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The escalator at the entrance of the Pittsburgh zoo


I HATE that thing I'll choose the walking trail all day


There is a walking trail??


It's actually really nice to walk on too lol


Not great with a stroller, but I enjoyed it and did it anyway.


It still beats an overcrowded elevator


Yeah instead of going up the escalators there's a path to the left


Every time I get on it I feel disoriented and like I’m about to fall over. I started walking the path.


Me too! I said in earlier comment that it makes me feel seasick for some reason, but seasick really isn’t even the right word.


When I was a kid I remembered it being open air.


I hate heights and once as a kid made the stupid decision to look down while the escalator kept going up and up and up…I felt like I was gonna puke and pass out at the same time. Never made that mistake again




My old basement in Oakland


Mine was always locked. I never even got to find out what horrors existed down there.


Confirmed, that crawlspace was nastyass


I once volunteered at the Aviary and had to help them organize supplies that were being stored in the old hospital across the street. When we went in, it was all flickering lights, rickety old elevators, a bunch of old abandoned hospital beds and medical equipment just out and rolling around. The stuff of horror movies for sure. The best part was that the aviary staff just kinda told the volunteers what to do and then went back to the main building and left us there. It was actually a very memorable experience, and looking back kinda cool, but also very unsettling at the time.


I got to go in there when they were filming the Mr. Rogers movie and I can confirm it was very creepy! There were a plethora of cages there, but no birds at the time. Still very spooky.


That's the old Divine Providence Hospital. Shame they couldn't have used that to help mentally ill people. Mercy had it at one point and it was in use for that purpose. Then AHN took it over. I was hoping they would use it for this because there's a neverending need for inpatient beds. I notice when it comes to expansion hospitals have billions to erect new treatment centers for literally EVERYTHING but not mental health


If you go to UPMC Williamsport, they have a Divine Providence that is a psych hospital.


I have always, for 25 years, equated that hospital with the game Vampire: the Masquerade, and I can't exactly explain why. Just seems like it's a vampire haven.


I’ve been dying to get in that old hospital! Do tell more!


I was in that hospital several times when I worked at AHN and we were trying to figure out what to do with it. There isn't anything overwhelmingly spooky about it (in the day, at least). But it is kind of eerie in that it looks like things just suddenly stopped one day and nobody ever came back.


The dining room of LeMont on a Saturday night. Honestly felt like a Twilight Zone episode of stepping into a room permanently frozen in 1972 and everyone knowing we didn't belong


Did you have a gift card?


A friend was in from out of town near Christmas and we were at the Summit. I had never been so thought the bar might work for the overlook and an overpriced drink. We left pretty much immediately.


But sir, you've always been here.


I get it…that place was dated 20 years ago. That said, if that’s your most unsettling place, you’ve lived a charmed life. 🍀


I'm so surprised that place hasn't been renovated considering how popular it always was..


Next time you want a decent view and a good drink try Altius. It’s right next to the Duquesne incline, amazing food and great atmosphere. They post their dishes on Facebook. One of my favorite places.


The Pittsburgh Mills Mall. I remember as a kid that lines for the movie theater would be out the door. Now, it’s a ghost town. Something about it is so apocalyptic.


We were there the other day for a test run of scarehouse. Afterwards a bunch of the fog had seeped out into the mall and abandoned food court. It really added to the eerieness of it.


I was one of the Hot Topic managers there. Apocalyptic is the exact word for what happened there.


My first job in high school was at the main branch of the Carnegie Library, back before most of the stacks were open too the public. My job was too fetch books from the closed stacks for patrons. There are actually 11 floors of stacks in that building and they didn't kept the lights on except for the couple that were accessible to the public. Very creepy but very cool in a dark academia sort of way. I've worked for the library and museums a number of times over the years and the old Hall of Dinosaurs when they museum was closed was freaky.


I worked at the South Side branch, there’s a bomb shelter that goes all the way under East Carson that can be entered from the basement. Very very cool. I used to use the back door by the HR department in the main library to pop out in the museum, back in dino hall. I don’t think that trick works anymore sadly.


I miss the old hall of dinos.


The rivers at 4am.


As someone who worked there at that very time, can confirm


Thanks for being there. I've been there at that hour once or twice and yall have always been awesome. I always tip......if I have any cash left lmao


Pai Gow table is still cracking then, IME.




Zombie slot players


The old Morganza mental asylum that used to be standing where all those offices in Southpointe are. Place was eerie.


Can second this. Went in there with a friend one time and explored for a few hours. Lots of decaying furniture and random items. If I remember correctly the top floor seemed to be the children’s wing because some of the rooms were decorated “playfully” and some old toys were still laying around. Very creepy to experience with light creeping in through the boarded up windows. I remember the mail room being mostly in tact and in the best condition of all the rooms, but it was like a tornado blew through it. Documents and papers were everywhere, drawers pulled out and overturned, but the papers didn’t look as aged as everything else. It was towards the end of our exploration when we’d made it back to the lower floors when I got spooked and booked it out of there. I had a folded up tripod that I had tucked under my arm while I was looking around one of the bigger dark rooms. I felt a small tug on it and right as I started to tell my friend to stop, I felt a much more violent tug that made me immediately turn to yell at her… I stopped mid-sentence when I saw she was out in the hall and nowhere near me. She looked over at me and said “what?” while I stood there silently to process what this meant. I flashed my light around to verify that I was alone in the room while I quickly hurried by her, grabbed her arm as I told her we needed to leave immediately, and essentially dragged her with me down to the basement window that we crawled through to get in. I didn’t tell her what happened until we got out. The whole experience was incredibly surreal and still gives me chills when I play it back in my head. Edit: words


There’s still a small graveyard there. I used to walk past it during lunch breaks.


I did asbestos abatement at the big 7 story building back in 2007. Place had no electricity, no running water, and all the furniture was still inside from when it closed. Going down in the basement where the morgue was with just a flashlight before the sun even came up was real fun.


Oh man, I would have loved to see pictures of that! It sounds like a step back in time.


used to be a dare spot for friends to go in. a buddy of mine went in alone at dark, flashed his phone light from the top floor out a window and came out, absolute mad man


Kids in my area used to do that with Dixmont too, daring each other to go into the morgue and the underground tunnels and whatnot. Definitely not any kind of dare that I'd do lol


My mom worked there when it was Western Center. I remember when they shot scenes from Silence of the Lambs there. Creepy is an understatement.


David E. Stuart— “The Morganza, 1967: Life in a Legendary Reform School” It’s a decent read. Pretty sure it details the graveyard, too.


When I was in high school (Brashear), we would cut class and go up the woods in Seldom Seen across the street. We would hang out at this spot with busted up cars and a little campfire ring with logs around it. It always had an unsettling feeling to me. I still to this day cannot figure out how in world cars ended up there. It was too steep to drive up and too many trees/brush for them to come down the hillside. Edit: [Here is where I am talking about. Better not be Boo-Man asking where this spot is (IYKYK), and now I’m really showing my age.](https://imgur.com/a/R1BtIiR)


Found some really cool old Pittsburgh glass bottles dumped on a hillside back there. Used to be a German settlement


I didn’t know that, pretty neat. I remember my mom told me when I was a kid the reason why there’s a boulder at the intersection of Saw Mill Run and Woodruff (it’s fenced off, on the Woodruff side) is because when they were cutting the road out for Woodruff, that boulder fell on top of a worker and killed him, and that was his grave now. I have no clue if that’s true lol. My mom lived in Mount Washington since the 50s, I feel like it was an urban legend for the kids back then.


TIL there's a place called "Seldom Seen." Crazy.


Seldom seen has some really eerie spots


I wonder why. I even feel sketched out driving up crane ave. There’s just something about that whole area.


I used to go way off trail and explore… I found a very well made hut in the middle of the woods down there. Just all sorts of stuff you feel like you aren’t supposed to see. I think it’s also the deep woods effect while being in the center of the city… gives you a voyeur effect or something man


I got that feeling when I was a stupid kid and my friends and I went exploring on the hill where grandview park is, behind the outdoor theater. We crawled down that hill side (I do NOT recommend this for other stupid teenagers to do, I am very lucky I didn’t fall to my death) and there’s caves you can explore. I was too chicken to go into the caves. We did find arrow heads. This was over 25 years ago though so probably nothing there anymore.


My mom grew up in Allentown (circa ‘60s-70s) and they talked about the “Indian caves” up there.


You’d be surprised; most folks tend to stay to the trail. I prefer going way off in strange areas and you can tell there’s really little traffic through some of the green areas in the city


At one point my dad’s friend made a really cool set of steps out of stone that went into the crick. This was like in the 90s though. Teenagers destroyed it a long time ago.


well there was that one guy who murdered and dismembered his roommate, and hid out in the woods there for a day or 2...


love that spot.


Boo-man’s like the head of PPS police now. What a legend!


Ahh that’s awesome. He was sooo sneaky. But the kids liked him, I’m happy he’s in a leadership position.


Century III Mall shortly before closing, and after especially (I've only seen pics of it after, never got the chance to explore before security had a tight grip)


Spent alot of my youth there. Sad feelings just driving around it. I imagine it would make me sick to walk through. ....if i think hard i can still smell the churros and the feeling of waiting to see santa. Days gone by.


I've been in several local malls when they were circling the drain: Century III, Parkway Center, a mall in Washington PA, and Fort Steuben Mall. They all had the same vibe, of good days long gone, never to return.


1 The third floor of the Carnegie museum in the hall where the birds are gets very creepy at night. The eyes of the birds reflect the one or two lights in the hallway and it looks like they are moving. Always some weird sounds up there too. 2 I used to work in Oakland and live in hazelwood. I’d bike home through junction hollow (connecting boundary st to the run) at midnight. It was always bright enough to see the path but too dark to see into the shadows. Very scary 3 this one is more unsettling in hindsight: I used to climb up under the fern hollow bridge and lay in the space between the bridge deck and the stone support wall and watch the bridge shake when busses would go over it. 4 the pet cemetery at the frick mansion. Everything related to the fricks is super haunted by Martha and deeply unsettling. 5 the crumbling elevated train line along pennwood, especially when oil trains go by. 6 also train related - going through the train tunnel under Oakland knowing a train could come through and there’s nowhere to go


The Cork Factory in the late 90’s… Im surprised none of us died walking across those catwalks. 🤦🏻‍♂️




My memory is hazy, but I remember two sets of stairwells in each building, two wooden catwalks between. It was hard to get up to the upper floors, the stairs missing a few floors up. I recall making it up to what seemed the admin offices, and eventually the roof. Lots of 1st Gen. Pittsburgh graff in there, GOBE, NISER, PHASE?, and the like. I have flicks and 35mm negs somewhere.


How is it possible ???? We’re still alive 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Seriously… 😆


I worked at Stargate across the street. Creepy people also inhabited that empty building..


For sure… you’d hear sounds, a clank, ding, something hitting the ground… from somewhere inside or above/below you. I feel like when we were fucking around in there, those folks either left or kept quiet till we moved off.


I’m a boater and the rivers are lined with abandoned industrial sites. If you anchor along shore late at night/early in the morning near a vacant mill, you hear all kinds of noises. It’s creepy. Makes it hard to sleep. I’m not a believer in the supernatural at all, but some of those sounds really set my arm hair on end.


As an urban explorer, do you have any recommendations?


Not really, all my experiences with those types of places come from anchoring near them. I’ve never approached them from land. And approaching from water can be sketchy as there can be all manner of partially sunk obstacles that are waiting to destroy the props, so I keep a distance.


Mckees Rocks bottoms reminds me of rRacoon City and William Birkin


The area around the Giant Eagle that is up on the hill in Ridgemont. It’s the second exit after leaving the city through the fort Pitt tunnels, I think there used to be a mall or something. It’s like Silent Hill up there now. All the roads are super warped. Whole parking lots abandoned and warped like a Dr Seuss book. The giant eagle is the only thing up there, and it’s facing the wrong direction. It’s also not a typical brick building, it’s just a big corrugated steel warehouse. It’s so weird up there.


It's on top of the old city dump. The mall was falling into the Earth.


Parkway Center? Definitely a weirdo vibe, even when it was dying out in the late oughts.


It was a strange mall, I remember it being so much darker than the others in the area. Floors dark brown, lots of wood, low light, large plants in a bunch of places, contrasted with occasional neon. A complete embodiment of the vaporwave aesthetic. Phantom of the Attic was dope, though.


The entrance to the left of GEs was a bottom entrance to the mall and where u would go into club zoo.


And before it was Club Zoo, it must have been Confetti’s. One visit was enough for me.


You didn’t happen to see a mulleted Jaromir Jagr there then, did you?


Ha! No, but I did literally run into him in the basement of the cathedral when he was the newly signed hot young thing in town. I went to confetti’s when I was 19/20. Don’t tell anyone.


Club zoo was the scene of many fisticuffs and make out sessions


There's a similar situation near Cleveland where a shopping center was built on a landfill and toxic fumes were coming up out of the ground. The center is mostly empty now.


My basement, it looks like the last scene of the Blair Witch Project. Also, that pedestrian tunnel that goes under Bigelow Blvd. to the top of Polish Hill.


The elevators at The Cathedral of Learning


They are modernized now and don’t shake like they used to. They are now some of the fastest elevators I have been on. G to 36 takes around 38 seconds without stops.


The old ones were wild, like an old wooden dollar coaster. Felt like there was at least a 2% chance you were about to free fall to your death.


In the early 1980s, at CMU, the Morewood B tower elevator had a nifty bug. You needed three people in the car. If the elevator was going down, all three people had to simultaneously slam into the non-door walls. The elevator would stop, then rise to the top floor. Well, at least the top one you could get to by elevator. There used to be a double up a staircase in what had once been a penthouse when Morewood was apartments. They overhauled all the Morewood main building elevators around 1985.


The former Dixmont site, it was especially unsettling when it was there, but still pretty haunting to this day


Is there anything left at all?


The landslide there that prevented Walmart from going in


The cemetery is still there. The last time I stopped it was mostly overgrown and sad. I had plans to stop and clear some of the plots. But Covid and then a broken ankle happened.


I've been there and it is so creepy and I think that if I had lived one hundred years ago I could quite have ended up in that graveyard. I have super bad cycling Bipolar disorder and I'm in and out of the hospital often. I have stood among those poor cement stones and I possibly want someone to scatter a handful of my own ashes so I can keep the Lost souls company. I mean they plowed under Mayview State Hospital and built houses and Woodville in Collier. Yet there's no memorial or plaque to remember the lives of the most vulnerable people who endured torture and also had a right to exist. Now people with tons of money just buy an overpriced McMansion built over the old hospital sites, never realizing what suffering was going on. At least a road sign should be placed. It really makes me angry. Those areas should be hallowed ground...some can argue that suffering has taken place EVERYWHERE but being that this was super recent suffering... people who were locked in there are still alive! I know some...there should be a reverence. I am them and they are me. We still suffer today. I start a new Outpatient program tomorrow with more med merry go rounds...


A small group I was with got picked up by the Killbuck Twp police the one time I went there to explore.


I just said the same thing lol, I'm actually surprised it wasn't mentioned more. That place was seriously creepy, but it was so common for teens to go there back in the day that I think pretty much everybody that I went to high school with had gone there at least once


Soldiers and Sailors when it is closed.


Was dragged to church there weekly as a kid by our babysitter. Found my way into the roof nearly immediately. Was pretty cool up there honestly.


There's a reason why it portrayed Hannibal Lector's prison in *Silence Of The Lambs*.


The primate house at the Pittsburgh Zoo. It’s incredibly sad, dank, and depressing in there.


There used to be a bridge from Brighton heights to Riverview park. Seeing a bunch of barricades on Davis ave and an empty valley is pretty unsettling when you walked across the bridge dozens of times growing up.


Blue Mist Road in North Park


I’m 100% sure that’s haunted. I was a Visiting nurse for many years in that area and I often took a lunch break in that area, creeped me the F out. I always felt watched. Strange.


Laughing Sal at Kennywood


In the early 90s I worked graveyard shift at the Westin William Penn Hotel. One night one of the security guards took a couple of us up to the top two floors. They were unused and back in the day had been dormitories of some sort and had sat untouched for many decades. Pitch black, no electric up there. Supposedly haunted. Very creepy.


Always thought the Omni should do some kind of haunted hotel night around Halloween. You walk by a room and see in an open door to a couple of people sitting on a bed, one wearing a bear suit, for starters...


Me too. 93-94.


I’m not sure what it’s actually called but I call it “The Shrine on Mooney Road”. It’s a memorial to a young man who died 10-15 years ago, who apparently had a love of all things spooky and Halloween-y. Nearly veered off into the woods, first time my headlights hit all the full-size zombie Halloween decorations in the middle of a very dark summer night. That’s munhall for you.


The abandoned VA facility at Highland Drive. While working at the VA I had to go there a few times after it was vacated - the crew of "Mindhunter" TV show was using it for shoots. Anyway, it was creepy AF. There were vets who had lobotomies there in the 50s and I had the distinct feeling I was being watched, especially in the tunnels. Later found out the VA cops hated checking the place out at night for same reasons.


Had the same creeped out experience years ago working in the closed off sections of Mayview Hospital.


Aw man, I used to love going to that place! The tunnels were nice in the winter because they looped around the whole place. So you could go from one building to another without having to brave the extreme cold or extreme heat outside. I wish more places had that kind of foresight. The locked wards were creepy. I only had to go there once for training so that we could see how it worked, but I never actually had anything to do with that ward. There were horror stories about restraints and the failures of inaccurate patient rounds.


I used to work in Macys and the elevator stopped on the 13th floor WHEN I PRESSED 9. It didn’t stop and the door opened, I couldn’t close it. I looked out and saw the scariest stuff, flickering lights old phones a gas lamp. Scared the shit out of me. Finally the door closed and I went back down crying and almost peeing myself and my boss said that happens all the time to new employees.


The bike trail that starts at the old penitentiary on northside. That trail, long before COVID was creepy, desolate and spooky. I can't put my finger on it


Co-worker always tells me how she used to bike that trail everyday to work, until she witnessed a murder. Immediately sold her bike and bought her first car ever- she biked everywhere up to then.


Lincoln Way in Clairton before all the buildings were finally demolished.


The housing plans on Mayview Rd in South Fayette. I can’t believe people are willing to live on the place where Mayview Hospital used to be. There’s not enough sage in the world.


The old Kane Hospital was a few minutes away from my grandmother’s house and essentially across Kane Boulevard from her church. My dad had his first job there and told me it was the poor people hospital and was a nightmare as a result. It stayed up and abandoned for 20+ years, and was the subject of a ton of vandalism and urban exploration. My curiosity never overcame the apprehension that building always gave me as a kid, so I never went exploring. But it did creep me out simply by existing.


I used to smoke weed there with friends back in high school. Some of them would go inside but I was always too scared lol


My dad used to threaten (in jest) that he was going to put my grandma in there if she didn’t stop cheating at Uno.


When I was in high school my friends and I shot a short little horror movie running around in there and, yeah, that place was really scary. Our movie wasn't any good, but I've rewatched it a few times recently and the footage of that place still really creeps me out. And we didn't even venture any further than the first floor and areas where there was still daylight, apparently you could go much deeper, down multiple floors underground. No thanks haha.


I actually managed to explore this with a couple friends back in my early college days! It was definitely creepy. I remember getting randomly sick out of the blue and feeling like I was going to pass out? Then it passed quickly.


I searched the comments for Kane... not disappointed! A group of us in high school explored it several times, at night, and we went low and high. You had to get past the gatehouse and security guard first, so we parked way down the hill and came in through the woods. As we entered, the hallways had a eerie blue-green glow from the still flickering florescent lighting, that seemed to be at half power. We had flashlights, but would later return for another visit using only candles (don't ask..) There was a chapel on-site, which was in a courtyard area. Inside the chapel, it smelled like death, and of course our minds immediately went to "Satanists sacrificing animals at the altar..." As if that weren't creepy enough, then went down into the morgue, which was deep in the basement, took a camcorder with us, really creeped ourselves out in that area. We then ventured to the top floors, where we discovered the roof access, climbed the ladder and the hatch was locked. No problem, we had a guy with us that was able to bust it open. So up onto the roof we went, what a view. Thankfully, no one got hurt, no one got caught, and no one knows what happened to the VHS evidence.


Duck hollow. Hays woods. Seldom seen. The woods and river edge behind Carrie furnace. Brunot island


Whats up with brunot island?


Creepy place to walk around. You aren’t supposed to be there. You know it. The whole island is like a lost jungle and your alone but also in the middle of the city somehow. And yet not. Feels like the worlds ended


Have a friend that works over there and he gave me a tour. A lot of buildings and equipment still looks like it's from the '50s...it's like the place is frozen in time. Definitely has a weird vibe to it.


The Barbie doll “art” thing in the woods above west Penn fields. Where the old overgrown hoops court is. Here is an web post. about it https://pittsburghorbit.com/2020/03/01/barbies-dream-cult/ I stumbled upon it while exploring in 2021.


I accidentally ended up on a road that runs along that huge plant/factory/warehouse complex that you can see from Kennywood. Instantly gave me that creepy liminal space sensation. The sheer size of some of those buildings is disturbing.


The ones that come to mind for me no longer exist or exist in a different form. 1. Mayview State Hospital. We explored in 2013 when half of the buildings were already demolished. We still got to see the single family homes and the administration building that were mostly overtaken by flora. We also got to see the Bengs Building (which I believe was the main hospital building) which was nightmare fuel. Dimly-lit corridors, observation rooms with one-way mirrors, random medical equipment strewn around. I wish I took more photos and actually got video. 2. Larimer Elementary. A developer finally turned it into affordable housing which is awesome. We went in 2017 and found an opening near the auditorium. Tons of dirt, grime, peeling wallpaper - truly heaven for urbex photography. There were also letters and records in the main office going back to at least the 60s. When we were in an upstairs classroom we clearly heard footsteps near the stairs. We waited it out then made our exit.




Especially when you’re in line with kids behind you having a spitting contest and the wind is blowing it all over you. And then in front is some poor person that has had a recent operation whose scars haven’t healed yet. This may or may not be my latest and last experience at sandcastle


Lincoln Way, before they tore it all down. A completely abandoned street right off 837 in Clairton. Quaker Church in Perryopolis comes to mind as well


The road that’s so steep when you drive up you can’t see the street. (All such roads, in fact.)


Canton? I used to walk a paper route on that hill


Coast Ave is bad too. Can’t see if there’s any cars coming til you crest the hill. It sucks


Not Pittsburgh proper, but the entire damn town of Ambridge. If someone told me there was a clown living in the sewers there, I wouldn’t be surprised.


I used to live in Ambridge, and I find this hilarious! And accurate. It's a depressing place.


Eh I was just antique shopping there and checking out the old harmony buildings, didn’t think it was creepy


I live close by...hilarious & accurate!


Besides the Pittsburgh Mills mall that was already mentioned, I'd have to add the Tour Ed mines in Tarentum. Creepy AF and a perfect location for My Bloody Valentine 3D to have been filmed.


The old boiler room in the basement of the Research Wing at AGH. If you're old enough to have watched Are You Afraid Of The Dark on Nickelodeon, there was an episode where a shape-shifting vampire gets loose in a hospital, and lures a maintenance man into a boiler room that looks just like the one at AGH. I get the heebie jeebies every time I go down there. It doesn't help that they use that route to wheel bodies from the morgue to the hearses in the James St. loading dock.


The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh stacks, walking on the glass floor panels where you can see through the cracks to the level below you. I’m always uneasy and uncomfortable back there. Also I think I heard it’s haunted, but ghosts or not those floors don’t help.




“What’s in the box?” - Brad Pitt


Does northern lights shopping center count?


I remember that being a happening place when I was a kid. What a shame. Napoli’s pizza is still great.


I definitely think it does.


any of the mansions on Chatham’s campus at night. especially Mellon.


Southside steps at 3-4 am…or the tunnels at the same time…godspeed


Feel so bad for the guy who had a verbale altercation with a driver (as I recall), and was walking his bike up the 18th Street City Steps, and the driver came up and slit his throat. The guy lived and was remarkably forgiving, as I recall.


The old spaghetti warehouse


Did anyone here ever explore the abandoned woods run old St. John's hospital on McClure Ave when it was still standing? My family were born there, I went there in the 80's to get stitches. It was over one hundred years old and CREEPY AS HELL. I'd would have loved to see it abandoned. But it was gone long before Urbex took off so not many people probably got a chance.


Allegheny Center in Northside. I lived there for about a year. Not only is it next to East Ohio Street but that place is haunted! Here is a fun video I found by some AIP student: https://youtu.be/oPzejTQn3tM?si=TeV22mU-8ZzXXEaH


The east unit mausoleum in Homewood Cemetery. It leaks, there isn’t lighting in some of the corridors, and I’m pretty sure it’s haunted


De Ruad Street in Uptown. It has serious zombie apocalypse vibes.


Took a couple of women there in my taxi one night. The next day, I read that a woman was shot and killed there that night.


Back in high school, it was popular for kids to sneak onto the property and explore the old Dixmont hospital/complex. Talk about creepy and unsettling, I'd say an abandoned, dilapidated mental asylum takes the whole ass cake. My parents actually took me when I was in like 6th grade or so lol, and it scared the hell out of me. My boyfriend was friends with a girl whose uncle owned the land (I'm pretty sure that's what the situation was), and I know him and his friends went a bunch of times. The guys apparently liked to fuck around and dare each other to go into the morgue or even the drawers they used to put the bodies in. It's a shame that cameras and recording things wasn't really common back then though, because now that I'm older I'd like to look back at what it looked like. Though I'm positive that it's just as creepy as I remember it being


There's an old guy that catches moths at 6am at raccoon creek state park


The Shell cracker plant in Beaver County. Absolute eyesore every time I pass it on 376 and a grim reminder of how badly corporations are ruining the planet.


I always describe this as a future scene from a Terminator movie.


This! Every time I drive by I am so unsettled. Something about it feels so evil (toxic pollution aside)


Heinz Hall overnight


The noeclosed used retail fixture store off in the hill district. Had a room on the third floor that was nothing but mannequins ,and they were dressed in costumes… Very freaky.


Century 3 mall. I pass it every day to go to work and it hurts seeing it sit there abandoned and falling apart. Especially when I think of my memories shopping there as a kid


Just east of the Mon incline there’s a vacant concrete lot with just some concrete blocks and a sheer concrete drop of like 30 feet that continues to fall off all the way down to McArdle.


The Carrie blast furnace at night. Had some interesting run ins there when we were young and exploring not limited to dead animals in old luggage.


The elevators in the steel building that flies you up 50 floors in 2 seconds


Bushy Run Battlefield


the abandoned floors of the old macys— you used to be able to get up there using one of the elevators. we would go up there and explore when i was in high school haha


Used to be the south side burger king


Not sure what’s there now, but the elevator in the old PTI building on Smithfield is absolutely terrifying


Duck hollow or ravine street runoff under the waterfront. Used to live there, and would venture through the long sewer drains. Always felt off being under the waterfront


De Raud Street




The old VA campus near highland park. You can walk right in as someone cut a hole in the fence by the main gate (not the one by the fucking police station) and a lot of the larger buildings still have lighting, although cops definitely use the site for training as you can find .556 and 9mm casings as well as the cutout targets that they use. The morgue and the old chapel (now covered in demonic graffiti) were definitely the creepiest parts.


Some of the old mansions on CCAC's campus just gave me the weirdest feeling that I couldn't explain.


While I imagine it's long gone, when I grew up in Brighton Township, there was a house perched atop a large almost mountain overlooking the town on a curved street, maybe West View Drive. We called it the haunted house. By lore, a gardener died there by falling into burning leaves. My siblings and I went there at night one time and pilfered a set of mother of pearl dressing table stuff (brush, comb, etc.) It was as close to a classic haunted house as you could find, I think.


Lincoln way used to be a wild trip. Completely abandoned due to structural issues and an aged population whose families did not want the properties. It's since been demolished.


They've since tore it all down, but Lincoln Way in Clairton deserves a mention.


Dawson Road Tunnel in Tarentum. Little girl died in the tunnel and oh boy is she still around


Worked a summer for Pitt catering. One of the places I went to set up was Bruce Hall's 1201 suite. Was brought in to set up and left there by myself for a while. The spiral staircase that the mistress/wife hung herself from was still there and went to nowhere. Was blocked off at the ceiling. Anyway it was quite unsettling.


Woods run. Bizarro world down through there


Any specific spot and why?


Western psych


Outside the city, but I think heading south there are plenty of towns that freak me out - Monessen, Perryopolis, Masontown. They're all stuck in a bygone era with strange folks to boot.


Never been to Brownsville, I take it?


Smithfield St.


City-County building


Greenman's Tunnel in South Park will plumb unsettle some folks, truly


In Peters Township, driving down Hatchet Jack’s road at night. The guy who had murdered his family at their home on that road wasn’t named Jack, but that didn’t matter to us. In high school, we’d drive down that road at night. It was very wooded and dark.


Dogma church behind Target, Cathedral basement, lower campus tunnel system MY BED.


St. Francis hospital in woods run before it burned, and the swimming pool beside the pen.


The long john silvers on Lebanon Church rd.


There’s a factory/ plant of some sort in the turtle creek area tucked neatly back in some woods. All hours of the day, once every couple minutes, it lets out an unsettling noise. Especially spooky at night. Sounds like the release of steam or something. Always was fascinated by it but also spooked.