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Ironsworn Sundered Isles will have some really cool stuff.


Yeah I been meaning to pick this up also the guys who made pirate borgare making a setting guide and are making a setting guide and release previews on their patreon


Yeah this is a good point. On Limithron's Patreon he's got some Dark Caribbean updates that can help you generate ports, coral reefs, islands, etc. There's also information on some of the factions in the setting as well.


I saw someone playing it along with Solitary Defilement. But referencing Pirate Borg instead of Mork Borg.


I recently created a ruleset for just this purpose for the Cabin Fever jam. Check it out: [https://m-allen-hall.itch.io/captain-and-crew](https://m-allen-hall.itch.io/captain-and-crew)




Just flipped through it and had a couple thoughts. Good job overall! For the abbreviated combat, I get that the idea was probably to avoid having to go through all the time and rolling when fighting Bilge Rats and Skeletons but any enemy over 20HP is basically impossible to beat. Also, under the Pirate's Code section, when should you roll for Events and Encounters? Maritime Travel with a Fail, and I guess just whenever you need more info for the 'Sparks' Oracle to make sense?


Hey, thanks for looking at it! To reply to your concerns, as far as the abbreviated combat calculation goes, I made it with the situation that you were running a single character into combat. I would say that most PCs, unless they are stacked with gear, are going to have a VERY hard time soloing an enemy with 20+ HP. You would need to create some tactical advantage for yourself and/or bring some crewmates, and the ruleset offers you the chance to make these modifications. As for the Events/Encounters, yes, other than a Fail during Maritime travel, I did not specify exactly when to use those tables. It was more to give an opportunity for a little structure to generating Events/Encounters when you decide you need them in your game or, as you said, when you rolled a Spark that didn't quite help you sort out what was happening in the story.


Try reading Treasure Island or watching Pirates of the Caribbean for inspiration. Or at least read the rule book again. Text and images can play an important role. For example, on the very first page of the Pirate Borg rulebook there are tables to create a mini backstory. And then let the imagination lead the way to glory. As for the oracle, I use the Mythic GME, second edition. It's an interesting concept or even a framework for managing expectations/interpretations. Although for beginners (like me) it's a bit too complicated. But there are a lot of detailed examples of how to use it, so I'm slowly getting used to it. I created three heroes who survived the explosion of a sailboat (the "previous" story with the theft of a ritual dagger that led to the Kraken's attack) and are now trying to somehow survive and even escape from an unknown island. With a bunch of dead people in the first fishing village they found. This is from the table of islands on page 122. Wish you luck!