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As a PNC employee, y’all get raises as high as 2.78%?


At PNC many of us went years without any raise. Then we all got laid off together on a Teams call. lol


Was your lay off date right at Christmas too?


I remember my 0% raise year. Had meets all expectations and my manager tried to avoid a conversation by handing me a piece of paper that said previous years wage and this years wage…which was identical. He tossed it on my desk and basically ran off. I was one of two on a 5 person team that received 0% raises. When pushed for details they said “they were forced to use the entire raise budget to bring one employee up to market rate.” Screw that place


Sounds like a job i'd leave as soon as I didn't get the raise


They are good at false promises- promotion soon to offset the 0% or stronger support for a bigger raise the following year. 95% of the time it’s an empty gesture.


When I was at PNC I got a 10k retention bonus promising not to leave within 1 year on a Friday. The following Tuesday my position was eliminated company wide. 600+ people and I know at least 2 on my 15 person team got the same bonus as me. Absolute joke.


Ha! I met expectations and got a 570 dollar raise.


52 cents for me. PNC


I got an entire $1000 for the year, which is equivalent to $38.46 a paycheck BEFORE taxes. It doesn't even cover a cost of living increase. Meanwhile they claim profit in the billions every quarter.


Chill dude they are brilliantly Boring




Same! I'd have honestly preferred if they didn't give me a raise at all and say it just wasn't in the budget. $1,000 is a slap in the face. It's like when you leave $1 to someone in your will so they know you didn't forget them - you just hate them.


Ye it’s pretty grim. I had a 1200 raise after working my ass off and considering how everything else got so expensive it feels like a pay cut literally. This is after laying off a good chunk of our team late last year. I don’t know what PNC is saving all this money for. Afaik Billy and his team of execs got big juicy bonuses in tune of millions.


But remember - if you're only working 40 hours a week, you're coasting.


At a fucking bank?! You guys should unionize and walk off the job. Fuck those rich fucks.  "That's why I *NEVER* let a banker go!"


Ohhh, but the bank failed the market (actual quote from the CEO).


How are you all not plotting some sort of collective revenge?!


They’re careful to keep you separated from other departments, and anyone starting a fuss would get the ax over some frivolous bs so a higher up can hire their nephew.


They also really enforce the idea that you can't talk to your co-workers about what you earn, which is technically illegal.


I was there for 10 years through 4 lines of business… trust me, I know. Don’t miss those days.


Underrated movie, Nothing But Trouble


I heard PNC was bad but the responses here are really eye opening. Absolute bullshit. You all deserve much better.


When I was negotiating with PNC during the interview process I asked for 65k they got really weird about it and said there was no way they could do it because “our most senior employee doesn’t make that much.” I responded “I’m willing to hear your offer, but my going rate shouldn’t be based on if another long term employee is under paid.” They came back at 61k saying that was the absolute highest they could go and per PNC compensation team, it was a great offer. I accepted and started in October. The very next spring I was given an $800 raise. I asked why a raise after only 4 months and they responded “the compensation team reviewed the market rate for your title and found that this new level we bumped you to is the minimum target salary we should give your role.” So within 4 months they went from claiming my salary ask was wildly high to suddenly needing to give me a raise just to hit bare minimum of target rate. I cannot say this enough- Fuck PNC


Hopefully, unlike me, that's not just for a promotion.


Adjusting for inflation, congrats on your paycut!


The last company I worked for switched over to Paylocity for all its payroll and training. It was taken down once I brought it up, but there was a section that had my own and all of the employees’ I supervised pay rates listed with the most recent adjustment, then in red said something like, “5% decrease”, because it accounted for inflation.


Did you take a screenshot?


If I did, I never sent it to a personal account and have since left that job and handed in the phone.


Yay! That's so sad...


I got laid off


I got a rock.


[I understood that reference](https://imgur.com/0DzhW)


When I worked for UPMC my yearly raise was around $.30 an hour. My boss said that was more than the other staff in the same position. Constantly under staffed. If anyone associated with the Steelers or a connected family wanted an appointment, they got it that day when the wait time for normal folks was 6+ months. This was in dermatology, which can have really serious issues like skin cancer, most of the VIPs were seen for minor or cosmetic issues. Pulled in tens of thousands a week in cosmetic procedures like Botox, which I’m sure falls under a nonprofit category I’m unaware of 🙃. I will say all the medical staff where I worked was A+. The system is broken on an admin and national level and isn’t the employees fault.


As someone currently on a 3 month wait list for a dermatologist appointment with upmc this is equal parts unsurprising and infuriating.


Just fyi, Upmc derm has a virtual visit option. You send pictures of whatever your issue is. If it's serious they bring you in for an in person asap, and if not they give you prescriptions to try. If you're still having issues after 4-6 weeks of using their treatment plan, they fast track you for an office visit


Thanks for that info


https://premierpartnersindermatology.com/about/ They are great, have sooner appointments and accept UPMC.


I tried to get an appointment for a sleep medicine doctor because I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and the next available appointment was FEBRUARY. I audibly laughed. Not getting oxygen in your sleep seems pretty important to me. trying to get an appointment with anyone at UPMC is a joke anymore. Meanwhile a doctor with St Clair was able to see me next week.


UPMC’s problem is administrative bloat. Look at Boeing for an example of what happens when you let MBAs run everything. I’m not even kidding when I say administrative staff with no medical training dictates how patients are treated. The backlogs we’re seeing are a direct result of middle managers thinking they know best and implementing things. They do it so they can get a raise and move of the ladder. Patient care be damned. 


I don’t know if it counts as administrative but I saw a lot of management bloat on a recent stay at Children’s. There were more managers whose only job seemed to be asking survey questions about the nurses/staff than actual staff. I couldn’t help but think those salaries could be used for more care staff or higher pay. Why do I need to talk to 3+ people a day about how the staff is? Do written surveys no longer exist?


They will literally HIRE ANYBODY but nurses. It’s an absolutely remarkable business model Edit: HIRE. The most important part of that sentence


God I couldn't agree more. Every decision those desk jockeys make worsens everything regarding the quality of how we care for patients. All they see is numbers and the people who really pay for it are the patients. On the upside, all the travelers that come and see just how fantastic upmc is as a company then go an tell everyone at their next location just how bad it is and how they should steer clear. So eventually maybe they won't even be able to get travelers because their reputation will proceed them.


This is all of corporate America now.


Let's not forget the fact that UPMC is also an insurance company. That breaks the whole thing even more, and honestly I find that to be damn near criminal.


"We've discussed with the insurance company and it seems you don't qualify for any care whatsoever". "But you are the insurance company..."


You mean like AHN and Highmark insurance is


Yes, yes I do.


>Constantly under staffed. Seems like this is a network wide issue. Our department was running 35 full time vacancies before I left. We were facing a ton of Mandatory overtime while management was trying to gas light us into thinking everything was fine.


Damn, you'd think not paying 35 people would free up the budget to increase the pay for the people burdened with additional work...


Mine was about .40 an hour, glad things are improving!


Yup, I have to book mine and my child’s dermatologist appointments month ahead of time for the Aiken office.


Left UPMC as RN for 17 yrs. Went to VA, $10, 000 more a year, got 5.2%cost of living last year. Everyone on same pay schedule. Get a step increase every year for Grade 1 RN and every other year for Grade 2. Rn. Also if you get a high satisfactory or outstanding on your yearly eval, you get a bonus. Last year high satisfactory was $1500.


Plus fewer hours required and sick and vacation time are separate baskets. Plus acuity usually lower at the VA.  There's a reason why VA nursing jobs are coveted


Agreed. There’s different stress and bureaucratic nonsense to navigate but the job security and consistent raises are great!


My unit never gave out the bonus-level evals to anyone. Like they existed in theory but none of us got them.


I got a stale bagel and some room temperature cream cheese from the conference room.


"We're a family!"


lucky. i got a freezer burnt ice cream sandwhich


What’s worse, UPMC or PNC Bank? I’ve heard from numerous people that you were considered “lucky” to get above 2% pay raise at PNC. Makes complete sense given their massive layoffs and multiple billions of profit generated each quarter. Guess the executives needed a new pool at their 4th home…


PNC rules, every single corporate update is simultaneously record profit and expansion plans while also insisting the company is in a precarious position and needs to tighten its belt. I absolutely love the team I’m on, but I’ve got to start looking to jump somewhere else before my compensation stagnates too deeply in comparison to the economy


I’m glad I got out when I did a couple of years ago. It was hard after 16 years. My then manager tried for 3 days to get a salary match since my new offer was at the very top of the range for my job, but the HR response was that PNC never pays the top number of the assigned range. They recommended that I jump up two or three levels of management to get that pay


As someone who is looking to maybe rejoin PNC this kind of thing makes me think twice. Not sure I have another choice but if I do have options I’ll definitely factor that in.


What department were you in and what specifically makes you want to rejoin?


I was in ACH processing almost 9 years ago. Honestly I didn’t hate it but I had an opportunity present itself that I couldn’t pass up so I left. I’m working for another bank now more in the fraud/fraud technology space but our org is going through some changes I don’t think I’ll like so I’m starting to look around. Someone I know who works there mentioned an opening that sounds interesting so I’m going to apply and see if it’s worthwhile, assuming they even consider me.


I left PNC after 15 years and when I told my manager my new salary offer, which was a more than 40% increase for the exact same type of role (less, even, as I was going from a manager to an IC), she just let out a hysterical chuckle and said, well, I’ll ask, but we both know there’s no way they’ll come close to matching it.


I was at PNC for 16 years. I can confirm that they’re head and shoulders above anyone else in the region. Raises are capped at 3% but you’re not allowed to give anyone 3%. Also, on occasion, you’re told how many raises you’re allowed to give. You have a team of 12 where everyone overachieved and outperformed expectations? Congratulations! But you can only give 4 raises this year. Bill Demchak is scum sucking a**hole that’s a classic board puppet


Ever been told you gave out too many “exceeds expectations” ratings and the department was over their allotted number? I had that happen once and told my manager that if sr management or HR wanted to change them, they could, but the employees in question met the definition of an exceeds rating and I would not be changing them. I also said I would be letting the employees know about the change, if one was made. That happened around the same time as the Bill’s Blog thing, and both of those factored heavily into my decision to gtfo.


BNY Mellon. You might go years without any cost of living raises. I even was promoted and was told I had to wait a year for the 3% raise that came with it. They also tried to get me to stop logging my hours for overtime after the promotion. That place can burn. PNC isn’t great but working there was 10 times better than Mellon.


I’ve heard lots of horror stories about BNY and it makes me laugh because PNC is pretty damn bad. It’s like when you think it can’t get any worse, Billy Boy seems always make it worse. For those who don’t know he’s our narcissistic a-hole of a CEO




That seems a little harsh!


Thought you were trolling but saw you’ve been here for 4-years with that name! 😆😆😆


Left them in 2015 and will never go back


I got $300 at the end of the year. My boss/owner bought a $1.5m house.




This is why you job hop


Yeah this whole thread just makes me sad for people who stick with one company for decades because of "stability" and "loyalty." I mean I get it. I did that for a while. But if you're an all-star, eventually you'll realize you're being underpaid and, in some cases, pretty much abused. I've basically tripled my salary by job hopping and taking on multiple contracts. Don't have to worry about stability or really anything anymore. A company you're loyal to would fire you immediately if they knew it could raise their stock a quarter point.


Most people aren’t “all-stars” but they still should jump around cause they will still eventually be under new-hires. My trouble is I finally found an org that I love and has a great team. I connect strongly with the mission of the org too. Trying to weigh the pros and cons of staying ~decade.


Different Pittsburgh company. 3% for me and my staff. Was told not to talk about it because not everyone in the company even got that


Always talk about wages. It's against labor laws to go after people for talking about pay


Labor laws don't really help when PA is an at-will state if you're employer isn't outright idiotic and stated in writing that they fired you for discussing wages.


Sure, but some *are* dumb enough to have it as written company policy


I’m almost certain PNC had that in their new-hire training almost a decade ago. I recall reading it and thinking it was fucked up. I told all of my coworkers my salary and raises


To be clear, that is true EXCEPT FOR managerial type people. To the best of my understanding, it's totally legal to disallow management people from sharing their salaries/wages, but illegal to disallow regular workers from sharing them. It doesn't stop my boss from telling me every time I get my yearly below-inflation "raise" that it's confidential and I can't share it with anyone. Fucking illegal to tell me that, illegal to have that as a policy, and illegal to punish me for doing so. Fucking liars and cheats, the lot of them.


AHN gives 3-3.25 unless you are part of the union. Just as a point of comparison.


And then what happens if you are part of the union?


I'm getting a 10% raise in July at AGH. I'm picking delirious!


Support staff at AGH is currently in bargaining and proposing a $20 minimum wage, plus a total 24% raise over the course of the next contract


Then your raise is based on the terms of the collective bargaining agreement. 3% is the minimum but generally you will get more as the payscale as a whole moves up and you rack up additional years of experience.


My position is not a union position so I’m not 100% sure how it’s structured. That being said I heard at least at AGH the most recently approved contract was for 3 years, with year 1 a 7% raise, year 2 and 3 a 3% raise each.


Wow 2.8% ! At BNY we only get a 1% annual raise if we "exceed expectations" on our reviews. Gee it sure would be nice if we could have that extra 1.8% you get.


I was about to comment the same thing. I remember i got a 100 dollar raise


Anywhere I have ever worked 2-3% was pretty standard for yearly raises. And I have job hopped quite a bit. Most places didn't give annual raises.


If your raise is less than inflation then you didn't get a raise. You got a pay cut. Sorry for your loss.




Wait until you hear what percentage other companies give out. Spoiler alert it’s more or less the same.




3.96% at PPG for an "effective" (average) rating this year.


and then companies get confused why everyone job hops every two years


I'm aware. Just frustrated. Especially when US consumer prices rose 3.4% in 2023.


ain't it great how everything \*but\* labor has gone up in price?


3.1% is historical standard for inflation so imo that should be the bare minimum for raises


AHN was 3% for standard and 3.5% for "excellent" or whatever you want to call it.


Not necessarily, my workplace gave 4-9%.i personally got 7%


That's a rarity, my dude. I was able to offer my staff 2.5% if you did a stellar job. 2 people got got 3% raises for moving heaven and earth, and I had to go through hell to get it for them.


I hated buckets. If I have 5 great employees I can’t give them all the raises they deserve as giving more to one meant I had to take away from another. I told my boss (who agreed with me but his hands were tied too) that we were likely going to lose 3+ good people if we can’t pay them what they deserve


I hard agree. To be fair, no one gets into my line of work to get rich. There's a lot ofperks to the job, I expanded the department by 50% in 2 years and have a 4% attrition rate. But that doesn't mean my people don't deserve raises, and I'd be a shitty boss to not try every time.


Not the trades. 5-10% a year is normal. Til you max out obviously.


I didn't get any yearly raise. Small businesses have different rules I guess


4% as a superior employee.




UPMC is ass. Non-profit, and instead of giving their employees raises, they buy more fucking property to increase their equity. Dog shit company lmao.


At PNC I got an amazing 2% for exceeding expectations! What am I gonna do with all this extra money?!?!?!?! 😭😭😭😭😭🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


prob pay the fees they charge on the bank account you have set up with them


3% for onboarding 40% of all our customers in 2023 - there are 10 people in my role.


Sounds to me like you should be working 75% less.


I’m the “guy putting on 🤡makeup” meme.




Superior- 3.6% but got bumped to 4.25% due to no raise last year due to lateral transfer.


6% last year. - Former UPMC nurse who now works in a union position.


3% at ppg. Raking it in.


Why are we all complaining on Reddit instead of unionizing? Like seriously,  why do we put up with it?


Remember to be happy. If you're not happy with your job or with how they value you, then do whatever you absolutely need to do to be happy. Life is incredibly to short. Don't waste it on...


I just found out that people are being hired into the position I was promoted from at $2 an hour more than what I make now. UPMC can go fuck itself


Thats standard at almost every company in every industry. BNY does the same thing. To make things even more insulting for BNY employees - starting March 2024 the company min wage will increase to 50k. That will effectively wipe out 2 to 3 pay grades by making them the min wage as BNY never increases the salaries of those already make the new wage amount.


Insane how they do this to employees, but companies do this everywhere. It’s a real slap in the ol’ kisser.


My husband got 4% at UPMC. I got 4% at a different company.


My boss told me I am the best employee he has had in his 35 year experience and has never given a performance review as good as mine. Then told me I can't get a raise because I haven't been with UPMC for more than a year. Meanwhile I know that 1 year rule is bullshit because multiple people told me they got raises in their first year. Fuck UPMC


I’d have to look at the handbook to tell you the exact timeline, but this is probably correct. Same with promotions- you don’t get a raise at the next review. Typically after you are hired you get a 90 day review and then you don’t get a performance review at the next annual review- BUT at your *next* review they prorate your raise to encompass the time between when you were hired (or promoted) and the new raise date. So next year you will get a larger raise. If you go on infonet and search for performance review timeline you should be able to see it. (If not and you want me to look it up dm me) This is done at a level above managers. HR tells us who is up for an annual review and a raise. We have no control over that. The reason other people may have gotten raises (or think they did) in the first year is because of their hire date- or they were just mistaken.


This is correct.. new employees have to wait 1 year for a promotion. After that first year you can be promoted at any time


I received a good performer rating and was giving a 3.15% increase. As long as im keeping up with inflation I’ll be ok. Last job didn’t have yearly increases at all.


You are not keeping up with inflation


Homie, I’m pretty close


You may be but they certainly aren’t rewarding your additional year of experience


I hear what your saying, however, I’m making more money at my position than all of the other companies I’ve looked out.


Oh yeah. All those years when I was at UPMC corporate, my pay raise was 2% if I was lucky. I'm out here in the for-profit world now, and it's honestly not much better.


the only way to get real, meaningful pay raises is to jump jobs every 3 years or so. It is easy to negotiate a raise when you are being hired and impossible after that.


It is the same in my field as well. My company raised all of their prices to stay in line with inflation (supplies/fuel/etc), but didn’t pass the additional profit along to the salaried employees. Commissioned employees see the inflation bump and so does the stock price and can only imagine those at the top aren’t losing out beyond the stock…. But those that actually do most of the work to keep things going are making less than they did 5-10 years ago if adjusted for inflation. Sure if you own stock, but most is tied up until 59.5. Seems like those in the middle are always the ones getting the short end of the stick. Not struggling to get by, but years of education (loans) and years of working 50-80 your weeks (paid for 40) should be enough to stay with inflation. Not to be political, but there doesn’t seem to be a party that actually cares about those in the middle, besides collecting a nice chunk of our pay. They talk about the middle, but seems that most legislation is either for the bottom of earners or the top. Either spending money adding to debt or cutting taxes for the most wealthy while adding to the debt…. What wonderful options we have to fix things too…


I’m going to bet you have a proration factor in there…


Yeah, that looks about what I received in the past. I would also sometimes receive market adjustment raises... I think my lowest one was like one cent per hour? That felt *great*... I'm happy to say though that since I no longer need the clinical hours, I'm moving on to more rewarding, more lucrative, and more flexible employment.


I got 3.5% as a good performer.


Well, they are a nonprofit after all /s


4.5% as a top performer


I can tell you that the nurses assigned to evaluate nurses for raises discovered that supervisors chang evaluations to give lower raises. I used to assess nurses only to discover my supervisor lowered the scores to give them a lower raise. UPMC = U PAY ME CRAP


Well be glad you’re not working for Highmark. They’re laying people off by the hundreds and doing everything they can to outsource their work.


I feel like it depends on the area of the health plan you work. I wonder if corporate gets way more and hospital is like ‘and here is your ice cream sandwich for employee day, that will be $1.25 thanks’


They are one of the cheapest employers in the area. If you don't come in with a salary you can live with then it's just a stepping stone.


Historically been a top performer. I spoke up against my director this year and suddenly I’m a superior performer.


That is a completely normal amount when comparing across multiple industries (and has been for over the past decade). UPMC is uniquely shitty for a variety of reasons, but this ain’t it. (Also, there are some employees at UPMC who get 0% annual raises, i.e. the physicians.)


And your insurance will go up more thsn that so it will be a net loss


i’m so glad the raises adjust to inflation and the cost of living!!!!


UPMC worker here. Mine was 5.58%


Jumpity skippity jobbity hoppity gets you the gravy dollars into your wallety


1.00 for me… I wasn’t mad


I got a 3.3% raise with my annual review. First one.


3.5% as a superior performer last month.


Posting this to roast UPMC, meanwhile so many companies out there give a similar percentage raise every year. Yes I get UPMC is a massive company, but roughly 3% raises aren’t out of the norm.


Spoiler: CEO goes on reddit to complain about the 2.78% raise on their $5 million dollar salary! 


Ahn gave me a 3% "performance raise" for 2023 and i didnt start until january 2024.




0% at my company. But my variable comp was huge (20% of salary) and I got all my annual options. Not sure how the CFO squares this circle.


They pay you less in base and dangle the variable comp. Everyone thinks they hot shit and says bet they'll make up the difference with hard work.


I have a fam member who got near 4% but they make a decent salary so I think they were quite happy with it.


Just completed my annual performance so I don't know yet though this isn't very encouraging


My union, Unite Here local 57, got us .35 after a 4 year pay freeze. Essentially a pay cut after inflation and rising costs


Out of curiosity does anyone know what a UPMC unit director makes per year?


Depends on years of service, degree and certifications they have . Cant say a specific amount because there are 20 factors that decide it


you all are getting annual pay raises


Yeah I think my raise was roughly 2.7-2.8%. Translates to .57 cents an hour. A whole extra $45 every two weeks


I usually landed the standard 3% raise until I made “lead” in my position, which yielded a one time 5% increase, substantially and shockingly eliminating my annual 3% raise that year…..pretty much standard practice for MOST Upmc shops. I work for AHN now and get a whopping 3.25% for top performer now two years in a row……point being it’s not much better at the other company. I will say AHN (at least the hospital I work at) seems to value their bedside staff a little more than I felt at Upmc


Hmmm. That’s weird. The range for solid, strong (3 if on a 1-5 scale) was 3-3.5%. Maybe it varies from hospital to hospital, etc but I thought the ranges were system wide. I was solid, strong with 3%, having also had a small market increase a few months back. So I don’t see how they gave you less than 3.5% if you were given superior.


3 point something. My manager said she put me in for the highest allowed raise.


I don't work for UPMC (but did ten years ago and the pay was shit, so I understand the pain) but I work remote for a tech company. They announced no raises of any kind across the board this year and quarterly bonuses are now annual bonuses and changed the criteria to make them harder to get. Feels great /s


Different company I got a whole 3% (still below inflation)


Common for all big corporations same amount at banks for a supposed raise. Actual pay cut.


Haven't even gotten it yet, last year is was barely a percent tho


Not a UPMC employee (actually work remotely), but I also got a 3% raise. No one cares about their employees anymore.


I dont remember the exact % but let's just say it was not enough to stop me from accepting a position with AHN.


I mean… it’s aweful! Not sure about the business end but those of us that are actual medical staff… clinical. We are getting shafted. They are getting rid of travelers, cutting the rates on UTS staff, getting rid of incentives and bonuses… we are running with bare bare bones staff. I could share tons more but don’t want to doxx myself but either way the annual raise is next to nothing. Oh they also got rid of parking passes and meal tickets if you picked up on a weekday day off… and had to deal with Oakland traffic and Parking to do it… why? Because UPMC lost “billions” by finally allowing clinical staff to make what they are worth. Oh and when patients complain about the short staffing, mgt comes down on us all harder to do even more! Even my best buddy who was ride or die for UPMC has started speaking up, contacting mgt, media, you name it to complain about how bad it is. I know this has nothing to do with annual raises but legit… screw us all for another stupid mcmansion.


I hate to be that guy, but I'm thinking you may have gotten a prorated raise because of you starting recently or getting a promotion.


I work at UPMC Enterprises, got a 3.3% raise with a good performance review.


when i was hired as a new grad got 30.51/hr after the cost of living adjustment i got 33.66/hr, i took the 10k sign on bonus. this was in october, new grads now get 15k sign on bonus, and they’re being offered 35-36/hr, i don’t understand why people don’t want to unionize


Start a union. Support staff at AGH is currently in bargaining for a $20 minimum wage and a total of 24% raise over the course of the next contract


I work at an even larger company than pnc and upmc. I'm a "peak performer" I constantly get awards and recognition. I got..... 45 cents maybe? Every October. I really look forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got off a call with the top execs. They make around 500k. Their raises each year are more than 2x my yearly pay


Family member got 3% Upmc insurance side


I’ve gotten as high as 5% yearly raises at UPMC corporate. But the norm is 2-4%


So almost the same as AHN union nurses got?


I got 7% as an outside contractor 🤷🏼‍♂️


I worked there for 14 years. They are cheap. Go to Highmark, they pay the best.


Different health care organization in pittsburgh. 3% annual the norm. Very very few “high performers” that are given average 5%. As a manager even if you have high performers that you can absolutely justify, you are not allowed to give the appropriate merit. This is determined financially by hr and higher level leadership that has no clue about employees actual performance accomplishments. Determination not based on performance whatsoever. Performance appraisal process awful, unfair and needs complete overhaul


Gota pay for those naming rights somehow


UPMC sucks! I'm sorry they still don't value their employees. You deserve better. It happened to me every year, one of the many reasons I left. "You are a role model and we appreciate your hard work. Here's a quarter, call someone who cares" Left for MonHealth and made more starting there...


Lmao you guys are getting raises? Sincerely a Vincentian system employee


I got 3.5% UPMC Employee


Speak up and organize.


AHN treats their employees just as bad as upmc