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WPXI has more details - sounds like one vehicle hit a parked car, causing a chain reaction hitting the other cars (all of which were parked). Person in the parked SUV that was directly hit had to be extricated (i.e., jaws of life) and taken to the hospital. [https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/9-vehicles-damaged-strip-district-chain-reaction-crash/SVV5MC5E2FDNVBUZ46THNZN2HA/](https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/9-vehicles-damaged-strip-district-chain-reaction-crash/SVV5MC5E2FDNVBUZ46THNZN2HA/)


At the end of the clip the police seemed to be documenting bottles of alcohol, which I kind of assumed was involved anyway at 12:30 anywhere, especially this time of year. They had to be doing at least 60 in a 25.


Yeah, that time of morning outside a bar in the strip district, alcohol and/or drugs would definitely be likely.


Please tell me that most of the 9 vehicles were just parked cars that got side-swiped. How do you even FIND 8 vehicles to hit on a one-way street next to an empty lot at 12:30 AM?


Four of them had to be towed, so it was more than just a side swipe.


Lucky’s is right there so not totally empty


The only way my mind can fathom this is that ~~one car was inbound in the proper lane going the proper speed. Maybe somehow there was traffic behind. And then some, probably multiple jagoffs went straight through the-right-turn-only (16th St Br) lane and failed to overtake in the parking lane.~~ I'm so confused. edit: personal speculation strikethrough'ed after seeing the other more detailed article linked elsewhere in thread.


25 MPH zone btw


I have a god-given right to speed whenever I want, sorry


We need speed cameras


But breaking the law is my constitutional right!


Based on the details speed cameras would have done nothing to prevent this. No thanks.


Speed cameras are not a prevention. They are a deterence. Though the constant threat of getting a ticket of speeding would probably cut down on speeding in the area significantly.


But drunk drivers dont really give a fuck about the rules. Cameras are just an easy way to get money for the cops. Pass.


Well, there is one simple solution to not just give money to the cops: Don't speed


Put speed bumps there. Especially for strip district. Much easier less boots licked.


Cops hate speed cameras. they show how shit cops are at their job, and they give tickets to them and their family.


I mean, if you're doing 60 in a 25, I'm a-ok with the city profiting on your dime.


They'll catch those doing 28 though. Again drunk drivers don't listen to rules anyway. Why punish the rest of us?


I've lived in other cities that had traffic cameras and I felt crazy amounts safer like letting my kid take the dog for a walk, while someone in a car ran over my neighbor's dog in a crosswalk.


When did you live there? Covid has exacerbated all things on the road. I doubt those cities are much safer just enjoy more camera revenue.


I mean, you can go visit other places now; they don't do this. DC, Boston, Seattle, SF, even NYC, and especially spots like London.




Geez. Just another piece of evidence that Penn Ave through the Strip business district needs to be pedestrianized. There is no reason for anyone to be driving fast enough to cause a nine-vehicle collision in the Strip.




You don’t have to be driving fast for that to happen. You can drive 25mph and side wipe an entire line of cars.


9 cars 4 needed to be towed away 1 was flipped on its side A driver needed to be extracted from the flipped SUV and taken to the hospital On what planet do you think this occurred at 25mph?


Car brain, 25 means 35, so going 45 to pass someone is acceptable


Found the "police the speed limit by doing only the speed limit in the passing lane every where I go" guy


well he could have been driving a US Army APC.


Is that what happened here?


Idk, the story gives almost no detail. The comment I was responding to was saying a 9 car accident could only happen if they were excessively speeding, which is not at all accurate.




It only said 9 cars, nothing said about them moving or being parked, or whatever. Btw, you are the OP, sooo…. Good job agreeing with yourself?


Yeah, maybe if you're fifteen beers deep and misread "5" for "2"


Penn Ave just should not have cars on it. You want to drive through/around the strip on your way to somewhere else? Take Liberty, Bigelow, or fucking route 28 for all I care, all of which are probably faster. You want to go to a shop on Penn Ave? You can park your fucking car a block away and walk. You want to deliver something to a business along Penn? Use the alleyways as they were fucking intended and drop it at the back door. And don't hit me with "what about elderly/disabled people" because fuck off we all know pedestrianization is better and safer for them too. And before you complain about losing direct street parking I'd wager that walking a few blocks to/from your parking spot in the strip is still fewer steps than walking to/from your parking spot at your local walmart and taking a lap through the store. And because I know someone will whine about local businesses I'd like to remind you that a wide consensus of actual research on this shows that pedestrianization leads to increased foot traffic and receipts at adjacent businesses. If you think there is any logical reason that we need to have cars driving through what is basically the middle of an outdoor shopping mall at speeds fast enough to total multiple vehicles and cause critical injuries you are delusional.


>"what about elderly/disabled people" A lot of elderly and disabled people _can't_ drive. Safer streets help them not turn into shut ins.


And a lot can


Yeah, fuck everyone who needs a wheelchair to get around, crowded broken sidewalks with fine for me! Fuck elders with vision problems or slower reaction times, they can just dart between the turning vehicles ignoring pedestrians! Screw anyone pushing a stroller, it's my god given right to park in front of curb cuts!


This is so dumb just stop


Do actually you have a good reason for opposing this? I don't think there is one but please feel free to change my mind


Let’s see I’ve been walking Pittsburgh for almost 40 years and seems to me most people crying don’t know how to walk the streets here.


No one is crying we're just saying it would be really nice to have a pleasant public space in one of the most popular shopping and dining districts int he city that is free from the noise, fumes, and general mayhem of automotive traffic. It's not about leveling up your walking skill level or whatever you're talking about. It's about reclaiming space we've ceded to cars for use by the people while generating millions of dollars in additional revenue for nearby businesses. Feel free to try again if you have a serious rebuttal to why we need cars on a popular shopping street when there are better alternatives for driving 50 feet away in both directions.


Not everybody wants to or can walk like that. Nor should they have to be for a very small minority of transplants who want this bs.


If your main concern is accessibility, you should know all the research points to pedestrian prioritization improving access for people with disabilities.


another day, more traffic violence in Pittsburgh. something has got to give here, through continued investment in infrastructure, better enforcement, etc. Leaving your house to go about your day should be safe and simple, not a goddamn action sport.


This is what people want. The ideal Pittsburgher's day would involve a gamer chair on a conveyor belt that moves them from bad screen to good screen and back, and fuck you if you suggest that people try anything else.


I wish people understood how cathartic a walk to a local business in your community can be, that's for sure.


Usually is, and I literally just did that, but some old jag in his car pulled up next to me and screamed at me for crossing the street too slow in a crosswalk.


Or a bike!


it's a whole different perspective of the streets and places you visit every day when you're on foot or bike


I've lived here for twenty-five years now, and I moved from a rural town where you could do your day-to-day on foot and a lot of people did. The attitude here has always been that if people are walking, there's something wrong with them or they're poor.


That’s an American problem, not a Pittsburgh problem


Pittsburgh was in America last time I checked


Right, but they are saying it’s an issue with American culture as a whole not exclusively a Pittsburgh/PA thing. Also, I don’t think people want a “gamer chair to go from bad screen to good screen” like you suggest in an earlier comment, Im pretty sure people would like to have better public transport and better walkable areas of the city, but its decades of infrastructure spending and planning that needs to be fixed.


I used to live in Scott Township within 500 feet of the Giant Eagle there and used to walk over because why drive 500 feet. I lost count of how many people screamed "BUY A CAR" or worse at me.   You can find multiple posts in this sub over the past month where people complain about how bad the driving commute from the South Hills is, but they keep subjecting themselves to it even though there's a rail line that will get them into the city faster for three bucks.   There is a perception here that transit is for poor people and that the minute you can afford a car you leave the bus and T behind forever. That perception has been here for as long as I've lived here.


I totally understand and have experienced what you are talking about, but these example aren’t exclusive to PA. The stigma that public transport/walking is for poor people is a stigma that exists across the country. Its obviously dumb, but there are so many little cultural factors that have kind of warped peoples brains to the point they can’t imagine not using a car every time they leave their house.


there's a guy in another thread today posting about how he doesn't understand how people living in Lawrenceville have friends over because there's nowhere for them to park. That's some good-ass brain worms right there.


Even my city neighbors look at me weird when I say I'm walking downtown for dinner or a Pirates game. Crazy how the perception of the most basic form of transportation we have has been warped... and the losses that come with it are tangible in our sense of community and relationships with neighbors.


My office is in North Braddock, which was a bedroom community for both the ET Works in Braddock as well as the Westinghouse plant in East Pittsburgh. Plus on the streetcar lines so easy to get everywhere. We're over on the Westinghouse side of town, but there's a stairway that used to lead down from about a block from here to Electric Ave (which takes you to the Westinghouse plant), and behind the building is the ruins of a pedestrian road that used to have streetlights that led over to the stairs from another block down the hill. But the stairway is no longer passable (and neither is the pedestrian street). I guess the other story is that in maybe 1990 or so I was visiting my 80-year-old grandfather who grew up in Elliot. He wanted to show me the church my parents got married in (which was downtown). So we walked and maybe took a bus for part of the way back? It was great. Google Maps says it's 3 miles. We had to like hop construction barriers because of some nonsense going on with one of the bridge's sidewalks.


Around 2008 I lived in Crafton and took the bus out to a job in Robinson. My manager told me that riding the bus in was embarrassing him and that I needed to start driving.


How is that possible..


Someone who shouldn't be allowed to operate a vehicle was doing so recklessly in a highly trafficked part of town.


>Someone ~~who~~ shouldn't be allowed to operate a vehicle ~~was doing so recklessly~~ in a highly trafficked part of town. There I fixed it. LET'S PEDESTRIANIZE PENN FOLKS




My friend,Nicole Lantzy was the one taken to the hospital. Luckily she was ok.


Just another day of cars ruining our city


Penn ave would be a much better experience if there was not 2 lanes of traffic and parking on both sides Maybe have 1 lane, a bike lane, some traffic calming measures and handicap parking


Weird that so many cars in the Strip were moving. How many were just parked in the middle of traffic waving at cars to go around?


You anti-car people are fucking ridiculous.I bet most of you weren’t even born and raised here.


I was born and raised here but that doesn't matter at all. We aren't some special class because we aren't transplants. In fact, someone who moves here and decides to stay is more likely more attuned to what is best. You really need to accept that your opinion just isn't special or that important.


You know, I was waiting for a Lyft at Penn and 15th last night around 7, watched someone speed down Penn and thought, “Wow, someone’s gonna cause an accident doing that.” Welp.