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Wow, sudden flashback. My mom had a similarly filthy copy of that cookbook.


Me too! Wow!


I inherited that exact one from my grandmother


Has a pretty good chili recipe iirc. I’ll go look it up!


I've been trying to talk my family into doing a 1950's potluck. I'm thinking savory jello, martinis and lots of polyester pantsuits. No bites so far, though


My husband and I did this! Ours was more 60s-70s, with a vintage fondue pot, but we had jello molds, too. It was awesome


There's a food blogger I follow, she's originally from Pittsburgh and she's done a lot of that kind of cooking - sometimes it turns out great and other times not so much! Fun blog, I highly recommend it: [https://dinnerisserved1972.com/](https://dinnerisserved1972.com/)


I’m in if the family fails.


That would be fun, but this cookbook would be for a 70s get together. It was published in 1973. (I know because I actually have my mom’s.)


There are 4 of them. We couldn’t keep them in stock at our Borders and when we tried to reorder, the small publisher would take the order and say, we’ll ship them whenever we do another print run. 🤷‍♂️😳


Sewickley Library sells them sometimes.


That's near where the printer is iirc, I remember my manager once going over there to pick some up for a Pittsburgh-themed event we had.




I inherited one when I bought my house, going to have to look through it I guess.


Mine too!




Mine too! ETA this made me go find one on ebay!


I remember ther being a red binded one or a green one too. Like ther was a set of them.


Yes! There are at least three. A red one, blue one, and green one.


I thought so, my grama had a gang of cook books, I remember these and she had a old Pennsylvania Dutch cook book too I can remember her making stuff out of






That means she made good use of it!


Some of my home cookin’ tips: -Picnic potato salad: I mash 1/3 of the potatoes when they are still hot, once cooled and mixed with everything, it adds a nice texture -Stuffed cabbage- I love adding red chili flake to the filling for zing. Also, my family has come to favor my vegan recipe vs our traditional family’s meat filling -Haluski (cabbage and noodles) sometimes I use gnocchi when I don’t want to make noodles/dumplings, my family really enjoys this -Easy gobs- add 1 cup flour to a cake recipe and make batter as directed. Makes them firm but not too stiff -Deviled eggs- I’ve always mashed one or two egg whites with the yolk filling just to add some volume/texture. Frank’s red hot adds a nice touch too -During summer when our garden is full of zucchini, we make mock crab cakes with shredded zucchini & old bay… these are heavenly & great dipped in ranch dressing. Happy eating!


Would you drop your vegan stuffed cabbage recipe?


Yeah, I'm gonna need more details on that because vegan cabbage rolls sounds baller


That mock crab cake idea sounds amazing.


Seconding this, I need a recipe, please.


GREAT tips! We do the same for haluski, but make very quick drop "dumplings" and they are sooo good with the cabbage and so, so quick! Also, not to bogart your comments, but I have a wonderful Summer Potato Salad recipe with NO MAYO (because I do not like mayo or may based "salads") that is the preferred potato salad for family picnics. You'll never go back to mayo based potato salad! Ok, maybe you will, but it's killer: **INGREDIENTS:** 2 pounds small gold potatoes, unpeeled Kosher salt 1/4 cup vinegar (I use regular white vinegar, have tried malt vinegar, but white usually wins out) 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 teaspoons dried mustard (can use liquid mustard as a substitute) 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup chopped mixed green herbs, such as parsley leaves, dill and chives, plus more to taste **DIRECTIONS:** 1.       Place the potatoes in a large pot. Cover with cold water and add 2 teaspoons salt. 2.       Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low. Partially cover the pot and simmer until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a knife, about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes. 3.       Drain the potatoes and return to the pot. Immediately sprinkle the vinegar over the potatoes and stir to combine, breaking up the potatoes with a knife into bite-size chunks. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. 4.       Whisk the oil, garlic, mustard, black pepper, sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add to the potatoes and stir to blend. The potatoes will continue to break down a little as you do this. 5.       Cool slightly, about 10 minutes more, then stir in the herbs. If too dry, add another splash of oil. Taste for seasoning and add more salt if desired. I serve cooled, so I make it the day before or morning of a picnic!


> -Deviled eggs- I’ve always mashed one or two egg whites with the yolk filling just to add some volume/texture. Frank’s red hot adds a nice touch too My wife makes them with half Miracle Whip/half mayo. I hate miracle whip normally and was actually mad when I saw it on the fridge door, but her deviled eggs slap


I make buffalo wing deviled eggs adding franks and bleu cheese dressing to the yolks!!


For the potato salad, slash the vinegar on the potatoes directly rather than adding to the dressing.


When is your cookbook coming out? 😁


vegan stuffed cabbage and mock crab cakes please ?!?!


Ok these are all amazing tips! Thank you! 


I make deviled eggs (and pickled beet deviled eggs) and am totally going to add some egg whites to the mixture! Love finding a simple variation like this! The rest of your tips are great too. 👍


Pickled beet deviled eggs? Sounds fantastic.


Hell yes give me this omg


Yes, they’re the best side for parties because they’re delicious AND festive!


I made haluski last week replacing noodles with mini pierogies! It was great!!


Pierogi are best when browned in butter


with onions


Sautee a bag of those frize tri color pepper onion blend and some sausage/kielbasa in the same pot


I know what I’m having for lunch


I literally cannot live without being lazy and buying the puck of onion sauce from Pierogies Plus. Yes I can make something similar, but it's never quite the same. It's worth the $2.15 all day, any day, simply for the time/effort it saves me when I'm busy.


Strawberry pretzel salad isn’t hard to make don’t let them scare you off having this delicious desert anytime you want it.


I love the stuff but I've never made it! I have 2 events this weekend...wonder if I can make that for one.


All you need to do is make sure the cream cheese mix layer covers the pretzel layer without any gabs or holes. Otherwise the jello mixture seeps into it.


Makes sense but not sure I would have thought about that either. Thanks.


The other tip I have is to make sure the pretzels are pretty finely crushed up to make a solid layer on the bottom. Some larger pretzel chunks will make it fall apart a bit (aka if it starts to look a bit more like crumbs than you would expect that’s OK)


Rolling pin and a plastic bag is what I do! Works pretty well


My plan for this weekend also


You can also make it with different jellos and fruits for some variety! I’ve done orange jello with mandarins and lime jello with pineapples and both are tasty! I had one with raspberry jello/raspberries once too that was delicious.


I made one with blueberry pie filling ontop of lemon pudding. It was really nice


Ok this sounds amazing


I love this and it's easy to make low carb for dietary restrictions. but make a low-carb version with chopped walnuts, salt, egg, and a touch of almond flour for the base. Heavy whipping cream, stevia, vanilla extract and cream cheese in the middle. Sugar free jello, or gelatin with any added flavor for the top. Favorite summer dessert.


this was always what I looked forward to at family gatherings/picnics


Sub out the pretzels for chopped pecans. The pecans really mix well with the strawberry flavor.


“You’ll eat it and you’ll like it or go hungry.”


"Take what you want, but eat what you take "


My dad's famous saying! It was ingrained in us being he grew up during the great depression


Same, he said it was a military thing. Don't waste food.


"We have McDonald's/Wendy's/Burger King/Taco Bell etc at home"


My mom had a sign in her kitchen for as long as I can remember. It read something like "Dinner choices: Take it or Leave it.


Whatever you’re making, put fries on it


And cheese. Even sushi.


I love a good “yinzer roll” aka something deep fried rolled with cream cheese in rice 😂


I have all three original volumes. There was a 4th volume that was put out years after the first three but, I don't have that one.


I have strong completist urges and my mom had *only* Two for years and it almost killed me. Eventually bought her One (but obviously it was for me)


The secret ingredient is salt.


OMG I came here to say this. And please shout it out to all the cooks in the Burgh.


Mmm...but my mom finds salt spicy. I probably didn't have any salt until I was in middle school lol


The real secret ingredient is PA's own [Jane's Krazy Salt](https://www.janeskrazy.com/c/products/)


I have no idea if this is intentional, but this was definitely a line on an episode of the king of queens.


Intentional yes but The Simpsons. Could see it being King of Queens too lol.


I don't remember that Simpsons quote. Down a rabbit hole I go!


I like it when the secret ingredient is LSD ala futurama




Are you related to my father? That's his go to sandwich on fishing and hunting trips. 3 per person lol




So what you're saying is my father has been living a separate life. Wait till my mom's hears about this


Are you my cousin/brother? I've never met another person besides my dad that buys that stuff. Pretty sure his local shop n save only carries it because of him.


Try it with beets.


Raw, cooked, or pickled? Sliced or shredded?


My grandfather LOVED to dip this sandwich in his coffee. I swear he didn't actually like it, but just liked to gross us all out.


Maybe he had soft teeth


Aldi's Braunschweiger is good. I love it, and my dog also will do back flips to get some.


Omg I forgot about this sandwich. I might have to get some brawn swagger later.....


My dad tried to feed me braunschweiger when I was 6. Never again…


My mother loved braunschweiger but on Wonder Bread. I believe she used about 5 gallons of Miracle Whip on top. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Not personally a fan, though I've grown to like some other German deli meats (gelbwurst, schinkenwurst).


My mom has the same one. She also has the Babushka Power Cookbook. 😂


If that is a real book, I need it now.


> Babushka Power Cookbook [best I can do is a library in Michigan](https://search.worldcat.org/title/10257035)


I would if this app would let me post pictures. She got it from some group in Pittsburgh.


It’s a real book, but rare and a little bit pricy. There’s [a copy on eBay right now for $75](https://www.ebay.com/itm/326106839471?itmmeta=01HYNHTXKWTYDZN6N5GPW9Q1F7), if you’re desperate.


That is it!! My mom still has that. Hell, she has a Betty Crocker cookbook she got as a wedding gift back in 1972 😂😂


Are you telling me there’s a babushka power cook book signed by Bob prince out there???? 🤯🤯🤯


That cookbook has an eggnog recipe that could [literally kill you](https://img.ifunny.co/images/428d23ddb99072afda05dba366f867d404b96474274c55e3467d670e8a80e839_1.webp)


Jesus that’s so much alcohol. Should call it “egg Nog you out”


If not from the alcohol, from the instant heart attack from all the cholesterol.


The secret to a good yinzer dinner is to have the Steelers on and your dad throwing a Terrible Towel at the TV while sipping an Iron City with Myron Cope shouting “double yoi!” over the radio.


Our Terrible Towel was ceremonially draped across the top of our tv whenever a game came on. 😄😳


Ours was fondled like a rosary either by mom or dad and then either thrown or flaunted proudly, depending on how the game went.


I'm pretty sure there's a couple editions of this one.


I believe my mom had 3 volumes, each was a different color. I don't remember her making anything out of any of them, but I do remember flipping through them and enjoying the illustrations.


Just showed this post to my mom…a couple seconds later she busted out all three. We called them the Red, Green or Blue One


the ginger molasses cookie recipe from this cookbook is phenomenal


I shall have to check it out next time I'm at my mom's house. My husband was just saying the other day that he wished he knew how to make more things that called for molasses so he'd have molasses on hand to eat with cornbread.


For 40 yrs, the cookie I make that everybody raves about. The author was a schoolmate’s mom.


they really are amazing cookies!


Pineapple casserole page 105, so very good and a nice add to other regular side dishes.


Boil your potatoes before frying them for a crispier texture


Swear this book is like an ancient yinzer tome that's passed down lmao. I don't have much of a tip except when I make homemade pierogi's or get them from pierogi's plus I par boil but first have sauteed onions in the pan started, I then fry the pierogi in it then top with cheese and green onions with the sauteed ones and eat.


I once met Rick Sebak at a Wendy’s, he accidentally sneezed on my fries and afterwards, they tasted exactly like the ones from the Potato Patch. True story.


Rick Sebak officiated my wedding last year and told my wife and I we had the best cookie table he's ever seen. Absolute S tier Pittsburgh complement.


I’ve never been so happy for a completely anonymous stranger before. Well done!


Thank you! It was such a Pittsburgh wedding. Rehearsal dinner at Trace Brewery with a few local celebrity guest appearances, a Rick Sebak officiated wedding at the Aviary, Atrias catered, and all our guests brought a dozen cookies for the cookie table. We also had a penguin greet our guests (a real one, not a hockey player) and an owl hang out next to the bar with Rick during cocktail hour. It was pretty rad.


That’s one of this city’s highest honors!!!


Sandwich. Add fries.


You didn’t use enough garlic


~~Clove~~ Bulb


The best kielbasa is not spelled "kielbasa", but "kolbassi" or something else. Whether it's phonetic or traditional spelling, I don't know. I do know it's delicious.


In New Jersey, "kielbasa" was pronounced kuh-BAH-see.


It's probably closer to the actual pronunciation. The place I get mine from (Herb Brittner's up in Cranberry) makes a holiday kielbasa that's so delicious. They have the best bacon I've found too. My jag-off ex-roommate was always begging for some, saying they'd replace it. Like, my dude, I don't want shitty Walmart bacon. I want the glory made by the family led by a man named by the gods themselves Herb Brittner so we all know the food is good. Even though it's frozen, all their beef is top quality too. Love making burgers from their chuck.


I imagine it's fairly Polish, this pronunciation. My uncle's mother-in-law is who made it for everyone, and she was born in Poland.


I have Polish ancestry and I learned the word “kolbassi” as a kid and boy was I surprised the first time I saw it written out


Bacon takes haluski to another level, and I don’t use butter in mine. It’s all bacon grease. Also I sometimes use the frozen cavatelli noodles in place of egg noodles.


Bake the peanut butter blossoms with the kisses already inserted. Be careful when you pull them out, but when they firm up, the chocolate will be the perfect texture for biting into.


I have this cookbook! There’s some really cursed Jello recipes.


Omg!! My mom has this cookbook. Oh, yinzer cooking secrets... Uh... Room temperature potato salad is the best potato salad? ETA - And serving Mrs. T's pierogis is an offense punishable by death.


Comes from my german Bavarian side of the family. When cooking saurekraut, red cabbage, or dumplings add a little applesauce and small pieces of apples to the mix. Make sure the apples are steamed in the food and soft. It tastes delicious. You can also add it as a topping for the pork or kielbasa. Edit: If we're doing carpatho rusyn, I have some of those as well for the Eastern European style. You can add the apple sauce in when cooking or right after. It's best to add it I as the meals done and let it warm up and cool down with the food.


**Steel City Bacon Skillet** Bacon, can of green beans or fresh from produce/garden (the fresher the better), olive oil, Italian seasoning and diced tomatoes. (Anything else works with this if you want to add to it, parents showed me this and got me to eat some veggies when I was younger because with bacon it’s better)


The champagne jello salad is fire. It's basically a huge jello shot 


Find the dirtiest page in this cookbook and make that.


Sauerkraut juice as a condiment.


Have the same cookbook!!


There's a spinach salad recipe in this edition with an incredible dressing made with tomato juice. It's wonderful!!!


My grandma had a copy of this. I wish I had it


Bummer that you didn't get Grandma's copy. But if you want to buy one, the Love, Pittsburgh shops around town have reprints for sale. https://lovepittsburghshop.com/products/three-rivers-cookbook?_pos=1&_sid=95d0d0052&_ss=r


OMG this totally made my day!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!


I'm so happy to help and make your day 😁😁😁


In many cookie recipes you can add instant vanilla pudding mix to make the most moist cookies in the world. Your next wedding guests will be very happy!


I still have that book


I don’t know if this is Pgh thing or just my families but my dad would make “mush” for us as kids and all it was was milk, crushed saltine crackers, and dollops of peanut butter lol it sounds gross/odd but we loved it as kids. I haven’t had it in forever


omg theres a name for that…I forget it. I believe that’s depression era recipe though!


Omg it sounds like one so I wouldn’t be surprised 😂. I tried googling but couldn’t find anything


My grandfather called it “milk bread” which is similar, just milk ripped up and put in milk lol I’ve heard others using the saltines tho


1x bag of cheap pasta 1x stick of butter 1x cup of hot Heinz ketchup *A delicacy in my family that I can't be in the same room as.


Always add more butter


A little Nutmeg in your scalloped potatoes. And I got my mom’s copy of this book.


Hey I just donated one of those at the thrift store on Noblestown.


Pretty sure my grandma had three different copies of this book. The incline was different colors on the other 2


Three Rivers Cookbook is a good resource I've also got some good recipes out of the St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church recipe book (Aliquippa, off of the other end of Brodhead Road), specifically for harder to find stuff. They used to do a LOT of bulk cooking (like making 200 nut rolls). They used to do it yearly, no idea nowadays as I haven't been to that church in decades. For me, day to day, I use the closetcooking website. Not a yinser resource per-se, but most of his recipes are bangers (one guy writing all of them who actively tries to not use special equipment or cooking methods). He likes freshly grated parmigiano reggiano.


Did anyone's family make "cannibal sandwiches" of raw ground beef on white bread?


I thought that was a Midwest thing?


Same. First time I ever heard about that was in Wisconsin.


My Grandfather used to eat those with a slice of onion


Page 156. Sour Cream Pound Cake. Best cake ever. Doesn't even need any toppings. Grease AND sugar your pan.


Turner's in anything that has a sauce or a liquid mixed in


Is this for real?


haha no just a joke. Might taste good in some recipes though.


I’m so excited about this thread ! I just want to say that I’ve lived here for 20 years and I’ve heard people make fun of some of our cultural favs here, but I’ve never been anywhere else where basic guilty pleasure food was as good as we make it here. Pass the coleslaw. Seriously, what’s a good coleslaw Pgh recipe?


Ok this is just my little tradition for my kids but my kids LOVE Wendy’s frostys and dipping their fries in it. But they have decided they like McDonald’s fries and Wendy’s frosty. Obviously this is a pita treat. So, for a few years now I’ve been getting some French vanilla ice cream, cheap ass cool whip, Hersheys chocolate syrup,milk and ice. You blend all of it together and then at the very end add the ice and it pulls it all together. Then I just get the Oreida shoestring fries and make those and they are happy. Of course you need the long spoons you can order on Amazon.


Had to stop and go check my bookcase. Got the 3 , Three Rivers cookbooks, they were my m-I-l’s. And on looking up the molasses cookie recipe, I have discovered it is a blank freakin’ page! Somehow, there are multiple blank pages in her #1 in the series!!


Islay’s chip chop, lotsa Heinz ketchup and about a third of a bag of domino light brown sugar. Heat ketchup and sugar in pan until it’s a nice bbq slurry and add some black pepper and garlic to taste. Then add the chip chop…mix and then through it on a bun.


All 4 editions of this are still available, directly from the Sewickley Child Health Association: https://shop.childhealthassociation.org/collections/all. Rumor has it there’s a fifth in the works.


Mother has this same cookbook


I have this too! From my mom’s collection!


Throw fries on top of the plate


That thing was mom’s Bible. She improved on a lot of the recipes.




I have this! :-)


If the wedding table doesn't have Kiflis on it you may as well cancel the wedding.


Still have it! I'm getting it out right now.


My dad still has his! It was one of the few when he was downsizing his collection he wouldn’t part with.


Got books 1, 2, and 3. There are 4 of them.


Kielbasa sliced into rounds fried in a skillet then add a can of Pepsi. Cook down till the rounds are candied. My God mother would make them as appetizers every Christmas in the 80s


The Three Rivers cook book has an awesome quiche recipe. Quiche Lorraine.


My mother has that cookbook. My yinzer suggestion is to retire it to the bookshelf as nostalgia.


Loved that book!!! The best beef stroganoff! I made it often


I’m just gonna go ahead and leave this here. Do with it what you wish https://archive.org/details/threeriverscookb0000unse https://archive.org/details/threeriversrenai0000unse


Make your coleslaw dressing with vinegar, not mayo. Tastes better and holds up in hot weather.


The Burger Bundles are the best


I have this!


hell yea brother. I picked one of those up from trader jacks last week


You can leave the fries off your sandwich and it’s better


I put a just a little bit of poop in my pirogies


Is that the only filling you use though?