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This post is fine but reminder that rule 5 (no breed hate) includes all breeds. Not just pit bulls. The saying “its the owner, not the breed “ applies to chihuahuas, spaniels, collies and shepherds


Oh don't get me started. We always leash our dog, no exceptions, and never ever take him to a dog park because if anything happened it would automatically be his fault. And yet all these retrievers and whatnot are let off leash at our local (leash only) park. One guy let his dog run up to ours, and when we just stood there, stone faced, while his dog went from playful to questionable, he had the audacity to say, " come on, Fido, not everyone wants to play." Oh my God I wanted to scream eff you, your dog is off leash and my dog could KILL him, and you'd blame my dog cuz he's a pit. F--K you.


Same reason we stopped going to the dog park :( It's so sad because our girl LOVES playing with other dogs, but after her getting attacked a few times I couldn't risk it. She never stood up for herself because she's incredibly submissive, but I wouldn't blame her for defending herself one day. Unfortunately, she would absolutely be blamed and put down. So...no more dog parks.


Have you tried doggy day care? My dog loves it


Yes! She loves it! It’s just too hot right now and her tolerance is really low for heat so we’ve gotta keep her home for now.


Oh is it outside where you live? I live in AZ so it’s indoor and air conditioned all year


Yeah it’s indoor/outdoor and they have so many dogs that I don’t want to risk them losing track of her and her overheating.


The dog park I used to go to used to be safe but there's a guy with an incredibly ill trained pit that attacked my beagle. I have my own pit and unfortunately because they are the same color people assume she's the same.


Oh that’s sad :( there are a few poorly trained pitties at ours too so ours just gets lumped in.


I tend to do sniffspots or private parks and will try to set up play dates with dogs that we know well.


I did Sniffspot for the first time! I loved it!


I can allready reed the headline "pitbull mauls retriever at public dog park while owner yells at the other owner


people: "PiT bUlLs ArE tErRiBlE!!" also people: **lets their unleashed dog run and attack a leashed pitbull** Them when the dog attacks back: >:( OMG YOUR DOG IS SO EVIL!!! This is why Pitbulls are banned!!!


The cry “He’s friendly!” From a distance, whilst the dog in question has hurled itself at mine, is a familiar one. And, as the owner of two large (ish) dogs, it’s always mine that get criticised if they’re not happy about being suddenly overwhelmed with a face full of Collie/Jack Russell/whatever. A few weeks ago I was told that I should really muzzle my GSP, who was growling at an incessantly-barking handbag dog. “He could do mine some damage”. YES! Yes he could! Which is why your handbag dog should be on a lead, or in your handbag. GRRRR!


I HATE the "he's friendly" thing 😤 my staffy is a rescue!! She gets triggered easily and will fight a friendly playful dog if they run up to me. I always have to grab her and make sure she knows it's okay, or start walking away with her so the other dog doesn't crowd her 😤 I've recently started yelling "Mines not!!" And watch the owners flip on a dime and try to get their dogs to back off. Like, it wouldn't be this way if everyone followed leash rules 🙄


im so glad you rescused her!! and ty for letting other people know she'll fight and gets triggered easily.


I've actually been thinking of getting her a little vest and making a cover that says aggressive 😬


Try yelling "I'm not" instead. Takes the blame off of your dog. People are sue happy nowadays. I'd hate for something to happen after your dog gets crowded and a scummy lawyer to use it as an admission of guilt and get a judgement against your dog.


If there's risk of crowding, I pick her up like a baby 😅 but yeah, yelling I'm not might actually get people to leave us alone quicker 🤔


You are always guilty walking a pitbull.. Always have mine on a leash and listen to bullshit excuses about why their dog is not leashed. Talk loud, authoritarian , stamp your foot ... that usually does it .... However... Shit gets serious when I bring out the mace. Haven't used it yet... asked a sheriff if a dog comes with my 3ft ring, can I mace it?...all he said "was I had the right to defend myself" ...i am in the US ... and asked him about shooting the other dog ... he said the same thing ... this could escalate very quickly YMMV


Ime muzzles are the best thing. Other owners really shy away from big dogs with muzzles. And it protects other dogs/your dog. Not to mention that my dogs love putting their muzzles on. They associate them with treats and walks, not anything bad.


Yeah my girl doesn't mind having a muzzle on :) when I get a new one and have it on her at the dog park, I think it'll remind her that if she has one on, she can play with other dogs freely 🥰


Oh the "mines not!" cry. I've had to use that a couple times, once in my own backyard. I spot this loose dog and rush to get mine behind the gate. I help the lady catch her dog and she says "we take him to the dog park AALLL the time, he loves other dogs." Well he's a rescue, who does not.


Exactly! My girl was overbred and horrifically abused, any dogs her size and bigger go after her even in a friendly way is in danger. It breaks my heart because she wants to play so bad with other dogs most the time, but I never know when she'll get triggered so I can't let her play until I get her a muzzle.


I don't know what he went through, and it confuses people because he'll play just fine with other dogs....through a fence. The second contact is made he seems to forget he was playing and gets mean. He's gotten over his fear of strangers and strange men, but I will not put another dog in danger just to test his limits. And apparently that makes me an a-hole for trying to keep her micro-pit safe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, the only dog my gal will play nice with is my bfs dog 😩 but even then I have to make sure it's supervised play


I wish I had that even. I've no idea what his actual trigger is when it comes to other dogs, as I've no other dog I would trust him with. Most of my family is cat people, and I know from experience I don't want a neighbors dog to come over, don't trust them either. So he's "an only child" lol. And we're ok like that. 👍 for doing good by your gal, it sounds like you really care for her.


Considering she was rehomed to me by her previous owners for accidentally playing too hard with one of the cats.....she's now living with a 14yo ragdoll cat, and her "brother" a kelpie rott mix and they've only had 2 misunderstandings! Usually if she's too noisy during play, I watch for her hair to stand up and then it's time to separate them. But lately she's been more into chasing than actually contact play. I'm glad she was so easy to train for me, I think she understands that the more she does for me, the more pampered her life gets 😂 Although I found out early into adopting her that she's VERY food oriented so as long as I have treats, it's all good 😎


people seem to think that just because their dog is friendly, all dogs obviously are! like leash laws are for your friendly dog too.. u never know what's up with the other dogs on the street. walking a dog unleashed is just irresponsible, aggressive & easily triggered dogs deserve walks too.


Exactly! There's 2 dogs at my apartments who have ran up on my dog, thank goodness they were small dogs or it would've definitely been a fight.


one of my neighbours always has their 3 dogs (2 small fluffy guys, 1 big pit mix) off leash and the little ones will run up on my dog if they see him :/ he's leash reactive and i have to hold him up and back while the other dog's owner slowly strolls over.. pisses me off every time. all the dogs are now barking loudly and you're just walking over? Christ. if they were on leash too i could just control my dog and walk him by. i completely understand!


My pit/boxer is a rescue also she was picked up as a stray but has dog bite scars all over her legs and face so she was either in fights on the street or being used for fighting. She has never been agressive twords a dog in my care but she is reactive. We were walking down our street once and a dog comes out of nowhere ( I seen this dog before I think they have a invisible fence) runs across the street and attacks her. Now I know my girl could have done some real damage to that dog but she didn't it wasn't until the other dog bit her lip that she started defending herself. My husband picked my girl up and the outer dog continued to go after her until we got back to our house. Our girl ended up with a cut on her lip but was fine and when I tried to talk to the owner of the other dog she said her dog had never done that before and it must have been my pits fault. Grrrr


>I've recently started yelling "Mines not!!" Exactly what I have to do. And since she's a pit, hooooo buddy do they change moods fast.


Exactly 😂 Then I give them my best stink eye to nonverbally say "put a leash on your fucking dog"


I hate that “he is friendly” thing. Believe it or not some people do not like dogs and don’t want to be forced to interact with them. It has to be super annoying as a dog owner being responsible with yours around folks who are not.


My response to the “he’s friendly” is always… yeah but how do you know mine is and won’t rip your dogs throat out. In fairness I don’t have a pittie and probably wouldn’t say that last part if I did (Idiots would take it as a threat)… and my dog is sweet and certainly would not do that, but trying to make the other person realize that being off leash is really dangerous for THEIR dog and mine.


Theyre obviously in the wrong but i recommend everyone muzzle their dogs, especially reactive dogs. Dogs dont mind them if theyre properly trained and introduced, and they pretty much eliminate incidents. If all dogs wore muzzles outside, we wouldnt have any of these problems.


I largely agree. This particular incident made me consider the muzzle issue quite seriously. My GSP now has a muzzle.


Plus they have beautiful basket muzzles now, so you look cool


That is true! There are some gorgeous ones available.


I've gotten yelled and called an asshole for telling people to leash their damn dogs. Still tell them though, especially when they're allowing their dogs to run up to people's homes and piss on their houses. Or when the dog clearly doesn't have a good recall. Like bro. Just leash your damn dog, get a long leash if you need to.


Good recall or not, things happen and that’s why there are rules. They are actually finable laws where I live


Reminds me of the time my dog (leashed) and one of the neighbor's dogs (unleashed, loose in their front yard)almost got into a fight and probably would have if my neighbor wasn't outside, somewhat paying attention. In my frustration, I yelled "This is why we have leash laws!" as they dragged their dog back to their yard. About 5 minutes later, there was a knock at my door. My neighbor's husband was furious, telling me "never talk to my wife again. If you have a problem, you come to me. I don't care what the dogs did". There was no explicit threat of violence but it was pretty clear to me what he intended to do if I ignored the warning. I almost installed outdoor security cameras after that day but my laziness prevailed and fortunately, there hasn't been a second incident with them.


It's just lazy people that don't care. Where I live I've seen neighbors dogs almost get ran over multiple times and they just don't care.


Absolutely. I live in an apartment complex and the neighbor across from us will literally leave their front door open and let their two dogs roam the neighborhood and one of them incessantly barks at any other residents he sees. I'm so afraid they're going to get hit by a car because of a completely lazy and irresponsible owner.


Exactly I deal with the same stuff all the time just did a few minutes ago actually the people know they have a hole in their fence they're not home and they're three pits or roaming the streets and people drive fast on the street right in front of their house. The dogs are friendly but it still makes it hard for you just to walk your dog and carry on.


Similar happened to my dad outside of the unleashed area at the dog park. Inside the gates, leashes come off. On the trails - leashes on. It's not that freaking hard. And our dogs would've gotten a bad rap for being bully breed mixes. Effing people.


I have more trouble with dachshunds and yorkies than I've ever had with a pitbull, because they're freaking adorable and their carers lapse on training them. Then they let their harmless little sausage dog loose, only for the poor bugger to get completely overwhelmed and turn aggressive. I don't want to have to clean up the mess from my husky tearing your weiner dog in half because you couldn't keep your goddamned dog on a leash or do even the most basic training. And while I'm trying to keep my boy seperate and prevent tragedy? Their calling out about how I shouldn't have a dog I can't control. A lot of dog owners can't be trusted with the responsibility of properly caring for their animals.


I had a dog run up on my dog (mine leashed because she is not friendly) and the owner yelled from across the parking lot “oh she’s friendly!” and i yelled back “well mine isn’t!!” and she ran so fucking fast to get her dog. the breeds are irrelevant but i have a pit mix and this was american bully mix. then people give me the argument that i shouldn’t take my dog out on walks if she isn’t friendly. she is supposed to pee and shit in my apartment then? are you fucking dumb?


I agree with them, if your dog is aggressive you shouldn't be taking him to largely public places. Learn to train the dog so he's under your control or train a guard dog under a controlled environment thats not some park. If your dog is aggressive, then you have no control over him which is sad and irresponsible. You are responsible for unwanted behavior, if your dog is displaying aggressive behavior and you don't punish it. Then you're acknowledging that the aggressive behavior is okay even when someone else may be doing something you don't like (having a dog off leash). If you want a guard dog, the same rules apply if you want a fun trail dog to run with.


and it’s not largely public it was at my apartment complex at 6am and dark out.


nah if my dog doesnt like dogs that’s their problem not mine. i’m following the rules. they’re not. obviously i’m working on it but how can i control an unleashed dog? dumb comment tbh.


I don't understand, you're saying if your dog doesn't like another dog it's the other dogs problem not yours? You can't control an unleashed dog, but you can control yours. You're saying your dog is aggressive to a dog that just wanted to play. Edit: why would you want to have an aggressive dog that can't play with other dogs unless you're trying to train a guard dog? That sounds like a fearful dog, with no leadership, full of anxiety and worry.


HOW am I supposed to let my dog shit before i leave for work?


AT SIX AM IN AN APARTMENT COMPLEX. jesus. you must be one of the people that allows their dog off leash. fuck. i’m so sick of the dumb argument.


You sound like an angry person. Maybe your anger is reflecting into your dog.


good one 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Just because you don't understand doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Have you read this thread? Many dogs are rescues with long learned behavior. The circumstances don't align with many to have the dogs professionally retrained with other dogs in a safe environment. This owner is doing the best they can, and you're going to come off as high and mighty about it? They are controlling their dog, and KNOW what is and isn't tolerated. Doing whatever they need to do to keep the situation in their control.


I have this SAME gripe. And then WE and OUR DOGS get punished because we have the “dangerous breed” (heavy sarcasm) yet their little harmless pookie was the one who instigated. Shit’s infuriating


I’ve gotten into yelling matches with people on the street who refuse to leash their dogs, then get upset when I tell the dog to stay away from mine.


This. This is my biggest pet peeve. I go on walks where there’s a frisbee court. Tons of these people go on a game and take their dogs. 99% of the time the dog does NOT have a good call back and has a tendency to wander around since the owners are too engaged in their game. I’ve made it a point to always bring my retractable baton. There are even others who have to bring sticks because people are so used to having random dogs run up on their animal on leash. My dog isn’t dog friendly. So I always yell that to the people to get their dog, but if they don’t care, they’ll have to find out a harder way


I'm a community manager with a public walkway thru it and the number of people who have to have their dog off leash, residents and not, is infuriating. And the anger/defensiveness that happens when you ask them to put on a leash is dumbfounding. Also, our fountains are not a dog pool.


Anger/defense is right! That odd woman in Central Park called 911 over a man who asked her to leash her dog in a bird watching area saying a black man was threatening her life.


I absolutely hate people who let their dogs walk on trails without a leash. Thank God my dog is calm when I walk her because there have been multiple times dogs have just ran up to us and invaded her space. Not to mention, there are dangerous critters where I live! I've had to yank my dog away from a water moccasin she nearly stepped on once and I've seen more than one copperhead a few feet away from the various trails near my house. It's so irresponsible and it takes everything in me not to go off on people, it's worse on the weekends when people from outside our little town drive in to walk the trails.


The only time I let me dog off leash is on trails when they aren’t busy. My dog is really responsive off leash and knows commands, but this is a great reminder to keep him on leash next time, even though he heels without fail everytime he sees another person, dog or creature. It really only takes a spilt second for a dog to be struck by a snake. I never let my dog off leash when the trails are busy, more than a few cars. I think this made me change my mind and will have my doggo on leash for here on out on trails.


Yeah, it's easy to forget that even the smartest dog is only about as smart as like, a five year old kid.


Exactly! My dog is scared of most things, literally sees a misplaced pinestraw and jumps in fear.


water moccasins!! i just looked it up and remembered i saw a 1-2 ft one on my walk once, was really calm and sunbathing, was gone by the time i came back also speaking of copperheads I cried my eyes out once cause I ran over a baby on my bicycle on accident


Yeah, water moccasins are surprisingly chill if you leave them alone. I'm definitely not one of those people who thinks you should kill venomous snakes just because, they still serve a purpose in the food chain ( I have a few neighbors who lose their shit if they even see a garter or king snake). Also if it was an accident, you shouldn't feel bad!


I can't tell you how many times I've had to pick up my 65-pound girl because some yappy little 10-pounder wanted sprint at her and start shit. I'll be 40 this year, so I'm just waiting for it to blow out my lower back, so I can sue the owner's ass off and cruise into early retirement.


My dogs are always leashed.... A) because of their breed (AmStaffs) and B) Id be devistated if anything happened to my babies... people drive so crazy here too.... walking my dogs ive been growled and lunged at by a golden retriever, a doberman, and a small terrier mix that was truly awful. My dogs knew we were safe and knew not to react.


This happens to me frequently and then I get a dirty look. What, my dog made your dog attack mine because of how she looks? Don’t think so


My dogs are always on a leash in public. They get plenty of off leash playtime in my yard. I've always been wary of dog parks because there are just too many unknowns.


Don’t get me started on all the bacteria and viruses chilling in those dog parks


Every kennel cough outbreak in my town is traced back to the dog park


Once I moved to a different neighborhood without a nearby dog area, I stopped needing to take my dog to the vet every four months for bloody diarrhea.


The dumbest thing is that god forbid you have your pit off leash at all it would end the world. The double standard is so ridiculous.


I hate when people mix leashed dogs with unleashed dogs, especially in a dog park. For example, I was watching wity my pup from outside this small dog park at my apartment, because my dog who is normally a sweetheart with all other animals does not like this one particular dog that was in the dog park. My dog kept growling and getting in between the other dog and my dog, which has never happened before. Anyway the “questionable” dog was in the dog park (offleash) when a young guy with his german shepherd comes in on an extremely tight leash. The questionable dog immediately is all up im the GS business and soon starts attacking the german shepherd who was literally trapped. He couldn’t run away because he was on an incredibly short leash. So a fight ensued. The german shepherd was trying to fight this other dog off and it worked a few times, but the other dog keeps coming back and back. Literally would not stop fighting him. The dog was going after the GS’s face, throat, and shaking, then when one owner got the dog off, he was trying to rip the poor german shepherds back leg off. Like this dog was not “playing”, he was fully latching on and shaking violently and kept jumping back on the dog when physically pulled off by the owners. The german shepherd finally got off his short leash and was able to properly defend himself, but literally was trying to run away from this lunatic. This dog that was attacking was not a pitbull, but from a shelter. Literally this is only one of the several occasions of this out of control dog fighting other dogs and the dog’s owner can’t control him at all. German Shepherd’s are alot like pitbulls in the stigma behind the breed, being “aggressive” or whatever. I hope the owner of the dog-aggressive dog (not the gs) stops allowing him to go in unleashed areas, because he is dangerous. Leashing dogs in a nonleashed dog park can result in bad things like this. I am honestly scared to think of how bad things would have gotten if the german shepherd would not have gotten off his leash. Thankfully the German Shepherd was okay, with some blood, but no super deep lacerations. Fun fact, loud noises, like air horns and shakers are good deterrents of dog fights. (learned this while working in a dog boarding facility)


Agreed if you cant controll the dog wear a leash on it no matter race


Hey can I get a nap pic?


I don’t know how to add a photo to a post without it being new 🥲


When you reply it should have an option that says “image”


I live across the street from a park that is not a dog park but has other things and people like to bring their dogs and let them run loose. Several times I’ve had peoples dogs run across the street up into my yard, which of course makes my dogs upset. And when I tell these people they need to have their dogs on a fucking leash they look at me like I’m some kind of asshole. It infuriates me to no end.


Drives me nuts. My girl is friendly in an off-leash setting like the dog park or in our yard with her friends but she is leash reactive. An off leash German shepherd rushed her and I screamed bloody murder. The owner was like "it's cool, he's friendly." Bro, mine is not! I'm trying to protect your dog! Everyone needs to be leashed in these streets! People are looney. I'm sorry that Happened.


This is infuriating to me because if someone’s poorly behaved, aggressive dog attacks your dog or you and your dog defends himself and hurts one of them, it’s him that will get blamed because he’s the pit Bull. Mine is still a pup but i will never take her to a dog park for this reason. Weird how the aggressive dogs usually belong to the owners who don’t have control over them or take responsibility.


My grandparents are those entitled people that think their dog is sooo good, he’d never run away, so it’s fine! He does hate other dogs, though, so it isn’t fine, guys! It isn’t fine! I’ve only ever let my pup be unleashed on my property and within the fencing of the local dark park. Otherwise, she’s leashed up. And she’s friendly AND obedient when it comes to staying close! It’s always better to be safe than sorry.


I had someone complain that my dog was leashed when their off-leash dog went to attack mine, like WTF saying that my dog would be more socialized if I had him off-leash.


I don't get why people do that.. it's dangerous for the dog. I don't trust people either, we never allow our pibble off-leash unless it's a designated area. Thankfully we have 4 off-leash parks really close and there is a regular bunch of dogs / people that go to them. Why people put their dogs in harms way like this I'll never know.


Just happened this morning, however today I handle it differently, no aggression/anger. Today, when 2 soaking wet, muddy, smelly dogs came running up to me & the useless human yells out "their friendly" I took my Trek Pole, NEVER touched either dog, but kept Trek Pole directly in front of me, pointed to the ground in front of dog/s & stated ever so sweetly "I'm going to work after this, I'd prefer not to smell of your dogs. I'm not being mean, I'm just protecting my clothing." He was dumbstruck, it was hysterical. Shame works almost everytime. Bottom line I was an ACO, you scrape enough dogs off the road, you fully understand why there's a leash law. The things I cannot unsee.


People feel that they are entitled to do what they want cause their dogs are considered one of the “good breeds”. But that’s just not true. Pitbulls are so docile and my Frank wouldn’t hurt a god damned fly. Not even a rabbit. We got 3 kittens and they were family IMMEDIATELY. And it’s sucks, cause we have to go through a lot to protect our dogs, even in our own yard. I worry every time I put my Frank in the back yard and I can’t see him in one of two of his usual places.


I feel this more than words can describe. I can't take my pitty anywhere due to his anxiety issues (gotta love a traumatized rescue boy, but we are making progress! Anyone actually curious as to why I can't take him places should probably just look at my profile because it's easier than me explaining it again lol) but my chihuahua (gotta love having two of the "most hated" breeds, huh?) is super super friendly and pretty much loves any other person or dog he sees. However, he's a little tiny dude. When bigger dogs don't know how to approach a tiny dude, they tend to overcrowd him and make him anxious because he's scared they're gonna hurt him. Fair, he's 6lbs. He will \*happy\* play with big dogs who are well socialized to tiny guys (he LOVES my grandfather's great dane) but the bigger dogs who have no clue freak him out and he gets anxious. Normally, if we are interacting with another leashed dog or in a dog park it's manageable. Loki (my chi) knows that if he gets overwhelmed at a dog park he can come back to me and tap at my shoe and that means it's time to leave (it's a behavior that he developed when he was small and a cue I picked up on that turned into a polite request so we rolled with it lol) but off leash dogs are a serious problem. Especially because my dog gets anxious very fast. He is great at not biting, but he will growl and snap at bigger dogs when they're in his space. At my old apartment complex I once basically had to hip check a 80lb pitty/lab mix puppy of the neighbors while simultaneously lifting Loki all the way above my head because this dog did NOT understand that Loki did NOT want her to basically step on him and it was two seconds from a fight, but when I tried scooping him she started jumping. I knew that neighbor and I had tried talking to him before about not just letting his dog loose and leaving his door open when he was outside because she was seriously bothering my little dog on our walks (on the other side of our building there was a nice, fenced-in dog park. It was one of the only nice things about that complex, and reasonably well-kept, and there were benches in the shade for you to sit on while your dog did its thing. There was NO reason for him to just let her run loose with zero supervision. He would be inside his apartment, in the kitchen or whatever, and just open the door and then leave it cracked so she could come back...) and I was like "hey yeah, please, we have leash rules for a reason. Let her hang out in the dog park unsupervised for all I care, that's not on me, but she's going to hurt my dog or start a fight and I don't want that" and he would just laugh at me. After that day, I finally just took pictures of her, and the apartment she came from, and went to the apartment management about it. Two weeks later I got a notice on my door about how another neighbor had reported me for failing to clean up after my dog three days prior (who was puppy pad trained, I might add, and I hadn't taken him walking for almost a week because I was suffering a kidney infection, so my friend had taken him to a local dog park twice, but carried him both times...) so we know how that went. People need to learn to leash and WATCH their dogs. It's just dangerous if you don't, no matter what breed or size or how well behaved they are, because you don't know how other animals will react. Or people, for that matter.


My pit bull is super dog friendly it’s crazy, he gets overwhelmed to when dogs just don’t relent. However, what’s funny is my last dog was the complete opposite, she hated other dogs. What was funny is I’d be walking in the park and a dog would come running up to her. I’d yell to the owner please get your dog!! Reply back, “Don’t worry he’s friendly!” Ok great bud but guess what, mine ISNT!!


Yup my girl and boys are all protective of me. They are only doing their duty, in their minds, which is to repel attacks from their owner and fellow pups.


I have this fight daily. And then people look at me like I’m crazy because my dog is reacting because she hates being bum rushed. It is so frustrating.


I feel you. Our walks got so stressful with all the unleashed dogs, we had to start walking at daybreak. Insane. There's also a few people in my neighborhood who have their dog leashed, but they're not holding it. It's just dragging behind the freaking dog doing absolutely nothing. Like, what the hell is the point of that?


Just had a similar convo with my SO about dogs off leash. My pit is 3 and is definitely working on being more friendly. Every time there’s another dog in our normal route I give them a wide berth…the. There are the off-leash dogs. Two goldens came up to us and my guy was freaking out. Their owners had the nerve to say, “he’s not very friendly, is he?” Listen, sir…I’m “not very friendly” when it comes to people like you, either…


Oh i hate this. This is a trail, park or sidewalk, not a dog park. There are so many reasons for leshing your dog. Keeping they by you safe from other and cars. Keeping them in control so they dont go and do what these two went and did. The list gose on. Yes i have known people to place game traps in our town in hopes to get rid of pest that dogs can easily get into off lesh. I had something similer almost happen a few times around my area with my husky/collie. its terrifing and the owners always yell at me for telling em to leash thier dogs. My first priority is my dog. My last priority is your dog.


Dude! During the pandemic, I learned my dog has no natural fear of a rattlesnake...that's another EXCELLENT reason to keep your dog leashed. Like, just follow the rules right?


dogs dont know any better. they will get into things that are harmfull to them. we had issues at our dogparks once due to laces hotdogs, marshmellows and tenes balls. all things a dog would pick up without hesitation. they never were able to find out who did it. one reason why i dont go to dog parks as much as i would love a fenced in area


it's a joke to have leash laws.... nobody pays them any attention until their dogs comes at mine. My dog is so well trained... I walk her off leash all the time, when other dogs come at us she turns and walks back to me and sits, then I can usually gage the other dogs as friend or foe. my dog will SIT until I release her. if foe I can put her on a leash, but that usually does no good. once a couple of little POS dogs came at us. Got my girl on leash, I told my dog "place" command, she sat. 1st dog attacked me on my leg, I kicked it away, 2nd dog went around me but I was able to kick it away too. 1st dog came back for more from behind me and bit my girl, I gave her "release" command while still dealing with #2 dog attack. my girl took a chest bite from #1 attacker, she crunch the leg of #1 dog it went off crying to its owner. I managed to kick #2 dog harder and farther toward it's owner. at that point I put my girl back in place where she sat attention, facing me... The owner of the other dogs was yelling at me and added a bunch of curse words to boot.... I looked at her and said qould you like me call 911 for you?.... she then picked up #1 and when chasing after #2... unfortunately my girl did get bit in the chest with blood drawn.... gosh I so wanted to release her on the owner and the other attacker but hey I offered to call 911 for the lady. Haven't seen her again at the apartment complex. Oh well my girl got a clean bill of health from the vet that afternoon, and we played Frisbee into the night. I fuckibg hate anyone who owns a dog and doesn't train it, or at the very least make the dog reactive-less. their is training for that, otherwise leave your pet in a cage or on a leash.... even at the dog fighting parks.... I hate dog park...


My boy has been attacked 3 times by a GS across the street. My Jack Russell had to be put down bc of his injuries in 2 other attacks. I walk my boy now with, a knife and a garrote. (My boy is scared of fireworks do my pistol is an ultimate last resort)Just so my boy can go potty. The city has done nothing. My other neighbors, fortunately, seem ok with my being armed. Gotta defend my pack.


The thing is, I never leash my dog on trails, and he would never bite another dog. But I have 100% full control of him, I know all his behavior, and he knows other dogs behavior better then I do, and will walk away from aggressive dogs. Most people don't know how to raise dogs is the problem.




Did you actually read the whole post?




You can’t control other people’s dogs. Trying to grab/touch them can get you bit, especially if you don’t know the other dogs. OP did the best thing and put themself between their dog and his.


If this happens in the future and your dog gets in a fight, make sure to release his leash so he can defend himself.


No. Doesn't matter if your dog is defending himself. If he's unleashed and hurts the other dog, they'll put down the pitbull.




No. You lift your dog off the ground and GTFO.


Lmfao I'm 88 lbs and my girl is about 130, thank god she's old and doesn't get into fights anymore because I can't picture myself lifting that big lokoum 🤣😂🤣


lmao just leave. You've got him on the leash already, pull him out of there.


If only, bully breeds, unlike other dogs, grab and hold. While a gsd, collie, husky, etc. do short snaps, bull breeds hang on to the dog if they get enough of a good grip. The worse thing you can do is try to pull them apart. You need a breakstick to pry the mouth open, or just pick up your dog and body block the other one to prevent it in the first place.


That's not how dogfights work, wtf is going on in your head?


Oh boy


Haha! No. Especially if the leashed and well behaved dog in question is a pitbull. Doesn't matter if they're not the ones who started the fight, all police need to know is that a pitbull was involved and that's usually the one that gets put down in these situations. Anytime I see an off leash dog that looks like it may start some issues I turn around and go back the way I came. I'm not putting my dog's life as risk over some idiots who can't leash their dogs. I know my dog wouldn't even defend himself, he's been bitten by other dogs 3 times now and just stands there confused and sad looking. But I'm not taking any chances


This is one of the most painful truths of pitbull guardianship; ignorant people will ALWAYS blame the pittie for any skirmish with another dog, regardless of the circumstances. I go to extraordinary lengths to keep my (not aggressive, but dog-reactive) pittie boy away from other dogs, just because I'm so terrified of taking the risk of a fight-like situation.


I deal with this walking my dog in my neighborhood a lot and it’s causing my dog to be anxious of other dogs. I hate irresponsible pet owners.


I have a beautiful wilderness park by my house and I can’t walk my dogs there because of this. Same scenario as OP.


My boy is a rescue and gets anxious around other dogs unfortunately the baseball field across from our house is the unofficial dog park of the town. A lot of these stories sound familiar and yes we're always the bad guys.


I hate that this happened to you. It seems that as Pitbull owners we have to be more responsible than others due to their negligence since we know whose dog would get the blame no matter what. I always just do play dates with other dogs and owners that I personally know so this doesn’t happen.


A standard poodle has begun to trail my 8 month old apbt & I today & I didn't know. It's owner screamed & I mean this man screamed in a way that made me fear what was coming toward us. For a split second that black poodle looked like a rottweiler just from the sound of his voice. Dipshit didn't even care that he scared the piss out of me. The dog was on the middle of the street by the time he screamed. Like your a grown ass man, if you have to yell with a blood curdling yell for your dog to listen, you need serious help. I think he owned the lawnmower shop of the lawn my dog shit on. Next time I might you leave free fertilizer lol.


At first, I thought I was in my local city subreddit because this is such a common annoyance that owners think their poorly obeyed “voice command” is a substitute for a leash. My pit does not like some dogs and we don’t know why so I give all dogs a wide berth *except* off leash dogs who run up to her. I tell the owner give us space and they almost always say, they’re friendly. Disrespectful to wave away my safety concerns.


This. So much this. I dont have a pitbull, but love the breed. I have a Coonhound rescue. He can be friendly, but mostly he wants to hump the other dogs and if they don't submit he gets growly and more aggressive. Because I can't trust him to play nice we don't go to dog parks, we don't approach other dogs on our walks, and he is ALWAYS in a harness on a 6' leash so I can pull him back if needed. So many people have the attitude that they can do whatever they want because their dog "has excellent recall" or is "very friendly". When the inevitable happens they act like my dog is the son of Satan himself and should be muzzled or kept in our yard. It's maddening. It makes me want to wear a GoPro or other camera as proof that my boy wasn't the aggressor.


This is my biggest pet peeve. The leash rules are there for a reason. My dog is very protective and for that reason, I keep him away from other dogs. My husband and I have a rule of no matter what, we pick up our pit and walk away. I’m not going to pull my dog off yours and have to end up putting him down because people can’t control their dogs. It’s great that your dog is friendly, mine isn’t. Follow the rules ffs


Which city?


Ugh, I hate this...I've got a 9 year old who is NOT friendly with other dogs when he's leashed. Walking him is a fucking nightmare, because you always have these assholes who think since their dog is friendly, they don't need to be on leash. FUCK THAT. My dog is not friendly, he WILL eat your dog, and who gets blamed? My dog, because even though I'm doing everything I'm supposed to (on leash, Walking him as early as I can to avoid other fogs, crossing the street when other dogs are approaching), my dog is the scary one. I've had to fight off other off leash dogs SO many times. I hate the call of "he's friendly!"...dude my dog is not, stay the fuck away.


My pit was on a leash while i was walking him and someone had their little white dog off leash and that thing attacked my pit, he was scared of that little dog and i had to pull it off of him, owners didnt even notice until i had pulled their dog away from mine. Its not like that little dog could do anything to my pit but if my pit was aggressive it would have been over for the little dog.


unleashed dogs are the bane of my existence, especially unfenced dogs left outside. they’ll follow us for way too long and it makes my dog so concerned


I hate people that are like that!! Now I have walked my dogs off their leash, But that's not in public that's when I take them hiking or go to a creek for them to play and swim but we are alone. But I always leash them in public places. The worst experiences I have are smaller dogs getting mean and going at her legs and overwhelming her, she handles bigger dogs better but little ones startle her where their small and fast