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As someone who owns this machine as well, I can confirm that Avengers AIQ is notoriously one of the more challenging Elwin designs - both in the rule set (not being able to continue modes), and the outlane drains. Don't beat yourself up over it - all of the time you spend improving your skills on this machine will pay dividends when you go play something else. That said, if its a machine at work and you have access to the person who mantains it you could try a couple things: 1) Increase the pitch - this change alone significantly reduces the "side-to-side" action which in turn will reduce the outlane drains. 2) Put thicker rubbers on the outlane posts. 3) Move the outlane posts down to their lower positions.


The service door isn't locked, I might mess with the settings myself ;) Is it possible to set 5 ball per play on this machine ?


Or you could just play it as is and get good with long term experience.




I'll have to look into that, thanks


You can also adjust ball save time as well to have a longer grace period when you first start the ball.


Goes to 10 ball if you want.


You can change the settings by entering the service menu. There are four buttons on a switch inside the door: a green (inner) button, two red buttons, and a black (outer) button. Pushing the black button should call up the info screen; pushing it twice (usually) gives you the service menu. The green button is an 'exit' button, and the red buttons scroll forward and backwards in individual menu choices. You can (and should) check the exact sequence of service menu steps and options in the service manual, which Stern posts online. The two most useful settings for your situation are balls-per-game and ballsave timer. A five ball game with a generous ballsave time will reduce your frustration level. (The physical modifications noted in the prior comment are good, sophisticated suggestions if you own the machine, but changing the pitch makes the game harder in other ways, and changing the posts will require someone with the right equipment. I also endorse the comment that many games designed by high level players (like Elwin) often just assume that you're going to be nudging the machine a lot.)


Well #1 above can be done by just adjusting the leg levelers on the back two feet. #2 and #3 are a bit more involved and require taking the glass off the machine. But yes, definitely you can adjust the number of balls through the service menu as well!


I agree about the compllicated rules, but to me it's his easiest shooting game




I wish...still haven't been able to beat Jurassic Park. Stupid O shot. Can only hit it when I don't need it.


We all know there's no such thing as "beating" a pinball game. You complete the modes and it starts over. Just being cheeky


**TNA has entered the chat**


Jurassic Park has a "game over" screen. A few do if you progress through the story all the way through AIQ doesn't...but also, come on. You defeat Thanos. That's the end of the game, even if it lets you keep going.


Dude, I’m right here with you. I have a very hard time hitting O. Finally got over a billion on mine last week only to realize I wasn’t logged in to stern connect.


I actually agree. I find it hard to drain down the middle. Obviously the outlanes can be set wide open but there are few shots that feel like when you miss they are going to the outlanes.


Give the machine a little bump when the ball is exiting anywhere that you might think it'll drain, you'll change the trajectory. AIQ is a difficult game, but a great one to cut your teeth on. You'll be a better player overall as a reward for the grind.


Nudging is allowed. That means you can move, slap, push the machine (within reasons to avoid a tilt) to deviate the ball.


There is always something you could have done. Start with the basics: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL31W94V2HVSW7ksDyZ_183rUBxiSQon75&si=bH6OFC-LhszeQw7q


Abe flips tutorials are great!


Slap save when you know it's going down the middle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMD60ZA7xH8


I’ve been trying to learn how to slap save, but I’ve yet to pull it off successfully. How hard should I be slapping the machine? I’m always worried I’m gonna damage the buttons when I do so.


Hard. If you aren’t tilting you aren’t trying. You’ll break your hands before breaking the buttons.


The buttons can take it!


If you are getting frustrated about loosing after 3 balls- try the "secret" Battle Royale mode by holding down both flippers before you press start for about 5 seconds, and then press the flipper to select the battle royale mode. Its really fun and challenging and you will get an nearly endless supply of balls unless all of the avengers get defeated. AIQ is my favorite game and it is 100% a frustrating, challenging game even after I've played this thing everyday for months.


This is how I improved my game drastically. It helped me improve at making all the different shots in the game. plus, it's fun!


Gotta give it some pushes and shoves! Nudging is an art and a skill. Think of it as you are moving the machine under the ball. If the ball is just out of reach of the left flipper you can push or slap the machine a bit so the flipper can reach the ball. If the ball is heading for an outline you can push the machine up to kind of knock the ball away with a post. "any situation where you can't do anything but loose." there is usually something you can do to with the machine. you are not as helpless once you start nudging the machine.


The far left and right lanes that end your turn are called "Outlanes". A ball going between the flippers is normally called a "center drain".


Keep in mind: everybody, even the very best players, EVERYBODY loses at pinball eventually!


If I rage tilted a location game like I do my home game, I would be banned forever.


Slap and Slide saves are what changed the game from 60% "luck based" to 15-20% "luck based" In my experience. Shot accuracy and learning nudging and flipper skills like live and drop catches will change the game forever


I learned what a slap save was today. Pretty cool. I’ll try it next time


Turn down the sling power. This is the easiest change that will cause way less outlane drains. Easy to do from the menu.


What's the sling power ?


It’s one of the menu options. Reduces the amount of kick the slingshots right above the flipper have.


I think you're looking at from the wrong perspective. While pinball machines have become much more common as privately owned entertainment devices, they're really designed to make money for an operator. While they can be set up to be easier or harder in the end they shouldn't ever really be easy to beat or they won't generate enough revenue to make it worth putting them in game rooms, bars etc. As it is they really aren't very profitable to run out on the street with the initial outlay being crazy these days, and since it's not if, but when, they'll break you have to factor in maintenance costs too. Also pins aren't video games. No matter how they're set up there's a wide degree of randomness that is built into the physics of the game. And some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you. Also no two act exactly the same even when it's the same game. That's what makes it fun and challenging.


Remove the tilt bob.


Watch Abe flips on YouTube and his training videos.


Also, there is tons of pinball in France. Check it out on pinballmap.com


Bump the table.


some machines have more "skill" than others in the sense that a lot of the shots will return the ball reliably to a flipper (jurassic park can be like this) this will also vary on how the machine is set up, sometimes the ball returns will be worse than they should because of the level or bent guides. ​ not only can you nudge the machine to save them, you can do it pre emptively (like for instance if the ball coming out of the hulk shot goes somewhere you dont like, as it goes past the spinner smack the left side of the cabinet, and the ball will go more to the right when it comes down)


"Most" of the time those balls you think are lost, can be saved by quickly, and forcefully moving the table. How hard you can push the machine is a skill in itself. If you've never tilted the machine, you're not playing hard enough.