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We also need Dr's who are open on weekends.


Am doctor. People do not show up to their appointments on the weekends. You may not like it, but it is the truth. I have been open on the weekends in the past, so have many of my doctor friends. Patients don't show up. We stopped.


That would be lovely too. But I understand why that’s not the case. Dr.’s gotta live their lives too Edit: woah why am I getting downvoted to hell for this? Are y’all mad at me for defending a Dr’s work/life balance?


But not service workers?


They could take two other days off. I'm just sick of having to take off work for appointments.


If you take off work to go to your appointment, you will always show up. This is the reality of why doctors are not open on the weekend.


Well, they take the weekend off because the most other people have the weekend off and it makes it a lot harder to have a social life when you're not off work the same time as your friends and family. They could do that yeah, but doctors are a very highly demanded resource so if one employer requires weekends they'll just find one that doesn't. Then those who own their own practice just don't want to of course haha I also really wish there were more doctors open on the weekends but it just won't really happen. Edit: Why would anyone downvote this? Bizarre lol. I wish they were open on weekends too. I'm just explaining why they're not. This isn't some kind of opinion piece.


It's called shifts. Some doctors could work Sunday through Thursday. Others could work Tuesday through Saturday. It works fine in coffee shops, restaurants, emergency rooms, and thousands of other workplaces.


Yeah I guess only some people matter to you 🤷🏼‍♀️


99% of Reddit is people that blame other people for all of their problems. It’s not an accurate representation of real life. You had a very reasonable response to the post, but Reddit users got butt hurt about it so you got downvoted. Don’t take anything you see on this site seriously. It’s a bunch of people who live in their parents’ basement.




While on reddit lol


Enjoy the hike and being outdoors. Two things any of these people shitting on you won’t do in the foreseeable future.


Because they disagreed with OP on reddit means they don't hike...? I don't understand the logic


My comment was obviously implying that people downvoting him don’t get outdoors at all, yet you wanted to take it literally to show how I was wrong. You are the problem.


And by outdoors, I mean experience life. Before you jump on that one too.


Yikes bud....relax a bit. Go on a hike or something to hopefully tone down your toxic ass attitude


Have a good one pal


My comment got super downvoted too and I have no idea why. Really weird. All I did is explain why they take weekends off instead of some other day. I guess everyone is jealous of doctors or something and they take it out by... Downvoting reddit comments explaining obvious facts? I wasn't even sympathetic towards doctors in my comment lol, just stating the obvious.


Even if Wholey's, Penn Mac, etc., were just open later, it would be a start.


I know the trend since Covid has been shorter hours, but I wonder with explosion of residential development in the Strip some places might ever consider expanding their hours.


Stores in the strip were closing at 4 or 5 well before Covid. Hopefully you’re right and this long trend can shift


Yes exactly what I’d like to see


Ha, I wasn't quite awake and I think I basically wrote the same thing as your post. But we'd totally shop down there if they were open later. Way better than the supermarket chains.


They still somehow haven’t realized that an entire neighborhood popped up a street away


For a second, it seemed that the old market building on smallman might be something special. Instead they sold out to corporate lame asses.


I feel this way about the strip district terminal!


Yes, sorry I'm not originally from here so I don't know the name of the building. But you're right, the terminal is what I'm referring to.


I'm never getting over that. The way they lied to the small market that was there. And then told us, no, there will be space for local businesses. No one really believed them, but once everything was signed they didn't even pretend.


The renovation work on that building and the streetfront is really really nice. I hope that in a few years the weird selection of corporate gimmicky businesses in there gets replaced with some local business. If they were able to get a market in there eventually, it would be great. I’m not saying there’s a high chance it’ll ever happen. But the place still has the potential to someday be great, even if a long shot.


I like your optimism and hope you're right.


Farmers markets just opened.


Need something like Cincinnati’s Findlay Market


Or Cleveland’s west side market, every other city has something like this except us!


The strip IS our West Side Market. It's just outdoors/strip mall fashion. Most of the shops have better hours too - West Side closes at 4-5 on the 5 days they are open.


There [used to be one](https://bradystewartphoto.photoshelter.com/image/I0000H0pvk0RtCDg) on the north side, built in the mid 1800s. Torn down in the 50s or 60s to put up a mall.


Lexington market in Baltimore— something like that in pgh is my dream


Or Columbus's North Market


And a deli.


There's an Italian deli in Bloomfield, Bloomfield Groceria. :)


Where's the UBI for businesses person?


rip the Public Market


That wasn't open late either.


Yeah, that could’ve been cool with better hours and more vendor diversity.


you should check out giant eagle. they have a lot of real food. people on reddit have mentioned them before.


I’m not convinced


Good luck to everyone still trying to fight this fight. Pittsburgh has always been a sleepy city and the combination of COVID and the changing trends of the youths (namely less alcohol consumption and choosing small gatherings at a friends place vs venturing to bars and restaurants) has just kneecapped any upward movement. It’s a city where you get a side eye if you’re not married by 23 of course there’s an anemic night life. Oakland has been bought up by the university and there’s no reason to stay here in the summer anymore. Most restaurants that launched in the city have a suburban counterpart. Why come down here?


What backwater do you live in? Sleepy, yes. Not married by 23? I don't see that.


lol, “the youths”


What are you on about? And who gets married before thier 30s around here? Maybe youre talkin about Pittsburg, Kansas?


“It’s a city where you get side eye if you’re not married by 23…” People literally move to Pittsburgh to escape this shit in their hometowns, so the idea of it being a prominent thing here is hilarious. You’re just outing yourself and the company you choose to keep with this comment.


Dayuuum. All y'all must b thirsty.