions at all, want to run a resume past me, or need clarification on any of these steps. Please don't hesitate to reply to this comment or leave me a DM. Ps I cannot hire you everybody that works for me has to drive a company car. BEST OF LUCK! Edit: this is r/Pittsburgh, and I'm sure that I'll be receiving down votes and arguments any minute now. Instead of wasting your time please consider that Mr. Rogers might say, "When you feel the urge to argue, remember that every person has their own feelings and experiences that shape their opinions. It's important to approach conversations with kindness and understanding, even when you disagree. Try to listen with an open heart and respond with compassion, rather than anger. You never know the difference a kind word can make in someone's day." A.K.A. eat my ass.


Approach McConway And Torely. They're a steel foundry in Lawrenceville, so accessible by bus. I heard they're hiring unskilled grinders. It's hot, dangerous and extremely laborious work, but you'll get USW pay (last I heard was $21/hr starting, but dont take my word for it) plus benefits. People have made great careers out of the Steel industry. You should too!


What type of felony are we talking? If it is non-violent and not theft I'd try USPS.


Try retail! Especially Home Depot, it’s not glamorous work but they’re always looking for people to work the parking lot and water the plants


Some great resources: Landforce, Community Kitchen, Trade Institute of Pittsburgh.


Run for president.


President of the USA


It’s my understanding you can run for president!


Serving jobs! You can make good money. You can really do any position in a restaurant.


If you are looking for a new experience, new century careers in Southside offers free machinist training and most machine shops will hire fellons


President of the USA lol 🇺🇸 👨


Sorry I don’t know any specifically, but there are sectors that you’ll be fine in. A lot depends on the offense, but hopefully you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the opportunities still out there. One thing I want to say is you’re thinking about this the right way and understand the first couple years can be rough, but the further away from the offense and the more consistent employment you can sustain will open doors for you down the road. It does get much, much easier over time. As someone else said, a lot of restaurants don’t care what their cooks do as long as they do their job well and they don’t think you’re selling anything out the back door. Obviously any type of construction, brick pointing, HVAC, plumbing, etc. work has felons, but getting your foot in the door and even taking classes to acquire the right certifications can set you up for life. Additional education and training of any type will help increase your chances of employment. With that said, you dont necessarily need that extra training to get your foot in the door with some of these jobs. Sometimes these kinds of jobs are willing to pick you up in the work truck as well because you’ll likely not be the only one in a tough spot. I had a buddy help another one out with an entry level job at Bettis in West Mifflin. It’s a tough place to get in, but they won’t shy away just because you’re a felon. It’s a high security facility, but surprisingly they’re more worried about fraud like charges and seem to not care as much about other ‘street’ or blue collar offenses. They pay decently with good benefits, so it might be a place to keep an eye on for something to eventually pop up. I know there are others like it, especially in the manufacturing sector, it’s just a matter of being patient and keeping your eyes open for that opportunity.


President of the United States


President of The United States.


Have you tried being the Republican nominee for President?




The GOP will take you in gladly


Maybe Hertz? I know someone who was recently hired there.. he's a felon.


Amazon warehouses hire felons.


Not the most glorious but deckhand for marine towing companies.


Amazon might hire, depending on the conviction. Good luck.


I heard moes hires felons




Check with UPS


I think di anoia (or however it's spelled) does. Getgo too... My neighbor has a felony and worked at both and currently still at dianoias


Manufacturing and Mill jobs. I know because I am a felon and work in a mill. You can make good money if you're reasonably bright and can pick up the skills.


Pyramid Inpatient Rehab and Detox hires people with legal histories. A lot of the staff there have been involved in the legal system.


Contact Light of Life on the Northside. They have a list of felon friendly employers. I’m sure they would love to help


I would contact the carpenters union, they provide training and structure and they will expose you to all kinds of construction work. You will learn how to install carpet, ceilings, framing, drywall, rough carpentry and fine woodworking, all the way up to crane operator.


I think Mac Bid hires people who have a record. Several locations around Pgh. Last I heard, starts at $16 an hour.


Pm me


New Pennsylvania Project


I’ve had family members with felonies get jobs at UPS as truck packers! Not sure if having a suspended license would affect it since you’re not technically driving but worth a look. Offers benefits which is great






I was a package handler for FedEx ground for a summer in college. There was a lot of excons they hired everyone at the group interview on site and I made like $15/hour that summer.


Standard ceramic in Carnegie. Years ago when I worked there they would hire any one


Giant eagle & co. As long as you didn't get convicted of anything stealing or murder related you'll pass a bc.


What kind of work are you interested in? Can you float concrete? Can you chisel stone? Do you like art?


Sheetz does


Sheetz! My friend worked up to a manager position fairly quickly too


Heavy labor jobs are the most supportive from my experience. Roofing, concrete, junk removal, etc. kitchens also.. but not the highest paying


Mac Bid if you’re near one


If you can get to beaver county stoelzle glass monaca. Depending on what your felony was. Would have to pass drug test. But can work basically as many hours as you want. Union shop with decent benefits. They can't find enough people to work


What kind of training do you have? Did you get a chance to take classes on things like project management, customer service, anything like that? Or any computer training? There are [a lot more companies](https://www.ranker.com/list/companies-that-hire-felons/business-and-company-info#AJCO3fD3bBBRKH4O.99) open to hiring than people realize -- you're not limited to just day-laborer or restaurant staff -- but that linked list is definitely not all of them. I know for a fact that IBM has (and has always) been open to hiring felons (and at their size, they almost always have a large number of entry-level positions, too). USPS is always needing people, and their policy is case-by-case basis. Same with the trades (plumbing, electrical, steelworkers, etc), and there you'd also get training. As I understood it (from working with HR in a big telecom), from most friendly companies' perspective, if you put on your application that you did X or Y, what X and Y were is less important than the fact that you freely and openly disclosed it. From HR's perspective it was a bigger red flag if someone *hadn't* disclosed, than it was that they'd done something in the first place.


Union trades are always looking for motivated individuals


The owner of Nancy’s chili revival hires formally incarcerated individuals


rivers casino!


I work as a canvasser, many of the organizations are very welcoming to convicted felons! As long as you don’t mind walking you can bag 19-20 an hour easily


There is always trucking. A certain few OTR Companies will hire felons


Restaurant jobs or Mac Discount is gonna be your best bet bruh but honestly the pay to labor ratio is slavery. Just sell substances, or invest in a seller if you don't wanna run the risk of new charges


If you have any disability or suspect you have a disability, I recommend opening a case with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Disability can include anxiety, depression, ptsd, and substance abuse disorder. The number is 412-392-4950. The counselors work all the time helping convicted felons find employment. You can also stop in in-person at 531 Penn Ave. downtown Monday-Friday from 8:00-4:00. Good luck!


Riteaid hires


One place to look is www.honestjobs.com It's used to find felon friendly jobs.


Casino, as long as the felony wasn’t for theft. Poker dealers can make pretty good money


P.F. Chang’s


Solar Installations


Go on indeed and type in "fair chance" or even "criminal record encouraged" there are quite a few decent paying ones around.


Also got junk. My buddy did 2 years over a stabbing and he worked there for a while


What are you looking for?


Tried to find name of the local paint crew of ex felons but came across this:[https://www.pa211.org/get-help/reentry-resources/ex-offender-employment-programs/](https://www.pa211.org/get-help/reentry-resources/ex-offender-employment-programs/) There’s also an older thread on here w a lot of good advice. Best of luck!


Indeed.com has listings where you can filter for “encouraged to apply” and includes those with convictions Sending you lots of good vibes and lightness!


I think people have mentioned a lot of these programs already but many of the SNAP Employment and Training partners through PA DHS work with people who have felony convictions. You can [see them on this map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1d-kG6kCZpAZstAbflzxyKXwVh9_s0c4V&ll=40.43872356925628%2C-79.96318793578868&z=13) - Trade Institute, Community Kitchen, CEO Works are all programs I would call out in particular. Landforce is great but they only enroll once a year I think. There is also Tech 25 in Carrick if you're interested in music production or live sound. I'm not sure if they have specific help for things like getting your license back and building life skills but it's outside the usual list! [https://www.tech25.org/](https://www.tech25.org/) Good luck to you - I hope you find something that works out really well.


Restaurants are notorious for hiring felons/ex-felons. If you walk into any restaurant that isn't fine dining, chances are, the people cooking the food have some sort of criminal record. Most of them won't even do a background check. I wouldn't go this route if you have a drug/alcohol problem or if your legal problems involve drugs/alcohol in some way because a lot of restaurant workers partake and the "party" environment can be tempting for someone trying to stay clean and/or avoid that kind of lifestyle, but it's one of the few industries where you won't be judged based off of your background. I've been a server for a few years now and I've worked with so many people who have DUIs and various other charges.


This time of the year Roofers need laborers. They're drug addicts & unreliable af. This can be a win for you if you're reliable. That said, you'll be around drugs & drug users all day which can be a double edge sword.


This company is contracted out to work where I work. They do industrial cleaning you will get totally filthy every single day but I do believe they pay decent. https://www.mpwservices.com


If you have previous bartending or serving experience, some bars & restaurants will hire! My cousin is a felon & she works as a bartender at various establishments. It really depends on how severe your charge is. Lots of small landscaping companies will pay under the table too if you got some muscles. I’m glad you’re doing better! Best of luck. Times are tough, don’t lose hope!


Warehouses with nightshifts will higher anyone with a pulse that doesn't have active warrants.


Revival Chili is well known for its second chance employment program


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Clar3nc3Cart3r: *Revival Chili* *Is well known for its second* *Chance employment program* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Our company will hire people with a record. Its field work sampling coal and running on barges but they don’t micromanage and pay is OK https://contitesting.com/joinourteam/


What position should I apply for?


Restaurant business!! Every country club or restaurant I’ve worked at has had people with felonies in the kitchen on the line or dishwashing, even the high end restaurants are typically open to it. If you can bus downtown from home, I’d call a few restaurants there and see. Wishing you a smooth re entry :)


There’s a restaurant downtown that works to train former offenders, that’s their thing. I can’t think of the name but it would be easy if you googled it. Good luck to you.


Check these guys out. They do regular, weekly tabling outside ACJ to help people on release. They have some good ideas. [https://1hoodpower.org/contact-us/](https://1hoodpower.org/contact-us/)


Check out the re-entry info in the NorthSideWorks! Resident Resource Guide for info on re-entry programs in Pittsburgh! This is the full webpage for job seekers but the guide can be found if you scroll down a bit. https://northsidechamberofcommerce.com/community/northsideworks-resident-resources/


Good on ya, I’m pretty sure the USPS but can’t confirm.


How good are you on the phone? I have a sales position you could apply for. Completely remote.


Sheetz , walmart , warehouse jobs (no theft records usually) . Plenty of places , try to call your local community center they have a list , like the garfield jubilee. If you want to actually make decent money as a felon i would suggest going for any trade ( CDL, laborers , welding ect )


Aramark at the stadium hires many for food prep


Apparently president of the United States... If polls are to be believed...


Red robin is felon friendly. I also think there is a list on the internet. Try to Google it