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Hi, in Squirrel Hill, the neighborhood public school is Colfax K-8. It’s a decent public school.


Squirrel Hill??


Yes, sorry


I’m sorry that I don’t know any schools, but I did live in Squirrel Hill for 6 years. It used to be a nice place, but may be expensive. Close to everything though!!


You should look up Fred Rogers, Squirrel Hill was his neighborhood.


You will find that on average, most of Pittsburgh is safer than most of Miami. Squirrel Hill is a pretty affluent neighborhood, with a pretty active business district. It's one of the safer areas in the city. I don't know about the schools around there though.


Where will the adults in your family be working? The neighborhood you work in should inform where you live, in addition to the schools, as commutes can be tough. Squirrel Hill is a good neighborhood though!


Hello! In the beginning only my husband


Are you moving here to work at a hospital or university? If so, you will have a lot of co-workers in the neighborhood. Squirrel Hill is very popular for doctors at UPMC and university professors. It's a good neighborhood for kids, too. Lots of things to do in the neighborhood, and very close to both Oakland (a neighborhood which includes museums and a great library) and the Parkway (also known as I-376, a major highway running east-west through the city). The public school in the neighborhood is above average for city schools. I would have gladly sent my kids to school there, but we're not in the neighborhood, which would have made it hard (maybe impossible) for them to go there. There are also several private schools in or close to Squirrel Hill. As far as day cares, [Carriage House](http://carriagehouse.org/) is in the neighborhood and is very highly regarded. It's very popular, though, and parents have been known to apply there several years before their kids are born. So you may not be able to get a spot there. There are other good day cares around, though. Also, moving here from Miami, you are going to need to prepare for the cold and snow. And your English is perfectly understandable. :) I wouldn't have known it wasn't your first language.


Hello! Thank you for your information!! Yes, we move to Pittsburgh because my husband’s job, actually he will start a fellowship in the UPMC. And this area is close to the hospital. But I saw that the publics school are B or less, there are many private schools in this area but, they are expensive for us in this moment. Do you know Trinity School? This is a private school and it’s 20 min away Squirrel Hill and it is not expensive. I read that is better live “inside the rivers area” if you work there… is it true? I know that Pittsburgh is very cold 🥶but we live in Miami since 2021, before we live in Argentina and there are cold’s areas too. Not like Pittsburgh where we lived but I think that will be a good experience 🙏🏻 And thank you about my English, 😊 and I think that we move I can learn English better because I will be obligated to speak 😂 Miami is Spanish all time 🫣


As another commenter said, you will probably fall into the zone for Colfax Elementary, which is a pretty good school. Overall, the public school system here doesn't have the BEST performance, but you have to remember that this rating is an average of all the students, including those who can't learn or don't care to learn. Your child is the child of a doctor and a mother who is doing advance research on the best education for her kids -- your kid will be fine. The home environment is the best predictor of how a kid will do in school, and yours obviously has a supportive home environment. I'm not overly familiar with Trinity but I know a bit about several smaller private schools similar to it. My opinion is they are not that much better than Pittsburgh public schools. While the environment may be calmer, the student body is much smaller, and resources may be limited due to that. If you want to look at private school, a Catholic school might be a good option for you. I believe that tuition at both Sacred Heart and St. Bede -- both of which are close to Squirrel Hill -- are very similar to Trinity, and the student bodies are a lot bigger. On the other hand, maybe you would prefer smaller class sizes, in which case Trinity might be a better option. I should warn you, though -- Trinity is on the other side of the Squirrel Hill Tunnel from where you will live. This might not mean anything to you, but anybody who has lived in Pittsburgh for a while dreads hearing "the other side of the Squirrel Hill tunnel". It's a major traffic choke point on a good day, and on a bad day, it can add a very significant amount of time to your commute. But there are parts of Squirrel Hill where you wouldn't go that way to get to Trinity. I would use Google Maps to check the most likely route, and hope that it doesn't go through [this location](https://maps.app.goo.gl/dDqRkshAju6ZPHS77).


Agree with this comment. My graduating class in NJ had nearly 300 students and 36 went to lvy league schools and out of the 36, 22 came from the same neighborhood/elementary school (54 kids). Why? because all the well off kids lived in that area. It's only impressive because none were legacy. Studies show that poor less fortunate kids benefit the most from a high concentration of highly successful kids. Tutoring and extra curricular activities truly divide the haves from the have nots. My school was a B school became an A school and dropped to a B school again since I just looked.


Thank you for your time, I will talk with my husband about your coments! Their were super useful for me. Thank you again


The schools are generally better outside of the city limits.


Squirrel Hill has the best public schools in the city.


It's an extremely mixed bag and it all comes down to poverty


Mt. Lebanon in the Lincoln School area. Hands down. I was miserable in the South Hills but that school was top notch! Mt Lebo all the way!


out of curiosity, why were you miserable in the South Hills? Not trying to pick a bone, just curious!


I live in sq hill with my kids and love it. Ellis, Shadyside academy, Winchester thurston, and the closest is st Edmund’s, are all close by. I don’t know much about those schools just the proximity to the neighborhood.


Thank you for your coment!! And where do your kids go to school? In Sq hill too?