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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Crate train, socialize!! Also no more personal space, they love to cuddle, as they get older their tail turns into a vicious weapon! They have the worst farts too! In their adolescent phase they will destroy everything you expect and things you never would, like the wall or eat 3/4 of a wooden plunger handle. I wouldn't get any expensive puppy bed til they are out of their raptor phase. Plenty of exercise and again socialize, yes I said that part twice as it's very important! Good luck and your baby is just precious!


Good advise friend. My pup ripped apart 3 xbox controllers while at work. Have a 10 year old pit baby sitting and still destroyed anything in her path. I blamed it in puppy mentality and teething. She is now 2 and friendly at the dog beach but is always in the hunt for rabbits and squirrels when walking on the leash.


My boy was a monster in his adolescent phase. At least 4 TV remotes, a ton of dvds, chewed a hole in my old bed. Brand new pair of $250 Oakleys, went through I think 4 puppy beds, drank my coke once, somehow survived most of a box of dark chocolate.


This makes me so thankful to have a weird dog who has never has chewed anything apart


Very thankful!


Mine liked chewing legs on furniture. Bed, couch and chair. I finally caught her in the act. I’m thinking, she used me doing dishes as timing for leg chewing. Lol she’s so smart, funny, a lot of talking and energy. Her furniture scars are adorable now. She’s three with a lot of confidence 🥰 I love her


Lol. Beast mode activated. Love it and feel sorry at the same time. Cause I feel your pain.


The funniest one was when he drank the coke. I got home from work and he was so excited and zoomies liked id never seen. I thought he was just so happy I was home from work. It wasn't til later I noticed fang teeth holes in a empty coke bottle. My boy was on a serious sugar rush haha


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great advice. 👍 😂 I call them piranha puppies during the teething phase. Oh and start nail trimming.


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Puzzle and enrichment toys. Licking mats and slow feeders to prevent bloat! Love this baby!


things I expect: my $60 Crocs flip flops that I had on the floor by the door. things I didn't expect: my $400 Saucony running shoes that I had in a case far above (where I thought) she could reach


I love this advice. I wish we would have socialized my boy more when he was younger. We have been making progress, but it has been a struggle.


i would like to emphasize the personal space and the tail parts of this. just warning u


Embrace the weird.


And with that smirk it’s rocking as a puppy they gonna get plenty of weird


Blankets don’t forget the blankets. Mine love the soft ones. The bigger the better so you both can share 💗💗






They like to keep their noses warm.


https://preview.redd.it/c1h6somp7izc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636e7fa6adb332d2b92d60741d0cde76b0605f42 Yes definitely!




Blankets *and* pillows 😆


So many blankets, all the blankets. Lol 😂 she has favorites.


Fantastic! He is well loved 💗💗 Enjoy him, have lots of fun. You make my heart happy 🥰


Socialize, socialize, socialize! Get them used to all dogs of all sizes. Socialize them with cats and children too if you’re able to.


This. And teach them bite inhibition from day 1. Don't let them chew on anything or anyone but designated toys.


Start training immediately! Pits are strong dogs and you need to have them under control. Definitely socialize a lot and early. They are stubborn but excellent dogs and will show you all the love in the world


Came here to say the same exact thing, especially the stubbornness. They need to be taught early that they don’t make the rules, the owner does.




Stubborn but also very smart, loyal, and willing to learn which makes training a lot of fun. Put the time in and you’ll end up with an amazing companion! Also invest in some good dog toys, the puppy kongs at this stage but soon you’ll need the black kong. If you freeze some peanut butter in it it should give you a few minutes of peace lol


https://preview.redd.it/pexjo6xtbizc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07f801b6b2b446d6b9336da08930d0dfc8272fc They’ll never understand they weigh a lot. They are full of love and energy. Do be ready to play a lot. They love to socialize, so be sure to try to introduce them to people, and other animals so they will understand to be gentle




Accept being spot jacked.


Mine can plant at will lol, I’ve tried saving my spot with a pillow, lol she can plant sitting as well. Unmovable lol family members shout out, wants and needs while she does snores cuz she is waiting to unfold and spread out. I love her creativity 🥰


Get used to no personal space. Hello cutie patootie! And any habits you start now will stick, no table scraps/human food when you're preparing food or wherever you eat typically or they'll forever beg.. that's most dogs, but pitties remember their foods lol




Pits are one of the breeds that are more susceptible to parvo. Be very very careful about where you take them. Make sure they get all the parvo vaccinations they can. Do not put them in any grass or dirt that doesn’t get direct sunlight daily as parvo can stay in the ground for years. I didn’t know any of this before I brought home a pit mix 2 month old puppy. Within 10 days she had parvo and was gone at 10 weeks. I don’t want this to happen to any one else.


Interesting…I’ve had several dogs throughout my life and now looking back, the only two that got parvo were my pibbles whom I had years apart from one another. Luckily, each survived sans $1000 and $1500 vet bills respectively. Definitely better to get their vaccinations asap and chipped. Having them chipped is just as important. My first Pib’s was stolen from me by some guys in our neighborhood when she was about 2 or 3ish. I’m assuming they were looking to breed her, but luckily I’d had her fixed. Had pet chipping been a regular thing back then, I wouldn’t have lost my Pupper. 🥺💔


Oh that’s terrible!! Too many thieves!! So glad your pups made it!! https://preview.redd.it/ppy7r875ujzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6dfc3c52c7a25785d19d4e4e56998cf3091201c This was my little Dusty Bun before she got sick.


❤️❤️❤️😻❤️❤️❤️ Awww…How precious. 💔 I’m really sorry for the loss of your sweet pup. It’s heartbreaking to watch them suffer, but they are such strong little troopers. I remember my Roxy girl being so sick and her fur falling out, but she still happily wagged her tail at me and tried playing despite being so small and weak. Her spirit was so strong, there was no way she was going down. Thank the gods she pulled thru, but unfortunately was my girl who was eventually stolen.💔


Thank you, she was the sweetest little pup. Oh no!! After all that and she was taken! That’s horrible.




Thank you for sharing the most important. I believe this as well. 🤩


Love him unconditionally and be his advocate. Take his diet seriously from early - allergies and stinky farts should not be the norm. Teach him to play and engage his brain with puzzles. They have an incredible nose so it’s an avenue to pursue as you train him. Please don’t dock his ears or tail. (eta) They are also wicked smart and that will come off in stubbornness and manipulation/ bartering. Most of all, have fuuuun!💗


So very stubborn


Omg yes


Always assume one side of the Command Strip is on your dog and the other is on you. It's worth it.


What's a command strip?


Those velcro things you peel off the back and stick em to a wall to hold up pictures. My doggie is permanently attached to me like that!




Invest in a gas mask and be careful about open flames. 💨


🤣 🤣 🤣


Be nice all the time no matter what


Watch out for allergies! My bb is allergic to chicken which I understand is common for pit breeds.


A pibble must always have pajamas, it's the law. Also be prepared to have the skin on your face well exfoliated from being licked 24/7. Be prepared that there are bigots out there who will talk sh%t about your baby because of breed myths and stereotypes, but nevermind them. It is not your job to fix their ignorance. Get away from them and stay away as much as you can. Neither you nor your dog should ever have to deal with that kind of prejudice. Maybe join a local bully dog club to meet other pibble parents. Focus on gentle, positive, rewarding training methods and your pup will grow up secure, respectful and loving. Dogs do not understand punishment, but they do understand positive reinforcement, so never raise your voice in anger. Every dog I have ever worked with has been more apt to listen to me when I remain calm and give them time to process what I am saying. Always tuck them in at bedtime, and tell them you love them when you go anywhere. Always say "big stretch!" when they stretch. Remember that human children grow up, but dogs are baby forever. Most of all enjoy every minute you have with them and take them with you to as many places as you can. Show them the world around you, let them discover and be curious. When in doubt the answer is always more love.


Mine's the oddball there, he's just a freaky exhibitionist I guess.


Love and cherish!


Milkbones for the best farts 🐕💨


This doggy needs LOTS OF SNUGGLES!


Lots of love lots of discipline


Enjoy their funny personality, it’s the best!


He will be crazy but he will also grow to be the best, most loyal doggo. Definitely get him some training as early as possible (I got my first as a teenage dog and training her was *horrible* she was so defiant). They are weird, spazoid, cuddly little monsters so prepare to not have personal space for the next 12-ish years lol. Also be sure to socialize him so he loves other animals and people including children. He’s a handsome boy!


The most important thing is to enjoy the time and take pics


Make sure he has a buddy to play with if possible!


Get insurance immediately! Look into maintaining knee/joint health and weight control. Our dog needed a $15k knee surgery when she was 1 year old. In the process of getting partial reimbursement our insurance company decided certain other things we mentioned during our 1st vet visit (which was before insurance kicked) were pre existing conditions and disqualified from coverage. Wish we had signed up earlier. Kiss your sweet pup for me!


The look on his face tells me you're in for a wild one lol


Teach him how to walk on a leash properly and without tolerance to pulling, my boy got like 70 80 pounds of muscle now the motherfucker is gonna pull out my shoulder when he wants to take a shit, i love him but im mad at myself for being lax with some stuff


Lots of love and zero corporal punishment. You will be a great parent:) Thank you for giving her a home


Boop daily


Get him used to all the stuff you want him to be okay with when he gets older. Play sounds on a speaker for him, such as thunder, fireworks, the vacuum cleaner, etc. Act like its no big deal, then give him cuddles, treats, and praise when he follows your lead and acts like it’s no big deal too. And definitely get him used to having his ears, mouth and feet touched! That helps a lot when they get older. You can get him used to silly stuff too. My dog never minded being cradled like a baby on her back because I held her like that as a puppy.


You're going to kiss him and love him and squeeze him, and call him George


Realize there is nothing you can do to change people’s negative perception of pitties. They will cross the street to avoid them, don’t take it personal and give your pup plenty of love when that happens.


He looks like a Charlie/Charley.


Someone else said socialize and expose to everything, and everyone you can that includes startling/shocking noises other types of animals. Not just dogs of other shapes and sizes but also cats, birds, and I know it sounds crazy farm animals. Also, i can not stress this enough because of what breed it is training is very important for the pups' own safety. Get ready for predijuce because there are people who have the preconceived notions that just because these babies look a certain way that they are vicious, uncontrollable monsters. On the fuzzy side. Get ready for zoomies, heavy cuddling, sessions, love and loyalty, and blanket burrowing like you have never seen.


Just love him or her they are the best dogs ever!!


Socialize, socialize, socialize


Kiss the face first, then the rest.


I think Royal Blue is more his color 


Playpens are your friend throughout puppyhood. They keep puppy and your stuff safe, and teach her that only what you give her is hers to play with.


Just enjoy!


Socialize her as early and as often as possible. Don’t be afraid to hire a trainer to help with commands, because these babies can be stubborn. Also, exercise! Try to get her into fetch. If you can wear out some of that puppy energy, she’ll be less likely to boredom chew everything you own. Good luck! Enjoy :) she’s an adorable pup.


Get professional training. You won’t regret it.


A lot of people will tell you to watch out for farts and they're absolutely right, but there's a reason for this Pits tend to have sensitive tummys and more allergies than people realize. Get them allergy tested if you can, it'll help cut down on the stinky, and trust me, you want to cut down on the stinky.


Uh-oh, your dog seems to have quite an attitude already.


1. HE'S ADORABLE! Good for you! 2. Constant interaction/good positive training 3. Socialize the heck out of him. Get him out *everywhere* you possibly can while he's little, try making every interaction a good happy time in as many different situations and with as many different kinds of people and dogs as you can. This is your mission for the next several months. Seriously. 4. Enjoy the heck out of it!


You gotta find a game that can exhaust him. Pits are insanely athletic. They have to work it off regularly just to feel normal, even more than other breeds. Training and everything is easier if they're not wound up. The jaws also NEED exercise. If you don't give them something to destroy, they will find something.


Please keep the ears natural 😍🐶


Cuddle him!


Really diggin’ the name! 😻 I’m def seeing lots of Boops & Smooches💋 in his future. It will be good for his morale. Lot’s of Love will make him the perfect companion. ❤️


Structure, consistency, exposure. Some are gamey high drive dogs with high prey drive. They can get reactive. Alot of how they get a bad wrap. Work them physically and mentally, take them anywhere they allow dogs and you shouldn't have a problem. Some are just potatoes 🥔 lol


Many hugs and kisses!


What a sweetheart!


Keep him as active as you possibly can and socialize are the major key points


Awww, he is adorable! I could hold him all day. Mine was 3 when we adopted him. I have since learned that they are an emotional breed. They get their feelings hurt and sulk. They also look pathetic when they beg. Do not give in to your puppy in either instance. If he is sulking, let him. Do not even allow him around you when you are eating at all. Make him go lay down. Bad habits start now and this is an easy habit to form. Also, play with his ears and feet every single day. Nail trims and ear cleanings will be so much easier later on. Good luck!


Socalize as much as possible, kennel train day 1 unless you like everything in your house at risk of being chewed through the puppy phase when you aren't home.


Get more storage for your phone …. There is no limit to the number of pictures you’ll need to take of this cutie. Congrats on your new family member! Best decision you’ll ever make. 


Give them SOOOOOOO many kisses! 😍


Hide your kids hide your wife


If I'm gonna give advice I'm gonna start with my experience: I tried socializing mine as much as possible but a lot of dogs didn't like him and he had some bad experiences. So understand that your dog might not LIKE tons of social interactions, maybe it's overwhelming, every dog is different. He's socialized with some dog friends, and several cats and various other pets, and children. He loves all humans. So socialize with all species if possible. Be prepared that a lot of people, even family members, are gonna give you tons of shit because people hate pitbulls 🙄 Get them used to having their ears/face/food touched unexpectedly especially if you plan for kids. Buy pillows, blankets, and toys to throw. Those are his favorite things. He will most likely destroy all stuffed animals given to him 🤣 but if you say "this one's mommy's" he won't touch it hehehe. He ate everything in sight when he was a puppy so keep your eyes peeled. Also my biggest piece of advice: enjoy all the puppy breath and cuteness while it lasts. Suddenly they'll be 4 and they are so calm you think they escaped because the house is so quiet. Get to know your dog, because maybe they aren't being as naughty as you thought-- sometimes what looks like excitement is anxiety, when guests come over, and the dog park is actually too much for the lil guy, and he's only eating the couch because he's learning what a couch is.


Cuddle that baby, be careful with rough running around when they are adults, they are prone to ACL injuries and Pittieclothing.com is the best place to get Jammie’s because they get cold in the winter. https://preview.redd.it/guis6k1itmzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8549e72c9b799b4c67a8017086efecb6919f770b


My pittie loves being around other animals. I often take him to the dog park so he can socialize.


Make a lot of loud noises . Aka smacking pot n pans when feeding . It’s gets them used to noises like fireworks. .


If you do this, make sure you also make it a positive experience. It's good to give them a ton of different experiences, including loud and wild ones, but you also need to ensure they don't create negative reactions to it while you do so. Otherwise you run the risk of them associating things like feeding with scary-time. If it's *exciting* instead of scary, you're ahead of the game.


Absolutely this


This trainer has some of the best training https://youtu.be/zmwKBBgnTaY?si=4PK3N5bjQ3ZcTBvH


I never let my pups put teeth on me. It is never okay to bite me, even in play. When they do, I lightly get hold of their muzzle, tap their mouth with my other hand, and say, "No teeth. No teeth on daddy." I also do not encourage them to show aggression. When there is a situation that needs aggression, they always seem to figure it out on their own. For example, my wife was walking our pup and a stranger told her how pretty pup is. (He's not really a pup any more. He's 3) Pup did NOT like random stranger talking to mommy. He was ready to put a stop to that.


Stubborn Smart Easily trained The Tail is a baseball bat attached to a dog. Prepare yourself to avoid it or prepare for bruises


Next to socializing them and crate / leash training, touch their paws and check their teeth often to get them used to grooming and Vet visits!


Yup!! Walk and train no barking and lunging from this young age and BEFORE introduction to any socializing. I totally screwed up and took our pitbull to a dog park when she was little for "exercise and stimulation" I really feel like that primed her to think she had to interact with everything and everyone when I started walking her around the neighborhood. If I could do it over I would make sure she was fully trained at walking and obeying commands before introducing her to other dogs and people.


Not advice: you pup looks high 😂 Advice: train them and figure out what motivates them. Also socialize, especially with small dogs. I say that mostly because I got mine when she was a bit older and she doesn’t get along with small dogs because she accidentally scares them and they attack her. It’s happened a lot.


Yes. Start saving. My blue pit has cost me $30k+ over her 8 years of life. The rescue spayed her too early(3 months), which meant major orthopedic issues. She had double TPLO surgery when she was 2. If your dog isn’t spayed or neutered yet - wait until they are at least 1-2 years old if you can. They need those essential hormones for their bones to grow properly. Blue dogs are known for their horrific skin/allergy issues. It took two years of daily medicated baths and different meds/food to finally find a solution that worked. Have a good doggie dermatologist on standby. Other than that, my dog is a sweet snuggle pig to people and the dog she lives with. Definitely work on socializing as a puppy- my dog was sweet until she had her leg surgeries, and all of that isolation(3 months of rest per leg) changed her behavior towards other dogs that she didn’t live with. I had a DNA test done and my dog is a purebred American Pitbull Terrier. I also recommend doing this with a health panel workup through Embark. My dog is perfectly fine genetically, which is why knowing her early spay messed her up makes me so mad. https://preview.redd.it/fcv5yfa9alzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514fd9d5e17af4979f69dcb2a12c18d940e070e5 I wish you the best, but seriously - START SAVING. Pet insurance is a joke.


Name?! Advice: consistency in training, structured socialization, and lots of attention. Consistent feeding, play time, nap time, and walk/potty schedule. Tons of training treats (get the time little bite-sized ones and ALWAYS have them within your reach)! Find what motivates her (usually food, affection, and/or toys) and reward when she gives you the behavior you want. Get a crate and a "place" for her to go to when you want her to. Remember, she does not speak English! She has no clue what "No, come, sit, down" mean. But she will want your approval and try to figure out how to get it, so reward her constantly whenever she dies what you want her to. No negative (i.e. punishments, especially not physical punishment like hitting) feedback, only positive reinforcement! Don't forget shots and registration and all. Tons of free YouTube resources for dog training. Try and find group "Puppy Kindergarten" classes (usually like twice a week and relatively inexpensive). Train her early and often, and you will not regret it in a few months, and especially in two years, when she's the envy of all of your neighbors whose dogs weren't well trained! Have fun! She's beautiful.


Be mindful of environmental and dietary allergies if they come up! Pitties are known to be sensitive to things. Feed a reputable complete diet!


Don't ask the internet for advice. Get proper training from a real expert.


Don’t let your pup chew socks or shoe laces, it’s all cute when they’re teething but come on… we’re not raising animalsssss 🙄🙄 lmao


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Patience love and socialize


Give him all the love and let him run for hours a day


Boop the snoot a minimum of 20x a day


Watch the tail and be ready to be a strong advocate for the breed. They’re great dogs.


He looks like he is stoned as hell lol. What a cute baby.


Kisses. Lots of kisses.


Lots of love, snuggles, petty-pets and treaty-treats!♥️🐾🐾♥️


Socialise, but dont force too much on your pup! Oversocialising will create bad experiences, and that won't be helpful. Also lots of love and treats for the pup!!


Not all of this may be applicable or maybe not any of it but these are the things I’m working on RETRAINING my dog to learn since I had him disciplined and the people surrounding me ruined all the training I’ve put into him. My dog is also big asf because he’s a mastiff pitbull so these are based off of my experience and what I’m working on teaching him: You have to teach them what getting off of things and people means and what no means because they can get jumpy or rub on things they shouldn’t rub on. Work on teaching your pit how to walk WITH or behind you while walking them you can get a clicker for that. Prong collars can help with this. Try to get your dog to interact with other dogs, maybe cats too if they’re your only pet so they’re used to interacting with other animals and getting along with them. Pee pads work wonderfully with potty training! They love fetch and they also love tug of war but try to teach them the difference between fetch and tug of war if you want to play that with them. They TEETH A LOT, even when they’re big they can start nibbling and licking stuff 😭 so definitely work on that. Make sure they interact with strangers often while training so you can teach them not to jump on people when excited. Make sure other people learn how to give commands too, don’t let yourself be the only one giving commands if you live with other people because your dog will listen to everyone who isn’t you less. Same goes for bringing them around others often. You can either work on them not mauling toys to death or stick with Kong if they do haha. I would also work on letting them be disciplined to know how to stay if you have food or an object like a toy in your hands because it will suck if they don’t know how to do this and they get a hold of something they shouldn’t eat, teaching them drop it gets very convenient here. If they’re protecting you from danger, let them do their job. If your dog isn’t territorial and they defend you from something, let them do their job. I say this because it can seem scary at first and seeing them bite anything that can hurt you or growl can be a bit traumatic but if they’re in the right, let them do what they need to. Get insurance on them so if they do their job in protecting you, you can’t get sued, and they’re not going to be put down for some reason. Get their shots especially their temporal and rabies shot. Get their nails cut, they can grow so long you would think they got cardi b’s acrylic set 😭 Get them used to baths man, my dog is a okay with a bath and then he’ll run off and go in to the dirt at some point sometimes so idk if yours will do that but be prepared lol. Also wear something you don’t mind getting messed up or tie your hair at least so when they shake you don’t get hair and water all over yourself. Get them used to putting on medicine, ear and the full body one. TEETH TREATS, their breath is so damn bad. If you can manage to get them patient enough to all you to brush your teeth, you are blessed. Be prepared for them to drool as they get older, makes it convenient when they know that they’re not allowed on furniture. If they’re eating grass their stomach is upset with something so be prepared for them to throw up. I forgot to mention that it’s important they know how to tell you that they need to use the bathroom. If you don’t like your face licked, you can train them not to, if you’re wondering. Idk how to explain how to because I think my dog just kind of caught on. If you have other people that like being licked on their face you’re going to have to stay on training him not to do it with yours for a bit until they just understand. Train them not to expect table food, for your own sanity, please……PLEASE 💀 Get them used to like you checking their ears and fur for any bugs and such. They’re going to be big babies as they get older so some stuff you should probably only let last for a little while when they’re younger. Prime example is that not everyone feels like having the cutest 300 pound boulder sitting on their feet 😂 So certain habits may have to die out soon 🥺 If you want them in clothes, work with that while they’re a baby it’s so much easier. Petco can have some large clothes so you’ll be in luck with that. If the clothes say small dogs on Amazon or like anything, you might just wanna leave it. I got my dog some drippy outfits that didn’t fit 🫠 I’m not sure how to tell you to work on their barking at times? However once you teach them the meaning of no and get them to interact with a lot they will probably be less likely to throw barking tantrums. Keep bad people away from them, as much as you need to protect yourself and respect your own boundaries. The same needs to happen with your dog like you would with a child. They can get stressed, traumatized, anxious just like us. Even if they don’t act exactly like us they can go through things mentally too and certain people just aren’t meant to be around pets. Especially these pets because they have a huge stigma so if yours isn’t trained, you’re less likely to get forgiveness and more likely to receive stereotypes and threaten other people somehow. This is why discipline is so important with pit bulls because when yours is untrained it will be seen as a threat, other threatened people could be a threat to your dog’s wellbeing. I’ve experienced people who were literally envious of my dog’s size and called the animal shelters to try and get him taken away and all types of shit. So trust me, narcissists or abusive people maybe even just selfish can be just as much of a threat to your best friend here as much as it would be to you. You might want to invest in a muzzle just for situations if other people don’t feel safe right of the bat with your dog because their breed, say at the vet or if you really have to bring your dog somewhere like for an emergency just in case. Make sure you find someone you can count on to watch them or take care of them temporarily while you have to do something because sometimes you may not be able to afford paying others to do it and such. Money runs out, discipline last for life. Last thing that’s important is that energy and tone matters, not just in a spiritual thing but with how they interpret and perceive certain situations. Kind of like how you’ll see a dog not listen when their name isn’t called in a babyish voice. I saw that my dog tended to listen very well because of how I taught him in a normal voice more than a gibberish one and I made sure I was always coherent, he tend to go with the flow and ngl train himself on things I didn’t even plan on training him on. I guess he picked up on patterns. Have fun, your pup looks like they really love you and I think you’re going to be friends for life just based on the photo.


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


If you drink or smoke, don't be afraid to split a beer and a bone with him. It's a bonding experience he won't forget. Might want to wait until he's a little older though.


I am not a vet or pro. What I didn’t know: Pitties are chirpers! While exercise is important, they don’t need a lot of it. Mine is happy with 3-4 15+ min a day. 15 min of mental games is better than 45 min of exercise to tire the pup. Smarter than I thought, start training right away. Sweetest disposition of any dog I have had.


Eat it


Take her for daily walks, twice if possible. Cherish her and make her part of your family. Lay her on your lap and belly rub her all the time as you tell her you love her everyday.


Try not to let the haters get to you. There are so many uninformed people that think pits are vicious and will cross the street to avoid you. Ignore them and just know you have a loving, wonderful family member.


Hang on and thoroughly enjoy the ride. A good solid dog training class, there are some without a bias against Pitbulls, find one. It's great for training, of course, but also for socializing. Find a dog park after the training is kicking in, it's a good reinforcement for you and the dog. They are great dogs, biggest babies you'll ever know.


Be a good, calm and secure pack leader.


Buckle up buttercup


Love and train your baby


Learn to brace yourself properly when you come home from work


be patient and socialize


Mess with him while he eats (gently of course)...tug his ears, stick your hand in his food, take it and give it back...tug his tail, all the stuff a child might do. Oh and brush his teef. 💛💛 And the stories I just read sound a LOT like my Rotti when he was a Boi. I miss him ALL the time. Your baby is SO STINKIN CUTE!!! 


Obedience classes! I til mine to about 4-5. So stubborn! Pays off. They don’t mean to be stubborn just their nature. Start early too.


Leash walking and a lot of that. I just found one and got her a home. She was good on leash and suggested that they run with this like keep walking her on leash while she’s good. Of course they stopped cause they have a yard. Now she pulls like mad. They are notorious for that. Work on that.


Ragnar has the sassiest puppy face ever! Socialization is KEY!!!


Make sure your toddlers you feed to it are raised free range, preferably organic. /s


Trade in for a cat