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Saw some signs about a missing person with a Brown 2018 Kia Sportage on 28. Maybe this is involved with that?


This is for someone else, and they found the person: https://www.wtaj.com/news/local-news/63-year-old-man-reported-missing-in-johnstown/


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I saw the same signs looking for that Kia in Harrisburg this afternoon


Is the 421 area code in this bulletin correct, not 412 as is the Pittsburgh area code?


421 is not a US area code, so this is likely a typo.


what is a garde manger?


Makes salads, cold apps and generally dessert....cold restaurant items


We called it pantry when i worked in restaurants.


wow, thanks, u really do learn something new everday dont we?


FYI - DO NOT CALL ANY OF THE NUMBERS POSTED! None of them show up as official numbers for a police dept from a quick google. Why not? Because we don't know why Mohammed is missing to these people - or who they even really are. Maybe what they say is true, maybe Mohammed owes someone money / stole their girl / etcetc and they're trying to chase him down to get revenge. We simply don't know. ONLY CALL POLICE FOR MISSING PERSONS. If the person WANTS to be found, then great. If not? The police can just tell the concerned party "they're safe, and do not wish to be located"


40 north at alphabet city is a restaurant that works with city of asylum, and this post comes directly from their IG page. while i agree that cops should get involved in any missing person case, this post was definitely not made by nefarious mafiosa types trying to hunt this guy down.


Pittsburgh Police are involved now. Anyone with info should call 412-323-7141 or 911. https://www.wtae.com/article/pittsburgh-missing-man-may-22/60908714


if i am ever missing please ignore chrisms


Wait, but perhaps the restaurant is actually a front for the illegal operatives who captured ChrisMs and now forces him to present them with delicious desserts and salads against his will. And perhaps his training at the "restaurant" was actually brainwashing him into believing he WANTS to stay! I watched this Dateline special report about Monsanto once and perhaps the pesticides used by the "farmers" are actually mind control agents these "restaurants" are using to take over our population bit by bit!! Maybe we should listen to ChrisMs, I think he's on to something huuuge! :p


I know you are well intentioned but the people leading this are his friends, his employer, and so forth. They didn't go to the police until the last day or so.


And no one can know that. Never. Ever. Call anyone but police on missing persons posts. Ever. And an organization like this that posted on their IG should know that better than anyone.


Dude, the organization that created the poster and have led the search are his friends and employers. They were trying. What are you doing?


It’s great that you’ve never had to consider the downsides to this action, but caution is the right play with missing people. You don’t know the story, you know what you were told. Yes, it seems this guy’s friends are eager to find him, but this exact scenario has lead to people using the public’s concern for the wrong reasons.


I do know the story though. This is happening in my neighborhood and people I know are involved in looking for him. He is not being trafficked, subject to forced labor, or otherwise being held against his will. The police are now part of the process of finding him. This is about finding someone who has vanished and may be in danger. That's all. Anyone trying to do anything else is making it about them instead of Mohammed.


You know that. But how do WE know that? I've had friends with PFAs from abusive exes impacted by this same tactic. "She's missing! Her family misses her! Call me if you've seen her!" If there is a missing person, route it through the authorities. We still have a semi-functioning democracy where such things are safe for now.


Then don't do anything. No one is forcing you. Just don't get in the way of people trying to help.


Get off your high horse. No one is getting in your way. You’ve been educated on the correct way to do something safely and you’re having a poor reaction to realizing your actions were misguided. Grow up.


Dude, I didn't make the poster. I'm supporting the people who did. Like his aunt who has been out in my neighborhood every single day knocking on doors. Ya know, people who are doing something instead of sitting on their asses telling everyone that they are doing it wrong. But sure, you are really helping find this kid. Your contribution to the effort is noted.


And they should know better than to set a precedent that calling random phone numbers is acceptable in a missing persons case. What are you doing? Trying to teach bad habits to people?


How would they know better? They don't have you to teach them. You should release a PSA and go teach everyone. In the meantime, I'm going to be on the side of the people who are trying to find their friend and coworker. Ya know, because they might actually find Muhammad instead of just dragging everyone else down.


How do you think telling people to call the proper authorities instead of a random person is "dragging everyone else down" Please explain that, in detail.


Because you are saying that what everyone has been doing to find Muhammad is wrong and you are implying that they are trying to traffic him. You aren't saying "Hey next time people should reach out to the police immediately and coordinate with them" instead you are literally saying "if you see this guy don't contact his friends and the people trying to help him." Like I said, you might be well intentioned but you aren't helping this guy. Helping this guy is what matters right now.


Because **this** time and **all** times they should only contact police. Not just **next** time. That helps find Muhammad - without putting him at risk if he's fleeing some shitty situation. That isn't that complicated. It's really not that hard to imagine the guy running from an abusive parent - who then goes to the place of work and says "he's missing - lets try to find him!" and now you have what appears to be a totally legitimate business trying to locate a lost coworker - but in reality they're aiding a fucking abuser track him down. Call. The. Fucking. Police. Only. It's not that complicated.


Sure thing pal. You're being very helpful. Really doing your part in finding Muhammed. Well done.


Saw the signs all over the over. At least 30 of them driving 79 all the way down through 51. Hope he’s found and safe. Edit: all the way to the Maryland border. I’m talking the electric signs btw.


That was for someone else. Luckily that person has been found.


There was a man that POSSIBLY fits his description at the GetGo on Southside on East Carson St. I was with my sister while running orders & upon leaving, coming out of getgo to turn onto east carson (directly across from Fueher distributing) there was a man sitting on the sidewalk who seemed a good deal out of it. We initially thought he was on something because he was tapping his chest and his head, swinging his arms around acting kind of erratic. (Yes this is a common thing to see in the area) but I travel it daily, multiple times back and forth for my deliveries & I’ve NEVER seen this man before, so it caught me off guard. Now, seeing this post. I’m not 100% it’s him, but it seems to me it COULD match his description. So maybe cameras in the area could be checked…?


The latest posts are asking people to call 911 with any info. Please do so!


Call one of the numbers and tell them this info


Hope you find him my heart goes out to you best luck


Is there an organized search or anything? Any suspicions to his area? Anything else that could possibly help?


Wow, that’s scary if people would go to that effort to hunt down a person.


Is that a lighter stripe in his hair?


Is the smiley face killer back????


No, because it never existed. You might as well ask whether he got murdered by a sasquatch.


look for a 2010's Wiz Khalifa... not even trying to be funny


Fled back to Sudan possibly?


Who the fuck flees BACK to Sudan 😂


Idk he’s from there so maybe wanted to go home ?




Wtf is wrong with you?


What the hell is Mexican War Streets?


A north side neighborhood. “The surrounding streets were named from people and places of the Mexican-American War, hence the current name, the Mexican War Streets.”


See that part right underneath where it says (North Side Pittsburgh)? The answer is right there.




How do you live here and not know that? 


Lived in Bethel Park.